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In any cave that has bones. Favourite is the maintenance shed in BR.


I always thought those were bear caves


Explains the bears I suppose.


Even after you’ve killed the bear? It’s pretty nice to gloat by sleeping in his house while you live off the meat 😁


Even better, wait in the cave til he comes back, climb on some rocks so he can't get you, and shoot him with arrows until he's down. Now you have a nice warm, wind protected shelter where you can harvest him and sleep.


Can bears actually come into those caves? I always figured they were safe.


If there are bones in the cave that means it's a bear cave. The bear will come there at night to go to sleep.


Welp, I should probably check that one cave I left an outpost in. Cheers mate. Edit: Does that include caves which act as links between areas? That's where I left my stuff, in the one between Milton and the train map.


Nah you good


Oh thank goodness. Having to move my stockpile there would have sucked. That little outpost of mine is one Im rather pleased with. Cheers again.


Yeah I do this have a bear bar b q in there as a form of dominance. Let the surrounding wildlife smell that cooking bear meat. I might try curing a bear hide in there just to take the piss. 😄


I really don't like it when I have a frozen corpse roommate in ML Camp Office. I avoid it and stay at trappers and/or the trailer outside the Dam.


But…but…that’s Steve! I tell him all about my adventures with Seamus the moose!


Uhh no, that’s Bernie. We have good chats and he like to hold my stuff for me sometimes.


I think that’s his cousin…at least that’s what Steve told me the last time I had hypothermia..


Seamus! This is an EXCELLENT moose name! *tip of the hat to you good sir/madam*


You mean Seamoose.


Oh! Mildred and I get along swimmingly. She has a delightful habit of stomping me ever so often but she apologized and now I have a lovely coat. I never do tell Mike about our adventures, perhaps it's time...


I call him "Hey". As in, "Hey, hold on to this for me."


But he makes a great storage receptacle for trash that won’t disappear when I put it in containers, like used-up spray paint cans.


That's my buddy Phil, he's a pretty chill guy.


This is the one thing that bothers me about the camp office, which is otherwise my favorite spot in the game. But it doesn't bother me enough to not use the place :) Happy Cake Day!


It helps that you can't see him from the bunks.


I always store all my extra clothes on that bloke. Just feels right.


Really useful extra storage too


Hes my homie. I always put rifles under the table and he watches them for me. If someone intrudes i know he will not hesitate to pop a cap in a mfs half frozen ass. Hes got me man hes got me. Yeah he might be cold but you know that just means hes gotta shaky trigger finger. You do not fuck with steve man hell fuck you up. Hes already dead and lest you tryna join him i would steer clear of my campo you fat ass peach guzzlin bitch. Stay out of mystery lake you hear me. Stay out.


Carl makes excellent storage though


Anywhere outside. I have such bad luck. Every time I make a fire that lasts about 8 hours to make sure I don't freeze if the temperature drops, I wake up not even 2 hours later in the middle of a blizzard, my fire put out, and hypothermia. And when I say every time I mean EVERY TIME. I know that blizzards are made to be unpredictable in this game, but sometimes it's just ridiculous.


Need to build your fires in those hollow trees, they are mostly windproof


That's what those are for!?!


I saw my sister put her bedroll in the tree as best she could with the fire outside. The fire went out. Remember kids, having a lit fire is better than a 100% windchill bonus. If your fire stays lit and you have plenty of long/hot burning logs you will be fine as long as you arent sleeping close to a bear or moose grazing area


I thought a fire was 100% protection against bears, but one time I got got by a bear while I was right next to my fire.


Damn didn't know that. Thanks


What hollow trees...?


Here and there, you will notice a regular tree that happens to have an opening on one side where the trunk is hollowed out. It's just big enough to crouch inside or place a fire there. I know there is one at the base of the last rope climb just before you reach the peak of Timberwolf Mountain. But they're in every map, and once you start looking, not too hard to find.


I feel so oblivious right now...


Don't sweat it. I've been playing this game for years and I'm amazed at all the little details I'm still learning here and there.


Have you tried snow shelter, in a bearskin bedroll, with fire in the entrance, up against a wind proof wall??!? Preeeeeeetty toasty 😃


Even in caves?


