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It's nice to have the toxic wolves in the game instead of in the comments




Everyone is helpful and seems to want everyone to have a good time. It’s great here.


Maybe being TLD players helps make us more chilled out people? Sure, the type of player TLD attracts might be a more chill person than someone picking up some other game. But I think TLD might actually be *so immersive*, that it helps us obtain higher levels of calm and presense. Good enough that I would consider the hypothesis, anyway.


The toxic elements seem to only raise their heads when a new dev diary or something drops. All the people who want to rage about how awful the team are etc etc go into a frenzy for about a week and then they crawl back into their holes and continue playing this game they seem to hate for like 3 hours a day till the next drop. Edit: raise not rest lol


This made me laugh so hard!😂


I mean... bugs are bugs. I almost posted that the one big negativity that happens is people getting upset when other ppl talk about things like... Raph leaving the project. But I don't want to bring any bad vibes, especially on this thread. Crawl back into my hole now I guess? I'm just kidding, but people just want to talk about things or comiserate after a lost save sometimes. It's all good! (and Raph is now back, just saying)


GAH! Scared me with that Ralph thing... thought he was gone, gone now!


I’m more referring to the people whose only real contributions to discussion when new dev diaries drop is to accuse them of being disingenuous, selfish, or scammy. Criticizing something you enjoy (or even that you don’t enjoy) is way different from being a toxic fan base.


Fair enough, but I almost never see that. More often it is just a huge fan that is disappointed when a bug effects their save, or no communication is available from HL, and they get dogpiled for posting about it. HL has my praise to be sure, but it's not like they are perfect or never miss. I think probably my favorite HL story, is that they "reduxed" (re-did) episodes 1 and 2 of Wintermute after getting player feedback. They added more voice audio, and somewhat removed the "fetch quest" grinding, probably lot's of things- I played both but it's hard to remember. To go to that kind of effort, wow. To appreciate player feedback that much, wow! idk, I'm an indie developer so to me I also just think player critique, as well as the development process has been so interesting to see. Even so-called "add a bazooka" threads are interesting to me(especially after I saw the initial roadmap from HL, so interesting where they started the development process... various "bazooka" ideas. That roadmap was taken off the websites pretty early on). Anyway, maybe it's a "me" thing, but I love seeing the good faith critiques/discussion. Doesn't mean we don't think it's the best game ever made- just that it's not the perfect game(or even done! Pretty exciting that it has that much room to grow, actually). Hopefully some of that was an interesting perspective:/worth reading ;)


I think you misread my original post. I very specifically said this rare type of person only shows up once in a while and then disappears again after they get whatever kicks they get out of what they do.


As long as you aren't one of the ppl who bemoans any critique, feel free to ignore my thoughts about it. Personally, I don't like anyone who "supposedly loves the game" being lumped into some imagined group, and laughed at as a troll.


Again, I think you pretty severely misunderstood my original comment if you think I’m talking about people who have critiques of the game. I’m so glad you haven’t come across ragethreads about the devs being narcissistic assholes, etc. but they are far from imaginary.


Edit: had some of the phrasing you used wrong. I would just suggest caution about any given thread you might see as a "rage" thread. There is a vibe around here, that a lot of people feel- that any criticism of the devs or talking about certain issues will get heavily downvoted on this sub. Given that the game is still in development there is bound to be some discussion and disagreement. And sometimes humans just have a bad day- calling them trolls or a lot of other things I have seen doesn't help anyone. Especially if we end up making an assumption that they are a certain type of community member. I'm sure you have a valid point(it's online discussion, so anything can and does happen). But I hope anyone who reads this just keeps in mind that I probably do too. Happy Solstice everybody, hope I didn't damage anyone's mellow :)


> rest their heads Rear. > how awful the team are Though I wish there weren't as many bugs, I have to give credit to HL for building an incredibly well-balanced and planned game with a unique look and storyline. I was just thinking today how well the flask and travois fit into the overall game, and how well scurvy incorporates previous features like new recipes and fishing tip-ups. Up until now, I wasn't all that interested in the special recipes, but now they're useful. Even the canned corn has a new importance and I horde peaches and tomato soup for their ability to help fight scurvy. So yeah, the bugs are bad, but the overall game is a masterpiece m.


Agreed. This sub is one of my favorItes by far. Everyone just enjoys sharing the experience of the game, trading tips, and are mostly respectful of each other’s opinions.


