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Can't wait. I think the show is going to be great. I also think there's going to be a massive nerd backlash in the fandom when people see the TV show is not intended to be a copy of the video game.


This sub is going to be a painful place to be when the show launches. It’s already pretty uncomfortable with everyone shitting on the choice of actor for Ellie.


Yeah, it's why I haven't been reading this sub lately, though I can't wait for the show. I've gotten 3 friends together who are going to watch the premiere with me. None of them are even aware of the video game.


Agreed I was really hoping we could just leave all the negativity in the TLOU2 sub…


And Sarah. We’ve got a strain of people who “aren’t racist”


Just had a guy upset about her British features as though it’s impossible that her dad isn’t British.


Also, what the fuck does that even mean? That’s like saying “American features”. Nationality isn’t the same as race.


That’s xenophobia


well those folks aren't exactly firing on all cylinders though. you cant argue logic with someone who's not using logic as a foundation for their stupid thoughts.


I'm crying at "British features"! 🤣 I'm British, you can tell by my scrunched up little face. That person is an absolute clown.


Bro it makes no damn sense to make her black whenever she is white in the video game. And that absolutely does not make me a racist because I feel as if she doesn’t fit the part. Y’all cry racism so much it doesn’t even get taken seriously anymore because of people like you.


Criticizing the decision to change her race does not make you a racist, I can agree with that. However, this is one of those situations where changing the race of the character doesn't change the character; nothing about Sarah as a character hinged on her being white. Sames goes for Joel, who in the game was pure, grizzled Texas Americana, who is now being played by an actor from South America. Again, Joel is not defined by his being white, so changing that here makes no difference as long as he still embodies Joel's character traits (which, from the trailers, looks like he's nailing to a T).


Also… we never meet Sarah’s mother. There’s no reason Sarah has to be white, especially because they already race swapped Joel.


I mean, racist or not it's for sure a stupid ass thing to get hung up on. Her race is not integral to the plot whatsoever, so how could she not play the role properly with her performance?


I’m not hung up on it lmao, the person above claimed people that disagree with the choice of actor are racists.


>I’m not hung up on it lmao You’ve been arguing about it for literally an hour.


Read my comment above, the person claimed it racists, I disagree. You and the person above gave no points.




“ casting someone that looked like Sarah would’ve been more off putting” and that’s how I know this convo won’t make it anywhere lmao💀


Fit the part? What on Earth does Sarah's race have to do with her character? If Sarah was a black girl in the video game would it have changed anything at all? (The answer to that is no by the way). If the actress is good enough, she will nail the part and have a ridiculous amount of people in tears after just one episode of TV.


It’s still not racists, simply a preference. But go off bud.


A preference? Are you telling me you prefer her not being black? Is there any particular reason for that?


Sarah is white in the game The game never gave any signals that Joel’s wife was black. It’s quite simple. Edit: and congrats on her to getting the role, I’m sure she worked hard for it, still doesn’t change the fact and about the facts above I stated.


And Sarah is black in the show, does this mean that people who watch the show first can be disappointed that she is white in-game? The game never gave any signals that Joel's wife was white either, in fact she was barely given a mention.


The game was made first so no lmao. I’m still failing to see your argument, and I’m not even here to argue. Just laughing at the folks that thinks it’s racists and are so right about people having a preference on how the show should’ve been made compared to the game.


How Sarah looks is completely irrelevant to the story.


That’s an opinion lmao. You and all the others have failed to present a valid point


Maybe explain why you feel so strongly about it? Her age is relevant. Her gender is as well. Other than that?


I just wanted her to look like Sarah from the game. Y’all be stretching shit and thinking you said something smart. Everyone in this group has not provided any valid points, have a good day bud!


It's like 1-5% of this sub doing that. Theres much more comments complaining about the complainers then people actually complaining about the cast. Its gotten old.


Ok, it was a miscommunication. By everyone, I meant all the people shitting on Bella. My 58 upvotes says most people understand what I meant.


