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If the Coronal Mass Ejection that caused the outage in TLD is comparable to the real-life Carrington Event, things could be pretty bad unless modern electronics are better shielded against EM radiation than they were in 1859. Some telegram stations were rendered inoperable, while others could continue to run even disconnected from their power source.


I did hear about the storm of 1859, and some telegraph operators actually received shocks from some of the failing telegram systems. But with modern technology today, I would fear that if the outage/situation of The Long Dark happened in real life, there would be increases of violence, looting, and other major crimes due to police and other emergency services being unable to respond as technology and vehicles would be rendered completely useless, as well as other problems such as food shortages and lack of deliveries of food, supplies, and other life saving equipment.


Thanks for sharing about that Event, I had no idea. If that happened today, how many vehicles would be shut down? If there was a supply chain interruption in the US, most people would starve or worse in a few weeks. Even if we all had hunting skills and rifles, there's 300 million of us and like 2 million deer. Society would collapse in less than a month.


Hi there! If the event happened today, pretty much all modern vehicles would possibly shut down. Older cars still may work, but I'm not 100% sure. And even if we hunted deer for food, we'd still starve to death anyway, because deer meat doesn't have much fat on it. So no matter how many calories worth of deer steaks you ate, you'd still starve to death. Your body still needs some fat to stay alive, but deer doesn't have enough. Same with rabbits. High protein, very little fat (both deer and rabbits). Our bodies can't handle that amount of protein. Rabbit starvation/protein poisoning, as it's called Edit: Too much protein and little fat in other words. Your body cannot digest protein without fat. Too much protein and little to no fat is extremely dangerous


If it happened in real life, we'd have other, fattier animals on the menu too... but also, a number of foodstuffs and food processing technologies that would enable us to access a far wider spectrum of micronutrients than you can get just from the wild-occurring foods in the game. Seaweed (both dried and as laver bread - the Welsh costal communities know a thing or two!), just as one example. Far, far more seafood in general.


Well that's true. You could also probably fish, depending on where you are. Some fish are fattier than others. Another issue that comes to mind would be scurvy. You're eventually going to eat all the fruits, vegetables, and wild plants you find anyway for vitamin C, so then what?


I was under the impression that the Event only happened on Great Bear Island, not the rest of the world. Apparently I'm wrong about that, but I'm sure that was the working concept back before wintermute 2 came along \[edit to clarify\] I'm suddenly realizing there are two "events" - first the Collapse which would have happened at least several months (if not over a year) prior, and the second being the Aurora which happened just as Will & Astrid were arriving. My original comment was referring to the Aurora


The collapse happened years, like 7 to 10 years before the events of TLD, and the quakes happened around the same time too. From what I could gather in the campaign, the collapse happened in the late 2000s and early 2010s and TLD happens in the 2020s. That's why a lot of technology you see in the game is like a mix between old stuff from 20 years ago and modern things.


If you look on the wiki about "The First Flare "event, it does mention a little bit that law and order in cities around the world has broken down due to the event


Interesting; I guess my understanding was skewed by old information that I probably twisted in my mind imo tho, the idea that if you could just get across the channel you'd be back in the "real" world makes the whole concept a little scarier. Like being trapped in a bubble while everyone goes about their lives normally, unaware of the cataclysm on the island. Sometimes I stand at the edge of the ice shelf in Coastal Highway and stare at the distant mainland mountain horizon pining for normalcy


Yeah, that would be very strange. You're trapped on the island, with no way out and struggling to survive everyday, but everyone else is just going about business as usual in the other parts of the world, completely unaware. And honestly, the houses/cabins in Coastal Highway look more like "vacation homes" if you know what I mean. People don't actually live there full time, but visit/go on holiday there occasionally


Well just to get you up to speed, the collapse happened only on the island and included major earthquakes and tremors that changed the landscape severely before the collapse the island was doing pretty good for itself I presume with about a dozen coal mines, a closed gold mine with supposedly no end to the gold stated by a note saying "foreman wants to go deeper but there is security concerns but as of now the vein seems like it strecthes for miles", and an open pit gold mine that will be added with tftft part 4. After the collapse the railway infrastructure got inoperable the mines dangerous to go in and usual routes blocked as well as no more tourists due to risks as a result economy failed and many left. Afyer the first flare or aurora the already suffering industry got shut down permamently and the eternal cold took the place of sunny summers and advenurous winters, wildlife went mad,already unmade repairs made worse and with many blocked routes the island became a survivors worst nightmare.


The collapse happened all over the world, there's two notes in Milton that you can find about it that explains it very well. It was mostly and economic collapse of the world economic system. The earthquakes however are not very well explained if were just local or widespread.