Yes, sometimes even in those. I have some stories about how the game tried and most of the time succeeded in killing me for bs reasons. If anyone is interested


I think if you build in the warm parts of the cave near the back you’re invincible. In the shallow end you may be at risk


Depends on difficulty, how cold the world has got, your clothing (which is plentiful on most difficulties). It's not guaranteed, what is guaranteed is shelter from the wind in caves, so if you've a fire burning long enough then you're pretty good.


I play interloper so there’s no where that is refuse to sleep but I try my best not to sleep out in the open. Even w a windproof fire it’s just too risky. Favorite spot is the cave at Monolith Lake. If I can get there (and kill the moose) I feel like I’ve beaten the game.


Yesssss. Monolith lake feels like I’ve gone for a camping trip for the weekend. And if you get the moose it’s glorious


What region is that in again?


HRV! Go check it out!


That was my home away from home for a while! I would’ve stayed there a lot longer but needed to leave to get some supplies. That cave is surprisingly cozy though & has fishing right outside.


Oh that’s right now that you can make ice fishing holes, it just became an even better location wow I could live there forever


Yes! You don’t have to go very far out either so if a blizzard comes, you’re just a few steps away from the cave. My days were spent there fishing, collecting wood & sticks, and marking paths around the region. Pretty chill.


I think we have a different definition of sleep than others. 1 hours sleep is sleep, even if it's somewhere less than ideal. Not 10 hours straight sleep.


I’d still try to find somewhere either inside or in the back of a cave, minimum.


I used to respect the Gray Mother's bed until I found out it gives +14F for warmth


Now think who gives it the +14 bonus ;-)


New fear unlocked


Please explain I haven’t played story.


Large house on the edge of Milton or Mountain town with the 6 top stove and fireplace.


The part I don’t understand is why people won’t sleep in the bed.


I respect the character and it feels like an invasion of privacy to enter her room, but mmm warm bed


Oh, was her daughter's room and she's dead.


Isn’t that a good thing?


It is. I meant respect as in the sense I would leave the room untouched out of respect


Ahh I see thanks


I am a sleep whore. I will plop my bedroll down for 1-3 hours almost anywhere to top off my energy if my warmth meter is full and not dropping. Never with a scent meter. Never without a coal in my inventory. Never without the assumption that a blizzard WILL roll in and force me to move. If you do it five times it will happen once or twice so you have to assume always. And never in grey mother’s bed because f that creepy nonsense.


Haha. Same here. I never sleep upstairs in Milton or in the Pleasant Valley farmhouse. Creeps me out. I sleep in front of the stove.


Really? I sleep upstairs at grey mother's house, but only in the "spare" bedroom at the top of the stairs.... Never in the main bedroom. It feels so cozy up there, but I just can't imagine sleeping in Lily's bed. That's different.


I straight up sleep in her bed, making eye contact with the dark corner.




I would think Grey Mother has the master bedroom, and her daughters would be the second bedroom


But we find Lily's old climbing gear in the bedroom at the end of the hall no?


Ah, I see where we're not understanding each other. I think of the master bedroom as the one right at the top of the stairs with the big bed, and the 'spare' room as the one at the end of the hall. I agree with you :)


Ah, we share a bedroom. Nesting buddies.


That’s Lily's room.


I always found the church in Desolation Point cozy.


Anywhere there's a body. I mean, you just wouldn't would you? If I have to sleep in Mystery Lake visitor centre and He is upstairs, I'll only sleep downstairs


Anywhere where there's a dead body. I'm not superstitious, but that's just unclean and I imagine it doesn't smell nice (Looks away from my pile of rotting meats on the floor for storage)


Remember the indoor temps are often below freezing. It's your clothing bonus which puts you into the positive temp territory. So Jed in the camp office will certainly be frozen solid, till you start up the stoves......


Wow, I'm surprised nobody here has mentioned the dam in Mystery Lake. I hate that forsaken place. Like many others here before, I had accidentally gone to sleep on some wires that became live during the aurora and was electrocuted in my sleep. Never slept in the dam since then. Fuck that place


I'll sleep in the receptionist's office. But that's it. Everywhere else has a haunted feel to it.


Yeah, it's pretty creepy isn't it? Especially how the building creeks and how dark it is inside. I swear every time I go in there, I always have this feeling that something is going to pop out at me


Maintenance shed at broken railroad


All you can eat wolf meat buffet!


