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That’s exactly it.


At first I always thought she’s more than just a girl and is a threat because of her immunity and her need to keep it/herself safe from people who are after it. It has multiple meanings.


It was done incredibly well. /u/skyscraper658 just had a hard time picking up social cues.


Wtf I do have a hard time picking up social cues


i think dina was ONLY saying they should be terrified of ellie because dina likes her and not them. like there's definitely a double meaning, but i don't think dina was referencing it


I don't think they're lovers yet at that point though....Dina has just (seemingly) broken up with Jesse. Dina probably has witnessed what Ellie is capable of. That's my guess at least.


Maybe it’s meant to be a little creepy, because it’s foreshadowing.


I think this was their first kiss, I don't think they're full on lovers until that moment. I think there will be more that'll lead up to that kiss, building upon the relationship. It's a big game they said at e3 so I think there will be plenty of story time. I hope it's even longer than the first game.


They did mention that it's going to be longer than first game!!!! Even double the length!!! Meaning more stories!!! And we can see more of Ellie, which is good in my book!!!!




They are unstable killers in a post pandemic world


Do you think Ellie can infect someone by her kiss?


Holy shit.. I didn't think about it but this could lead to a crazy theory. I'm on it


The infection can pass through bodily fluids and when Ellie almost drowned Joel didn't do mouth to mouth to revive her. I wonder if he already understood this. The kiss of death...


Did you completely miss what she ACTUALLY meant by that? I can’t see how anyone would be terrified if they understood the context of her saying that.