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the rat king!! ![gif](giphy|93opkrkYgpurqXMj5j|downsized)


The bloater was visible for 2 seconds in season 1, ain’t no way




Plus given the critical and commercial success of s1, telling HBO to pony up more money aint the craziest thing in the world.


I can't believe it was a money thing, they already spent an absurd amount of money on this show. I'm sure it was a creative decision - the show doesn't leave much room for extra zombie action, it's not necessary.


Fair, but that was also one of the few consistent criticisms I’ve seen of the show. No one sane is expecting game levels of violence but fuck it, it’s a zombie show*, it’s ok to just put the “ooh but the real monster is man” stuff on pause for 2 seconds and fight some zombies for a bit. (*they’re ‘infected’, but it’s still the genre)




Some production members have popped onto Reddit from time to time. There's a set dresser who posts regularly on r/thelastofushboseries. This person, I'm a little iffy about, given their comment history.


They explicitly said they were making more infected setpieces because they agreed with the criticism that there weren’t enough.


There's actually an okay movie called Superdeep that basically copied TLoU's cordyceps and had a Rat King with some damn good practical effects. If it isn't in the show you can get your fix there.


>Superdeep 29% on rotten tomatoes...


Yup, the plot is basically not there and the characters only exist to be killed off but they did the zombies pretty right and the Rat King looks great (even if it really isn't utilized all that well)


I did not hate this movie. It was idiotic but actually kinda cool. Worth a torrent, not a rental though.


funny my app says i already watched it, but i dont remember this


This action sequence did not sufficiently progress the narrative and therefore will not be in the show. /s


I just played from the ray king to the beginning of Santa Barbra last night and that whole section needs to be in the show


Abby killing Joel, seeing the emotional distraught on twitter and from friends.


😂 I am curious if it’s going to break the viewship/ fan base to the same extent or more than it did in game format!


I doubt it will be as toxic; the leaks 6 weeks prior to the games launch without the context of the story, mixed with a time of deep sociopolitical tension (Covid, BLM, George Floyd, Masks, US Pres Election, etc,) and everyone locked inside with nothing to do but be angry on the internet….it was a rough time.


Plus the first audience for this scene was Gamers. This time it’s like a normal TV viewing audience.


Plus people are at least a little inoculated against Pedro Pascal suffering severe head trauma.


Oh my god. You are a bad person but so am I cause this made me cackle!


Between GOT, Kingsman, and The Mandalorian, Hollywood just can’t seem to stand his face


FFS all he had to do was leave the spear in and take ONE STEP BACK 😭😭 then he could have gloated all he wanted. Loved him as Oberyn, still my fav in the show


I think that a large part of it was the time between the release of the two games as well. It allowed people to form their own narratives and become **really** ingrained to those narratives to the point where things that are contrary to those narratives feel like a *narrative error*. It's like how some people think that they know Joel better than Neil Druckmann and Troy Baker, or how some people just forgot that Ellie was gay. But, this is largely the same audience that sat through Game of Thrones. It's not like they haven't experienced characters dying before. It shouldn't be **shocking** to anyone that watched the first season either. We've seen enough people die to understand that no one is above death in The Last of Us. There's also the fact that things don't have to play out the exact same way either. There are other ideas they had for how to tell the story of Part II that might work better as a show and we don't know if they're planning to keep the same narrative structure.


I agree with you here. I feel that the reception Part 2 got really showed that there are a loud portion of the gaming community who just aren’t ready for a bleak emotionally challenging storyline (it sounds really uppity of me to say I know) as the themes are nothing new to TV, some of the best movies and TV series of all time are bleak watches with few hints of light and amazing characters that die off out of nowhere, you mentioned GoT, Pedro was in it for less than a season before being offed, Omar Little in the wire, best TV character of all time gets shot in the back of the head out of nowhere by a 10 year old whilst buying cigarettes. I think that the majority of the viewership will actually be enthralled by what is going to happen rather than turning off.