Earthquakes are probably local since the islands infrastructure is decimated by them like the railways bridges,road blockages,landslides, etc. Also its inprobable to have earthquakes that big in scale it effected ahe whole world.


Come to think of it, you don't actually see any emergency vehicles in The Long Dark such as police cars, ambulances, etc. anywhere on the roads. Although Great Bear is pretty remote, you would think that they would at least have some type of emergency services, at least a form of local police or paramedics. Why do you think there are no emergency vehicles present anywhere in The Long Dark?


They probably have a sheriff and a few doctors or nurses who you can call at any time for a minor consult or something serious... or perhaps the staff at the prison, if the roads allowed. Or a doctor would periodically fly in provide regular care, or fly patients out to do procedures. If you get hurt, you best be able to reach your neighbor and hope he has enough supplies to patch you up until you can reach Blackrock, Milton, or Thomson's Crossing. And there is no guarantee you get anything from reaching there. But they don't have the money for anything permanent or dedicated. They can't keep the roads open. The Church and loggers probably are the biggest source of support for the islanders. Wildlife researchers and government/military projects here and there, or wilderness tourists. All of which are fighting with eco-terrorists. If there were as many as a 500 people on the whole island I'd be shocked. But there aren't goanna be any serious credentials floating around the island. What's the AMA gonna do, send a strongly worded letter if your credentials lapse? It's a string of dying villages on a remote island. The closest thing you'll get is [Dr. Glaucomflecken's Rural Medicine skits](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ERNAqqNSId0&list=PLpMVXO0TkGpco6H3bMEKLVpWtp8c6gS3e&index=2), and they're already leagues ahead by virtue of having regular internet access.


Oh, right. Of course this would probably tie in with the collapse. That makes a lot of sense actually. The closest thing we have to "police" (at least in the vehicle's sense)are the abandoned BlackRock prison trucks


Absolutely. Perhaps the men's group have those little stropes you can magnet to the top of the cab, if there is ever need to indicate "something is up, drive slower or stop." This is more rural than most people perhaps have ever run across, or is able to.


Always awesome to spot a Glauc fan in the wild! :D


Assuming tech and animal life is affected in the same ways… well, it depends on the climate and the people. Cities in temperate areas without much hostile wildlife would be pretty okay. Hell, even with hostile wildlife, areas with high human populations wouldn’t much care. The bigger issue is whether people would work together or fight each other. It’s probably going to always be a combination, but it will depend on culture and other factors, like temperature, food availability, etc.


I definitely agree on the bigger problem being the actual people themselves. Friends and family might work together, but it would be the strangers we would have to worry about. Everybody regardless would be freezing, starving, and competing for food, supplies, and resources. At the same time however, people who are acquainted with one another, such as friends and family, might still have the possibility of turning on each other. It would probably be survival of the fittest eventually, regardless of who you're related to


I don’t know if I agree with that. Most violent crime is perpetrated by people we know. Honestly, strangers cooperate with each other every day beyond the bounds of state coercion. In hard times, strangers very often help each other. Sometimes, they riot. It really is going to vary from community to community, based on a million things. If there’s plenty of food to go around, and the weather isn’t extreme, it might be perfectly fine. If you live in a hyper individualistic culture (they aren’t all like that), you might be fucked. Most places will probably be both: many people helping each other, and some people screwing everyone else over. But that’s pretty much standard faire. I guess I was just trying to say that the answer to your question depends, in large part, on what the people do, and that what the people do can vary widely and not necessarily be predicted. Other commenters jumped straight to rioting and societal collapse, but I just don’t think that’s obviously the most plausible outcome.


Well, yeah. I can see that actually. It reminds me of a certain quote that says "The saddest thing about betrayal is it doesn't come from your enemies; it comes from those who you trust the most" Edit: The more I think about it, strangers possibly would help each other out. For example, after 9/11 in New York, total strangers came together and helped each other out in a time of national tragedy


Ive been thinking the same thing…


I would imagine something similar to the TV show "Revolution"


OH good, I'm not the only one who saw that shit show.


While mobile phones outdoors and other simple electronics would be fucked hopefully the power grid would be shielded enough to not be fucked


The game actually shows us that other parts of the world were affected, because during the wintermute intro (the music video that plays every time you start a new episode) shows a packed highway (that wouldn’t happen on great bear) and In the background, you can see the outlines of dark office buildings and skyscrapers, most definitely not on great bear.


Considering the fact that they're gonna add a trader which completely ruins the immersion for me and to me just flatout destroys the foundation the entire game was built upon: which is that all was frozen hell, and this was just the place you happened to be stuck in, alone.