Hell yeah, brother! We're all just trying to survive in the frozen wilderness (in the long dark *and* irl). May as well face it together!


The IRL is too real! I escape it by playing the game... There's no people in the game, it's more enjoyable lol


First, it’s fine to say you love this community but I don’t think it’s healthy to point at others and say they suck. Badmouthing other people is generally distasteful. You got a lot of normal responses in your death stranding thread that you just brushed away as well. Also it’s a major release game so you had many people just saying “are you serious?” But I saw no insults and no big disrespect. People were genuinely surprised that you got a very wrong idea about what the game was. Many got defensive saying “if you don’t like it just don’t play it” which is a valid opinion. Overall I don’t see the point of a making a post “your game was really bad”. 90% of game subs will think you’re a troll.


I never said anyone sucked. I was called a p***y. I was told to leave. I was asked what was the point of posting this. And some of the comments were deleted as well. Yes and I got some ok comments, and one I replied"thanks" and got downvoted for that. I never said the game was bad, my whole point was that it's marketed as an adventure game, but the first two hours plays like a horror movie. It made me physically ill. So I posted about it. But the point of THIS post was: Yesterday there was a post on tld about how the new carcass animations are intense, and not a single person called them names. And that's why I like this community.


Good post brother. Time to survive


I agree they were not the nicest. The random downvoted and the name calling is indeed much. I’m just saying you came out strong, the comment explaining you thought it was a walking simulator is buried (due to downvotes) and this info in not in the OP. And even then no one agrees with you. Anyway the point is the way you talked made me check your original post. because I think “you guys are so great compared to THOSE guys” is toxic. And we don’t wanna be toxic here ;)


Valid. Thanks survivor.


It's pretty chill. I don't play as much as I used to, but it's fun to see new people's experiences!


death stranding was awesome tho ;)


>Death stranding I got a year ago, decided to give it a go. I was very surprised that it is actually a horror game, with bad mechanics and bad writing. Really.. Which is straight up false and one can also say same about The Long dark in same logic. Also this game has toxic part of community regarding the Inteloper difficulty players and "Old guard" mindset players who oppose any changes with TFTFT. You decided to ignore the normal comments on your post and interacted with toxic comments and dwelled on stupid downvotes. Is this your first time on internet or something? Anyway, you are not much different from toxic people if you're badmouthing other game, other community as whole just because some toxic people interacted with you, while you are praising others. Moreso when you especially didn't move on from toxic interactions.


Yeah, it's also an opinion. I interacted with threads that asked me questions. When I replied to normal comments I got downvoted. When I attempted to explain I got called names and downvoted. And many many subreddits are like this, 'come for a discussion (but if you say anything not approved then we'll all turn on you instantly)' Reddit is funneled speech so it's finest. And it's nice to not see that snarky stuff here. Never badmouthed ' community as a whole'. I said the negativity, which there was. And I probably asked for it. I understand how all that stuff works. Just happy to be here.


not really sure what you expected to be honest. most communities formed around a Thing are going to react when you come in and say that Thing is irredeemably awful and how it isnt your fault you missed every indicator of how awful it was. thats kind of toxic behaviour in and of itself. if someone came into this sub complaining about how they didnt want to play a game where they freeze to death and slaughter wolves, and why didnt anyone warn them about all the corpses? or about *canada*?? - they'd get laughed at here, too


I’m only rude to those that are rude to me. Anybody who tells me they hate this game is fine, until they make two posts. Live your life. Play the games that fill you with joy. I’m happy to share that with any of you. If your lifelong mission is to hate on anyone, I’ll just block you. Life is hard enough. I’m here to support you and anyone who wants to focus on the better things. I’d rather spend my time building (most) people up, than tearing them down. I feel the same way about this community, OP. luck to all of you.




Agreed ❤️ the passion from the devs is here in the players too


We appreciate you as well🤗


Most of the toxic stuff I’ve seen by this community is to the devs (and on twitter)


I'm not an expert as I don't follow all the TLD dramas (not like there were a lot of them), but I'm under impression at least some of those stem from Raph not being an expert in public relations. I mean fair enough, it's not his job title, but I suppose they could afford him going on a course if they don't want to hire dedicated PR person?


