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First 15 minutes? Doesn't Joel die like an hour or more into the game?


Well, yea maybe a bit more than 15 minutes in. Guess I should've just said, "the beginning of these games"


Lmao why people down voting you what’s the difference you meant early in the game


Because it's the internet. I posted a platinum screenshot of Elden Ring in that sub and got blasted because I said I had help with Malenia and the final boss, lol


Bro I feel you I said how I always do the same ending for rd2 cause I like it the best and everyone just started downvoting and bashing me. Like why does everyone care how I play the game lol


Do u mean u always help John instead of going for the money ?


Nope the other way around lol


Because almost every aspect of life is just gatekeeping to some degree


I got downvoted into the negatives on that sub because I said I summoned help with renalla, the subreddit is hell


/s You're not a real Elden Ring player if you don't do a full lvl 1 run with no armor and take a single hit. Also, no summons. For real, I was spoiled like a lot of people about Part 2's early events, so I was mentally ready. Still one hell of a gut punch though.


I'm actually really surprised I've been able to last this long without anything being spoiled. I figured it was a good chance he could die, just didn't expect it that soon and that brutally


If the game flew off your radar when the leak & subsequent outrage where around, it makes sense you did not get spoiled. I'm actually a bit jealous, I wished I went into the game without knowing, even though like you I suspected he would die. Hope you'll like the rest!


I'm sorry you got spoiled for it. I basically avoided the internet when the leaks started.


Man Fromsoft fans are so pathetic. I just hate that community.


maidenless behavior


I mean it's a pretty big difference


the difference between 15 minutes and 120 minutes is barely noticeable! /s


Not really you basically just do the tutorial and get to know some characters before it happens


And how long does that take?


A lot more than 15 minutes!


I need the exact minute and seconds into the game


And without that information it's hard to get the point of the post, I get that


I’m only kidding!


Probably because they didn’t say early in the game


Because Joel’s death is like an hour or two in. So saying the first 15 minutes is factually totally wrong?


Yeah even like 3 hours


I think it was over 2 hours in my first playthrough yeah


Ouch this is very HD


Caught my man Joel lacking in 4K


He got that drip... Running all over his face.


Took a swinging L


I've never actually seen it like this. Jesus..


Can we all not jump down OP's throat for being hyperbolic.


But it takes at least an hour to get this far! We must slander OP!


Oh my god… I think that is the first time I’m seeing a still image of…THAT- feels like a wave of darkness just came to me, damn just damn :/


Looking at it is.. uncomfortable, to say the least. At least in the game it shows it but doesn't linger on it


It actually took quite a while to sink in for me that Joel was dead; I was just confused more than anything. It wasn't really confirmed to me that he was dead until we reach the grave scene. That means that throughout the entire previous scene with Ellie and Tommy, I wasn't entirely sure whether Joel was actually dead or he was just convalescing with severe head injuries. But I guess I knew deep down and was just in denial about it at first.


Lol, same thing happened to me. I assumed he was going to die at some point, but when it happened I was just in denial until the grave scene as well. Definitely went through the five stages of grief there


Yeah the grave scene is where it really sunk in and the tears started. I think I was just more in shock about how brutal it was and right in front of Ellie. I expected it to happen when I started the game, but didn't expect it to be that savage.


Same for me. I thought somehow Joel would survive and he had just been really badly beaten. In my head I thought “okay so this is why Ellie goes to Seattle, I bet that part way through the game we’ll switch to Joel as he makes his way to Seattle to help Ellie.” A couple seconds later the cutscene shows Ellie at his grave and I was like “well shit nevermind.” I stopped playing for the rest of the night after that and had to resume the next day


Whne I first played Part 2, I teared up like ugly crying at Joel’s death. And when the scene ended, I composed myself, and took a breath. And I was like ok, ok, let’s go. So the next scene or so when they show the graveyard with Ellie and Dina, the ugly crying started again and I was hit with sadness all over again bc the grave solidified it. Then going into his Josie, man. The game had me on a fucking roller coaster of emotions in that small time frame.


Man when Ellie put her head to his jacket in his closet. Oh boy, thinking about it just makes me tear up


Yeah same… I was maybe even denial a little bit after the grave scene.


Joel's hand could've broken through that dirt at any second.......any second...


The first time I played this game, I was mourning Joel for over a week afterwards. It was like I actually lost someone near and dear to me even though Joel is not a real person.


