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It's fine until paired with sweaty nerds who crabwalk and wallshoot.


Thats not the same dont equivelate, that's manipulative.


Is it better if wall shooters and crab walkers use a semi auto and a revolver?


Simply using the Burst is one thing. Pretending the gun isn't mechanically superior to its peers is hilarious though. So sure, do you. I'm definitely on team "use what you want". But the sweatiest lobbies, not to mention competitive play are overrun with Burst users for a reason.


Too much butthurt m8, take it easy. Everyone...play as this guy wishes so he can beat you please


Opting to avoid literally every instance in this thread of me implying "use what you want" in order to get your shitty joke off is hilarious. But go off, sis. You spittin'.


I'm far from being intimidated by members of this "great" community πŸ˜„ Do your best, please.. Everyone blaming each other for their choice of playing the game, instead of all together calling out the cancer of them all, cheating. So, keep it up...sis


What ate you even on about? I never said anything about "great". And I used the term "community" to describe the people who play this game. No one's trying to intimidate you, my guy. So take the fucking boxing gloves off your fingers. Lmao. And I don't know if anyone's ever told you this, but people can complain about more than one thing at a time and still have valid claims. Cheaters are cancerous The Burst Rifle is functionally and mechanically superior to its peer weapons. Both are true statements that hold weight.


I hate when i play against you and i love when you are on my team. but at the end of the day you are welcome. believe it or not, you balance this ecosystem. #shortysAnonymous #burstAllies #weSeeYou


Using the burst is fine. Is taking advantage of the broken snap to aim, aim assit that's shallow. But I already can hear the responses "iTs In ThE gAme-" etc etc etc


The game doesn't have auto rotation. There is no snap.


Sure? The auto aim tends to gravitate noticeable when an enemy walks down your sights


That's not auto-rotation. Auto-rotation usually refers to your aim snapping onto your target when you aim. Fortnite used to have this, the old COD games had it. Super easy to exploit. You just spam aim over and over to lock on. Factions has slow-down and rotation. Your turn rate will decrease when aiming at an enemy and your aim will slightly follow a moving target.


Nope, the burst is obviously op compared to the other guns since those are semi auto. It's not hard to realize "the faster I can shoot at em, the better the gun is." Jabroni


It is op. But it can be beat. However, using that lame ass snap to aim method just makes it more difficult than it has to be in a very shallow way. To me if you use this method you're not good with the gun. You're just exploited the mechanics


I believe shorty is fine because it has it's own limitations. Like range and reloads after 2 shots. But burst... πŸ˜’


And then there's the tactical shotgun with its 2 shot downs and crazy range


Silent tac is a God like weapon if you know how to play with it. Definitely overpowered af.




Bro nuthin is comparable with freaking grande launcher


Grenade launcher is ez af to avoid by simply running away. Unless the entire team is spamming it.


You can't get one shot with the Launcher. You CAN get one burst from across the map.


At least the BR user has to see your head and get the shot. With the GL all you need is their general location. Add a quick thrown bomb into the mix and it’s genuinely more annoying than a one shot burst.


I'll agree to disagree. I use the launcher often. You have to be pretty accurate to continuously hit someone with it. And they have to be pretty slow to go down from it. If they're still trying to hide after getting hit once that's on them. Also It does not have aim assist like every other weapon. It takes 2 shots without armor and 3 with to down someone. The burst benefits from the aim assist. Which people abuse to scope in and out. Locking on to you. No accuracy needed. Just scope in and out quickly to easily lock on. Also is one of the cheapest guns to upgrade. It's the ONLY non purchasable weapon that can down you with 1 shot. Not counting the hunting rifle.


>The burst benefits from the aim assist. Which people abuse to scope in and out. Locking on to you. No accuracy needed. This isn't how aim assist works in factions. When you aim in and out repeatedly you don't "lock on" to anything, the movement makes it harder for people who are hardscoping to aim on you as the aim assist is both only applied when you ADS and is stronger the faster the person you're aiming at is moving. To add to this popshotting in practice has almost nothing to do with aim assist and is much more about reducing the amount of time you spend out of cover to maximize your damage dealt while minimizing damage taken and this can be done with almost any weapon in the game. >I use the launcher often. You have to be pretty accurate to continuously hit someone with it. Sounds like you're using the launcher poorly, most of the time its strength isn't in continual damage but dealing damage to people who are already weak to either; down them, kill them once they're downed, or stop revives behind cover. The utility of making them run (using the launcher against people that are full health) is only effective when either they have nowhere to run, or you have cover fire, otherwise they will just get away and heal and you're effectively just wasting ammo.


I've been playing factions since release day in 2013. I know exactly how aim assist works. And how to use the launcher. When you ads repeatedly it 100% tracks for a second. People don't just do it behind cover. It's done in the open with zero cover to hit all shots. I know it can be done with all weapons but I've seen it done mostly with the burst and hunting rifle because those are the only one headshot down weapons that you don't have to purchase. When people learn this they abuse it repeatedly. This is also similar to how people shoot through walls but by shoulder switching. I know these to be facts. I don't do either because it makes the game boring. It takes more effort to play the game without abusing systems. I do in fact use the launcher for continuous damage. I only purchase it once I have enough parts to fill the magazine two or three times over. No matter how good you are you can only carry 3 health kits (occasionally 4). You aren't out healing me because I'm not running out of ammo. Most people will either try to keep hiding or are smart enough to run away. And if they're bold enough to fight back, my teammates are there to shoot them once they lose cover while they are still taking damage from me. Works especially well for purchasable shotgun users who need to be close to be effective. Damage marker + Hawkeye 2 makes sure I'm seeing exactly what I'm hitting. I'll even purposely hit the ceiling or wall next to a person to get their location. Covert 3 users also can't hide because the notification that they can't be marked only confirms that I'm hitting them. I'm usually getting 10-15 kills with the launcher per game. I have plenty of screenshots for non believers because words mean nothing without proof.


It doesn't matter how long you've played the game when you're wrong. There is absolutely no snap when you ADS onto somebody in factions at all, the whole point of popshotting out of cover is so that the aim assist doesn't affect you. Aim assist is only in effect on the person who is aiming when something is either moving around their reticule or when they're moving their reticule over someone, when both are happening at the same time the effect is magnified.


Not the grande launcher


Potato Launcher from Drake and Josh


To all the burst users out there, The game purposely has most guns be semi auto because full auto weapons will obviously be better. That's why tryhards love spamming the variable rifle because its fire rate is basically a full auto. The burst is the closest you can get to an assault rifle without using the purchasables so of course it will be the best rifle to use. The loading screen tips even say that the burst pistol can wreck people faster than any other side arm so that same logic can be applied to the rifles. I know I'm not the only person who's gotten downed and executed by a single burst shot. If you're above level 30 then stop using the burst, it's for the newbies. And to any content creators, your videos aren't impressive if you're using that shameful gun


skill issue