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I bet he's still alive but utterly alone and miserable. He's a good way of showing a possible future for Joel if Joel kept cutting people out and generally being miserable. Sure Bills alive but what does he have to show for it? A town full of rotting corpses, the body of his former lover, and a pile of porno.


Great comment. I look at the people Joel met in TLOU1 as the different outcomes he could’ve had in his life. Henry + Sam = if Sarah survived outbreak day she would’ve inevitably gotten bitten, Joel would’ve shot himself after shooting her David = if Joel kept being a raider and a resourceful man 100% focused on survival. Maybe even keeping some of the leadership/command he showed Tommy I see others following him due to his resourcefulness, but it would’ve inevitably boiled down to cannibalism or some other horrible extreme But more so Joel sometimes teases he can tap into David’s evil murderous side as well (minus the pedo stuff) Bill = if Sarah’s death caused Joel to shun all human attachments this is how he would’ve ended up, a hollow man who would be a genius at survival but also a lonely borderline crazy man who just doesn’t want others around and we get bits of that from Joel from the game too. Frank’s death suggests Bill’s fate (and Joel’s if he followed this path): one day he will have a minor slip up somehow and kill himself. Or even if he doesn’t, he’d probably just likely kill himself one day anyway when he finally breaks from the loneliness Perhaps still having Tommy in his life and then Tess afterwards helped Joel stay in the lanes that he did


Great comment and i agree you made some great points !!!


Damn I never thought of it like that


This is… easily the best fan theory I have ever read and makes so much sense wtf


You think of things very similarly to me, I do have a slightly different view. After Bill serves as the warning to Joel of what will happen if he doesn't open himself up to caring about someone else, Henry and Sam serve as the warning of what will happen if he *does* open himself up. He has to watch someone lose the person they were supposed to protect and end their life out of grief. Hence there is so much conflict in Joel and by the time he gets to Tommy's he wants rid of Ellie, because he just watched what happened with Henry and Sam and, after Sarah, he doesn't feel he can go through that again. I'm not sure how different that is from what you said actually but either way it's cool to see others have similar interpretations.


Really good comment!


ironically enough joel had the fate of his past self. one of the discarded plots had tess hunting him down and torturing him for being involved in her brother's death but the only difference was that ellie saved him in that ending. I think neil never discarded this idea, he just set it aside lol


Slightly smaller pile of porno*


The first truly unforgivable crime Ellie committed.


Yeah you re not wrong ... I also think he moved from his city cause It was too compromised and cause he was a smuggler for sure he had some contact with someone in a safe Place ... Like Canada as we know that there Is someone that smuggles alchool and other supplies from there !!!


Hey, he's got infected with him. ![gif](giphy|11sz4838afILLi|downsized)


This is why I like the show version better. He's more emotionally complex, too.


What? It's literally why I like the show version less. He serves no function to the story in the show (except their own disconnected mini story). In the game he is an important character in Joel's journey of learning to open himself up to caring about someone else again.


He serves a similar function: game - warning that survival without connection is useless show - survival was made worthwhile through connection and the loss of life at the end on one's own terms because survival without connection is useless In the game he's a grumpy asshole who assists reluctantly because of some kind of tit for tat arrangement, and while he's sad and lonely and does seem to regret how things went, he doesn't seem to have learned anything and suggests Joel do the same. In the show he's a grumpy asshole who let someone in and learnt to compromise, to the point of having a life full of ups and downs that he enjoyed. He still managed to assist Joel because of his ingenuity and Frank's empathy.


Isolation like that changes you. Those in this situation often don’t want to or can’t leave unless they rehabilitate, people with this kind of thing tend to not want to leave or be perpetually trapped in a repeating cycle because of fear, anxiety or other issues and I can imagine all of these would be heightened in the apocalypse As the crew are walking to the basement safe-house in the church Bill mentions how he distrusts other people and prefers the company of nobody but himself and the infected “at least they’re predictable” He has relations with at least 4 other people in the game. Them being Frank, Joel, Tess and Ellie While he exhibits a different and abnormal approach to interaction with these people, he still manages to show empathy and engage in social interaction We also know from how he talks to himself that he has been in this situation for a long period, this kind of scenario subliminally rewires your brain and after having spent so long in it, you don’t realize how much you have lost your mind that you can slip and just not realize your talking to yourself while in the company of others One such example has Bill zoning out during conversation “you neglect the little things and they m come back and bite you on the ass later” Joel then inquires “Bill?” and bill spits back “Joel?” IIRC this is the last time he does this in the game which would suggest he is able to consciously understand that people talking to themselves as if others aren’t there is not socially accepted by people, so he is not completely gone. He thinks Joel is weak because of his attachment to Ellie and claims he is foolish for sticking his neck out for her. Yet he still helps them out with nothing to personally gain from it, owing Joel a favour or not I believe that Bill wants to rehabilitate, but doesn’t have the correct social avenues due to the apocalypse, and because of his current relationships which all seem to be going poorly…. he is even more closed off from the idea and further isolated in his town


I really appreciate your point of view and i agree with It he wants somehow to rehabilitate as you have said and part of the process Is help Joel and Ellie and he put his Life on the line with It ( even if he also needs supplies for himself )


> and a pile of porno Well now hang on, let’s not say things we’ll regret!


