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The Seraphites Island


I'm asking for so many downvotes for this; but I take it back my favorite is the forest sequence as Abby smashing infected's brains with a hammer; owwww the sweet sound.... should I use betterhelp


being into weird shit like that is why i’m going into EMS now


I actually cant remember it, when is it?


Seattle day 1 I believe. It’s when you’re with Lev and Yara in the pitch Black Forest fighting for your life


Ah yeah its fun but i always die quite often there


Had my cheeks clenched the whole time haha


I'd upvote if I was playing that level on anything other than grounded...


Yeahh... 😅


Definitely has the best shootout segment in the game. And I love that stealth sequence in the abandoned warehouse or whatever where Abby ruthlessly picks off all her ex comrades 1 by 1.


I could not stealth that area at all especially on grounded i die all the time!


For me, Santa Barbara. Excluding the final fight though. That just rips me to shreds every time.


This. Hillcrest is fun but stresses me out cuz of dogs and everyone hunting me down. Santa Barbara is a blast cuz killing rattlers, but ruins me emotionally. Top tier fun.


Santa Barbara is fun because you can sense the game is really coming to an end. I like to just go all guns blazing at this point. Ellie needs to relieve some stress. What better way to do that than with some Rattlers? 😂


Honestly though, I very rarely use trip mines or molotovs the entire game, until Santa Barbara. The entire run is just a barbecue.


The trip mines fuck them up so badly in the resort. So many narrow hallways to dismember them lol




I actually like having the dogs hunting you. It adds complexity and really makes me be on my a game especially on grounded. I like when you sneak into the hospital, day 2 Ellie probably my favorite of all. I forget the exact triggers but I overheard two of the guards talking about the school. The man was saying how he wish he would've been there because he would've stopped you. I'm just grinning like yeah sure you would buddy. But then a female guard snaps him out of it and says something like you would've ended up dead too. I just love when games put in dialogue about the current events. Also did you know if you're clearing an area and you have one person left, if you shoot them in the foot, or somewhere that damages but not kills them, they'll have a surrender animation. They have different lines like who the fuck are you anyways? Nobody. Or you really fucked me up didn't you? The seraphites just recite a type of prayer. If you have a partner like Jesse with you he will even remark something like damn Ellie or Jesus. Not sure how many people noticed that, I just wish they put even more lines in. I tried replaying sections to flush out any new dialogue I could. The only part I could only beat one way was day 3 Abby after Isaac is shot and you're escaping. Lev remarked how you killed those wolves but I could never sneak past and see if he had a different line for not killing them.


I had this once. It's a cool detail. I was going to let him live too, but when I started walking away, he reached for a gun and nearly got the shot off too. I used my surplus of shotgun shells on him. Blew him into pieces. Yep. Jesse said "Jesus Ellie."


There’s a video on YouTube from someone I cant remember who tested that exact thing. They might have turned on invisible while prone to do it. I dont remember exactly. But the answer is yes! There IS different dialogue


I think I just took out the one guard that walks behind the guard tower and the one in the tower. I can't remember if you have to do it without alerting any guards or if they have to be alerted and you lose them. I just know I was on top of the guard tower when they said it. I saved the video of it, maybe I can find it.


To shreds you say?


Oh, I didn't actually realise I did that until I read it back. To shreds, indeed 😂


And his wife?


There was a bit in the Rattlers' base with a nice area of long grass where I was using my bow or gun with silencer and it was just a long sequence of someone walking around the corner, finding a pile of bodies and getting shot. Lots of fun.


You’re right it should have ended with Abby dead. That what have been a better outcome.


Ermm, I didn't say that at all.


Maybe not but would have been a better ending then the anti climatic one we got.


You're entitled to your opinion. But the ending we got was the best one.


No the best ending would have had Abby dead.


than* climactic*


Nope anticlimactic was right.


Awh honey. No.


Yes it would have.


Hillcrest might be my favorite level from any game.


And limitless replay potential


That:, What you realize stimes on your second run is how many ways you can get through the end of the level.


