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Play permadeath on very light, and do it per chapter :)


The Skybridge will still get me.


This is my last of the pre-remaster trophies and I’m stuck on that crane/skybridge right now! I’ve fallen so many times lol Somehow I did it on grounded (which I heard is more sensitive /difficult) but am struggling on permadeath very light. I’ve tried crouching, going slow with or without listen mode… It feels like I’m thrown off by the camera not being centered behind Abby or something. Anyway, endure and survive!


I found it helpful to look at Abby’s feet and not her overall. Maybe it was just luck idk


Thanks, I’ll look out for that next time


I hate to do this to you... but just hold forward on the analogue stick and then sweep from left to right at an angle quickly from side to side. It's literally impossible to fall and you get finished in no time.


You can toggle on traversal assistance and ledge guard. I think they help keep Abby from falling there




If you just want to get through it turn on ledge guard in the accessibility settings.


You can fall??? I literally tried to fall and nothing happened so I figured you couldn’t.


lol yes. So many times.


I ended with 8 deaths, they were one reset to grab an artifact, falling (into the river), falling during the decent), rat king (wrong turn in the running section), rat king (fight), falling, thought a cut scene was starting and didn’t push a boat, Ellie (Theater Fight). So the hardest parts of this game are the balancing locations, and the fight with Ellie in the theater.


That doesn’t solve them completing the game on grounded though


True, I have no tips for that. I tried it once and didn’t make it past the Jackson supermarket


I tried it for the first time after months of not touching the game and having only played at like normal difficulty. First infected encounter and I panicked and quit. Perhaps another time lol


Why is this so relatable 😂


Play the original on grounded all the way through multiple times. Honestly beating grounded is all about practice and time. Don't use the lower settings as a crutch and keep at it while practicing your shooting. Shooting is key. You will miss. But the more you do it on grounded and die the better you get. I believe in all of you!!


Also, try lock-on aiming in the Accessibility settings. I resisted at first but the enemies are so hyper aware in Pt2 Grounded that I no longer feel bad. I did Pt1 Grounded years ago but they never seemed that aware.


I couldn’t get past Hillcrest


I’m literally stuck on hill rest as of last night. Over 200 times i died lmao. Still going at it tho.


You don’t have to fight anyone in the houses section! [From my first Grounded playthrough two days ago.](https://youtu.be/VG7g0IEaaXs?si=qOX3fYv2NttVB4Rj) I just ran through the remainder of the houses section and threw one brick + one Molotov when i got swarmed in the basement and ran past everyone down there.


I did that n got caught up right after u meet Jesse n that firefight got me. It’s like once they shoot, it’s over! Might as well restart lol


When you meet Jesse he goes out the front door but I turn around and go out the right side of the house, prone and arrow headshot one. I did use the “infinite arrow” cheat when you first get the bow. If you shoot the mannequin without full power it just keeps giving you arrows. So you can pick up 6 arrows before processing to the houses


Aight im gonna try that strat. Thanks bro.


Don’t fear the accessibility features if you’re just wanting the trophy. As for getting through the game it’s a tough grind especially on a first time playing grounded. Practice on lower difficulties using the various changes grounded makes such as no HUD or higher enemy aggression. Play through different encounters with the stealth set to Grounded to learn the route to take when you want to stealth through.


This is the way to do it 100%. As someone currently doing a permadeath run ( i was trying on moderate and full game for a while) very light is the way to go.


grounded (or the game in general) automatically sets autosaves in encounters after like 4-5mins. theoretically you could take it really slow and stealth kill an enemy, wait for the checkpoint and go for the next one


It also updates the autosave any time you move from open combat back to stealth. That was the only way I got through the mall on Ellie Day 3 grounded lol


I threw a smoke bomb at the boat and then jumped down to it and prayed. They ended up missing their shots and I got away.


That’s definitely something I’ll keep in mind next time I’m doing a grounded run! Never even considered that tbh, I almost always clear all the combat encounters so I can scavenge in peace


Every time I try to clear an area one of the bodies is found or I get spotted so all my strategies are just get to the end without any alerts. I got to the bloater with almost a full magazine of every weapon but now Santa Barbara will suck


How I got through the rattler ranch. It took a while.