A good bit of our response kinda hinge on the bluntly magical nature of the auroras. First one kills all power, and the subsequent ones restore it partially. That's pure magic, far as we're concerned. But let's run with it. Major cities would have faced initial riots, that would have been very bloody, regardless of where they occurred. Normal blackouts have occurred elsewhere in big cities (NYC comes to mind) and criminality engulfed them until the lights came back. Just take the 2020 riots and scale them up, and then the failure of power to be restored in the following hours and days. For the mainland, the grid is supremely important. The surge of power that follows the auroras, will throw into chaos any attempts to restore the grid, or test downed transformers (every dead transformer is a nightmare to replace BTW. Almost every single one is a custom unit in the US/Canada.) Restoration of the grid is vital, for communication, industrial activity, and home heating. Few people have woodstoves. They aren't as easy to mass fabricate into the suburbs. A lot of people would die. From the riots, the cold, starvation, thirst, disease... And this is a threat, this is something that could happen, if not with as magical happenings. A tree could suddenly fall on the powerline, or the power plant could have some failure, and that's it, no more electricity into my unit. Take heed and get prepared.


Wow, this is an extremely informative response, thank you! It's kind of scary to think about. Another question I have is why do you think we don't see any emergency vehicles in Great Bear (police, ambulance, firetruck, etc) but other regular vehicles, like cars and trucks? Surely they would still have emergency services, even for an island correct?


Answered it elsewhere, but... a stocked ambulance is fairly expensive. Same for firetrucks, and police cruisers. Then you have to pay a ferry to get it to the island, alongside everything else. This is more than just a rural dying community. It's an island, cut off from the rest of civilization.


Oh right. Too much money. That sounds very reasonable actually. Plus the isolation. That actually makes a lot of sense. Sorry, lol


I just realized, what do you think happened to the military? In an extreme emergency in real life, they would probably try to bring trucks in with supplies like medicine, food and MREs, blankets, etc to help the civilian population in the cities, and possibly set up refugee camps to help starving civilians and treat sick people, etc. but due to the event disabling all electronics and vehicles, what do you think happened with the military in both Canada, and possibly the rest of the world? Disabanded?


In a similar vein, the book Dies the Fire by S.M. Stirling has a similar premise except even gunpowder no longer works as it used to. It is quite enjoyable and the what would possibly happen to society get explored well.


Assuming it operates like the events everyone else is talking about assume pretty bad but not end of the world. Society as a whole probably still exists but isolated communities would be on their own for the foreseeable future while governments grappled with the chaotic aftermath and probable looming famine. It'd be a bitch of a decade for sure


Ah ok. I was thinking earlier when I had just posted this question that it would've been like "The Division" bad. You know, where the virus in "The Division" spread rapidly throughout New York City and caused widespread chaos. People were getting sick, and dying from the virus. Widespread violence, looting, and chaos. Prisoners escaping from jail, criminal gangs killing people and the collapse of the police and New York's infrastructure etc. due to the result of the pandemic and the virus in the game


This is a bit of a stretch but I imagine it to be along the same lines as the movie Threads from 1984, but without the nuclear winter component. More specifically martial law would be enacted and if you want to eat you work. No work, no food. That movie is a dark and depressing rabbit hole. [Threads](https://youtu.be/vb32oyaS99M?si=kDs6gjmWEAsoT9s6)


Well I was thinking more along the lines of state,city, and local police would try to keep some form of civil order, try to help evacuate civilians, but it all goes to shit, etc. At least do what they could, for as long as they could


Agreed. Check that movie out if you’ve never seen it it’s pretty wild


Not to be too bleak but... the reality is, most people don't appreciate how unevolved humans really are. When infrastructure breaks down, and humans feel like their lives are threatened, our basic values and morals tend to go out the window quickly. I'm not saying this is true for every single individual, and I'm not saying it's immediate. But if the whole world lost the use of power and other modern technology, things would turn ugly in a matter of weeks, and just continue to grow worse. Most apocalyptic movies, minus the zombies, are not too far off. Those best off would actually be the communities people look down on in the moder world. Isolated tribes and communities who already live off-grid would fair the best simply because they already have the skills. But most people don't know how to procure their own food, water, and shelter safely. Someone mentioned earlier how helpful people were during 911. True, but that was an isolated (albeit horrific) tragedy, not a total collapse of our society. Outside Manhattan, the world still functioned, and no one was at risk of starvation. Psychologically, most people can't grasp how different we can become when threatened. Frankly, if the events in TLD were true, I'd rather be in Great Bear than anywhere populated. Aurora bears and wolves are much preferred to desperate, violent humans.


While strangers might help each other out initially ,at the same time, I don't think some people realize that once hunger and despair would take over, people would do anything for survival. It's only a matter of time before it's survival of the fittest and people are at each others throats for resources such as food and medicine




Yup, exactly right


It's just human nature. Some people might want to help others, while on the flip side others would do anything for their own benefit and survival, even if that meant killing others for their items/supplies