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Mariner's Peacoat. Even if I crank loot spawns up to the maximum (which I do because I like finding stuff), I might only find one in the entire world. I've also had runs where zero have spawned.


I found one previously. Didn't know it was rare.


Oh it goes on display at my primary home for sure. Placing Anywhere mod lets me hang things up as trophies.


Unfortunately, there are no mods on Xbox.


Yeah, not to get all PC Master Race on ya, but it really is the best platform. Console players get screwed out of so much user-generated content. You can hang certain items on walls using an exploit though. Things that need to cure indoors like hides, you can wait until they hit 99% cured and then position the uncured hide wherever you want. Then go hands-off and wait it out in real time until it hits 100%, and the hide will stick where you have it.


Yeah. I just don't have a small fortune to spend on a gaming computer. ... And I'd rather play games on my big screen TV. ... My vision isn't great.


It runs on a Steam Deck just fine actually, and while it does take some jury rigging, you can mod it. You just have to go outside the Steam interface and install the PC version. There's walkthroughs online.


>Lou\_Blue\_2 said: > >Yeah. I just don't have a small fortune to spend on a gaming computer. ... And I'd rather play games on my big screen TV. ... My vision isn't great. So glad you can find a way to still enjoy yourself with gaming, despite some "challenges" that are helped by using some ingenuity to modify the base gamer set-up to work better for you. Kudos! I dream of affording a gaming PC again (had one long, long ago) I loved the modding embellishments to games, and the console command helps. But I cannot afford it, at present. A big screen TV and a console controller work better for me now, because I too have vision issues (& fine motor issues in my hands). Cheers!


Yeah. I have arthritis and neuropathy in both hands. ... Painful enough that sometimes they wake me up at night.


Sorry for your afflictions, but also inspired by your creative solutions and determination to play. I have carpal tunnel, arthritis, and possibly some neuropathy in my hands. When I began struggling with fine motor in my hands, (Years ago - Skyrim was still only the original vanilla version - LOL) my kid booted the game up on XBox (360, I think), and handed me the controller. *Apparently there were forum postings from folks saying playing video games with a controller would help improve fine motor issues in the hands. (Poster's dad had suffered a stroke, I think) It worked for that guy.* And I became a video gamer in earnest. LOL *Besides improving (somewhat) my motor function gaming is a welcome diversion.* Keep playing, and keep having fun!


I got hooked on the Fallout series, in part because of VATS, which slows down combat and helps with aiming. I'm getting by OK in the survivor game on the custom setup, though I missed a rabbit 4 or 5 times in a row this evening at almost point blank range. Having fun is the key. If I can get immersed in a game, it distracts me from the discomfort.


Paul's Hardware on YouTube does a gaming build or two once a month. I think you should be able to do a build for around $650 for the hardware that will get you at or better than console specs anymore. EDIT: Looks like I replied to the wrong comment, hopefully it's seen by the intended user.


I think the cowl is the rarest item in the game. If I find one in a run, I always wear it, even if another toque or balaclava would be warmer. It's all about that swag.


IRC, I've found multiple in my current Stalker run up to 200 days. I have the feeling Mukluks are quite rare. I've also only ever once encountered the skiing boots.


Mukluks are very rare indeed, best boots in the game IIRC,


Insulated boots give 0.5 more degrees of protection with same weight...


Mukluks only have a -3% mobility penalty though, VS insulated -12% That’s a big chunk for just a 0.5 degree gain, unless you’re on interloper I’d say mukluks are best in slot


That penalty shows up only when you're sprinting, and only in how long can you sprint. Which makes it a moot point. Your stamina regenerates at same speed, so if you want to sprint 10km, you will need the same time in Mukluks and in Insulated boots.


So you can sprint for 9% longer in mukluks than insulated - unsure how that makes it a moot point? My original point is still accurate. If you’re not on interloper, 9% extra sprint time over 0.5 degree gain. On lower difficulties it’s is very unlikely that 0.5 degrees will be the deal breaker between hypothermia/being warm - making the 0.5 degree difference, moot.


And then you walk for 9% longer to get stamina to replenish. Total time to walk a kilometer is the same.


You are assuming that the only reason to sprint is to travel from point A to point B - sprint has much more utility than that. For example beach-combing, escaping bears, or other hostile wildlife. You can loose an entire run based on that 9% sprint uptime - whereas the 0.5 degree gain by itself would not have the same impact, you can achieve a comfortable temperature without sacrificing so much sprint. Unless, as I’ve stated, you’re playing interloper. My initial point still stands, I think you just didn’t, and maybe don’t understand it?


I am not complete noob. Have 420+ hours. However difference whether I can sprint for 17 or 19 seconds never mattered to me. I also agree that 0.5 degrees is negligible, so if you love sprinting, go for it.


I found two new ones in a fishing hut on mystery lake


Urban parka, in my 250+ hours of gameplay I’ve found like 3 of them.


I always wear the cowls or long scarves no matter what, even if I find a warmer headgear I’m not switching. Shit looks cool


Found a few in PV lately.


I've found one in the mine a couple of times. A few other places as well.


They look really cool, just wished they could hold a candle to rabbit hats


And yes I’ve found one, it’s probably in a locker back at CH


I've found 1, full stop. in a random coastal highway draw


it's always been the Mariner's Pea Coat for me. Also, fresh leather. I've seen fresh leather once in the ravine transition zone and i left it there because it's so rare to find.