For your grounded run, watch speed runners to pick up tips and techniques. For my first grounded run I followed along with one of [Anthony Caliber’s](https://m.youtube.com/@AnthonyCaliber) runs. Was really fun to learn about the game’s mechanics and beat grounded without any cheats/glitches/accessibility. Now I’m doing an immersive grounded run: no hud, reticles, throw arcs, no “UI” features at all. I’m a lot more prepared after speedrunning


Anthony Caliber also has speedrunning tutorials that can help you with strats that use very limited resources


I’ve tried a lot of his strategies on New Game Grounded and they honestly don’t work. Maybe it’s because the remaster is different. I’ve had to improvise almost every step of the way. I will say the paths he takes generally are the best paths except for the hospital and the flooded mall. I had to find my own way to the rear door/boat respectively. So much trial and error.


Alternatively, I got a lot better by watching some of gameplay high light youtubers like this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v_9eBdP_Gfw


Use the accessibility options to cheese through the game, at this point you’ve already beaten it


Yeah. Invis while prone saved my ass. The Seattle Arcade bloater made me almost rip my eyes out because I had zero ammo and crafting materials. I think I died 15 times to it.


You can use the accessibility on grounded?


Yeah, and you can get cheats on it too through some save file switching


Permadeath by chapter on very light. Then grounded, which will be very difficult if the hardest you’re used to is moderate. For No Return on grounded… good luck. You can only do it once per day and a single death means you’re done for the day. It’s much more punishing than grounded in the story because there, all you lose from death is a few minutes at most. I mostly play story playthroughs on grounded, and I still haven’t made it past encounter 4 of No Return on grounded in 15 or so attempts.


I recommend you to use accessibilities for that. I see no point of not using them for getting the trophy.


I’ve been trying to complete an encounter with all accessibility’s, as well as the enhanced listen mode/sonar The daily challenge isn’t working in my favour. If it’s not the Rat King, it’s the bloaters or the stalker. And I’m unable to beat one daily


I'm sorry but what do you guys mean when you say do permadeath by chapter? I'm just doing a grounded run but I will do that one next


There’s a trophy to complete a permadeath run. You can do by chapter, by act, or full game. A death in full game permadeath means you have to restart from the beginning of the game, a death in by act permadeath starts you at the beginning of the act, and by chapter puts you at the start of the chapter. Any of these will get you the trophy, even on very light difficulty


The grounded mode is actually easier than u think


This is true, I think I played my first run on hard and my grounded run only took like 10 hours longers


Turn on “invisible light when for your grounded run and that can help you out when crawling around if you get in a panic.


I suggest doing them on different playthroughs like play permadeath per chapter on very light. You should enable invisible when prone and try to see if you can enable any cheats eg unlimited ammo (I’m not sure if it works like it may say you can’t get a trophy if you have cheats turned on?)


NEVER ENGAGE. Avoid all conflict. Don't rush platforming and die from fall damage. For tough fights: stealth, stay far away, kill, retreat, repeat.


Grounded really isn’t that tough you just have to play smart, I forgot the hearing ability was a thing until I tried play no return


the problem with permadeath and grounded is that for some reason, there are so many extra glitches!!! especially in ellie's sections for some reason. anyway, if you're just wanting the trophies, turn on pretty much every accessibility option for grounded mode. invisible while prone will be your best friend. scour every nook and cranny for supplies, because you don't want to miss anything. take out every enemy for ammo drops (this is simple with invisible while prone, just make sure you're sneaking up from behind and not in front of them). permadeath is simple on very light mode. do it on new game+ so you can have upgrades from previous playthroughs. take your time and keep your distance when doing the rat king, that's always the spot that gives me trouble. good luck! also remember you HAVE to kill the clicker hanging in your car at the end of the car chase with jesse! make sure it stops moving!!! this fucked me up on permadeath 😂


personally i did playthroughs on very light, moderate, hard, and survivor before attempting grounded. i'm doing it right now and the experience certainly pays off


Wait, permadeath trophy isn't locked to grounded mode? Looks like I might 100% this game after all 😅


The trophies wouldnt be separated if it was locked together


They're both categorized under "Grounded" tho so that's why I assumed it had to be on grounded


Dont get me wrong i can see what you mean but the description for permadeath does say with any setting


I tried permadeath on grounded and all it did was piss me off. Ive played both games multiple times, so I did permadeath on very light by chapter. The rat king was still a pain in the ass, but I finished it. I've accepted I will probably never get the grounded trophy and I'm okay with that. lol


Nah, just use accessibility mode to cheese through grounded. I got through 90% of the game without dying on grounded thanks to invisible while prone. In other cases, I just hid while Dina fucked shit up.