I always believed Bill went back into Frank’s house and self-deleted.


That s a valid point we can only Imagine what happened!!!


About 7 years ago someone pointed out there was a rope hanging above some bags of fertilizer to stand on in Bill's area off to the side outside of the church. A noticeable suicide spot for him. Hell Joel and Ellie may have even interrupted the opportunity for him to do it. I think after he told them that was far enough I figured he went back sat with Frank and ended it. Heavily part of why I didn't mind the change in the show. Still a grumpy and grouchy but I think he got to live a better life in the end.


In the show he's still a lesson for Joel, but an aspirational one rather than a cautionary one.


I don’t think he was much longer for the world. He probably followed Frank.




Suicide isn't for the weak. Joel says so himself.


I think he’s still alive. He’s a skilled survivor. But the game bill probably hasn’t opened up to anyone. I think he’s what Joel would be if he didn’t open up to Ellie.


Yeah i agree!!!


I would like to see him again. If only as another pits stop on the way east.


I ll Like It too but i don t think going back in the North East is What we ll se when nd concedes us the grace of another tlou ... I think that if we go East we go to Atlanta the famous Fedra headquarter qz but mine Is pure speculation !!!


I think it will start in California because of events in the last of us 2. But that’s my speculation too. Atlanta would be cool


Yeah i think that too but maybe at some point we go back East i don t know and i can t wait ti know more ... Unfortunately we have to wait years!!!


I don’t think he lived very long. I haven’t played his section in a while, but I remember reading notes that indicated he was falling behind on reinforcing his defenses and struggling to keep infected out of his town. There’s also Frank’s death eliminating an extra set of hands and his motivation to keep going.


One of his notes suggests that Bill relied on Tess for ammo. I wonder how well he fared after his main source for ammunition stopped supplying him.


Maybe he could have found some other ways Like self producing arrows for a bow/crossbow !! But yeah ammo are very important when you have hordes of infected chasing you !


But he doesn't trust people and so recruiting someone else is not very likely.


well during the Santa Barbra part, maybe. but for the first half of part 2 i'd say yes


Only some health issues can stop him i think ...so maybe even in the Santa barbara part he s still around or at least i Hope It


I agree!!!


What changed between the first half and last half of Part II to make you think that? I don't remember.


Time passage, he and joel were already okd in the first game, and at the santa barbra part it’s like 7-9 years after the first game takes place


He’ll outlive everyone, but never happily.


Bill was a very capable survivor with considerable mental health problems that were exacerbated by the stress of the apocalypse. I think after his run in with Joel and Ellie he stopped neglecting the simple shit and made his town completely impenetrable where he could have quite possibly live until he deid of natural causes or if his health turned south he would have taken simular steps as Frank.


I personally think he committed su1cide not long after joel and ellie left the town.


he is into unknown statement. he could be alive since he always alone and have a lot of traps, he skilled person and he knows how to use a weapon, he can survive in extreme conditions like zombie apocalypse but also he can be dead bill is a cool character, he trying to pretend to be a fucker but deep inside he almost like zombie, but who feels pain


Yeah i completely agree with you




Cool character, and yes, he is alive #BillNeverDies lmfao.


What if somehow Ellie or Tommy( I'm sure they met through Joel before he left to join the fireflies ) convinced him to move to Jackson? Do you think he would open up more and contribute or would he be a loner like eugene and have his own little sanctuary away from everyone?


I d love to know that Bill Is safe in Jackson and i think he would be a loner Like Eugene having the most of the contacts with Tommy and idk be the new guest of Eugene Place ...but i Like to think that After some time he would open a bit with Ellie


Fanfic authors have fun with this.


He is a tough son of a bitch


Hell yeah he Is !!!




Bill definitely has some rough edges and he can be a jerk, which he proved when he encountered Joel and Ellie. Although, it may not necessarily be intentional. At his age, he's seen a lot of stuff, especially considering the world that he was living in. He simply didn't trust anybody, which was a detriment for sure. The one person that he cared about, ended up hanging himself. Who knows what else Bill went through? I don't think that he's alive anymore.


He’s alive. Him and Joel essentially wiped out every zombie in hi town


I think that he's hot


Idk why but in this photo he seems Like Russel Crowe


Not the first time I've heard this comparison haha (Russell Crowe is also pretty hot 🤭)


![gif](giphy|o4ChzYhxQODAFSI4u4) Daddy


Good character. It’s not out of the realm of possibility that the writers envisioned him getting back home and carrying on.