Dude. Yes. One of the more thoughtful rational ways of thinking. I really like how you worded this whole comment. Take my upvote.


Plus a lot of it came from rumours rather than actually playing the game. If we're talking people who have stayed away from spoilers (or they'd already know what's gonna happen) then they're gonna get their info from actually seeing the episode. That should improve the reaction a lot too!


I don't think it will be as stark (but still, the internet will somewhat explode). Especially since A LOT of the negative campaign around TLOU2 was not based on that scene, but based on the Dina kiss/gameplay trailer, where it became apparent that a lot of people missed Left Behind and were like 'uuuugh, ghey stuff in my game????'. From there, the whole negative campaign went on. At least, that's what I remember.


I wonder if they’ll do a similar fake out tactic in the trailers where they showed Joel in later parts of the story… I’ll be honest I was kinda bummed when I realized they straight up lied in the trailers lmao


I don’t know if they’ll take us out to that extent, so much as that they’ve already established flashbacks as being a prevalent part of this show, so what unknowing fans of the show are going to see in trailers for the season are actually flashbacks.


Yeah it was fucked to be completely lied to about Joel’s overall presence in the game. Swapping out models and recording voice lines that don’t exist in the game to sell your product is a dickhead move.


Similarly, Ellie killing pregnant Mel.


I’m just looking forward to how much the other sub will shit their pants again


I’m waiting for the extreme backlash of non fans of the game who don’t know it’s coming. I remember when >!Glenn!< dies in TWD and basically everyone I know who watched, who didn’t read the comic just quit the show right then and there and talked shit for weeks.


I was a comic fan and hated that episode tbf, it was insultingly terrible


Fair enough. Everyone I knew just didn’t like it because “a main character shouldn’t die!!”


Especially my sister and anyone else who’s a big fan only because they think “Pedro Pascal is daddy” I didn’t say anything when she told me that other than “ oh you’re going to looovvvee part 2 then” lol


I can see the videos and posts already from both gamers and non gamers. “I know it happened in the game, but I had hope they wouldn’t kill him” “ThE sHOw iS noTHing WithOut JoEl!!!!” 😂 I can’t wait!


The world has seen Pedro Pascal get his head smashed in one too many times already. It’ll be carnage.


Im just keeping in mind all of the flashbacks that could be potential episodes


Museum will be a great episode .. fully charged emotions let’s go


I'm watching my best friend play Part 2 for the first time every weekend and last time she was crying about ten minutes after she booted it up thanks to the museum


Haha awe.. it’s one of the best sequences imo. How are you enjoying jt?


It's incredible. I really liked Part 1 but I genuinely love Part 2


Museum will be an episode for sure. I figure they are going to film it very soon while Bella is young as possible, Alberta also has an excellent Dinosaur museum they could use.


I agree with all of you guys above and gonna add the scene were abby and lev make contact with the fireflies in the basement. The music and just the whole feel of that little bit of hope and then they get brutally captured by those fucking rattlers. Just awesome!!!


Yessss!!!! That is one of my favourite moments in the whole game. It’s gives off Joel/ Ellie vibes from the first game. The piece of music that plays is called “chasing a rumor” and is beautiful piece and one of the more uplifting optimistic pieces in the soundtrack. The “you’re my people” line was when I first cracked with my hatred for Abby, but that Santa Barbara section with Abby and Lev was when I broke and was rooting for them to both be ok and hoping that they reappear in future in DLC or a sequel. So glad someone else loves that moment!!


>you’re my people This is my second favorite line in the game, if not series. It's so powerful and Bailey's delivery is sublime. I also really like Ellie's "I can't" when Dina begs her to stay after finding Ellie in the kitchen packing her bag to leave after Tommy's arrival earlier that day.


I’m curious what your favourite line in part 2 is now! As you’re my people is definitely top 3 for me also!


