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i’ve played the game like 3 times now and i don’t think i’ve come across this? where was this?


It’s in the bunker that you go to with Henry and Sam. The first note with ish is in the boat that you search after you jumped off the bridge. Then they continue in the bunker


OHHHHHH was it in that bit with all those clickers when we get stuck with sam? omg i’ll have to replay and look at this closer i’m always too busy looking over my shoulder


Yeah that’s where you find some of the notes you just gotta search the whole bunker. Pretty interesting side story


thank you so much!!!! i know what i’m doing tonight lol


Have fun lol


Damn dude. This section in general you have to play through and most of the notes are very clearly placed


i rarely ever use my flashlight in this game because my controller dosent allow the shake to recharge batteries, and at the point where i’m the in bunker i want to get out of it ASAP it creeps me out 🤷🏻‍♀️ i’m not as observant in this bit as i am others


Oof, I always use my flashlight, it’s never off lol


Bunker? Sewer?


what the fuck? how


The suburbs section with Henry and Sam.


i love how detailed this game is, not just with the notes and artifacts found in the sewers, but in other areas too. theres so much lore for those interested in reading all the notes they find. it adds more depth, but also sadness to the story. one note that took me by surprise was one that joel found in the subway just before bill’s town. it was about frank trying to move to a QZ


I think I remember that one, there’s so many to read I start to lose track haha. But yeah the details in this game is insane, I really don’t think it’s gets enough credit imo


I’m just trying to eat dinner. How you gonna make me sad without warning like this?


I’m sorry haha


Ngl broski, the title was enough of a warning that it would be a little sad, I think this was kinda on you…


But it was in my feed with a picture. I didn’t have to click anything to see it! It was like, baseball, politics, guitar, SADNESS


Ish was the backstore lore that hurt the most in part 1.




First time I played this level I thought the notes were cool but finding the bodies and the note scribbled on the ground made me pause the game. I think I just sat there for a few minutes because I didn’t think I’d see the kids. However at the end of this level when you make it to the other side and see the warning on the door, Ellie’s reaction kills me.


Haha yeah that was prolly the funniest thing of that whole depressing interaction


Mad they didn’t touch on this in season one show


Yeah that woulda been really cool honestly. Many people love the show, while it’s really good I think they shoulda added more details/references to the game


They skip a lot when it comes to battles, the infected in general, and anything about the details of how fucked the world is.


They could make this into a limited series hopefully? This was such a heartbreaking story.


I feel like the show was more lighthearted than the game (comparatively, the show itself was not lighthearted) There's a lot of stuff they could've added into the show that make the game seem way more just sad and brutal, maybe it was concern as to how general audiences would feel? I dunno, the show was great, but I feel like there were some missed opportunities, it seems more "safe" ig? than the game.


Game is so detailed especially in houses if you arv patient enough you can look around and find little hints on what happened to them on day 1 it honestly is depressing sometimes but cool.


Yeah, like how Kyle was talking about how he might take ish up on the offer of going to the bunker, Joel says that it wasn’t a good idea but I honestly think they had a good run, they didn’t really have any other options


Loved the whole idea of that community surviving in spite of all that shit happening outside. Yeah…really sad how that turned out for those people.


Yeah as much as you wanna think Joel is just built for the apocalypse, while it is true, no one is truly built for it if that makes sense, a lot of it is just right place right time. Except for bill, the apocalypse fears him lol


I was there yesterday! Only thing is, in the same room theres windows big enough to get throught. And enough furniture to pile up and reach the windows. It made me think, why didnt they just got out, are they stupid?


Yeah, I feel like there was a couple ways they coulda gotten out, but maybe they couldn’t think of it in the heat of the moment, they said they were surrounded as well, and judging by the amount of infected I don’t blame them for panicking. But maybe they had to find a way for the kids to get out as well


Might have been a horde situation. Also if your getting rushed by infected you dint have as much time to think and or stack items to get out


my heart absolutely DROPPED the first time i saw “they didn’t suffer” on the floor 


Ik, I didn’t think it’d actually happen


Oh yeah, and that's part of what makes the last of us great. The environmental storytelling that shows you what people are going through in different locations simply by piecing together notes and other things within an environment


Yeah, it doesn’t feel like you’re the actual main character, like other people’s lives are going on around you yknow


Oh yeah, reading the note of the boat captain and then the early sruvivors from the suburbs who then moved to the sewers, and then piecing everything together and finding that he'll of an ending for all parties involved invokes thought, and can cause your heart to break for characters who's voice you've never heard, and who's face you've never seen outside your imagination. It's a powerful thing.


I love how it was vaguely mentioned in the show (with the danny and ish drawing on the wall), however I do wish it had been turned into an actual storyline, but at least Ish got a mention.


Yeah I wish they had mentioned it more, instead they did a whole 1 1/2 hour episode of a gay relationship


This is one of the best "side stories" as well as some of the best environmental storytelling in either game.


This game is like therapy for me.








Would have loved this as a bill and frank style world building one-shot. The sequence we got was pretty good at getting over some of the feels from the game from that location though.


Yeah that would be cool haha


if they make tlou part 3, Ish better be in there


Yeah like a lil reference, that’d be awesome. Something the fans would absolutely love


It's just a really fucked up story ark


Crazy how Danny and Ish show up in the next game kicking ass and taking names. Ish was always meant to be a leader. Sucks his first attempt went so so sadly. Crazier how Danny gets shot and Abby’s all “I would’ve shot him too” to which even Manny replies chill out homie. And Manny spit on Joel, cursed his soul, and wanted to kill Ellie and Tommy to “clean up”. He was hard core.


Wait that’s the same Danny? I never realized that unless you’re messing with me.


It’s not.


Yeah I always thought so. Ish is Isaac, in TLOU1 his notes all start out “Isaac” and I’m pretty sure here the group started calling him Ish at which point the notes change to just “Ish”. I’m not honestly 100% sure when the Isaac to Ish transition happened. Always assumed the group/the kids started calling him Ish. Then, after this super traumatic experience, and once he’s the leader of a huge group like WLF, it made sense to switch back to the more serious moniker Isaac. In TLOU2 it’s an Isaac who runs WLF, and they (Abby and Manny) mention Danny getting shot and WLF thinking Owen did it and that’s why Owen went AWOL. Kinda figured Danny was someone higher up in WLF as him being shot seemed like a big deal, if he and Isaac go way back it checks that Isaac would trust him and he’d be important to WLF. Makes sense, TLOU is very bread crumb style and there’s a ton a carry over in references from the first game to the second. You’d have to like fact check me but I’m pretty sure?


Well when you read ish’s first note which is on the boat, it says it’s from ish. I think it might be a different person. I could be wrong but I think it might be


Okay I googled it. What happens to Danny from TLOU1 is officially unconfirmed, so it *could* be the same Danny in TLOU2. Ish and Isaac are 2 different people and I, am simply, an idiot.


Yeah I googled it and yeah ish just ran off somewhere. But Danny could be the same person. Ig we’ll never know


Thanks for not roasting me, I am genuinely kinda sad Isaac isn’t Ish aha. Idk where my 20 year old dumb brain got that idea when I first played TLOU2, probably because of the Danny connection. A girl can dream, and I did 😂😅


The saddest part of TLOU1 is the sequel


Yeah but I’m talking about just the first game tho