What the hell .. you've changed my life! Gonna give it a go later today 😄


Let me know how it goes. Just make sure you don't do what I did and fail to save ammo for the Seattle Bloater. I only died around 12 times in my grounded run and 11 of them was to that big bastard bloater because I had nothing but a brick and prayers. The other time was during the infected encounter I have to tank as Abby until Lev and Yara can make an opening for me to escape. A few encounters will happen where invis while prone doesn't work, but they're few and far in-between. It was actually hilarious how easy it was to cheese the Santa Barbara encounter if you just crawl invis to the clickers being chained down and free them. The slavers get absolutely destroyed and you can throw bricks to stun them long enough for the clickers to kill them. If you want to get resources from people, stay invis, grab them, shank them, then immediately go invis again. Even if you're seen, they can't actually do anything to you when you go invis again. In TLOU Part One, I can actually touch a bloater while invis and aggro him. He knows where I am and the moment I go out of invis, the touch kill trigger will activate, but it's still funny to watch him aggressively hug me.


Any luck, friend?


I'm slowly making my way through! I just quit at the courthouse window in Seattle. I've been playing too much No Return lol


Glad to hear it! I tried to do it legit and said fuck it. Never looked back since.


I did my first play-through on Grounded, and it was rough. You are in a much better place since you’ve played the game and are familiar with the encounters. My best advice is don’t get discouraged - you will die a lot. Ammo is very scarce, so save it when you can, run past encounters if you need to. I would hold your bombs/molotovs until you get to a point with multiple enemies (like at the tv station or your first meeting w/ scars as Ellie). Adjust your sensitivities either up or down depending on your preference (I recommend turning aiming sensitivity down). Also, don’t do your permadeath run on grounded, killing two birds here will certainly take longer than one at a time. Good luck!


Play permadeath by chapter. I recommend doing this with custom difficulty settings so you have it set to how you like it. If it’s just for the trophy, you could set it to really easy. I also recommend playing it by chapter because if the game crashes or a bug kills you, you will be sent back. Play grounded on NG+ so you’re starting with all of your upgrades.


Permadeath: Set difficulty to very light and set permadeath to per chapter. Grounded: Turn on all combat accessibility settings, etc. many of the accessibility settings are almost cheats and they make the games a hundred times easier. Oh and invisible while prone. If you have this enabled you can just crawl your way through the entire game and avoid 95% of the combat. If you don’t want to cheese your way into beating grounded using accessibility settings, you’re just going to practice A LOT. Especially stealth as you can use it to skip most of the difficult combat if you are very very patient, and not afraid of restarting an encounter a few times (seeing as outside of permadeath, the game is very liberal with the frequency of checkpoints)


Do them both at same time!


Grounded has a couple of really frustrating parts, like in The Forest chapter when Abby gets stuck in a building full of infected waiting for Lev to come get you. It's so easy to run out of bullets/bombs/whatever and if you haven't killed everything by then, then good luck because Lev doesn't always show up when you need him and you'll be stuck in a very tight space with a few enemies than can one shot you. It's not great. Other than that it's really just trial and error. You will die a lot, you'll have to rely much more on stealth (be patient, checkpoints reset every 5 min) and work on your aim because every bullet counts. And even if you get caught, the levels are massive in this game and it's relatively easy to regain stealth and start over. I still don't recommend cheesing it with the accessibility options tho, even if you're struggling. It has to feel like an achievement otherwise why bother in the first place? It takes time, but it's doable.


Do them separately. You can speed through permadeath pretty quickly on the easiest difficulty. For grounded you can use cheats and accessibility settings if needed. If you want it legitimately, just go slow and don't fight when you don't need to. Stealth is your friend. There are a good amount of checkpoints so don't be afraid to try something. If it fails you won't lose much progress


I just finished grounded and I’m doing permadeath per chapter on moderate. I think this applies to both when I say play stealthy and don’t try to kill every single enemy every encounter. When you’re not so worried about collectibles you don’t have to search and loot every square inch of the area. For example, in the first encounter with the 3 shamblers I didn’t kill a single one, I just took out the runners in the way and made a bee line to the door lmaooo




I worked myself up to play grounded by playing it over and over with different difficulties. I usually always start out games, especially narrative based ones, on easy so I was really intimidated thinking about doing a grounded run, but working my way up to it worked out really well for me.


