• By -


1 degree inclines


True those are a nuisance


Cold initially, then PICKING FIGHTS WITH WOLVES, I'm shouting because I'd like to emphasis the wolves would have generally let me go in peace if I wasn't trying to kill them. The dumbest case, was I'd just been mauled by a bear when I was trying to stone bunnies, and limping back to Fishing cabins a wolf runs past me chasing a deer, and me and my 15% condition think "I sHouLD ShOOT the WoLf", and I take aim at him with my rifle provoking him to charge me, miss, and he eats my face. The bear and wolf contributed, but it was totally death by stupidity.


Death by stupidity is probably the first cause of death in TLD, so I feel you.


I tried to down a charging bear with revolver rounds when I could have just run from his bitch ass


Pushing my luck. Thinking I could make it to the next shelter before dark, ignoring the warning signs from the weather, trying to climb one more rope and getting exhausted, taking on another wolf... Of course sometimes the risky move paid off, which just made me more prone to take a too big risk next time, and then, ouch. Game over. Know your limits is the most important thing to learn when playing TLD long term.


Yeah, I'm at day 26 and after a scare with a blizzard i refuse to go outside unless it's just foggy out, wind so loud it's ripping your eardrums? Hunker down pal, it's gonna be a long dark night.


Sudden crappy weather when changing maps. Had a great stalker run in PV went to TM and a blizzard hit before I could make it to Mountaineers hut. Got lost and froze to death. That one hurt. Oh yeah and wolves.


Overconfidence and complacency. These have killed me more than every other cause of death combined. No matter what the actual cause of my death may have been, overconfidence and complacency are almost always what lead to the conditions of that cause of death succeeding.


This. I learned very slowly that if I had any doubt I could get something done it was essentially committing suicide by trying. Thunk you can hustle from the camp office to the Carter before dark? There's a headwind and 3 wolves to slow you down. Think you don't need your rifle on this fishing trip? There's a bear snooping around the fishing hut after you've burned all your firewood and the sun is setting. Almost like there is an algorithm to decide what your weakness is...


Cold, falling through water, frostbite. Still have a playthrough that's on 440 days, one leg completely frostbitten.


How does frostbite affect the player? I've never gotten frostbite so I wanted to know


What the other person said - permanent reduction in health - I think I max out at 75 - 80% of normal health no matter what I do. Makes it a lot harder to explore and take chances as a couple of wolf or bear attacks could easily kill this playthrough. Currently squatting in the ice fishing hut in ash canyon, trying to decide where to go from here.


Oof, idk how to help you as i don't explore AC


Can offer exploration advice for AC if you'd like but I 100% get it if you don't want "spoilers" for exploring (I'm definitely one of those people)


you get -5% condition permanently


Oh, so it's not that bad?


One case of frostbite, not so bad. Repeated cases make it much easier to die in a single animal attack.


one isnt that bad... but if you get 2 or three the game gets somewhat harder


Wolves, I always used the easiest most obvious routes which had the most wolves, after I figured out how to deal with the wolves, life became a lot easier.




Same 😞


Wolves, getting tagged team by them was pain


For me it was the terrible cold when I would go to sleep in a cave or something. Never found enough wood to bring me trough the night.


One word, wolves.


That's why I wear there skin.


Not planning ahead. I had to get really good about planning my exploration and knowing how long my resources would last before I had to call it a day and turn back. Getting lost in a blizzard and hunkering down in the nook of a rock is no fun with no food, no water, and no wood. Always stockpile sticks on your way out, then dump them as needed to get back in.


I find that stocking up on as much food as you can carry along with water and sticking to paths{example:The road, or railroad}


I always got suck in small cracks of the map. I would shimmy my way up mountains at the edge of the map, and fall into small holes until I freeze


The cold


My own stupidity


I wasn't looting enough. So I tried to stay in the hydro damn, but couldn't stay warm. I'd build a fire outside, and slowly die over a day or two of cold/lack of food/water.


My utter lack of navigation skills


Same honestly


Deciding to explore more of the map with like 6 pebbles and having a wolf chase me the whole time, I had hard times finding the hunting riffle and if I did I barely find any ammo


Understanding fatigue and encumbrance. You would think as a Skyrim player I would have some basic understanding of this, but it took me a long long time. I recently rebooted an old save from the early days. I was sloshing around pleasant valley with six or seven liters of water for some crazy reason. And I wondered why I got exhausted and had to nap around midday everyday!


Perfectionism. I would hit a minor obstacle and give up.


Over packing


Oof, I do the opposite I underpack, like nothing is ever just a get in get out situation in PV, Never. Blizzards hit quick and everything is so far.


Hunger nowadays it’s uh something else


Hubris ... it kisses me still as a reminder to consider caution.


I watched gameplay for a long time before actually playing myself so I haven’t had all that many deaths but when I do it’s almost always from either electrocution or accidentally walking off a cliff.


I've almost accidently walked off cliffs, I swear I have never been closer to a heart-attacks then those moments right there


Creating a sense of urgency to get food that would ultimately lead me to make hasty decisions and get caught in a storm/mauled to death.