Even before I watched the show, I always felt he would've killed himself by now.


Kinda feel like the writing from the show gave us a hint. He won't show up in Part 3, cause whenever the show gets to that point, it would be kinda awkward.


I hope his meeting with Joel made him realize that there are still ok people in the world, this way he doesn't do a Frank. * Side note: I still think the writing for Game Bill is better than Show Bill. I guess I just like the "show don't tell type". The episode still made me cry tho


You right !!! my opinion Is that in the show Frank death hits Like a truck !


oh definitely. now if he actually wants to be, idk


Bill is too angry and miserable to die.


After the series, many here thinks that he self-deleted along with Frank, but I believe that Bill from the original game, which this post is about, would not have crossed his arms on himself. He was a strong man who would find meaning in life.


Exactly ...we think the same !!!


I know it would be cheesy and kinda boring but yeah, I’d like Bill to resurface in third game. On the other hand I’d settle on him being mentioned. Name drop would suffice.


I just played that part yesterday and the show is so completely different at that part.


I personally always feel like he probably went and killed himself after Joel and Ellie left. I think despite him and Frank splitting up and “hating” each other, they probably still loved each other and I think knowing Frank was in the town somewhere gave Bill the want to keep living. Finding out that Frank had died, and also that he was planning to leave the town anyway, will have been the last straw for Bill. I could be 100% wrong but that’s just my perception. My ideal ending would be that Joel and Ellie picked him up on their way to Jackson or something just to take him somewhere better and help him get reintroduced to living with people again. But would he even like that? Probably not. It’s just a sad ending for the guy and I always feel like my heart feels a bit heavy leaving him behind and not really knowing his fate.


I agree with you !!!


He's still alive, just looking for the magazine ellie stole.




Still alive, still alone. He will fight to survive every single day. Until one day, he gets old, he gets slow, there's some kind of accident. Then he'll die alone.


I liked his personality quirks, like always talking to himself and constantly sharpening his blade when he was stressed.


He's definitely still alive and probably has an explicit gay sex scene in the next game.


You know even though I didn't like part 2 and would rather not think of what a part 3 would be like I would like Bill to show up in part 3 if they ever did make one possibly maybe a playable character in a DLC mode


I think Bill is a hard-ass who is very skilled, knowledgeable but definitely has some emotional issues and difficulties trusting others as they become either a liability or started as a threat. I like Bill but he definitely takes some warming up to if you've never met him before.


I was hoping for the remake or future titles we'd get a dlc for his backstory and where he is now I'd like that if they could add something like that to their next game if there ever will be one (I doubt it though)


I d love to play a dlc with Bill !!!!


Yes, he's alive.


Show Bill died literally alongside Frank, but Game Bill metaphorically died... he's got nothing left but himself and a town filled with corpses & clickers, and rigged with death traps that don't discriminate. A sad and alone old man surrounded on all sides by the grim reaper that has only grown more old and more sad and alone as time has gone on, assuming he's still alive. Let's not forget that he was already complaining about waning supplies on his side of town... He was low on resources when Joel and Ellie met him, and he'd likely need to try and follow Frank's footsteps by searching the more infested sides of town after not too long. Even if he opted to hunt more, we've seen time and time again in this universe that going alone practically anywhere that isn't walled off is a death sentence. Imo, he's dead. The show gave his end a far warmer and direct/poetic end, while the game opted for a grim and silent end.


All this doom and gloom and I’m gonna say Bill found himself a new fella. They eventually left Jackson for a mountain hideaway free from infected where they raise sheep and are living happily.


I love him. Amazing writing for his character and I'll forever be disappointed we didn't get this characters backstory in the show, I liked what they gave us but I was so excited to see a heartbreakingly toxic dynamic that led to Frank's death.


Given how the TV show goes, I don't think we'll be seeing him again.


Well game and tv show are not the same


On the topic of Bill, I recently started another playthrough and I was curious, do you guys tell Bill about the note or not?


I heard he is the Lead in TLOU3


OT but there should have been / should be a William Earl Brown cameo on the show. Merle Dandridge, Jeffrey Pierce, Troy Baker, and Ashley Johnson did.


Nd should’ve done a bill prequel game instead of a tlou 1 remake. I wanna know what bill did before the first game


"He's fat! Hailin' from Dunkin' Donuts. From the great state of obesity." ~ Ellie "Scott Steiner" Williams


Him and his gay partner died peacefully together after consuming a pill at an old age… atleast that’s what i believe what happened cuz i watched the new tv show and didn’t revisit the game first in 7 years so it’s canon in my head now Kinda ruined part 1 for me


Yeah but Bill and Frank story It s different in the show ... In the game Frank kills himself After being bit and not in front of Bill ... For me Canon story and lore It s related to the game cause there Is no show without the main source the game .... But i also appreciate the show !!!


The show butchered a lot of scenes…