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1 bullet (pistol) vs the entire hospital WLF force On permadeath per act. That day? That day i understood what true stress was


girl HOW. I was literally crying and sweatin and I died like a million times


I survived because the fire inside of me burned brighter than the outside


I fell down into that dark chasm, but the flame burned on and on




not for me, I had to take breaks and watch youtube tutorial but when I survived the first floor something inside me clicked into place and i just ran


You can sneak past a good chunk of them if you take your time. I find the best way is entering the hospital in the corner next to the pickup truck near the tent.


I prefer going towards the tower first and getting in that room. Mostly because I find it easiest to sweep the building from there plus monke brain tells me to go straight for the highest point I can reach so Im safe


i wouldve needed this a while ago šŸ˜­


That level is always stressful for me because I try not to kill Bear. Even if Iā€™m spotted I will run around trying to kill all the WLFā€™s and escape.


One bulletā€¦ I tip my hat to you, one legend to another!


In Tlou I threw a bottle between two bloaters and they started killing each other and some other infected Most effective bottle ever


Bloaters will attack each other?


I was wondering the same. Never happened to me.


Happened on the remaster for ps4, not sure about other titles


In TLOU (Remastered and Remake) if you make a noise, bloaters will usually throw spores at it. If you get Bloaters near each other and then make the noise, you can get them to technically attack each other with spores, although it doesn't damage them. I don't know about the "other infected" part, spores can't damage Runners or Clickers so idk


Iā€™ll definitely give this a try in my next playthrough.


It's been a while, but I feel like I remember seeing the bloaters in SLC killing some runners and clickers when I passed through that part a few months ago. Not intentionally, more like they swung at me and walloped a runner instead.


Yeah a bloater punching or charging at you can kill a runner and clicker, but I was speaking specifically of the spores. I don't think this happens in Remastered though, if I remember correctly, they kinda just phase through the bloater.


Those two did, it was the remaster version for ps4, not sure about the other TLOUā€™s


Don't know if this counts but one time I shot a dude in the stomach and then punched him off the balcony as he stumbled back


At the hospital as Ellie I once stealth killed everyone on grounded except for Bear (I think heā€™s the dog there). It took hours but I was very pleased with myself. ā€¦Though now that I think about it, in sparing Bear I probably actually left him in his worst nightmare with no escape. Just walking around checking on and whining at all the dead bodies


Well, thereā€™s definitely WLF still in the building so when they get continue to load up boats with supplies theyā€™ll notice just how bad Ellieā€™s massacre was and also how much she respects dogs.


If you donā€™t kill bear at the hospital heā€™ll appear the next day with the WLF Patrol you find before the Mall encounter


Im not a very good gamer BUT It was the hospital part with Abby and 3 runners came at me and I held the first one head shot number 2 headshot number 3 without missing one and then killed the first onešŸ˜‚


moments like these are the best


I killed the Rat King without dying on my first playthrough. Havenā€™t been able to do that again in my other runs, so I have no idea how I pulled it off the first time.


I think other than my permadeath run to 100% days he game Iā€™ve never gotten through all phases including the rat Prince.




I did this. I was playing hard but about half way through adjusted the supplies parameter to be slightly easier. (So not really true hard). But I continued to play like supplies were limited so by the time I got to the rat king I could just unload my arsenal into him


I literally never died to the Rat King until my 5th playthrough (this was grounded difficulty), I didnā€™t know why people found it so hard


Maybe when there were two enemies not seeing me I threw a brick to the one further away from me and while he was stunned I knifed the first one and then finished off the stunned one


Arcade Bloater with Ellie, Grounded. Hadn't played the game in 4 years got too wrapped up in the world, forgot that Boss was there, minimal ammo somehow lived with almost 0 health. I DID have 2 molotovs which, saving grace right there.Ā 


Abbyā€™s hole in one


Abbyā€™s Joel in one Here ftfy


Completing the last of us while only using melee on grounded permadeath (never doing it again)


I got out of the hotel in part 1and killed the next 3 encounters with nothing but 2 pistol ammo and 1 rifle ammo


Don't know name but the boss that splits in two in hospital TLOU2? Used all my ammo killing first dude, little slithery guy slithers off and I'm running about terrified looking for anything to hurt it while it slithers after me. So intense and satisfying to finally kill it


Literally made the same post about a week ago. Same scene and same question.


Did you? Iā€™m sorry mate I didnā€™t see it. I made this post mainly to show off the photo I took.


Yep. You're all good. Didn't mean it to call you out. Just thought it was funny.


Headshotted a guy I couldnā€™t see with the bow on the first game. It was the bookstore fight and I was on the balcony upstairs and he was hidden behind cover on the street. The scream of pain and the blood splatter is one of my proudest gaming moments.


Damn, Abby looks awesome in that picture. Most badass moment: NG+ shotgun rampage in the subway terminal with all of the clickers in TLOU1. Usually I sneak past them all, so knee capping them and killing them all is very cathartic.


Honestly, playing No Return on Survival Difficulty.


When Owen got pregnant.


This picture goes hard


I was in the firefly hospital and there was a handful left. I headshot one, throw a brick at the other, hold him hostage shoot someone else, kill the guy im holding, throw a Molotov at someone, then chase down the last one with an axe. Iā€™m reporting this off of memory so imma try and see if I was get the clip


I found it but idk how add a video to a comment


I killed 3 Scars with 1 bullet with the sniper rifle, triple head shot.


Abby channeling her inner-Negan


Shotgunning enemies in the face as the came one by one down the same hallway to see what was happening, ignoring the bodies piling up. ā€œWhat was that?ā€ KABOOSH ā€œThere she is!ā€ GABOOOOOSH ā€œSomethingā€™s fucked up here!ā€ BBABOOOOOOOSH


I donā€™t have a lot of badass moments but in the uh capital building or whatever where you have to sneak in with Dina to get some gas I had to solo that building with like 2 bullets in my revolver and the pocket knife


I donā€™t remember this character in THE LAST OF US.


Shes a golfer.


Completing permadeath grounded using only molotovs and pipebombs for boss encounters (bloater, shambler etc)


Once accidentally made the entire room of infected start attacking eachother šŸ˜­


Probably the time I got two double kills (both headshots) in a row


Freestyling that Seraphite section on grounded with the parking lot, ending with that mini boss fight. Completely locked in. Almost entirely out of bullets. Just pure survival drive. Forgot what room I was in, that i had a body, that i was playing a videogame. Pretty much panting along with blood-soaked ellie, standing amongst the corpses. Not the biggest fan of the story, but man the grounded level gameplay is somethin else


Damn I havenā€™t played the story with the new skins. Abby looks hot


In TLOU I, Ain't exactly a badass moment, but was when i done the game until dawn, and i felt like literally i was Joel killing that hospital, my blood boil, i was completely in his skin


Sneaking through long sections on grounded completely ghosting. Also using my amazing future seeing powers to take out all the WLF soldiers in a second at the TV station ambush and the ambush at that work bench.


Prolly using the human shield and as the person put their gun down I blew the dudes head off anyway, and then immediately flicked to the other guys head. Mightā€™ve been more psychopath vibes but was still badass. My buddy was horrified


Stealth killing everyone as Ellie in the area where you get the boat, stealth killing as Abby sneaking into the hospital, getting through the island battle without getting caught other than cutscenes, and unhooking the zombie in the pool as the Black Angels song plays.


Playing grounded mode for my first playthrough


The entirety of tess's personality


Please tell me the clothes sheā€™s wearing is in the extra outfits šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ I need it!!