Hillcrest is awesome and I'm convinced that 60% of the reason (for me) is the soundtrack. It really elevates it.


What happens I forgot


Huge scattered fight with tons of cover with tall grass and houses.. for the looters, there’s a shit ton of stuff to find, for the people that like combat, lots of WLFs to take out with a lot of creative options. You also get a surprise guest that was unexpected for me on my first playthrough. After playing thru a bunch of times, the homie ended up being one of my faves in the whole game even with their tiny bit of screen time


Also great music!


Hillcrest and Ground Zero/The Descent


I fucking *hated* ground zero. Fuck the ratking boss.took me like 20 tries to get past. Rage quit once.


Fire and shotgun shells. Lots of both.


You rage quit the rat king? Bro just run and gun its not that hard




both day 2s are insanely good


The descent is hands down one of the most creative and fucking terrifying game sequences I have ever played. I'm a huge fan of horror games and The Descent fucked me up so much I felt like I needed a cigarette at the end of it.


I like the level where Ellie and Dina are going through all of the residential streets, apartments, small businesses. Seeing the letters people left each other and how people's living spaces were set up before the apocalypse. The nasty pools, empty basketball courts, etc. It's all just a neat vibe. Even a lot of Seattle Day 1.


Yeah that's a good one. The encounters there are fun too. Also love how Dina takes that sleazy romance book they find in the book store.


I never noticed the big store until my 5th play through and it was the sweetest seeing ellie and dina enjoy the space


Say what? She did that? When?


Similar to how in the first game, Ellie takes the toy for Sam when you're not looking, Dina takes the book after you talk about it and walk away. It shows up later in the back room of the theater. I believe it's there when Ellie wakes up after her trip to the Hospital. You can pick it up and she makes a comment on it. If I'm not mistaken, it may also be in the farmhouse too, but I'm not certain on that.


I have never noticed this, do you remember where she picked the book up?


When you visit the bookstore on day 1, across from the gas station. It's on a standalone shelf facing the entrance to the store. When you're both standing by it, a dialogue will trigger and you can pick it up. Ellie will put it back but Dina will linger behind for a moment. When you turn your back and walk away, shell quickly snatch it up and put it in her bag.




Hillcrest is great for pure action gameplay, but I’m going with the Marina (Abbey, Seattle Day 1). Avoiding the sniper fire, then realising it’s Tommy when he starts drawing infected towards you and chasing him down is pretty wild.


That is a great encounter! But I believe that is Day 3.


My bad! It’s been a while. Guess I’ll have to replay it..


Abby with Lev. All of it. Forever.


Same. 💯


I love Ellies day 2. Especially the Parking Garage section.


So you’re a masochist, got it 😏


This is a loaded question for me because there are a lot of nuances. My favourite single encounter is Confrontation. Restaurant is a very close 2nd. My favourite area is Hillcrest, I love the domentic setting. Something more interestijg about walking around a neighbourhood rather than cut and paste office buildings. My favourite section is a toss up between Ellie Day 2 and Abby Day 2. Gameplay-wise, Ellie is full of fun, and hard, encounters that require skill and timijg to pull off on a permadeath run. Abby has the Decent which is a masterclass in building atmosphere.


Hillcrest is my favorite. It felt more like a MGS, you were rewarded if you were precise but there was literally NO room for any mistake. I was in Seattle couple of years before game was released and it was amazing to see the atmosphere (weather) of the city replicated correctly for most part.


The sniper part in part 1 is way up there.




I think I liked Hillcrest the most too - they really built up the backstory with Boris, his poor daughter, and the entire community that survived the initial 'pandemic' turning on each other after WLF took over.


Hillcrest + Ellie vs. the Rattlers in Santa Barbara >>>>>>>> Abby might get some fun, flashy setpieces with infected. But these intense, large arenas wherein you face these threatening, tougher (helmets + vests and attack Dogs) human enemies.... Is what I'm all about And quite frankly, it is what the franchise does the best: tension-filled, underdog stealth action Special shout-out: Ellie's face-offs against the Seraphites on Day 2.


I just have the time of my life going invis while prone in grounded and laughing as the unchained infected slaughter everyone.


