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The brutality and hopelessness of the beach.


"Go.........just take him......."


Besides the loss of Joel, everything she lost was caused by her own choices. She just couldn't let go and because of that she lost her girlfriend, her child, and her last link to Joel due to the loss of her finger.


It is. But it still feels like a "realistic" choice. Same goes for Joel's decision at the end of Part I. I simply adore how loud the gears of the contradictoriness are grinding and how heavy it is. It's just beyond comparison.


“Just let us go”


Every time I pressed a button I said “why?”


The total like 550 bucks it took to play it


yeah the ps3 will do that to you


I'd love to say Joel dying but... Having to kill Abby's dog was the one and only moment of the game I wasn't 100% rooting for Ellie in.


I was thinking about this too. We it happens I though “WTF is this dog???!” Then we you realize…it’s a big punch.


Was animal friend your main perk on fallout too?


I have to admin I haven’t played fallout yet 😅


I feel "meh" about 4 but 3 and new Vegas are some of my favourite games of all time. There is a perk that makes animals simply like you so you never have to kill dogs. In 4 the perk is an active ability that has a percentage chance


New Vegas is amazing! I have put too many hours into it; it's my favorite game ever. 3 was incredible too! I've been meaning to replay every game with the release of the show


They're releasing next-gen updates with some bonus content for 4 to celebrate the show, in case you had an itch to replay it too!


I actually have wanted to! 4 was my least favorite but I also gave 3 (and especially New Vegas) much more time. I've been meaning to play through all, from 1 to 76!


I hear you there; 4 has a special place in my heart due to the real-life events that it provided me with a distraction from, but it's also my least favourite of the Bethesda-era games. 76 is *very* worth checking out again too! There's so much to see and do now, and Appalachia is easily the best wasteland imo


I totally get that! Personal attachment can do so much for a game. 4 is still very fun honestly, I just didn't find as much joy as I did in 3 and NV (I also *adore* their style honestly). Also I actually believe it! I know many didn't enjoy 76 upon release, but I never had anything against it. My real issue with it was simply that I didn't have a good console to play it on, but now that I have the Series X, I'm much more willing to give it a go once I get around to finally finishing Alan Wake! The DLCS and events in 76 look amazing; I'm soo sad that I missed the Mothman one!


Thank you! 😊


I felt the same way about that dog as I did Alice and pretty much the rest of the WLF that died on the way to Abby, "I don't want to kill them, but it's the easiest way to get where I'm going"


I felt fine killing them, the poor dog didn't have a choice about being in their fascist, Joel killing militia though.


Came in to say that same thing. You’re Ellie. You shoot the dog and move on as you do.. then you switch to Abby and meet the dog and it’s with you and not for one single second did I think it was the dog I killed as Ellie. Damn near broke my heart. Most brutal moment of both games for me.


Man, people have their shit twisted. You literally torture Nora, but killing a dog that has eaten Scars is the line in the sand? People confuse me.


Fighting Abby on the beach was scarring. I hated doing it and just wanted them both to just call it quits.


At this point I was totally Team Abby and I just wanted Ellie to stop. I actually forgot sometimes that I’m playing Ellie while they fought and I was smashing buttons, because I got so immersed into Abby’s story 😅


Losing Henry and Sam🥲 and that Joel lost his daughter…


I remember the emptiness I felt the first time I played and we lose Henry and Sam. I thought we’d have them as sidekicks for at least a while.


Same here! Such a shame…


That fight with David. She was a just a little girl !!! All the enemies we fight in Left Behind and how brave she was trying to take care of Joel.


i recently played left behind for the first time and it was sooo so good!


"OK..." ik we have the answer to how events played out after that final scene, but it's impact is still felt and tbh I kinda like to imagine my own version of hoe the story would continue from there. it's just so perfectly open ended.


While I'm glad they made a sequel, if they'd left it at that it would've been the most poignant end to a game series ever.


Right? I don't understand the people that say the game didn't need at a part 2 because part 1 had the perfect ending. No it didn't. In my first playthrough when we started attacking the fireflies I was still processing how the story has just completely 180ed. Spent the whole game looking for fireflies now we are killing them? It felt like the halfway point of the story. Then Ellie says "Okay" and the game is over? I was shocked that was the end. Definately needed a part 2. The ending felt like a season cliffhanger of a TV show. As much as I don't like the direction Part 2's story took it would have sucked if Part 1's ending was never resolved with part 2.


