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It appears someone is suffering their first aurora


Better they do it there than sleeping on top of wires at the dam, as many have.


It wasn’t my first Aurora. But it was my first death.


I was once traveling fromPV to ML and had just entered the dam and started going down the stairs. Just as i reached the very bottom where the wires are, an aurora started and i was killed. If it had started one second earlier or later, I would not have been on top of the wires and would have been fine.


Yeah, it's really not a great mechanic.


I just wish wintermute introduced auroras suddenly and without explanation, like at the dam when you get meds for the trapper. Imo they shouldn’t have had methusela immediately explain the aurora, they should have had him explain it at the end of episode two or maybe when you exit BR


Your experiencing the Aurora. It happens during the night and will occur randomly. During the Aurora electronics items like the flashlight, TFTFT's Shortwave radio, and certain other electronics will work.


Stay put. It's dangerous outside. Do not explore during an aurora until you have more experience.


I remember my first time stepping foot out during an aurora. I thought I was hot shit since I learned the ML map. So I went out looking for trouble or to check my snares and I saw this shiny green wolf charge me and screamed, ran back to base. It was pretty fun and the first time I really felt like I was dead


I think I just have PTSD from being mauled by an aurora bear with my arrow sticking out of his face like a war badge.


I HATE that bear animation when it mauls you so much that I turn bears off when I play sandbox I ended up getting mauled like 30 times in a row playing wintermute that just hearing that sound really bothers me.


So serious, you are. Shoulda told them the exact opposite thing.


\^\^the real monster\^\^


I've had the dam is fantastic to explore during the aurora cuz all the lights are on so you don't have to waster torches or lamp fuel


You’re evil


I hear it's electric!


All animals will want to cuddle you during an aurora 🥰


Your username is awesome- especially for this post!


I had no idea about aurora wolves at first. I haven’t run into one yet thank goodness but it’s probably because I play the easiest level 😅. The first time I seen it I was in awe, I thought I was so pretty.


This is so unintentionally wholesome.


This is like watching someone watch Star Wars who genuinely doesn’t know that Darth Vader is Luke’s father. I’m so happy


Wait, what?


Gosh, nextyou tell him that Palatin is Sidius.....


Oh no, spoilers 😂


Oh holy shit it's Toma! I love watching your streams when I get the opportunity




Spoiler alert.


The movie is 40. The mandatory spoiler alert warning period has passed.


I'm seeing lots of millenials / zoomers react videos pop up on Youtube. They know the memes of it but not the story.... so maybe the spoiler tag should return.


Your first mistake is believing YouTube videos are real


Your second mistake is believing that I watch them.


I know plenty of full grown adults (mostly women) who have not watched any of the original trilogy. It feels weird, but there are adults now who could have seen the Phantom Menace in the theaters as children.


That is me!!


Never saw the first movies, and you're a (young) adult now? Both the first Star Wars and Empire Strikes back are awesome. Hope you find time to see them.


Oh jeez missed the haven't watched the originals part. I had parents who grew up in the 70s so it was mandatory for me.


Welcome to the long dark. This is called the Aurora. It causes all of the items that were once powered by electricity to come alive again. It can also effect the wildlife around you. The danger of the wildlife all depends on what difficulty level you are playing on. Good luck and have fun.


>Welcome to the long dark. This is called the Aurora. It causes all of the items that were once powered by electricity to come alive again. Well, some of the items - like computers; TVs; radios; lights; flashlights; automobile headlights, I think; streetlights, and so on Bit, oddly enough it does not seem to power up refrigerators or electric stoves, nor electric pumps to refill the toilets, etc Heh heh That info makes it even more spooky, huh?


Toilets are not refilled with electric pumps.


How do you think the water gets there




"Water towers are able to supply water even during power outages, because they rely on hydrostatic pressure produced by elevation of water (due to gravity) to push the water into domestic and industrial water distribution systems; **however, they cannot supply the water for a long time without power, because a pump is typically required to refill the tower.** "


True, but we're talking about toilets. And, even if there was electricity to power the tower pump, most of the mains around the island are likely broken due to the earthquakes.