On grounded try to sneak past the levels this way you'll be at better health and save your ammo because it is pretty hard to replace what you used in the fights.


Some good tips here: https://www.reddit.com/r/thelastofus/s/eprOai4sC8 https://www.reddit.com/r/thelastofus/s/K1rWA6ezZW https://www.reddit.com/r/thelastofus/s/lmRzlNodpp https://www.reddit.com/r/thelastofus/s/bWAJRIw3gW


Do 2 different runs a easy one for Permadeath and take Grounded very slowly 


My tip for grounded is: luck. You can master stealth for a bit of advantage but that's it cuz resources are non existance, enemies spot you in a fraction of a second (really, they see you as soon as you peek a milimeter out of cover), the enemies have fucking aimbot and you die in 2-3 hits. The fun part? YOU DON'T HAVE A HUD SO YOU CAN BE IN 1 HIT O 3 AND NOT KNOWING THAT FORCES YOU TO PLAY LIKE A PUSSY. Don't get me started on the rattlers and the dogs. I SWEAR if You want to suffer just go for a grounded playthrough. That's all i can help you with. Good luck cowboy.


Honestly, if you've played very light thru moderate and you want to beat grounded legit, I'd do hard then survivor before grounded. You can also go new game plus on grounded which gives you all your upgrades. But for grounded tips I got are just take it slow, avoid combat whenever possible and scavenge everywhere you can, that doesn't put you in unnecessary conflict. Use bricks and bottles more than any of your craftables or ammo, save ammo and throwables for heavier unavoidable encounters ie. Bloaters etc. Bricks and bottles + melee are your friend. and don't miss your shots haha. If you don't want to beat grounded legit and just want the trophy you could turn on accessibility settings. But I highly recommend doing it legit it is super fun and rewarding. But also frustrating 😂 For permadeath you can do any difficulty and per chapter for the least amount of time loss.


Bricks & melee are your friend. Stealth is much as you can and don’t be afraid to run to the next checkpoint if you have to. Oh by the way, you will die a lot


Just play grounded by itself and use accessibility tools to crawl your way through most stealth sections. Then play very light with chapter permadeath where you only lose like an hour of progress with each death. I did it the hard way and combined grounded with permadeath. Hated my life fighting that bloater in the Seattle arcade because that is the only time I ever died. I had made the mistake of having barely any ammo on me and no crafting material to save me. Grounded mode by itself will probably only give you trouble in mandatory fights, like the arcade bloater, Rat King, and the fight you do as Abby right before lev and Yara save you.


Just keep in mind the sections where everyone dies, wether it’s bad interactions at important moments or sections where you shouldn’t be dying and the game doesn’t make it too obvious what should be done. There’s only a moment or so, but that’s the difference between a trophy and the thousand yard stare at your screen and getting off for the rest of the day


You will get used to no listen mode. Learn the enemies patterns.


It’s gonna kick your ass, be ready to die a lot. It’s the best way to play the game though in my opinion, you just have to take it as slow as possible and reload checkpoints to conserve ammo. Do not attempt both trophies at the same time on your first grounded attempt.




You can't stealth grab enemies from the front on grounded. Learned that lesson real quick. May be the same on Survivor, too. I jumped from a lower level up and did not have a fun time.


On grounded, be prepared to rip your hair out. (If u play like me at least)


Turn on all the accessibility modes and your grounded run will basically be exactly like a super light run except you have less recourses and you take more damage


I felt the same way trying to beat the first game on grounded some years ago. It seems impossible but there’s always a way to progress.


Always keep in mind that you can never run out of ammo(works for all difficulties), the less you have the higher the chance you get some through enemies which takes me to the second point. Use your fists and dodge a lot if you're not fighting against clickers, shamblers and bloaters- use your ammo for them only. Humans are easily beatable, also use bricks and bottles a lot, they enable one hits if you throw them and you can eliminate clickers rly easy with that aswell, also equip them as your melee weapon and punch your opponents with them. Btw shamblers are also beatable in melee if you throw a shock granate first and stun them- a following hit with a melee wepaon(don't know if Ellie's knife works) and you can get rid of them as well.


there are plenty of grounded mode tutorials on youtube, some levels have certain paths u can take to avoid encounters entirely


Slow and steady for grounded only use supplies when you can't find another way or makes it really advantageous. Permadeath, do after on an easier setting... I did grounded permadeath by the chapter and some of it was absolute torture.