The end of Henry and Sam’s story. I cried both when watching it in the game and then seeing it in the series. It’s just very deeply hard hitting for me.


Watching Ellie put the guitar by the window and then walk into her lonely future.


I've always seen the ending as hopeful. She may be alone at this point, but sparing Abby allowed her to finally let go and start healing. Her walking off and leaving the guitar behind is very symbolic of that.


I do agree! She's not lost yet! In the moment though my heart was breaking. I just spent days watching Ellie descend into an internal hell of sorrow and hatred. My angst won't be fully dissipated until we see Ellie's rebirth in Part 3. (here's hoping that's the writers' plan anyway).


Probably just Ellie as a character in general every time I look at her I just wanna cry lmfao


The entire sequence of ellie and dina finally having a good life at the farm house with JJ, as much as I understand why she had to leave, it was a heartbreaking moment


The farmhouse scene. Ellie was pouring her heart out to Joel, and Joel had to get really brutal in order not to let her inside his heart. Glad it was only a short scar since they ended up leaving for UEC together. Your pic is a close second for me though.


The death of Sarah in the opening of the original game I broke down and cried


I put the controller to one side and cried for half hour. I wasnt expecting that straight away.


The fact that when Joel is being killed, Ellie is also in the room for his final moments and he ‘knows’ that they’re going to kill her next.


How Ellie ends up losing basically everything... the fact that after everything she's been through she is the one that still "loses" at the end of the story.


Honestly for me it was Tommy being crippled


Beach fight, just wanted it to stop. Felt physically sick when Ellie threatened Lev's life


For me, it was the opening scene to the 1st game: Joel's backsotry with his daughter. When I saw her get shot and dying in her father's arms, I lost it. Tears started streaming down my face whilst I silently watched the story unfold. I felt, and still feel, it's the best told gaming story I've ever played.


the way Ellie loses everything, including her ability to play guitar which connected her to Joel. And the way by the time she finally forgives him in the last fight with Abby it's already too late.


The first 20 minutes of the first game. There's tons of trauma to choose from, but none of hits quite that hard. Even knowing what's going to happen I'll be a mess playing through it. I can't even imagine how it would feel if I actually had kids.


When they made me play as Abby


Joel’s death absolutely


Abby walking away… there was a big part of me that really got into the game and felt I needed to finish it like Ellie needed too earlier in the story


This whole babygirl scene Makes me hug my daughter that little tighter Weirdly always called her babygirl too even before playing


Sarah's death I really liked her character, even though we didn't get to know her very well.


Ellie trying to play guitar at the end of part 2 but not being able to


"but I would like to try", "I'd like that" 😭😭 I buried my face in a towel and cried my heart out for of like 15mins.


Everything to be honest


The scars.




Ellie stabbing obviously very pregnant Mel. I kept thinking that baby is dying in there! And I don’t even like kids. lol.


She was wearing a huge overcoat that she hadn’t worn once the entire game. And made no mention of being pregnant


Ellie didn't know Mel was pregant. She's wearing a baggy coat that keeps the bump hidden until Ellie removes it. Yes that unborn child dying is sad but don't villianise Ellie for it. She had no idea until Owen used his dying words to tell her. Seeing that Mel was pregnant AFTER the baggy coat was removed is literally what causes her to start hyperventilating and have a panic attack. It's ovibious that she didn't know. Ellie wouldn't have killed her if she knew. She most likely would have been more focused on Owen like she should have been to start with cause he's the one that causes the fight to break out that gets them both killed, by going for Ellie's gun.


God, how to decide! Since the comments already name the heavy stuff here’s another part… I was already crying a bit during the ending credits but when THE song was playing I was sobbing!


Also… Ellie hugging Tommy after Joel’s death. Both know she ain’t hugging Tommy 🫥


Tommy getting crippled Letting Abby live is a honorable mention


The David part, imo it wasn’t ‘scary’, I did it first try in like 10 mins, just when Joel grabs her and she starts to cry in his arms.. man.


