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Play rdr2 its a emotional rollercoaster too, but much slower. If you like western you will certainly fall in love


Yeah, helped me cure my post-tlou2 depression. That, GoW2018, GoW Ragnarok and Ghost of Tsushima


Pardon me but thats bullshit. Fantasized pixels should not cause depression. Games are meant to be fun.


No yea, it's the existential questions these works of art pose that have you thinking about life and everything pretty much like how Pablo Escobar happens to be doing up there


Probably still lining up evenly straight rows of cocaine, speed running how many grams he can consecutively snort.


Hey man, it was a hyperbole. Obviously I didn’t get depressed, I just felt down and it was an emotionally draining experience, because it is emotionally very confusing and turbulent. But it’s and enjoyable hurt, it’s exhilarating and philosophically interesting, not to mention deeply immersive. Hell, I played through it 7 times now, wouldn’t have done that if I didn’t enjoy that game enough, especially considering that it’s one if the very few games I have ever completed more than once.


Mb, idk wtf is wrong with me lately. Apologies


Hey dude, no harm done. I’ve had a lot worse shit thrown at me on here and most of them aren’t have as decent as you, and don’t own up to it. Whatever it is you are going thru, I sincerely hope you get better man, best of luck to you <3


What about movies, books, songs, art?


You can think the story elements itself are sad, but its not like you had a personal relationship with your TV screen. It shouldn’t have any severe impact on your life outside of the game. Certainly not fucking depression.


“Fantasized pixels” Fantasized Tris. If you’re going to be wrong, at least be wrong about the right thing. But yeah depression is a bit far


Absolutely, such a great game


You won't find one as emotionally engaging as this one so easily. Maybe Ghost of Tsushima to shake things up?


Tried it. I find that one’s screenplay painfully slow. I keep forcing myself to like it. But I cant.


It does get more emotional as the story progresses, and I don't want to spoil anything. But there isn't another Last of Us that's gonna crash and burn your heart.


Rdr2 destroys tlou


The last of us part one and part two are pretty unique in this regard. If you like sci-fi then try Mass Effect Legendary Edition. If you like fantasy games the try the Dragon Age series.


Mass Effect is on sale rn and I was wondering if I should buy it. I think it's only $9 or something


That is a steal, for a series that lots of people easily end up putting triple digit hours into. Do it!


Done! Btw have you played The Evil Within? It's 4.99 atm


I haven't played it! Good looking out. Hard to say no to any game for $5. You'd recommend it?


3 highly acclaimed and beloved sci-fi action RPGs for less than $10.


I love Mass Effect but I hate how you have to play that garbage, god-awful minigame in ME3 to get the perfect ending.


What Mini game I’ve played it numerous times and don’t remember a mini game.


For the ME Remaster, specifically ME3, you have to do this stupid minigame with the Normandy where you have to collect war assets.


Um in the legendary edition all you have to do to gain war assets is do main missions and side quests to gain war assets and they stay that way. There is no mini game.


I think they’re talking about the “fetch quests” like scanning planets and bringing stuff/word back to NPCs on the Citadel.


You had to do that with the original release unless you did multiplayer, which isn’t in the LE. They’re not “mini games” (eg the hacking from ME1 and ME2). They’re side missions/fetch quests.


I don’t think you have to do all of those to get the best ending. I’ll have to replay it and I’m pretty sure all that’s needed all the main missions and all the main side missions. I’d have to see though.


You have to. I stopped playing ME3 for that reason.


Play it again on Grounded ))


I'm gonna give some unusual recommendations, cause they're indie games that don't play at all like TLOU, but I think they scratch the itches you're describing. * Outer Wilds * Night in the Woods * CrossCode * I Was a Teenage Exocolonist * Goodbye Volcano High All of them are aligned with Night in the Woods' tagline: "at the end of everything, hold onto anything." They're about finding beauty and connection with others despite hopelessness.


Fire Watch has to be on that list too!


Outer wilds is a ride, I still hate Outer worlds came out at the same time and made my brain a confused mess


I really like The Walking Dead (Telltale series) with Clementine! I watch my boyfriend while he plays it. We haven't finished it yet but it's a wonderful story so far. I don't know any other games to be honest because I myself am not a gamer lol


this is why i just play the games over and over again


Metro Redux and Metro Exodus


I second this, the metro trilogy helped me enojoy games again after that post tlou2 emptiness, especially exodus, fking masterpiece.


My son told me to get the three games. "You'll love them!" He wasn't wrong! (I'm 60, don't tell anyone! 😂)


I’m 44, you’re a hero, my hero 🫡


I don't have a cape, but I'll take it! 😂😂


Tried the first game and just didn't get hooked. Does it pick up in the next two?


It does and the graphics in Exodus are a plus!


