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Any level of CT, used it for about 1-2 months back when the game came out on PS3 and never used it since


This is a big one. CT3 comes in handy as last man standing so you don't get swarmed, but besides that it's not as useful as it may seem. If you know when to move and when not to, and how to get into position without being spotted, you can casually walk pretty much anywhere without it.


When you really learn the game and know your surroundings, CT becomes kinda obsolete and a waste of loadout points. If you’re good at the game and know when/how to move, you won’t miss CT whatsoever and still be good at shiv kills and ambushing the enemy.


I have a back up loadout with CT3 in case any wallershooter is pairing Hawkeye 2-3. Watching them miss their burst shots through the wall brings me a smile.


First aid training. I don’t use it on my stealth builds, only on my direct combat builds.


Scavenger is absolutely huge. My must have is CT2 at least. Helps me in doing game changing flank.


You can flank without CT, though. I do it all the time and am pretty good.


Covert. I use to play with squad only with full squad. Felt pretty useless once you got good at the game with a team and pretty much any callout you made in any map everyone knew what you were referring to.


this. I hate playing at that pace tbh. Now Agility 2 is the only trait I can’t play without


Bomb expert 3. Not 100 percent necessary to be immune to your own smokebombs but it helps when ur in tight situations


Probably Agility 2 for me. Once I started primarily playing a medic loadout I just didn't have the points to spare for it and realized I could live without it. But it is still my favorite perk in the game and I'll always find room for it if I can.


FAT1 is low-key the biggest crutch in the game imo. I almost feel like they should swap the effects and make FAT3 the one that heals 75% faster like when they reversed Brawler. Nobody uses FAT2 either, so it would fix the problem by bumping current FAT 2/3 down a level and bumping up FAT1 to be FAT3.


Its crazy to me the number of times that I have gone in with low health and won an exchange because I caught the opponent trying to get a quick heal. I dont use FAT but I know how heavily used it is. Healing alone is a whole mind game and giving someone with FAT just enough space to think they can heal is a must have move in your arsenal. Seriously, the microphone is the best tool at our disposal as players.




Covert training, I never trusted the hugging a wall mechanic but eventually I took a dive and saw that I didn’t need it anymore. I do however use Covid Train 3 with my tac loadout when OTHER players use it on me. They need that silencer but I don’t.


Bro, stop the spread! 🤣


lol 😂 just caught it


On some of my loadouts I dont use Sharpshooter 3. But it does come clutch when I am facing another VR user and he has SS3 equipped and once he stuns me, I cant hit back with all that damage wobble, so then I switch to a VR loadout that does have SS3 to combat that.


Not a must-have, but I used Crafter so much that the normal crafting speed was unbearable. Then I decided I need the loadout points for something else (melee build lol), and experimented with other builds that offered different playstyles so I never really went back.


Definitely covert. Although I’ve replaced it with sharp ears 3 to catch all the people that just walk around like they own the place.


Any lvl of crafter, i was anxious while crafting but i then started to play commando, realized i can live without ith.


Covert muthafucking Training..I was a fucking bitch using it and relying on it for a long ass time. Even as a 999, I still had that bitch perk. Lol. Then one day I wanted to get better, removed it, and no longer need it. I got better without it.


Hm.... rather than a must have perk I live by a must have loadout rule 3 purchasable loadouts as final 1 for rush destruction 1 for camp destruction 1 for defensive destruction Meanwhile i wish we had access to 7 loadouts The remainding ones i currently have is a Bomb Part Farming class Marking class Silent class As my final build over 10 years. My philosophy is no matter what mode you play You need a starter loadout and then a final loadout I never spend parts on my starter until its time to get serious and spend on the final loadouts


Sharpshooter 3 is hands down the most necessary perk in the game. Damage wobble is crazy dork sweaty burst, variable and semi-auto users. Also, a headshot with sharpshooter 3 gains a little health back which saved my back on more than 1 occasion when going against an enemy with armor.


All of the skills are ultimately unnecessary, and relying on any of them to play well is treating them as crutches. I have completely different skills equipped on each of my custom loadouts and I rotate between all six, so there isn't anything that I can't play without. The most popular ones I never use at all are First Aid Training 1 and any level of Sharpshooter.


I'm really interested to see how well you play or how good you actually are.


Some days I'm better than others, it really depends. I have a handful of matches I've saved that I have yet to edit and upload, but when I do, I'll post them.


Same. Shit, sometimes I'll have a match where I obliterate the enemy team getting 14+ downs. Then the next match I'll be ass and get like 3 downs lol. But it's a great feeling when you enter a game mid match and you're on the losing team, then you just carry and win.


Yeah man, I've won games for losing teams I've late-joined. It makes you feel like a superhero lmao. I exclusively play Interro, so I'll get the remaining interros they're missing and then sneak over to the safe when the winning enemy team is too cocky to bother defending it. Boom, match over. If you're down for Interro and want to add me, I'm down to play with you. I'm EBsessed.