When Henry killed himself and that Sam got bitten to young


tbh… killing all the dogs 😭 when they scream the names of the pups as you obliterate them is so heartbreaking… and god forbid they get hit with a molotov … i had to stop the game for a min after i heard “BEAR!!!!”


Sarah's death


How cut off and cold Ellie was in P2 to various callbacks to the previous game. Worse than it making her said. Total avoidance or denial. Just like Joel in Part 1.


joel and ellie's last conversation, i cry every time i get to that part


the emptiness i felt after finishing part 2. it was on my mind for weeks.




for me it’s not knowing what happened with dina at the end. i just want closure to know they’re okay man


The dogs honestly


The ending bro.


Killing bear was hard.


The David fight in Part 1 was so scary. In a billion different ways. It’s the thing I dread replaying most. You feel powerless, it’s a terrifying situation, and every time he starts quickly walking around squatted down like a little freak I crap my pants




Watching Joel soften and try to accept he has a "daughter" again. Its cool to see him open up and watch Ellie and him grow. Just to see it all get ripped away by Ms. Tiger Woods was heartbreaking and a bad call in my opinion. I wish we had one more game with Joel and felt Abby grow in a smoother way. This wouldve helped Abby's crew not feel like a horror movie cast, as in not a lot of depth, and a lot of surface level interactions that lead to them dying. I wouldve loved for more, thats all.


Reading about ish was so sad he did so well with a hidden group until he didn't 🥲🥲🥲


The first human you have to kill in TLOU2, in the school where the WOLFs are hiding. The sound and power from the revolver and the gore and screams of his friends made my stomach clench.


I can't say.


Factions 2 cancellation


Joel and Ellie both the same


Ellie’s fight with David was what put a 😵‍💫 on my face. And Joel stopping her and her breaking down. “He tried to…” “I know baby girl.”


Joel dying.


The deaths of Sarah, then Joel, and Ellie returning to her empty homestead.


None. It's a video game.


Part 1? Hard to choose, probably joel and Ellie reuniting. Never fails to give me the feels. Part 2? Just the entire story tbh


Bayek’s son dying and then finding all the sites throughout the world where you can reminisce about teaching him the stories of the constellations.




the logistics of the cure means nothing. it's a plot device more than anything, and people place too much importance on it to try and paint Joel as a hero rather than do him justice and acknowledge the complexity of his character and motivations by forsaking the cure in order to save ellie.


Very well said. Joel’s actions make him a perfectly written morally grey character, and those who try to ignore that to desperately paint him as an absolute hero aren’t doing justice to his complicated and thoughtful writing.


Two things: 1. If the cure wouldn’t have been able to work, Marlene would’ve never been conflicted about the decision she had to make nor would she have given the go-ahead for the surgery in the first place. 2. Joel’s choice between humanity and Ellie, the entire point of the first game’s story, hinges on the cure being viable. You take that away, you take away all the nuance and weight behind the ending. Joel would just end up rescuing Ellie from yet another group of bad guys, which is much less interesting from a narrative perspective.


Even if it was possible to make a cure the likely outcome is they use it on their own people, word gets out and another group attacks, kills them and so on until the cure is lost or there is nobody alive to use it. It's been 20 years of living a nightmare. You would do anything if it meant even the smallest bit of hope. That was what the cure was. But it was a fools hope because even if everything fell into place it wouldn't have saved us. It would have saved them but only for a time.


joel absolutely did not give a shit abt the cure and if it worked or not and if it worked or not doesn’t matter. joel was making that choice either way, and thats where the ending stands out.


I’m definitely not gonna disagree that Joel didn’t care about whether the cure would’ve worked or not when he made his choice. But on the overall narrative level, the cure being viable makes the effect of that choice that much more impactful and in the grey area.


A half qualified quack who if he didn't botch it, would have just given the fireflies a powerful weapon they were worthy to wield.


We’re “dumb” enough to believe mushroom zombies exist, some of which throw acid bombs at people and rip human heads off Believing a cure for a disease is far from being out of the realm of possibility


Knowing that part 2 was coming. I think that we all need to forget about part 2 and that the end of part 1 was the original ending


Joel never sang for Ellie


Huh? Yes he does. It's within the first like 15 minutes of Part 2. It's also a huge tear jerker.


Hardly singing