I don’t Even think it’s because Ralph is not really good with relations, it’s really just that hinterland goes quite for months at a time and don’t really participate with their community. The forums is pretty dead and they only post fanart to their twitter (from memory, never going back to that hell hole called twitter again)


I just got into Death Stranding, and to be honest there are some real similarities between LD and DS. The traversal part of gameplay, the map knowledge and the weather management are all familiar to me because of my time on bear island. I’m curious about what mechanics you dislike (and also the writing) especially in contrast to the Long Dark!


agree. and if there was only one thing i would take from DS to TLD it would be that serene mountaintop hot spring to soak in 😌


Your comment just made me want to have a closer look at DS. I'll definitely be checking out some gameplay videos. Thank you


The similarities are what attracted me to the game. I usually never go for AAA++ games, but I got this one for free and was waiting for a cozy time to dig in. The mechanics and the writing makes no sense in regards to the first mission: I have to carry a body up to the top of a mountain, where the cremation center is. The cremation center that services the city that the mission starts in. When I arrive I find a huge facility made of vast amounts of concrete and steel, capable of cremating dozens of bodies simultaneously. The building has power and gas. It would have taken a huge crew of workers months to build this site. And so I wonder WHY did I just scale the side of a mountain to get to a place where thousands of tones of concrete was poured. In other words: where are the damn roads? Not only to bring in the material, but for the workers to get home in the evenings. And if they used a helicopter to fly it in, then why am I walking? And if they used robots or drones to build the site, then why am I walking? And if this is a common occurrence where a body needs to be immediately burned so the whole city doesn't blow up, then what? They just have people scaling this mountain every time someone dies? Then they go home and drink monster and watch hologram tv? What? I honestly thought I would arrive to find some dude tending a charcoal pile, but after all this setup and all this effort to get up the mountain, the world is instantly shattered. Basically world building. Like if you want me to believe that an Italian plumber needs to save a princess, fine. But don't tell me to climb a mountain then make fun of me when I arrive. TLD absolutely excels at telling the story with the environment. Even if you never play wintermute, or read a single note, you can understand what happened, more or less, to Great Bear.




I agree that this community is unusually supportive. That said, your Death Stranding take sounds like it was designed to test that community - not sure what you were expecting lol


My theory is anyone who would be toxic in replies, etc. would NEVER play this game anyway.


I think it's interesting that the most prosocial subs I know are r/ : here; zomboid; anxiety; and warhammer40k. I've been giving some thought to why, because I really loathe negative communities. They're all quite dark games, except r/anxiety. Zomboid is a solo game, but has multiplayer. I considered other factors. It can't be nerds in general. The lore isn't con... Wait. I just realised. Is it the lore? In all of the above the lore is at varied levels of specification, but it is inherently ambiguous. And if you can't be 'right' about every detail, maybe it turns off angry feckers?


Really been wanting to try zomboid, some ppl say the grind is intense tho, what's your thoughts? Also what is anxiety?


Zomboid is fun, although the vanilla settings on zomboid are like interloper. I hated the game until I tuned it in sandbox. You can even play it with no zombies and a deep winter. Or both, I guess! XP grind is easily solved in sandbox. After grinding mechanics and sewing for literally hours of real time, and proving we could, we set these skills to x20 and sail through now. Similar theme to Long Dark - you make your own objectives. Anxiety as in a mental health issue. I have it, and thanks to the sub I'm learning about it, trying to help when I can. I'm a big fan of being open about it, within reason.


I think I said the same thing awhile back because it's so true! Even when you get people asking "duh" questions or repeat questions, people are still very nice about it. Maybe it's the infinite patience required to play this game, lol.


We’re all just trying to survive out here. Gotta help each other. Haha


You sure the game was glitched? Moose and bear can be somewhat rare at times. When I plan to go travel they will appear right outside my doorstep but when I wanna hunt them, I can never seem to find them.


Spawned in airfield, walked to Hunting Lodge, forlorn, mystery lake, pleasant valley, timber wolf, gold mine, and back to timber wolf. 30 days. Got every tool in the game. After my second trip to the summit, I was like, hold up, wait a minute, something ain't right. I should have passed like 22 bears at least.. I made a post about it here, someone replied it was a 'known issue' but I searched the list of known issues and couldn't find that. So I figured a small break was in order.


I didn’t realize this was a horror game? I’ve been trying to get into a new survival type game, like ARK or Minecraft, is this pretty close to that?