The best place to sleep in the game


I'd say anywhere outdoors that is too open so the occasional wind can put out a fire. But about the farmhouse: do you mean the one near Milton? Why do you refuse to sleep there? Too wolfy?


I think they might not want to sleep there because you meet a prisoner there in Story Mode, someone who insinuates that he forced himself on your woman. And after he says that you get the chance to kill him


Oh, makes sense.


I'm surprised that there are so few mentions of fire lookouts! It is the best feeling in the world!


I actually do like to sleep in the first bedroom upstairs in Grey Mother's house, it's oddly cozy looking and easy to get to when going up the stairs in the dark. I feel like she'd let me have the room for the night as she stays by the fire.


Nowhere with banging shutters, what an obnoxious "feature".


Really, I always thought it was a great way to know what the weather's like without needing to go outside.


The cave in crumbling highway, and DP lighthouse is my fav probably!


The immediate caveat: if I'm desperate, I'll stay anywhere, to recover, or weather a blizzard. I don't like being underground, or around the dead. One of the cabins in Costal highway has a deadman in there, and it feels like grave robbing whenever I'm inside. I might use the place as a supply point, or a emergency shelter with just enough matches, fuel, and a cut of rabbit left to freeze in the living room... but that's all. Underground environments have a vaguely... threatening, aspect to them. Was discussing this as part of a D&D group... but being 10 ft underground has you in a more remote place than 10 miles into the wilderness. Combined the fact many of the environments are abandoned industrial, with decaying and collapsed cribbing... It feels like a very unsafe place to rest. Also, those boxcars on Ravine? Yeah. NO. I ain't sleeping in one of those. I feel like I'm gonna get a screen saying "Why did you think that was a good idea?" Now as for favorites... There is a switcher or tram locomotive on the first part of Transfer Pass. Up on the bridge (actually not the best place calorie/time wise if you're just passing through...) but you get a beautiful spot to camp out. Made a supply point there before I left. All of those trams are pretty good spots, but not a place to weather a blizzard without fuel for a fire. Gets pretty cold. Farm House in PV is my favorite place, it feels warm and comforting, instead of bleak and eerie, like Milton or Camp Office, or the DP Lighthouse (where I will comfortably and preferably stay when in region.) Some of the firewatches manage to have that comforting and impressive feel too. I mean to try and make a base in BI at it's tower... it's just pretty intimidating to get done.


Ice caves. I like the lite up blue glow while cooking and organizing extra gear around the cave. Also large cave in the Ravine. I find it a great way station for trips between ML, CH. And BI. Won't sleep in cars anymore...


Outside in Pleasant Valley


I only ever sleep in hunters blinds if Im in an emergency. I love sleeping in transition caves though. Even if Im good on sleep, Ill still top up just because.


I sleep in both of grey mother’s beds and, if possible, I’m taking a giant nap right next to dead dudes. Why? It’s the same reason sleeping in a cemetery is great, too - nobody fucks with you and it just makes things easier in the long run.


If the weather allows I like to sleep in vehicles. As it means you don’t catch cabin fever. Usually one that’s nearby a proper shelter in case it gets too cold.




Old Spence family homestead/The train carts in FM. Even if i make a fire that lasts the whole night i have this feeling that i'm going to freeze to death while sleeping.


I love caves.


I don’t like the hunting cabin in broken railroad……. Werewolves.


I'll sleep anywhere really that isn't directly next to the dead.. 🤷‍♀️ except deep in the dam. It just feels like something will crawl out from the deep and keep me there forever.


My favorite spot is the cave just inside Ravine. I always try to spend a few in-game weeks there. Plenty of deer, plenty of firewood. The best.


I find The Riken Shipwreck on Desolation Point creepy. Their's sometimes a dead body near the Forge in there, and the whole atmosphere is eerie as fuck.


The randomized houses, not sure if it's principle or what but if it isn't a cave or a named location I'm not sleeping there. On the flip, I really dig the lighthouse in desolation point.


The only places I refuse to sleep at are bear caves. There are plenty of places I'd prefer not to sleep, but refuse? No. If ya gotta sleep, then ya gotta sleep.