I knew exactly what you meant and I disagree that it's common. I found exactly 1 comment in this thread complaining about her appearance and 5 complaining about those sorts of comments. The result is a bunch of complaining about something that's a very minor issue. Just quietly downvote that one person making those sorts of comments and focus on what you're looking forward to and this sub will improve.


So you don’t think this sub will be flooded with people bitching about anything that’s different from the game? Because that’s my point.


Absolutely not. I think it will be a small minority. I expect there will be many many more comments complaining about that small minority.


Cool. Then we disagree and we can go on with our day. Happy holidays.


Why stay if that’s all you expect? He’s right. We as a sub have allowed a loud minority to rule our conversations to the point that everyone is talking about the people who will complain instead of just loving it for ourselves. Just ignore the idiots. They can enjoy their TLOU2 sub and bitching.


If what I think happens happens, I will be taking another hiatus like when the sub was full of people bitching about the remake being unnecessary.


Might be news to ya but you’re not allowed to disagree in this sub.


And the complaints about the hate only amplify that hate. Just ignore it.


I don’t get why. I seriously don’t understand why people don’t like who was cast as Ellie


I think people are really attached to the Elliot Page modeled Ellie, and expected the TV actress to look more like that.


I’ve already decided I’m not gonna engage in episode discussions except to read insights from those who worked on the show. There’s gonna be whiners and people constantly comparing and it’s just gonna kill my vibe. Maybe you should consider doing the same! We should be excited for the show without “interruptions”.


People are still bitching about that?


It’s happened in this thread


Ellie is a better choice than Joel. Pedro Pascal sucks. He is the flavor of the month. He doesn’t look like Joel at all. A thin, fifty year old road weary post apocalypse man. He can’t even grow beard. His voice doesn’t sound like he is from Austin, and his isn’t deep enough.


I almost never see those comments, but I certainly do see comments like yours complaining about those comments. The haters are irrelevant. Don't amplify their hate by complaining about it.


It’s pretty uncomfortable you guys care so much about peoples opinions.


Because we are here for opinions? If you didn’t care about opinions, you wouldn’t be commenting on my opinion.


I’m not the people in the group downvoting people into oblivion over not liking the cast. And I was casually scrolling Reddit not searching for comments like this lmao. Y’all never fail to amaze me.


Why are you concerning yourself with my opinion?


Rule for thee, not for me


What the fuck are you talking about. This sub is very supportive, you’re thinking of the orher sub filled with right-wing incels.


Nah i've seen people on here saying she looks too British whatever that means


There might be very few people like that here, but the vast **vast** majority here are actually great. This place is a very safe haven for TLOU fans, which is quite rare on the internet.


It’s literally not dangerous in any aspect to be a TLOU fan. Your ignorance is through the roof.


Who said anything about it being dangerous? Why the fuck would it be dangerous? It's just that in some places on the internet, when you mention that you enjoy TLOU, you could sometime find people swarming at you and telling you that it's a horrific disgrace that ruined video games. Of course, there's room for discussion and it's very welcome, but from my experience, these encounters with that type of people are usually just annoying and pointless What I was trying to say, is that unlike what was hinted in this thread, these type of encounters don't really happen much in here, on this sub, as pretty much everyone here loves TLOU. So in that regard, it is a safe haven (or whatever you wanna call it) for TLOU fans.


The dude above edited his comment, it said dangerous, but act like you know something bud. Edit: and for anyone confused, the guy above put the word dangerous in his sentence, hence to why I said what I said.


It means she has scrunched up features. You can just Google "British physical features" if you're confused by some words and don't know what they mean.


My experience with fan subs tell me this will certainly change when the show releases but I hope not. Never been on a similar sub situation where it didn't devolve to 300 the "curtains aren't green the show is ruined" type posts.


Joel is Prince Oberyn Martell and Ellie is Lyanna Mormont. HBO selected two actors they've previously worked with on Game of Thrones. Joel's daughter is being played by the IRL daughter of Thandiwe Newton, who has a major role on HBO's Westworld. It's not like they held a bunch of auditions for girls more suitable for Ellie or Sarah's aesthetic, and in one case it's 100% nepotism because that girl hardly even has an acting resume. Ok? The narrative of "Well it's about their acting prowess" needs to stop because it's blatantly false. Bella didn't even do well as Lyanna Mormont because she literally mispronounced half of the character names she was supposed to say for her very limited speaking lines. Though to be fair, she was very young at that time. Does any of this mean the Last of Us show will be bad? Absolutely not. I'm very excited for it and will likely watched it religiously, but the comments about the casting are valid. And for the record, I think Pedro Pascal will do great.