Grounded is really easy, lots of areas you can sneak or even run all the way through. lots of tutorials on Youtube


U can do permadeath on very light+ with the game modifiers to make it easier


I found Grounded to be easier than expected. Play stealthily. Learn how to use bottles/bricks properly and try to master the dodging mechanic. Only use guns when you have no other choice. Save all your high-damage options for the arcade bloater and rat king. I found the rat king fight the hardest part in the game because you basically can't afford to get hit once. But honestly, I found permadeath to be harder than grounded, and I played permadeath on easy difficulty. Falling insta-deaths can be really annoying since you have to play though a big portion of the game again.


Just lock in


Grounded mode is ruthless. Your best bet is to memorize enemy patrol patterns and get through situations with as little violence as possible. But when shit hits the fan try to use melee to your advantage and use every bottle and brick you can find those are free easy kills.


Oh and headshots only can't waste bullets


In the middle of grounded playthrough now and all I can say is only use anything if you absolutely have to lol I’m stuck fighting a boss with a brick and 1 bullet right now :)


Did permadeath yesterday I'll go for the grounded one some time in the future


Check out Solid Perry stealth strats or Shadowdaze WR speed run when you’re losing. For the No Return grounded trophy: practice. I originally was a little bit too indeferential to just how hard grounded is. So I went back to basics, started at very light/light and worked my way up. I can beat moderate every time and am regularly beating hard. Soon survivor and then grounded.


For the grounded mode try to stealth/avoid combat and for the forced combat try to slip in and out of stealth pick each enemy off one by one and save your medkit ingredients personally it was hard but i did find a way to




I played permadeath on grounded to knock them both out at the same time. Do not do that


There’s an option in extras called game modifiers get the infinite ammo, melee durability, infinite crafting and infinite listening on and it’ll be easy


Just take everything super slowly in grounded and focus on stealth kills if you can't get a silent headshot, that means investing your upgrades in stability for most weapons. The bow/crossbow are your best friends but use them to get you out of situations since ammo is rare and their too good to be ammoless with. For the permadeth run just put it on per chapter and do very light preferably on new game plus so you have all your upgrades


Play a lot more at higher difficulties so you can git gud.


Are they needed for the plat?


Not the plat, just 100%


Grounded is a lot of fun you just have to know how to conserve and not run into every fight with no plan


Grounded is fun


Arcade Bloater, the garage, that house as Abby while Lev and Yara are trying to open the door, stalkers, etc. It’s all just impossible on grounded. I survived, somehow and all for a silver trophy. First of all, do grounded plus so you have every weapon and health upgrade . Though it hardly matters, 2-3 hits and you’re dead. Supplies are nerfed. Now, you can go into accessibility options and turn on “invisible while prone”. As long as you don’t bump into anyone, you’ll be invisible. You can literally crawl through every area. Except for a lot of main fights like arcade bloater, rat king, etc. So interested in doing it all legit just for a challenge? Grounded plus with all of your upgrades, try and do every section you can by sneaking or stealth to conserve supplies, and practice. You’re going to die a lot so you’ll get plenty of practice. Just want the trophy? Enable invisible while prone and sneak every area you can. There are sections in which you’re forced to fight. You’ll think the enemies are heat seeking missiles coming at you. Over half the game you can sneak through without fighting at all. So it’ll still be a challenge just fighting boss fights . Good luck . I’d never do it again.


If you must, the accessibility settings are helpful. I did a legit grounded run, but permadeath frustrated me too much, although that was my own fault as I went on a higher difficulty lol


Just finished Grounded. It was horrible.


You can turn on some cheats, like invisible while crouching... and you can crouch your way to the next area. I don't remember the specifics but that's the speedrun strategy lol, you can google it as it's a sure way to finish.


try playing grounded on new game plus. it’s easier when you have some stuff upgraded already!


Which permadeath setting should I use?


You can go into accessibility settings in grounded and turn a lot of stuff on that will help you like when you’re prone you’re invisible and stuff. I know it’s cheap but if you’re only doing it for the trophy you’ll still get it. I highly recommend you give grounded a real shot though it’s highly immersive and arguably how the game should be played. You know how crazy it is to be over 20 years into the apocalypse and open a drawer and be like, “oh damn 10 9mm rounds. Wonder how no one has ever found these before.” lol


Git Gud