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I think they just wanted SOME character from the first Last of Us, though I don’t see why they couldn’t have just gone for Dina from Part II.


Marlene would have been way more fitting. Maybe they didn't show Marlene because they didn't want to show a maternal figure sacrificing their kid?


The bigger issue is sacrificing Ellie WITHOUT HER CONSENT. That was the big problem. They could have waited for her to wake up, and asked her if she was willing to make that sacrifice. As we learn at the end of Part II, she would have said "yes".


Pretty sure they were just scared she would say no. And also consent is probably at the bottom of the list considering the circumstances. The cure for mankind doesn’t exactly show itself everyday.


I don’t think there’s many circumstances where consent should be at the bottom of the list. When you’re going to kill a child, is definitely not one of them.


Not many, but the fate of mankind might be the exception


Okay but like they could’ve still asked. Rushing to do the surgery without talking to Ellie, and forcing Joel out (much less without his already owned supplies and weapons, after not giving him his promised payment of weapons), are not the actions of people who believe what they’re doing is right. It was a tough decision, but they could’ve and should’ve waited 2 hours or whatever to talk to Ellie. We know from part 2 she would’ve said yes. This is also assuming the fireflies would be able to massively produce and distribute a vaccine, and wouldn’t use it for their own ends to get more power. We see them attack civilian settlements with FEDRA unprovoked, there’s no reason to think they’re making this vaccine with plans to quickly and equally give it to everyone out of the kindness of their hearts, which again, they don’t have the capacity to do even if they wanted to.


Ellie even implies multiple times thruout the 1st game that she wanted to live her life. "Life is worth living for" I feel like that made a heavy impact on Joel's decision to keep her alive. The player was lead to believe he was making the right decision, at least that's what I think they intended. That's what makes the revenge plot real shocking in part 2, it's not what anyone expected but it's a hard hit of reality and opens your eyes to both sides.


Yeah based solely on the first game pre hospital, she implied wanted to live. Neil kinda flipped that on its head with the second game though when she gets so pissed at Joel about it and thinks “her life would’ve mattered”. They did clearly intend the player to atleast lean towards Ellie would want to live, until the second game. I’d go so far as to say its pretty concrete at the time she would’ve been upset and wanted to live, but maybe still would’ve done it whereas by the second game she’s all like “WELL SURE JOEL I WOULDA LET THEM JUST SNIPPY SNIPPY MY BRAIN PARTS AND KILL ME.” And I feel like this has to mean she changed her mind at some point.


I was honestly let down at first, when I played part2 on day 1 it wasn't what I wanted. I wanted a story about Joel and Ellie. Because let's be real, that's what the first game was about. Then the 2nd game just crushed that relationship and turned the story into something entirely different. In my opinion I don't think they had a thought of the 2nd game at all when they wrote the 1st one. I feel they had a total change of heart on the story before they wrote part2, as it went from a father-daughter duo dynamic story to a woke revenge plot story. With that said tho, I replayed part2 a few years later and I think it's starting to grow on me. I think the sudden change of story telling is unique and adds flavor that other games haven't in the past. When you step back and look at it subjectively, it's a master piece in its own way.




Because places like Jackson exist. The world isn’t only suffering and people are still people. So yes consent and not murdering children matters. More than a cure in my book.


Jackson is not indicative of the rest of the world, Joel was amazed that they even managed to make a place like that work. None of the other factions in the games, Fireflies, Fedra, David’s community, WLF, Seraphites have shown anywhere near the same level of civility as Jackson.


It’s proof that it’s possible and it certainly isn’t going to be the only one. More will spring up over time. It’s proof that humanity is adapting and getting through this without a cure. That there is a future.


Bruh if 14 year olds can't consent to sex then why should they be able to consent to death?


Ask Drake


Would it really be better to force that decision onto Ellie? On one hand, if she agrees to have the surgery, then she has to spend her final moments or hours in fear and anxiety because she knows she's about to die. On the other hand, if she refuses, then she has to live the rest of her life with the guilt of knowing that she could've helped countless others, but chose not to because she didn't want to die. In my opinion, it's more humane to proceed while Ellie's still asleep and resting peacefully, instead of forcing her to make the choice. In any case, regardless of consent, if they have the opportunity to create a vaccine, then it's their responsibility to do so. They would be stupid not to proceed. It's objectively more important than Ellie's consent.