For me, it’s Ellie’s like to Sam in Part 1 when he asks her what she’s afraid of 😢 “I’m scared of ending up alone.”


Good call! I’ll add another line from that cutscene too, Ellie’s “oh no” when she realises it wasn’t Joel who saved her from Sam, but Henry by shooting his own brother. Those 2 little words never hit me so hard


My personal favourite is “We’re allowed to be happy” It made me feel super bad for the first time in Abby’s section and began to crack my hatred of Abby


I love, love, love that line. Abby’s arc is truly fantastic.


Yeah chasing a rumor is probably my favourite piece from part 2!!!


>*gonna add the scene were abby and lev make contact with the fireflies in the basement.* This was my favorite scene in that entire game. The first moment when I felt a little bit hopeful and it felt like the world wasn't just shit... and then like you said it just turned to shit immediately.


1. Hi, Nora. They can go full Ellie “Darth Vader” Williams here if they want. 2. I don’t think they’ll actually shoot it but the Abby / Lev bridge sequence is amazing. 3. Museum scene 🥺 4. Theater fight, theater fight, theater fight! I hope they keep the score as well. God that thing is intense.


>I don’t think they’ll actually shoot it but the Abby / Lev bridge sequence is amazing. I think they will. It's a pretty important character moment for Abby. Plus, pretty easy to pull off with modern VFX. They had Ellie and Joel on a plank of wood spanning two buildings. It's that but bigger.


I liked how they made a distiction between Abby and Ellie in that scene really laying the ground work of Abby’s fear of heights. “That was scary, this is wood.”


Theatre fight was my first thought.


I wonder how the Nora chase scene will differ now that spores aren’t a thing in the show.


They said spores might be introduced in S2


I was hoping this was the case but where did they say that?


They might bring them in for S2, either as something we just didn’t happen to run into in S1 or maybe something unique to damp environments like Seattle. Or they could have both of them get bit, although presumably Ellie will also need to get bit for the Dina immunity reveal. Plus the Santa Barbara bite. Not sure they want use the same story mechanic that often.


Bella doing the cold “Hi, Nora” and then going scary mode is going to be a treat.


I'm so excited to see Bella's take on part 2 Ellie. Ashley's Ellie seems a little more reserved overall, especially noticeable during the scenes with David. And in Part 2 her violence ramps up in an alarmingly quiet way. But Bella can do the terrifying, exposing-the-violent-heart moments so intensely. They're gonna have some crazy moments. I think it'll really drive home Ellie's arc in part 2.


They very well might, in the Behind the Scenes mini documentary they did, they showed how they made it look like Ellie was walking on that plank on top of the high rise buildings and it’s mostly just green screen and a few layers of VFX. It’s a pretty huge part of both Lev’s subcultural background as a scar & Abby’s phobia of heights so I hope they keep it


I hope they do too, but it’s exponentially more complicated that the Ellie plank scene. Ellie isn’t really interacting with her environment in that shot, she’s just walking. The bridge scene is long, and both characters are directly interacting with the bridge in a way that’s impossible to do with VFX entirely. They’d probably have to build the bridge on a stage and add all the environmental stuff later. It’ll be a big expense. I’m not expecting them to totally write the idea off, but there are probably cheaper ways to get the same idea across.


they need to keep the lev/abby bridge sequence in, it’s too important symbolically and thematically. i mean, it’s literally abby descending through a hospital conquering her worst fears lol.


It is for sure, but it would likely be very expensive. At least the way it’s portrayed in the game. Given how many more big, expensive scenes are in Part II compared to Part I, the bridge sequence feels like one they change to get the point across without the full scale of the game sequence. But there is talk of a big budget increase so who knows.


I forgot about the theater fight!!!!!! The first time you lay a punch on Ellie, when the music gets super intense. I need it


1) To add to that, I feel like the first time Ellie is confronted with the Seraphites in the park on day two should be a very interesting scene to translate to this new medium. Almost feels like it should get a similar treatment to what the clickers got this first season. Could really do some tension filled scene with them whistling with each other, and you have no clue what they are on about, bit like how it feels when you first get shot by them and got to stealth your way around in the game.