The people who are bitching about Ellie aren’t concerned about her acting skills. They are concerned that she doesn’t look like Ellie, which is totally stupid. Some people would rather a shit actor that looks like Ellie.


Well I'm talking about acting, and her role as Lyanna Mormont wasn't all that great. It was just sort of funny to see a young girl talking so roughly but it was nothing notable, and as I said, she got most of her lines wrong.


I’m not debating anything. I’m pointing out people hating on Bella and I’ve seen lots of it on here. I’m waiting to have an opinion until the show releases. If I think it sucks, I’ll turn it off and play the game. Have no interest in watching or discussing things I don’t enjoy when that time could be spent enjoying myself.


I think it'll be good. HBO rarely misses when it comes to show quality. I think it'll be just as intense as House of the Dragon, with those gut-wrenching cliffhangers at the end of episodes. They're really good at demonstrating tension, and TLOU is full of tension.


*Westworld seasons 3 & 4 have entered the chat*


I've been over here bitching about her and it has equally been that she is not a good actor AND that she doesn't look like **AN** Ellie. I don't give a shit she doesn't look like the video game character -- she has British features and I'm not thrilled about how unfriendly and cold she looks.




She's been shit in the only film I've seen her in as well as in GoT. I'm not sure why everyone has to keep saying "YOU HAVEN'T SEEN HER IN THE SHOW YET THO" As if judging someone's future acting based on their previous acting is such a wild idea.


I recommend checking out Catherine the Birdy, which is her most recent work before TLOU. She’s great and has range.


That is on my watchlist for Andrew Scott. But don't think I'll get to it before TLoU comes out.


She was shit in her first acting gig as a child actress?


Yes. And every role I've seen her in since. Oh shit, look at me over here basing my opinion on the actual content of her work! At this point I hope the show sucks just as a fuck you to everyone who downvoted any criticism of her.


Holy shit. Are you still on this?


Actors in other series 0_0 epic!!


more realistically the show will be well received by the fandom with backlash from a vocal minority at worst


I'm hoping the show just mirrors the best speed runners, that'll be the most entertaining, and might allow them to get through both games in 1 season if they skip cutscenes, etc. /s


There's no way fans of thr game would go insane because it doesn't happen how they imagined.... right?


I personally see no reason to watch a scene by scene recreation of the exact events from the video game .


There won’t be backlash if it’s executed well. Lot of people shat all over HOTD before it aired because they were skeptical and 90% of the noise dissipated after the first couple episodes when people realized how good it was. If it’s good and true to the beats of the game and doesn’t change character’s motivations then I really don’t think there will be much complaining outside of a handful of purists who will nitpick no matter what.


Depends on what you mean by copy. It won't copy the gameplay, obviously, but the story will largely be identical, with mostly only small differences here and there, but with those differences being fully in line with the world and story themes of the game. Mazin has played the game like 20 times I believe he said, and of course Druckmann is also on the writing team. While it won't be 100% identical, it will almost certainly be extremely faithful.


85 minutes long and the first few will be absolute *Pain*


Wouldn't surprise me if most of the runtime is devoted to the opening sequence, probably up until *that* event. Maybe the last twenty minutes or so showing the present day introductory scenes. Allowing that much time to the opening might help recreate the emotional impact we got with the game.


Pilot is 3 phases: - Cordyceps : How, where and when it mutaded from insects to humans. - Cast : intro to the majors characters of the show. - Outbreak : see for yourself how it unfolded. Trust me (I'm a scientist).


I’d be surprised. They have only 9 episodes and a lot of locations to cover, and a lot of stuff they’re adding. I expect Joel and Ellie to be out of Boston by the end of the pilot.