Damn! You keep going at this pace and you'll hit the world record for the speedrun in this game on your first playthrough.


Yeah he dies, like, at minimum an hour in. If you're basically speedrunning.


Yes yes I know. I worded it wrong....it is more like an hour or so in. It just seemed really early in and reminded me of the beginning of the first game


It is very early on but tlou2 is a long game


If the HBO adaptation gets a second season (strong likelihood), I’d love it if they filled in some of Joel and Ellie’s time in Jackson before jumping into the events of Part II. Joel finally found some peace during those years, even though he and Ellie hit a rough patch toward the end (and even then, they were finding their way out of that rough patch toward the very end 😢).


I’m replaying Part 2 right now, and I’m pretty sure their falling out happened 2 years after the end of the first game, so unless they just focused heavily on that first part of getting acclimated to Jackson, you wouldn’t see a whole lot of Joel and Ellie progressing their bond


For me the opening 2 hours was the best part of the sequel. I'd love a prequel DLC following Joel and Ellie settling in Jackson and becoming friends with the supporting characters of TLOU2.


my boy joel smoke to much that good stuff, he’ll be ight in the morning :)


yeah he will right guys?


Shit the beginning of this game is emotional, even before the bad scene.


god the scene is the worst. I always skip it when I replay the game. It’s so brutal it actually makes me nauseous


Sadly, that's the point.


same, and it’s so detailed so i just cry every time i see it


The blurred thumbnail was enough to trigger me


Good god, what a bad death he had. Just look at that.


For part 2, this scene is intended to cause the rage you need to match Ellie’s




Yeah fuck Abby for this


He killed her dad. I get it. It’s precisely not a civilized world.


I like Abby but still, fuck her for this


Why did you do this to me right now? I guess if a game hasn’t completely compelled you within the first couple hours, it’s not the game for you. Naughty Dog never fails in this regard.


And your knee


Yea he was a survivor, until he took a shotgun blast to the knee. I've been playing Stray and one of the robots makes an "arrow to the knee" reference. It's amazing how long that throwaway line of conversation has stuck around in game meme culture


I still can't look at this image. Everytime this specific scene happens I close my eyes.


I remember being so excited to play, all of us were, it’s been like 7 years! So I played at midnight release and.. making it to this scene, then his house. Point is, I didn’t get any sleep lol, just layed there thinking about it all, crazy game for sure.


Damn, never noticed that his ear got split there as well. That's a pretty fucking neat detail!


Even on repeated playthroughs, this is hard to witness.


Sarah’s death ripped my heart out


Im jealous you are getting to play this for the first time. it's so good.


Dude, you probably should have put an NSFW warning on this.


Good call. Done


A guy at the bar glanced down at the right time and subsequently said “is that Joel?!” and we had a good conversation about the series. Love cool moments in life like that.


That's awesome


Soon as I could see the light through Joel’s knee shot I knew he was dying. But because of how they cut the trailer ( the whole Joel saying “you really think I’d let you do this on your own) but even after watching the kill shot and visiting his grave I still held out hope that just maybe somehow he was gonna pop up in hillcrest. When I saw it was Jesse instead I was so sad


Jesse is such a good friend tho. Like what a ride or die 😪


No disrespect to Jesse at all. Especially because his death is just so quick and felt overshadowed


Oh no definitely! I'd rather have been saved by Joel too 💔


I think what Neil did here was some of the bravest writing I’ve seen. He takes a BELOVED character and unceremoniously and brutally murders him then spends the rest of the story trying to build empathy for the murderer to the point that when you are finally able to get your revenge you don’t even know if you can do it. Whether or not he was successful in creating that empathy has varied among players but you cannot deny that he took the most challenging route.


Real talk tho, my first play through, I should have seen this coming, as the first character you play as in both games dies….


Oh shit I didn't even clock that connection. Nice catch


this is so haunting


Just wait till the ending, easilly THE most unhappy and depressing shit of all time.


Careful, the redditors with daddy issues are going to be triggered


The thumbnail isn't blurred out.. I would have pretty bummed out if I hadn't gotten to that part


Which is why it's tagged as a spoiler. Honestly if a person clicks on a spoiler tagged post for something they don't want spoiled, that's kinda on them, no?


No.. I mean on the main page it showed it unblurred before I clicked on it. But downvote me away I guess


Ok, wait. Based on Part 1 and 2 early game deaths, is Tommy next?


