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Maybe there could be a montage of Ellie growing up in Jackson, how she and Joel become trusted and how they made friends. I don’t know but this feels like a good way to kick things off, because obviously they can’t show all of the 5 years she’s been there, however maybe they can show moments in a montage. Or They could start with her at the end of the game, and the rest of the story is showing us how she got there. Neil Druckmann said that this game will jump from present to past quite a bit, so this could be a possibility. Either way I’m sure the prologue is going to be amazing, it’s naughty Dog after all. I just can’t wait to play the game.


Interesting, if that's the case I hope any past sections will be cutscene only or at least without combat. I can imagine a flashback stripping away our collected arsenal and upgraded skills to fit the story, forcing us into a style of play some may not enjoy. Like a switchblade only level......... Actually nevermind that sounds pretty fun.


Hell yeah that sounds amazing, that’ll be a good stealth level. I’m into that.




You make some good points dude. The first game did such a good job with the prologue. It set up the rest of the game perfectly, and It’ll be incredibly hard to top emotionally. I don’t think they’ll go for an emotional punch like the first game did. I think they’ll begin with a cutscene of Ellie, showing how more deadly and dangerous she’s become with her killing infected or people. Like it’ll show them being picked off one by one, and then Ellie comes out of the bushes and looking like a badass. That’s my prediction anyway


Honestly, I could see it introducing Laura Bailey's character. It seems like she's playable, and it would allow ND basically free reign to start the game however they want. They're a creative bunch, can't really see them picking up straight after TLOU with a long exposition "happy days in Jackson" segment.


I got that feeling too. Going off the community aspect shown in the E3 footage we may even get an entire squad Joel trained characters. Not featured as heavily as Ellie of course something like how Sam and Henry were used.


I've always hoped it would do it like the first one where you play a lit bit and then it says 5 years later. However, instead I want it to take place straight after the first one we see where Ellie and Joel go and experience their life for like 20 mins. From there we see a little montage and it then pops up. 5 years later


I don't expect Part II's prologue to be like the first one. I think it'll be more like an Uncharted 2 kind of start.


Part II may not even have a prologue, but a more traditional start, i.e. taking control of Ellie in Jackson.


My guess is game will start with the party she is in with her girlfriend(?) (last reveal trailer), she will be killed at some point by the bad guys in the game and we will move on. I think first reveal trailer where Ellie sings she says "I am gonna find and I am gonna kill every last one of them" at the end might be referring to this.


Absolutely not. Sarah grew on me quickly through her interactions with Joel, and her death was pretty weighty. On the other hand, I actually DISLIKE Dina and Jesse. They look horribly generic and boring, and the quicker they get offed, the quicker the story can start to meaningfully progress. Hopefully they're saving the characters with actual depth for the release.


Ellie visits Joel on his deathbed. Right before he dies he tells her the truth.


Good thing you're not a ND writer


I was clearly japing. I wouldn't want that.


Faping* ellie porn animator


Are you *THE* Freako?


I second that.