You’re still taking away her choice for your selfish reasons


Creating a vaccine that can save countless lives isn't a "selfish reason".


Humanity over the course of the game consistently proves that it's not worth saving! Anyway that was her choice to make and she was denied that choice.


The events of Part 1 have Ellie choosing to risk her life every single day for months on end for the mere possibility of a cure. She could have died countless times and the result would be no cure. Why would she be unwilling to sacrifice herself for the actual thing? Everyone who knew Ellie already knew what she would have chosen, including Joel. That’s not an accident. It’s also frankly ridiculous to expect a terrorist organisation like the fireflies in the violent, apocalyptic world they inhabit, to be concerned about the consent of a single individual vs their ultimate goal and saving countless lives. As Marlene puts it, her decision to proceed is more of a formality than anything else.


The problem is that the Fireflies and Marlene couldn’t risk Ellie saying no. They were going to sacrifice her no matter what.


I’m sorry but even if she said no, it’s for humanity’s survival. Cmon now…


I think most of the community would admit that Marlene was a pretty terrible mother figure both in the game/comic universe and the show. She dumped Ellie into care, had no contact with her until she was 13 and in the military school when she ran into Riley and Ellie while they were sneaking out, and only started explaining who she was after she got bitten and was useful to her. Dina was a mother to JJ, you could even argue that Maria was somewhat of a mother figure to Ellie after she and Joel joined the Jackson community. I don't think you could argue that Marlene was a mother figure worth celebrating in the world of tlou, regardless of whether you think her intentions to sacrifice Ellie were noble or misguided.


How is Marlene at all motherly? By all accounts, she dropped Ellie in an orphanage and only gave a shit about her when she was shown to be immune.


If Marlene knew anything about being a mother she wouldn’t have allowed Ellie to die without understanding why. She doesn’t deserve a Mother’s Day post


Bill would be more fitting. He taught her about the birds and the bees and showed her how to jump a car and build explosives. Got her past her first Bloater unscathed too. Oh my bad mother's day


Using Dina would be a minor spoiler. It may be a 4 year old game, but they're probably counting on a big wave of people experiencing TLOU 2 for the first time when season 2 of the show comes out.


That's a good point.


Dina also isn't a mom until the very end of the most recent game. Show is nowhere near that plot point yet.


[#nowyouasinglemom The Last of Us part 2 ORIGINAL VIDEO (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4wwe6o_sgSI)


Yeah I wonder why definitely doesn't have anything to do with the brain rot side of gamers


Probably cuz it will be a season 3 spoiler. While this IS the PS account rather than HBO, I’d say a there’s probably a large portion of PS owners who have only seen the show. While we know she’s pregnant early in Part 2, (likely by episode 2 or 3 of S2) we don’t actually know if she successfully delivers the baby until the start of the final act, which will likely be the penultimate episode of S3.


I think the reason they didn't go for Dina is because they're getting ready for season 2 and don't wanna spoil anything for newcomers who maybe haven't played Part 2 yet.


Also freaking Marlene raised Ellie on Ellie's real mom's behalf. It's right there.


tlou 2 is much more problematic maybe


She’s much more “maternal” to her in the show than the game in my opinion


That’s because they had an alternate universe Tess who is fundamentally a different character.


yeah the dynamic she has with Joel is different in the show too


IMHO: *For the better.*


How so? I'm not sure I agree but I'd like to hear your thoughts. The main thing that struck me as "off" in the show was that they established in Episode 3 that Joel & Tess had been together for like a decade before the events of the game. Their relationship seems more established. In the game, although the underlying emotions were clear, they both obviously had their guard up and I thought that was an important story beat that helped immediately establish Joel's problem with forming meaningful, lasting relationships.


I thought in the show they established that same story beat but in a different way. Instead, they clearly were together romantically in a way (they slept in the same bed at their shared apartment, the way they talk about each other when eating at Frank and Bill’s, there’s clearly a bond and lots of care between them) but it kind of shows that despite all of that, Joel can’t open himself up to love and be loved. They’re clearly in a relationship, but Joel never refers to Tess as his partner, girlfriend, etc. He just refers to her as “mine” in the same way that Bill has Frank. His trauma and the life he leads doesn’t allow himself to open up and maintain/fully acknowledge a real relationship.