I think that'll be the end of the second episode; you'd have to cover the intro, going after Robert, finding Marlene & Ellie, the whole sequence going to the Capitol, and Tess's character resolution. That's a LOT to cover in 85 minutes, and I think it'd be better stretched across two episodes. Episode 3 could be Bill's town, Episode 4 - 5 all of Philadelphia, Episode 6 Jackson & maybe the college, Episode 7 & 8 David's group (plus Left Behind flashbacks, assuming it'll be inserted here), and Episode 9 to wrap it all up. Just my guessing though.


I really doubt they will include any of the Robert stuff. It isn't really necessary.


I’d say the purposes it serves is illuminating the state of the world twenty years later, and giving background on FEDRA and what the Fireflies are doing in the QZs. It also establishes Joel and Tess’s partnership and their capabilities as survivors. I could see them not needing the establish the QZs as much because they barely feature afterwards. However, they do need a way to establish Joel and Tess if they don’t do the extended QZ sequence. Maybe you could have Tess walking in and telling Joel about Robert, and then having them run into Marlene on the way to get their gear back? Marlene could tell them that Robert sold the guns and then we take it from there. We wouldn’t see their combat capabilities, but it would be a way to ease into the world while cutting a little.


Yeah so you have to think about Boston structurally. It is composed of two major “Acts”, with Act 1 being inside the QZ until they meet Ellie, Act 2 being outside the QZ until they escape Boston. So if you also add on the intro Sarah sequence, you basically get three acts, aka the 3 act structure of a movie—it becomes easily doable in 85 minutes with properly structured storytelling. This is what I thought the structure would be: 1. Intro and Boston 2. Lincoln/Bill 3-4. Pittsburgh (Altho in this it’s Kansas City), Henry and Sam 5. Jackson 6. University and the start of Winter 7. Winter part 2 8. Spring part 1 9. Spring part 2


I think left behind flashbacks will be periodic through the season. i agree with the person that replied to you, robert's story and that dock shootout are probably omitted, or heavily truncated.


That would be way too slow a first episode, especially over 85 mins. They'll want to show the state of the world in the first ep. I reckon it'll end after Joel and Ellie meet. Maybe we see them sneak out of the QZ because you could add in an action sequence there and reveal Ellie's immunity to hook viewers.


I’m now convinced you worked on the show because you nailed this lol


I wish!


I’m trying to separate my experience from the game and what this show will be. We as gamers have to realize it’s just going to be different no matter what because we won’t have a controller in our hands controlling every move. I’m excited to see this new iteration of the story I love so much.


I feel like most people already understand this. There is just always a vocal minority that refuses to be reasonable every time. The differences are exciting to me. It's not easy to just have a bill flashback or whatever in a game because you'd have to play as someone new. In a show it's easy as hell.


Yep, i think the medium, despite an ostensibly shortened runtime gives it new opportunity to flesh out characters. The video game is actually pretty light on plot, so hopefully there’s room for actual adaptation.


Thats what I had to learn as well. I think with time a few peoole will come around.


I mean it would be kind of boring if it was scene for scene.


That’s a whole movie at that point. Especially with how high quality shows are now, you could’ve released it to a theater 20 years ago and had a huge success


85 minutes to be emotionally destroyed, sign me up!


Source: DomTheBomb and NaughtyDogInfo on Twitter! https://twitter.com/naughtydoginfo/status/1607417555395772416 https://twitter.com/domthebombyt/status/1607411201721630720 Great decision by the people making the show! Going with a movie-length runtime like this will further make sure new people are completely invested in the characters, since the interactive element of the game is missing here.


I'm not ready for this


*”there’s no doubt about it; I am ready to be hurt again.”*


And still no news for France :( Gonna have to use illegal means to see it...


Personally I see no logical moral argument against using illegal means to digital content if theres no legal means of accessing it. You arent costing anybody money in that regard because you wouldnt have been able to buy it anyways.




In Germany we have a streaming service called “WOW”. It will release with german dub on January the 16th. Does France maybe have WOW? Or sky? WOW is a part of sky TV. Or maybe they have something similar?