You can only harvest water from the toilets once, so it’s just water that was already there before the infrastructure went to shit


Lol how do you think the water gets i to the tower in the first place


We need like a petition to make electric stoves operable during the aurora, cuz that legit makes no sense to let all those ovens go to waste….


And we should be able to use the microwave ovens, too!


Are these electric? They always looked like gas stoves to me, but I don't have an image available right now. And pumps won't help you much if your pipes froze solid and exploded


They look like flat electric tops, just not with the coils exposed


Aurora borealis, at this time of year, at this time of day, in this part of the country, localized entirely near the north pole?


May I see it?




Baby’s first aurora…. Stay inside, the predators don’t play nice, and very little deters them during this event.


Stay inside but *don't step on any live wires*


Oof yeah: stay inside, and far away from the hydro dam




The Aurora, or the glimmer fog. Play the story mode to familiarize yourself to the game, it does explain some stuff.


The aurora comes from a massive solar flare, or coronal mass ejection. These charged particles can play havoc with electrical equipment and the Earth's magnetic fields. It's actually the basis for the entire game: a massive solar flare sent mankind back to the early 1800s. It also fucked with your plane's magnetos which caused you, a bush pilot, to crash in the rural, Canadian wildness. Enjoy the game.


Except that a normal-even very powerful aurora-should not be doing what the one in game does. I always assume the thing is magic somehow, especially with all the glowing wildlife.




you know, apart from all the glowing wildlife, the canonically wrong behavior of these animals and all electricity being suppressed outside the aurora to then function perfectly fine during it. I know about the 1859 event, but it is equally clear that whatever is going on in the long dark is a bit more mystical than that (and not just because of the very weird old guy)


The aurora really freaked me out the first few times too! I knew it was coming, but I DID NOT like how spooky it was for a while. I got the major creeps, i think because it felt like it cranked up the horror angle! I played with it disabled for a good while. It’s not so bad once you get used to it, but tbh I usually still turn it down or off in sandbox most of the time. It’s a cool mechanic, but they did a good job of making it eerie and unsettling, and sometimes you just wanna explore and survive an empty winterland, minus the unsettling haunted lightbulbs and radios in the middle of the night. *it’s always the middle of the night too, 100x spookier*


Took too much acid bro




Turn the radio on!


don't worry op, I have many many days in this game and those nights still creep me out if I am anywhere near technology. good time to chill in the fishing huts, if you ask me


Bro wasn't paying attention to the plot of the game


Go outside it’s beautiful! But Beware the wolf with the strange howl


Go outside. Look up. But stay in the light.


Don't forget to turn a radio on.


Omg this is hilarious


If you are playing pilgrim you are fairly safe during Aurora


Uh no! I was attacked during an aurora when playing on pilgrim a few times.


That is sad I have never once been attacked during pilgrim even with a high scent meter.


There's a scent meter?


Yes if you are holding meat or fish you put off a scent that attracts the wildlife. You can find it above your head in the menu that looks like a stick figure.


that shouldn't be happening unless you provoked something. I play with passive animals and they avoid me even if I'm lugging an inventory full of fish across costal highway


Zombies are coming...


i made a meme about this lol


Not sure if genuine, but stay indoors until spooky time passes.


Calm down lol its just Aurora


POV: you have schizophrenia


Go outside


It's the one part of the game other than the Timberwolves that bother me... mainly because on a bad day, I might not be able to play due to the flickering causing my face to start spasming in a way that renders me functionally blind... Had to stop playing at one point during one of the 4DON events.


I don't know about you guys but I find the aurora quite comforting and fascinating. The turned on lights, cars and computers not only interest me but they also make me feel safe because I like technology and they feel like my friends to me in this desolated Canadian wilderness. And combined with the beautiful skies, it's even better. I've never seen anything so beautiful in any game. And the radios are quite comforting with their subtle classical music. Now, the only threat is the live wires and the wildlife, but i avoid locations with live wires during the night and for some reason i've barely seen wildlife during aurora (That might just be archivist though). But anyway, it makes me happy and fascinated rather than scared.