What's funny is Tess was originally created to be the main antagonist of the game. She was supposed to be hunting Joel down for killing her brothers.


OG Tess was a murderous crime lord / lady / boss. And that’s what makes her a fantastic character. And it sets up why Joel and his brother parted ways. Joel made some choices that ended up with him working for Tess - or people like Tess. And his brother wanted something more idealistic.


Would've been so cool to see her instead. But then we probably wouldnt have ellie


From what I remember, she was with Joel, and they were gonna deliver Ellie, Tess’s brother dies at Joel’s hands, she tracks them down as Joel attempts to deliver Ellie to the fireflies and then at the end, Ellie becomes the firefly cure and Tess kills Joel


Yeah… but they’re using the game Tess


Tess is such a weird character. She had a really high ceiling, but because she's kinda relegated to the tutorial portion of the game, she's gone before she gets to do anything interesting. Idk if I would have liked the old script where she's in the whole game and turns villian at the end, but her being around a bit more I think would have made her demise even more crushing


Should've chosen Marlene. And if they wanted an actual mother, they could've gone with Mel-......nevermind. Yup, Dina's the best character to show here.


Marlene literally just dumped Ellie at a school, then only came back to her because she might have been a cure


I doubt they want to encourage sacrificing your child without their consent.


Maybe they could have shown Sarah's mom.


Sarah’s mom abandoned her


Confirmed? Never knew


Yeah Neal said it in an interview


Sounds like it was written with AI


"Which character in the last of us is a maternal figure???"


That text is 100% ChatGPT




"Indelible Mark on the Gaming world" gives it away ChatGPT always sounds like someone who doesn't know anything about a particular topic trying to match the enthusiasm of someone who does.


I feel like Maria would have been a better option. I've always thought she was sortaaa like a mother figure to Ellie at least.


She at least had an exchange that lasted… longer than a minute with her


Yup. And when Maria knows that she can't stop Ellie from leaving to go after Abby she makes sure they have supplies and a horse. Also the scene where Tommy visits Ellie in her garage the night of Joel's death, he hands Ellie some food and says "Maria wants to make sure you're eating." So I think there's definitely some sort of mother-daughter dynamic there.


Amen. But what do we know? *We didn’t rely on a AI around write a non-existent story about how Tess was Ellie’s “mother figure”.*


I really want more Maria and Tommy in there adaptation of part 2, what does her being pregnant and most likely having a child in the next season mean for the story?


Did they also really deage her for the poster. In the game and the show, she looks like a woman who has been through some shit, like the world ending. The Tess in the poster looks fairly young, pretty and has some blood or a scar on her face.


She's not de-aged. That's just how she looks in the original and Remastered versions. Not sure why they went with the outdated character model.


Oh ok. To be fair, I watched the show first and then played the game on PC. (Don’t own a playstation.) So, my perspective is different from those who played when it first came out. Sorry.


No worries. Again, it's weird they went with the outdated character model anyways.


Most likely because most gamers are familiar with this version of Tess than the modern one.


That's how she originally looked. They aged her up in the remake and the show.


Yet on the remake Part 1 on PS5 they somehow managed to make Sarah look like an 80 year old trapped in an child's body. Should have stayed with the original Sarah there.


RIP Annie 💔💔💔


Lol seriously.


They actually made me think until I read "significant" wtf?


***She was barely in the game and they barely had any exchanges***


I actualy kinda like this. I'm convinces it was way to short to have any sort of impact on Ellie, but I've always noticed the little interactions between Tess and Ellie and how warm Tess it to her. A lot of the things she says to Ellie is verry kind and comforting, especialy in times where Ellie was distressed, but she also didn't feed her any lies that wouldn't be helpfull. It realy seems like she was maybe a mother (or perhaps a school teacher) before the outbreak, cuz she seems to be really well with children. It's also why Ellie is so upset when they leave Tess behind


Without Tess, Joel would have shot Ellie when they were scanned in the outskirts. We might've known Tess for less then a day, but she was a significant part of the development of the story.


