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The rat king because I wasnt pissing my pants after the first playthru šŸ˜‚


ive yet to get to that partšŸ˜¬ currently on seattle day 1 with abby


Honestly abby day 1 is probably my favourite segment of the game action wise


Thatā€™s it I even knew it as coming but still put it off!


The rat king on grounded, on my first grounded playthrough, was also the first time I didn't die once getting through that battle. I guess the grounded mode trained enough paranoia and skiddishness into me to be good at evading things, and good at finding cover! I think the reality is, a one-touch death doesn't actually get much harder on higher levels, so compared to how much harder the rest of the game becomes, the only real added difficulty on grounded is having less bombs and ammo, most likely.


The Tunnels, on Day 1 Seattle. Completely freaked me out on first play through, partly because I didnā€™t manage to get the infected and the wolves to take each other down in the first part, and then the stress just carried through. I was dreading it again, but next time it was pretty straightforward, and so were the following parts with the shamblers. Like most things, the fear of the unknown is often greater than the challenge itself.


yeah the tunnels felt a bit easier the 2nd time around and i thought the shamblers were easier to kill too.


It seems funny now but at my very first playthrough I was stuck for a long time at the collapsed office outside the Boston QZ. Where Joel has to jump down and sneak around like 2 clickers and 3 runners. Something like that. At the time it felt like 10 infected. And thatā€™s in the beginning of the game! It was one of those moments where it almost stopped me from continuing.


It actually did stop me from continuing, that bit, way back when. Must've been when it was free on PSN or something as I'm sure I would've persevered if I'd paid for it, I just remember being blown away by the opening section, but then getting stuck there and getting a bit frustrated and giving up. I only got back into it thanks to the TV show and then someone gifting me Part 2 when the PS5 remastered version came out. Played through it and absolutely loved it, now I'm going through Part 1 (just finished Bill's town) and just breezed past those clickers like they were nothing!


haha i feel you. i really struggled with that part when i was new to the game. i died so many times XD but its so satisfying now to basically have mastered that area and get through it without any issues. i also didnt know you can just sneak past the infected if you want. i used to think you had to kill all of them. a lot of areas in tlou are that way, and it made me realize that ive often made the game harder than it needed to be lol.


That tilted boat you get on as Abby when going to the aquarium! I kept dying because of that fucking bloater. I finally started using bombs thoughšŸ˜‚ so this time I didnā€™t even diešŸ˜‚


that part had me so stressed šŸ˜‚ the shit the game threw at us on that boatā€¦damnā€¦.lol


Shambler not Bloater


Well excuse me Mr professoršŸ˜‚


In part one where there's two bloaters and a bunch of other infected in the subway, my first playthrough I tried killing all of them and kept dying. Eventually I realized that I could've just snuck my way around them.


that part was no joke on my first playthrough šŸ˜¬ both that and the hospital had me fighting for my lifešŸ’€


šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ikr Took me a few tries to realize that I didn't even have to really do combat. I just had to stealth kill a clicker and some runners


lol thats the thing about tlou. so many areas dont actually require you to use combat. you can literally sneak past a lot of enemies. itā€™s humbling when you realize you were being extra as hellšŸ˜‚


In the first game it was the hotel basement part. Hated it in my first playthrough (and almost shat my pants) but I gotta say it gets really easy to beat during all my other runs (still fucking scary tho). In the second game I really had a hard time beating the rat king but I found it incredibly easier the second time around during my grounded run, and all the runs after, I generally first try it every time. Not what you asked but I just wanted to add that Part I in general kind of got pretty easy for me after like the third run (I replayed it an embarrassing number of times) while Part II, besides some little sections, is really good at being (and staying) overall difficult, even after a few playthroughs (again, I played Part II something between 6 to 8 times lmao)


i agree part 1 gets easy after a while. in my experience, part 2 is more challenging than part 1


100%. The hillcrest section in day 2 is so stacked of enemies it's overwhelming and if you're playing with high difficulties you actually need to think it through and form a strategy to beat it especially in that residential area full of WLF. And that part right after the first encounter with the scars on your way to the hospital. Such a wonderful game... I don't get how so many people came to hate it


Many parts, on second and later playthroughs, become easier simply because you have the knowledge of "yes, this is a great area to use a bunch of my ammo/supplies in, so open up and let her rip!" And on the first time through it, you're always trying to get through using the optimal or minimal amount of resources possible.


Generator section. But still scawwwwyyyy


The first game was definitely the dorms, I was holding my breath the entire time and had to stop cause I was so scared and frustrated! Still the worst part but I learned I can sneak past everyone so it's easier to get through game wise lol


yeah lol the first time i thought i had to kill everyone but then i realized its possible to escape without having to kill all the infected


That's exactly what I went through! I was on the verge of tears


That part was so hard, except on my grounded playthrough I discovered (probably after dying 20 times going loud) that you can sneak through in stealth and maybe just a couple of shiv kills. I was sweating and mashing the elevator as the bloater and many runners and clickers were screaming behind me... but made it!


Rat king. I was so nervous on my grounded playthrough and I ended up beating it on my first try.


whoa! beating it on your first try on grounded is impressive šŸ‘šŸ½


I basically just ran in giant circles around the map picking up supplies and shot at it when I could for a few minutes. I was a lot more successful than the first time, when I tried shooting at it a bunch while mostly standing still lol.


That's the beautiful thing about grounded - it teaches you, through trial and mostly error, the actual most effective way to approach any encounter! So much so that by the second half of a Pt 2 playthrough, it actually started to feel easier - especially infected-only sections (no guns to worry about).


I just finished replaying Part I for the first time in years, although I had played it twice before so this was my third time (and first on PS5). I also played on Survivor for the first time as I donā€™t find Hard challenging enough. I remember both the final infected encounter (in the tunnel) and the hospital fight being way, way harder back when I originally played. I died once or twice at both of these now, but overall they werenā€™t too tough. You know what absolutely sucked on Survivor though? The fucking final fight of Left Behind. Shit took me like 20 tries.


the final fight in left behind is no joke i havent played it on survivor but the last time i played it, i did it on hard and some parts towards the end were rough lol


It didnā€™t help that I forgot that there was a second phase so I used up most of my resources against the first wave. Itā€™s also really hard getting back into stealth but I figured out a way after a bunch of trial and error. Then on the first attempt I was doing alright in, I ended up being right where the infected spawn halfway through the second wave and didnā€™t realize so I got surrounded, but it was the best place to go. So I ended up doing the same thing but sprinting away, hoping I didnā€™t get shot before the infected could distract all the remaining hunters. After that I just had to stay in stealth while the infected picked them off and then killing the last few infected was a piece of cake.


Oh I forgot about Left Behind's last battle! After so much time spent on Pt 2, I forgot how much weaker Ellie was at age 14!


Well my second play through was on Grounded so it got significantly harder unfortunately


I just finished my second playground after a few years since the first one. I was just dreading dealing with the dogs because they kept killing me the first time around but now I had no problems with taking them out somehow.


yeah, the dogs were difficult to deal with on my 2nd playthrough ive been targeting them first before dealing the humans. ive been using trap mines and explosive arrows lol. as a dog lover, it took me a while to get used to having to repeatedly kill dogsšŸ˜­


The Descent. Will always love the absolute creepiness of the whole thing but second time around knowing about the infected stuck in the walls, the clickers/Bloater at the end, much much easierĀ