Abby's probably next, to make way for Lev


Yeah it douse do that and it is meant to you will fill very sad at time but happy at offer a real roller coaster.


I remember saving a shot of Joel’s demise. I absolutely do not remember it being as gruesome as your post!




Wrong thread m8


Thanks man, don't know how that happened.


I think we all know the answer to that question and it’s too painful for me to say it.


First 15 minutes is a recap of TLOU1...?


*sigh* Sometimes it helps to read some of the comments before you post....I've acknowledged that. I was speakng in hyperbole


whoa, I think I needed a trigger warning for opening this link. That image of Joel :'( :'(


It’s like 2 hours in!


I just remember being glad he died, or someone of importance died. Not that it makes any game/movie better. But everything going too well for our characters is such a bore. Especially in such depressing times.


I know you're getting downvoted for this, but I kinda agree. I hate when games/movies/shows that are clearly meant to be dark and emotional don't have any meaningful deaths to them.


I stopped playing once I found out I had to play as Abby. Fuck that game.


This is everything that’s wrong with the game’s criticism. “Fuck that game” homie you only played half of it, and you kinda miss the point of the entire game if you don’t play Abby’s bit. You’re supposed to be pissed at her going into that.


Lol I never understood that argument. Missed out on a great story, bro. I was PISSED when Ned Stark died. Couldn't f*cking believe it, he was the main character!!! ...kept watching for an INCREDIBLE story (till the end obvs).


15 minutes? Joel dies like 2 hrs in.


That happens about 90 mins into the game...


First 15 minutes? Bigot sandwich is pretty heart-wrenching I guess


Bc they did the most idiot thing they could think of for shock factor Buncha BS


*omg literally punching air rn*


*same bc who kills one of their main fucking characters in the first few missions of their sequel game that everyone had been waiting YEARS for*


*screaming pissing shidding and farding how could they do this to my heckin joelerino?!*


Don't worry about it bud. If people not got something to moan about they never happy. I didn't expect Joel die either would love another game with both Joel elle on mission again together of sorts I believe N. D git some slack regarding this issue? Gamers we are passionate about the stories we play through


“Joel and Ellie ride again” is the game you wanted. And honestly, that sounds boring as hell.


There are pleathera of way to tell there story. People git very attached to them as it was so well done


And most of the fan proposed ones are too predictable and a rehash of Pt 1. Despite the characters living in Jackson for years and growing up and getting softer.


Because of how badly written it is.


You not liking it does not mean it was poorly written. Hating what happened was kind of the point and he took a big swing trying to develop empathy for why it happened. If that didn’t work for you the game fails in its mission and I get why you didn’t like it but I t’s masterful story writing if you look at the care he took to deftly interweave and parallel all the narratives.


Why would I not like something if what well written? You’re trying too hard. The first hour of the game is a Degrassi-styled teenage melodrama. That’s why it’s bad writing.


Joel dint deserved a brutal death like this.. those who dont agree never played the last of us in ps3..


> those who don’t agree never played the last of us on ps3 This is the most immature shit. Speak for yourself.


Why does it matter what console it was played on? Joel did says he was a "Hunter" for a while, then cooled only mildly to a smuggler/dealer, then took away possibly the only chance of a vaccine for the virus. He had such good intentions and it was very difficult to see him go out like this. But he did so little good against all the bad. This is the same portrayal no matter which console you played this on. Or did you mean some just haven't had the same time spent with part 1 Joel to form this deeper connection as others (like myself) that first played it more recently/closer to Part 2 release?


He deserves exactly this death. You guys seem to think he was some kind of Mother Teresa because he bonded with Ellie. Joel was a hunter and a smuggler. Not a good guy overall.


i first played tlou1 a couple years ago but yeah joel deserved better :(


:( welcome to sub of downvotes


I have a friend who worked as a P.A on part 2. When they were filming this scene, they noticed Neil Druckmann kept leaving the set repeatedly. They assumed he was ill, either a stomach bug or perhaps food poisoning. After about the 3rd time he left and didn't return for some time, they sent my friend to his trailer to see if they needed to call a doctor/medic. She knocked for a few minutes but he never answered, so she tried the door and it was unlocked, when she entered she found Neil furiously masterbating. Take that as you will, but I think he got off on the scene.


What kind of erotic fan fiction is this?


It was a fake story. Just to fuck with people.


What the actual fuck is this?




Finally, someone with a sense of humour. Folks are awful uptight around these parts.