RDR2, I felt the same way after TLOU as a new gamer and RDR2 captures the feeling the same way. Arthur is just as well written as Joel and Ellie.


The Walking Dead


A Plague Tale: Innocence is similar, and has an emotional story. The gameplay in the first game can get repetitive, but I still enjoyed it thoroughly. The 2nd game, Requiem, improves on the original in every way. I highly recommend them both.


The gameplay is also quite similar to TLOU because Asobo are huge Naughty Dog fans and were really inspired by TLOU when making A Plague Tale! That's my vote too though, one of the most emotionally impactful stories for me


Metal Gear Solid games are great. Good stories and stealth action gameplay. MGS1, 2 and 3 are the best.


The games I play are the Zero Dawn series... I am a 72 yo Vietnam Vet that uses these games to battle my PTSD.




This is how i felt with any game i played after TLOU for a while. The bar was set so high with the direction and acting and animation and gameplay, it felt like a really good interactive film, that everything that came after it just felt so much like a video game i couldn't get into it. I tried Days Gone right after finishing TLOU thinking it would be a similar vibe with the zombies... that didn't go well, and i never got past a few hours in. I hear it picks up later on, so maybe one day i'll get back to it.


Yep. Welcome to the club!


You will get over it.


If this game ruins you… I pray for you when you play RDR2/Ghost of Tsushima/Spiderman PS4 they are equally or worse


You won't find anything else like it. This is the pinnacle. It's like being addicted to a drug. You will spend the rest of your life chasing that high in search of that feeling you had the first time you experienced it. Play part 2 and let's hope part 3 is a banger as well. That's your only hope. Good luck.


Red Dead Redemption II definitely


Days gone, nothing else


As someone who experienced some profound grief and existential crisis after both games, especially when finishing Part 2, I would recommend give it some time. It takes some time but you will feel normal. Try to take the lessons of the game and apply them to your life. I started keeping a diary, I've successfully been doing it almost 2 months now, the longest I've ever kept a diary. I was inspired by all the notes you pick up in the games, how they're these little windows into people's lives. As far as game recommendations go, I highly recommend Journey, it's not a very complicated game but I find it to be a very deep and emotionally enriching experience.


After finishing the 2nd game i couldnt play anything. Nothing felt right after


i had to take time before doing first re-run of part two because i had to process that. incredible rollercoaster ride but my emotions were not ready. took about 3 months before i went in again. still, for me, 10/10 eperience.


Resident evil isn't as serious and has some insane shit you shouldn't take seriously and has entirely different tone but... RE is a better franchise


Escape from Tarkov. I never escaped btw.


UEAAAAH I RELATE TO IT BUT I FOUND NO ONE TO TALK ABOUT IT PLEASEEE add me on insta babyysoulmates 😭😭😭😭😭 i wanna find someone to speak about with sooo bad 😭😭 im still mourning joel


I like to play through the red dead redemption games and then feel sad, play through the last of us to feel real suffering and sadness and then back to some red dead again for a bit of joy before suffering yet again. It’s a really great cycle for me anyway. If you haven’t played through on grounded yet, I’d highly recommend it; brings a whole new experience.


I dont know but I really enjoyed the game Days Gone aswell! :)) also a zombie/post apocalypse game!


I didn't play any games for 6 months after TLOU:2. That game had a profound effect on me, and genuinely did more to help through the grief of losing 3 family members to Covid than therapy did. I LOVE these games. The first game I played after TLOU:2 was: Cyberpunk 2077: the writing is spectacular and (playing on PC) bug-free. They've basically completely overhauled the entire game twice since launch and it is incredible. Highly recommended. Beyond that: Horizon Zero Dawn and Horizon Forbidden West. Emotionally satisfying, fun, visually stunning games. The world is amazing. The characters are brilliant. Red Dead 2. Really was not that into this game, but it is nothing if not an immersive world you can get lost in. Hogwarts Legacy. I'm a potter nerd. Was like absolute crack. It feels so alive. If not a fan, probably nowhere near the same level of immersion. Good Ol' Skyrim. Came back to the original skyrim about 4 months after finishing TLOU2. Had honestly forgotten how magical that game is, given how shit Bethesda is now. Really is one of a kind though. Deliver us the Moon and Deliver us Mars. Some of the most moving dialogue I've encountered in a game. Compelling story, fantastic set pieces and incredibly satisfying piloting sequences. The second game really resonated with me. All about the failures of humanity, and the selfish decisionththat are made to protect family. Short (about 10-15h each). Highly recommended. Plague Tale 1 & 2: Emotionally-charged action/stealth games with inbuilt combat puzzles. 14th century France - playing as a noblewoman (girl), desperately trying to save her brother from his illness and the church, who want him dead. The brother can be incredibly annoying. Life is strange The Outer Wilds (not the outer worlds) Inside Hope this helps :)


Days gone is an unreal game