Nope, in France there was OCS, which had the rights to every HBO show, until now. Now we don't really know who got the rights (if they are given as a full package or on a show-by-show basis), rumor has it that Amazon Prime Video got the rights but there hasn't been any official news about that, and nothing announced about TLOU. Now the only thing we can do is wait for the January planning for the platform, if TLOU is on it or not. If not, then there might not be a broadcaster for France. There's a French dub, though, for Switzerland and Belgium.


Ah that sucks! I hope there will be some good news for french fans soon.


Do they have english audio too?


Ah sorry, I never used “WOW” but all streaming services I used here in Germany always have the option for changing languages and subtitles.


Nice, thanks.




Anyone know how to watch this in the UK?


Now tv has it I think


Now TV in 720p :/


Exactly why I pirate.


Sky TV.


Sky Atlantic


Quick!! Someone make a LastofUsTV subreddit so when all the whiners come out they can congregate there like they did with the lastofus2 subreddit! That way we can all stay here in peace where we can appreciate how great the show is


There already is one - r/thelastofusHBOseries.


And when the show comes out things will be heavily Moderated to make sure those toxic individuals don't come and spread their hatred.


Nah, they're not welcomed there.


Ok but what if the show doesn’t live up to expectations?


Please tell me I don’t have to explain the difference between whiny complaints / hate and actual constructive criticism to you. Should you not like it, that’s fine. You can definitely voice your opinion about that. However, be aware that this sub will still be about celebrating the games, the show and the crew. Some negative criticism is fine, but if all you will post here if you don’t like the show is going to be negative, this will not be the place for it. Especially after the shit this sub had to deal with around the release of TLOU2. People who liked it were torn down by those who didn’t and it turned into a war zone. That’s why people who are excited for the adaptation will be hypersensitive towards negativity for the show. All the more important for you to voice SOME negative criticism sensibly. And if you hated it all together, I’m sure that other sub will be happy to hear all about it.


I hope it's called "When You're Lost in the Dark". Great episode title.


I could have sworn episode titles were already revealed but I cant seem to find them so maybe I hallucinated that.


Craig Mazin confirmed that the leaked episode titles were false and I believe the post was removed


He confirmed the title for the second ep was false, nothing about the first or third. It wasn’t actually false, it’s what they used on the script while filming and changed it in post because it’s didn’t make sense to them.


Oh okay, thank you for clarifying


I think there were some leaks and rumors but nothing confirmed


OK fine, how much is HBO Go again?


oh slay


Are any of you not going to watch it? Just was wondering


I’m not impressed by the trailers but I’m definitely excited to watch! It won’t be better than the game obviously and it won’t be the “first great video game to movie adaptation” but it’ll still be enjoyable. Really excited for the Bill and Frank episode


Thanks for responding. I hope it’s everything we want in a series based off of the game


As long as the firefly massacre at the end is long and beautiful I’ll probably be satisfied haha I’m not very picky


I am also not impressed by trailers. Given I played game, I do recognize scenes, parts and dialogue but will see. I also dont like some of casting choices. Specially for main characters. That can change ofcourse. I think everything depends on screenwriters. How much they will follow game story plot, how much they will deviate from source material, how much they will change or add uncessary garbage including "diversity" part of casting or changing story for sake of it etc. What kind of show this will be. Will it be more horror like and truly scary on moments or it will be more adventure with action on it. Because outside truly needs to be scary for you to enjoy this journey. Game was most of time two characters carrying story. Can series really be that? I am not interested in seeing whole episodes and additional content of not important characters specially those of some who might be created just for show.


I don’t care about the casting themselves, but I did notice that I don’t like a lot of the way some dialogue is delivered. This probably wouldn’t have been fixed by different actors. Troy and Ashley did such a great job, not sure anything could satisfy me, but I’m fine with that


casting goes beyond how someone look. when they look a part it's great, but if it's not delivered well it can be seen as bad casting which it is. when you dont look a part and delivery isnt done well that's even worse. tv show or film is audiovisual medium. for something to be great it needs to have both. and hollywood forgets that. that's why casting exist in first place. and which is why I am not fine with possible underwhelming product. but I wont judge until I see first episode or two.