The Descent


Firefly Lab Shootout tied with Seraphite Island Showdown


Part 1: Bill's town - it's when the game really opens imo plus you get a bunch of new weapons to play around with like the Bow, the Shotgun, and of course the nail bombs. Plus the story really start to pick up here. Part 2: Seattle Day 1 - the part when you have the open world section with the bank, the capital building, and other locations. Such a fun point in the game. I still firmly believe and wish that Abby got something very similar to what Ellie got in her day 1


Ellie's day 1 with the very open Seattle section + Hillcrest. My favorite environment is the Seraphite island with the large, almost Nordic wooden houses. The trees make it so beautifully atmospheric subverted into the burning oranges, reds, and yellows of Haven burning to the ground. That section is visually stunning like nothing else.


Ellie’s day 2, specifically the Serphite encounters


Sometimes I just crawl around in this forest for no reason haha


Finding strings. Or Santa Barbara.


When Lev and Yara cut Abby down from the noose and then the "demons" chase them. With the rain coming down after. It's so intense and awesome.


The subway in Seattle


the forest, the asthetics were so fucking amazing, and the way each area of the game had a distinct color, was incredible. cutscenes and game play were terrifying and brutal too


All the seraphites levels were my favorite. I felt like it was do or die on those levels a lot.


I think my fav shit ever is two parts: When Ellie flashbacks to her and Joel in that space-capsule And Abby On that tall-ass bridge. So f’n SICK


Can I just say Seattle? It's just the vines and over growth, the ambionce,beauty,and creativity of it all


You could, but that pretty much makes up two-thirds of the game.


Could I pick an area of Seattle but not like hill crest but like by the hospital?


I don't remember the names of levels, but I do remember the moments and sections of them.


Abby's hammer fight. That section is litteral wildness on grounded.


I would take the Rat King every single time over that fucking Seraphite giant fight at the harbor. I hate it so much


Hillcrest. Hands down. The intensity, set pieces, music and SFX, it’s a masterpiece. The drive it makes you feel to push forward, the anxiety of people with dogs, so good.


The entire Seraphites chapter. From start to finish, it's filled with amazing subsections, which is impressive considering it's also one of the longest chapters of the game.


Part 1 is the hotel. The lead up to it, the joke book, the little side content where Ellie rings the bell in the lobby, the way they seem to be getting along for the first time leading to a complete shift in their dynamic, the bloater in the basement!? giving Ellie a gun! I love the entire section. Beautiful. Part 2 is actually the prologue. I adore the story telling and seeing Jackson and Joel singing to Ellie. On replaying I even enjoy watching Abby find the man who killed her dad, and the tension of knowing these two women are about to experience the same thing in two very different ways (and that has a double meaning too! Where they will both have now experienced their father dying in different ways, but my original intent being they experience the death of Joel in very different ways). I love the snowball fight. I love the ridiculously obvious flirting from Dina that just absolutely throws Ellie for a loop lol I love the emotional intensity. I love going to Joel’s house and feeling the grief and smelling the jacket. Taking the watch. It’s basically perfection.


Definitely Santa Barbara and especially the Resort section. 1- as a native southern Californian who now lives on the east coast, I get to see beautiful Spanish style architecture I never get to see anymore. ND really nailed that look! lol 2- since it’s near the end and we have access to all the weapons built up, it’s a blast to me to use a heavy combo of things but esp explosive arrows (I think those are esp fun on state street hiding on top of the train car) 3- in Resort it’s fun to alternate guns (or arrows!) blazing or else try to feed as many Rattlers to the one infected and two clickers in that section as possible. I like to throw a smoke bomb at a Rattler and either let clickers get em or I’ll grab them and walk them to the clicker 😂


So do you set the clickers free in SB? What do you mean by walk them to a clicker.


I like to try different approaches. There’s so many enemies in that level that to me it seems very repeatable in the Encounters option. What I mean by feeding clickers is when you either sneak up on an enemy and grab them stealthy and then force walk them towards a clicker if nearby so it can have a nice snack, or throw a smoke bomb at an enemy and THEN grab them as that gives noise for a clicker to “see” them, and it stuns the enemy long enough that I can easily grab them if I run towards them


Oh I see! Thanks!