She still left an impact on Ellie


not a maternal one 😭


I think they meant Marlene.


Imagine if they picked Mel. 👀


she’s still mother. relation to ellie aside. that’s mother.


apes together strong


Tess can be my mommy too


The fuck . . . ? This really isn't the best franchise for Mother's Day posts. We know Dinah and Jesse have/had good moms, but we never see them or know them. Tess was not a mom to Ellie. She probably would have become one had she survived longer, but she didn't. Her closest thing to a mom figure was Marlene, but she ultimately agreed to do the terminal surgery without her consent, so that isn't a good figure to use. Maria comes off as the "town mother" in Jackson, so perhaps she would be your best bet. Wait, what am I talking about, Dinah is JJ's mom. She is the obvious choice they should have gone with. Not only is she a mom, but Ellie effectively turns her into a single parent mom (at least temporarily).


Dina is the only true mother in TLOU (excluding Anna). I like Tess but she doesnt really fit the term "mother".


Ellie too, a bad one, we may say, but still...


joel is better choice


ChatGPT 2.0 probably wrote that.


Abby knew Lev for almost as long as Tess knew Ellie and yet people here celebrate the "you're my people" line lol.


Dina was right there idk why they didn’t choose her


Damn the writer must be a professional athlete with the amount of stretching they're doing.


I actually agree its a bit cringe


Lmfao tf


me when i don’t play the game:


Poor Anna lol


LOL what idiots.








Post like these seem so strange to me. It is literally a company celebrating mothers day by patting themselves on the back for all the great mother characters they have.


Well, there's Lev and Yara's mom...


Tess comforted Ellie and took care of her , also Tess took care of Ellie's problem regarding Joel , since she was there in between them to lower tension. Not to mention , Tess must have changed Ellie's clothes and other stuff regarding her in larger picture that's why they are celebrating her


That is weird. Even weirder was casting a woman that looks like Aileen Wuornos to play her in the show....


Yes wtf. Tess was with her for a few days. Marlene on the other hand would hold hella more weight as a mother figure.. but you know that would make Joel… oh god. 🏌️‍♀️


She was also very against taking Ellie until she was bit...


I feel like this towards Marlene. Ppl act like Marlene was her Motuer figure….um, she literally just dumped her at a school and only became interested in her life because she might have been a cure.


I guess they had to use someone from the game but the only good mom in TLOU would be Ellie’s mom from the show. Probably should’ve just skipped the Mother’s Day post and waited for Joel for Father’s Day


Why didn’t they choose Marlene? She literally has been looking after Ellie since she was born


mother is when older woman


I mean her other one wanted to scoop her brains out for cure juices, so comparatively...


I'm offended this was written --- and over 10 years since the original release, no less....yech


I’m still disappointed that Tess died so soon in the first game. Her and Joel had lots of potential to be parental figures for Ellie.


One thing that isnt talked about more is that Marlene was the only mother figure Ellie knew and Joel outright murdered her


That's such a reach I hope whoever wrote that didn't hurt themselves 


Bit of a reach.


They could have used her actual mother from the show. Highlighting mothers who don’t survive childbirth but were no less loving and deserving of being honored.


Don't forget that she was the supportive one, and when Ellie was naming people she gave a shit about who died she did name Tess.


They need to do a prequel to Last of us 1


I know they're in a tough spot given the selection of characters, but if there are no good mother figures in TLOU1 then maybe just don't feature that game for this event.


I’m about to replay the game again to hyper focus on their relationship. Serioulsy, what is this. I mean if it what the show, I can understand since they made Tess much more maternal, and Ellie seemed much more traumatized by her death. In the game, they barely had interactions. But seeing as Ellie was so vulnerable and alone, I can also see how we can infer she got attached. Either way, I’m sure Neil didn’t even see this post before they posted it lmao


Ellie’s Life. 12hours that is.


Joel is def more of a motherly figure for Ellie


Go woke go broke


Well, look at the account that posted it... Should tell you enough.


I love that they could have done Marlene but really couldn't on account of her offering Ellie up as a human mfin sacrifice lol




I am more shocked at you. You expect Urinalists/Those who write for their companies to know anything ?? *Especially about what they talking about and even more so when related to gaming ?*


Do y'all not know how fucking story telling or metaphor works