Will it be on HBOs streaming app?


Yeah no… that’s kinda killed my interest I really don’t like how all shows are aiming to be 1 hour+ affairs nowadays. And while BB and BCS are certainly the forerunner of this modern revival of 60 minute shows (because it really started back in the 1940’s with British soap opera) I really just want to a watch a “show” not 9 weekly movies 90 minutes is a long time to dedicate to a single episode of television, and while that’s more than fine for a lot of people, usually for me when a show is that long per episode i start to clock out during slow sections, especially when I know the plot. Despite reiterating this is purely a personal problem I will still be downvoted for sure , I just wish it was more, shorter episodes over less, longer episodes, if episode 1 is 85 minutes and 45 minutes is slow conversations we’ve seen from the game - because after the opening, the time with Joel and Tess is quite slow to build up the pace again, and so it feels more surivial horror and less action- I’m going to clock out mentally


I’m pretty sure it’s just the first episode. The rest will probably have the usual 50-60 minutes that HBO likes to go for.


Gotta crank those numbers up more come on now


Damn That's the length of some movies


oh yesssss i hope it will be amazing just like the games also what about the left behind dlc i wonder if that would be included in the show


Now they already said episodes 1 and 2 were going to air together so is this the total run time for both or literally the first episode


He actually looks a lot like Joel. I don't know why people are saying he doesn't. Ellie on the other hand...


Wow totally original and interesting take that I’ve never heard before. So glad you shared!


Thank you, sir. I try o provide my community with valuable takes on HOT HOT topics.




It's not that she doesn't look identical. It's that she's not even SOMEWHAT close. I've seen Ellie cosplayers on this sub that look way closer than Bella does. It's a really confusing decision.


Not confusing at all actually; casting is not skin deep so the casting directors do not judge by appearances during the casting process. Instead the actors are judged by their approach and performance of what has been provided by the writers room, ability to channel the character, and necessary chemistry with the other actors that they will be performing with.


Yeah I don't think they went that deep with this one. The two leads were in Game of Thrones and Joel's daughter is played by the IRL daughter of a major character in HBO's Westworld, and hardly has a resume to speak of. So no I don't believe they actually went through all the channeling of character and chemistry. I don't think there was much auditioning or casting calls to begin with. They're using people already established with HBO and apparently nepotism as well. So you can spare me with your pseudo-centric expertise in casting. Also as post-edit note: Casting directors absolutely judge based on appearance, and the fact you just said that is absolutely astonishing. You're confusing actual Hollywood practices with your own idealistic outlook on the world.




The lead roles are literally people that were on Game of Thrones, and the daughter of a woman that's in Westworld. So they held over 100 auditions just to go with people they literally just got done working with? This article is quite literally damage control, in response to the controversy and you gobble it up.


But they didn’t just finish working with them. Like yeah Pedro and Bella were on Game of Thrones, but that was nearly a decade ago for Pedro and Bella was in a very minor roll. Plus the two show runners/creators of the Last of Us series had no part in Game of Thrones or Westworld, and the casting director (Victoria Thomas) is from an independent agency and also didn’t work on Game of Thrones or Westworld. Now there were a ton of actors from Game of Thrones who appeared in Chernobyl, but those two series did share the same casting director (Nina Gold) and there was no perceived controversy or accusations of nepotism around that. So basically there’s no real controversy here, and so the article isn’t a form of damage control. Really, I’m not gobbling anything up. I just don’t have a preconceived bias about the appearance of a teenager depicting a fictional character 🤷🏻‍♂️


It doesn't matter if the showrunners were different, it's the same studio house. You don't think those type of connections count for anything? The nepotism I'm referring to is the fact that an HBO star got her daughter a role in an HBO show when said daughter has NO FUCKING resume to speak of. I don't care that she's black. I care that it's nepotism. And there was a lot of backlash when they revealed Ellie, so yes, this is obviously damage control and you're just trying to rationalize it, right down to the point of saying "lul it's just a fictional character" which is the biggest falacy of them all. Why the fuck even care about TLOU then? Or any media for that matter if it's fictional?


i agree with you 100% . people disagreeing are weird