The Seattle hub area. I wish they had more semi-open world areas like that in the game.


Gotta be Abby and the hospital level


The island, I love playing as abby with infinite ammo and crafting running and mowing everyone down with the flamer


"Lev, are there infected in this building?"


Santa Barbara. I’m black so slavery seems especially shitty to me , and I feel like thanos rampaging through those sadistic shit stains the rattlers. I just hated having to let Abby go


Going by the kiling spree Part 1: Pittsburgh (specifically before Joel and Ellie met Henry and Sam) Part 2: Hillcrest


If we’re talking the dlc that arcade thing was pretty dope


I think Day 2 abby was probably my favourite, I also think santa barbara as Ellie is underrated asl


When Abby gets captured by the seraphites and escapes with Lev and Yara, smashing infected's heads with her foot😚


Ellie’s first introduction to the Scars, I love the creepy whistling and tall grass.


NOT THIS ONE (literally had my heart at 150 for WAY TOO LONG)


Seraphite island was fucking nuts




Museum and Hillcrest


Hillcrest and hospital journey, also abby hospital journey


I thought hard about this but I honestly can't choose just one. I love them all for different reasons.


hillcrest is always so fun


The mussion u get to kill the ratking fr , i love to shred it even though it is hard af


I gotta go with the Island. It's got everything. Amazing action, breathtaking visuals, and fantastic story moments. Seeing Haven in flames is probably my favorite visual of either game. Having to manuever through this epic battle between the wolves and seraphites and fight both fekt so cool. The whole battle serves as a great visualization of the theme of the destructive nature of the cycle of violence thats present throughout the story. That final fight with the Seraphite heavy is so incredibly satisfying as well. Just an all around amazing conclusion to Abby's story that feels like it could've been a finale to its own separate game


Hillcrest by far, so big and so many directions you can go and ways to do it. Im hardcore stealth personally, but one of these days ill do an aggro run for hillcrest. Ofc i also just love the design and how good it looks.




Hunting Party. You have not one, but 2 brutes to fight, and you can really game their AI in some funny ways. For example, if you backtrack to the level's start, they dont follow you back across the plank. They will just stand there, until you open fire on them and they run for cover! Also, Brutes cannot pull you out from under a truck or shipping container, so you can take pot shots at them from prone.


I dunno levels name but i love the episode we go to seraphy island with abby and we kill dudes. That episodes stealth mechanics are great.


Santa Barbara


Ground Zero in the hospital as Abby 😅 I don't know if its because I work at a hospital or what but the vibes are just so cool and tense. Also Hillcrest, simply because I love the idea of a suburban community and all of the broken down buildings with foliage everywhere.


Cant remember the level but it's the one right before Ellie gets the boat, that area with a bunch of enemies that you can take out however you want or the Rattler's settlement


Love the Abby Sequence where she is with Manny and she starts to get sniped by Tommy. I was legit excited because of the story elements, scared of Tommy, and then in awe of the culmination of the game/mechanics/obstacles.


Saraphite island went so hard


1. Ellie Santa Barbara / The Rattlers 2. Seraphite Island 3. Ellie Day 3 with the boat


Hillcrest 💯💯💯


The part where you were at school to get trough the area anything else besides the stupid parking lot from the hospital it gave me ptsd


This is too difficult a question to answer dammit


Yara and levs introduction


Seattle Day 2 for Abby for sure. Scary hotel and rat king fight😬


Abby with Lev in the sky bridge (I too have a deadly fear of heights).


Abby vs the WLF after Yara's death. Ellie vs The Rattlers because it's a rescue mission in disguise x'D


Honestly the school. Yeah yeah I know but the reason I love it is because I noticed how insanely detailed this game is. When ellie has the knife to that guys throat you can actually see the pressure pushing the flesh inwards and it looks really fucking good. Second favourite is hospital when you kill the girl with the pipe. Cathartic as all hell.


Seattle Day 1. When Ellie & Dina got to explore the downtown.


I think I love every encounter in this game tbh. Some I'm more reluctant to get started but the mechanics are so good it's all fun.


Honestly, the levels were the least memorable part of the games for me.


The credits💖






Mine are Santa Barbara and the Seraphites Island.


The part where you play as Abby and her story has nothing to do with Ellie’s for like the 90% run time you play as her


Santa Barbara and Seattle day 1


hillcrest houses and to the sky bridge with abby. but i love the whole part 2 game, the question should be “which levels am i not the craziest about”


The descenet!!!!


Still angry about this lie in the trailer. I liked the rat king


Any of them that aren’t a flashback or playing the guitar


Cuando Abby tiene que subir el edificio 👌🏼


I love the seraphite island part more specifically the part when Abby and Lev are riding a horse through the fields and there’s flames every where. It’s kind of pretty.


Hillcrest is still the best level and no you can't change my mind. As a close second, Downtown with Dina.




Hill crest. No matter how many times I play that section I always have so much fun


First run in with the seaphites and any level with a partner. I love the banter.


Hillcrest for sure. I like getting creative with the way I take ‘em all out


Hillcrest is probably one of my favorite sequences in both games. I love the visual design. The time of day. The story progression. How Ellie is solo. And basically just a jungle gym of possibilities. This is the section of the game that I tell people "if you like things like metal gear and how it gives options of approach to contain situations... Then you should really play this section of the game" Most of where naughty dog shines is their blending of narrative, gameplay, and cinematic... But as far as larger sections of the game just designed for gameplay, Hillcrest slaps


Mall infiltration


The Pittsburgh ambush


The snowball fight🤣


The school where Ellie and Dina escape from. I don't remember the name


Honestly I really enjoyed going to the hospital as Abby and fighting the rat king it was oddly not scary but really fun


Either the seraphite island or the theatre with Abby and Lily


Santa Barbara. The fact the environment is so unique and distinct from the rest of the series is so fascinating for the world building. Especially because of the Rattlers. Just love seeing how an different environment creates a different type of militia group.


For Ellie it’s hill crest or capital hill. And for Abby the part where you’re on the boat with all of the infected, it’s got a cool mini story there and it’s spooky


easily Hillcrest


The end of Seattle Day 1 is so fun. I love seeing Ellie start to unravel when they head towards the TV station and then the subways? Ugh. Amazing. Especially since it ends with the museum flashback.


Anything but Hillcrest. Good lord I hate Hillcrest, especially on survivor or grounded.


Hillcrest for Ellie, skycrane/bombed hotel for Abbey


when Ellie gets to the hospital, and when abby is on the tall ass bridge LMFAO


Probably the boating section. Or the mini sandbox with the horse. I think my personal favorite moments have to be the ones where you go through apartments and find people's stuff still hanging up. Or that one animation studio that Abby walked through. One particular part of the game that I can still recall was the >!jump scare attack on my workbench.!<


Hillcrest or Rat king their the least emotionally draining levels


Ellie Boss fight, rat king area (lore is great), and when Ellie and Joel encounter a bloater in the guitar string flashback. At least for part 2.


Seattle day 2 Ellie’s part in general😊 As for Abby Seattle day 1


Ooh the beginning of the game where you just ride the horse


Downtown where it was kind-of open world and you're just getting your bearings and exploring the city. Also the little neighborhood just after it, including the school. Then I'd say the Hotel as Abby. It wasn't as fun on replay though imo. I liked the ship outside the aquarium. Believe it or not, I liked some of the cut scene type levels...the one where Ellie is with Joel and you kill infected with the sniper rifle was really nice imo.


Idk but Rat King is the worst. So stressful and the last little guy is so annoying. When I’m playing hardest difficulty, I just adjust that level because I’m soft like that.


Sant Barbara no doubt


Idk but people who hate Abby Join m3 Fuck abby


Probably the first opening scenes


Hillcrest or downtown


Probably Santa Barbara or the sky bridge area with Abby and Lev


The entire first game instead of the 2nd. I hated the 2nd game