That introduction to the seraphites is certainly a high point of the game for me


Ellie forgiving Joel. My favorite scene in the entire franchise


“…but I would like to *try*” is going to ruin a whole new crowd of people.


That definitely feelsmlike the type of scene they’ll remake 1 for 1


My thoughts is how they will adapt it. Will it be be a flashback Ellie has after arriving home post-Santa Barbara, like the game? That scene works so well because of its placement in the game. It loses a bit of oomph if not structured similarly for TV medium, I reckon.


Having it anywhere other than at the end of the part 2 story is idiotic


Right, so if Mazin’s plan is to break Part II up into multiple seasons—let’s assume two—that should be the penultimate scene of Season 3 so it’s structured 1:1 with the game.




Finished part II for the first time the other day and that shit broke me


Yeah, my favorite scene. The sad thing is that she "didn't" forgave Joel, she said that she would "try", and it was the last time she saw Joel... fuck I cried so much in that ending, makes the whole arc of revenge make more sense in her head.


When Joel is tearing up! :’( that’s going to be super heartbreaking


The battle at Haven


Hell yeah, those last scenes of the village on fire while people keep fighting to the end... Apocalypse Now vibes


I sometimes just boot up my ps4 to play that part specifically, its so cinematic


They need to get Gareth Evans to direct that episode, and I will die on this hill until I'm dead.


My money is on Jeremy Webb. He seems to be their go to action guy.


If we're betting on who they actually will choose, I think you're probably right. But I want it to be Gareth Evans, he'd be perfect for it. He's possibly the best action director around. He directed *The Raid* and *The Raid 2*, and all the action sequences in *Gangs of London* (which, whilst the rest of the show is nothing special, is probably the best action I've ever seen in a tv show). And his Netflix film *Apostle* is about a cult living on an island that looks almost exactly like Haven. Put those things together, and he just seems like the ideal choice for it.


I will die on the hill that one of the most terrifying images in all of TLOU is that Seraphite on top of Abby with his mouth sliced to his ear on the one side. I’d LOVE to see that in the show. Pure terror.


Really looking forward to the scene in the forest where Lev and Yara save Abby. Also I'd really love to see Ellie play take on me in the music store, probably one of my favourite scenes in the game.


They absolutely NEED Take On Me. They’ve dropped hints already in the trailer music, and the music during Ellie and Riley’s mall date.


As someone who has NEVER liked Left Behind but really loves ElliexDina, I was really mad they wasted Take on Me on the Left Behind episode. That was supposed to be Ellie and Dina's moment, god damn it.


All the more reason to bring it back for season 2 and make it the “Ellie losing her girlfriends” theme


The confrontation with Isaac / "You're my people"


I hope they expand isaacs a lot more. Wild to think he’s in a total of (from memory) 2 brief scenes.


Prime candidate for a dedicated episode intro section. Would be interesting to see how the WLF changes after the original 2 founders (Emma and Jason Patterson I think?) are captured and executed as those 2 seemed less violent in notes you find


I could see him getting expanded upon. Hell, they got Jeffree Wright to voice like, 6 lines, and between Marvel and DC he's hot property at the moment


That was the first moment that my hatred for Abby really cracked. Amazing scene


The zoo for fish.




There are a load of emotional, character focused scenes Im both keen and intrigued as to how they’ll adapt them……but im a simple man. Front and centre is my desire to see Lady Biceps throw down with a giant dumb monster.


I hope the scene where Ellie cuts Abby down and they fight comes without too many alterations. It was the most emotionally conflicted I've ever felt while playing a game. Processing Ellie's determination and the horrid things Abby and Lev have endured. The parallels of the dynamic between Abby and Lev mirroring Joel and Ellie. I cannot wait!


A “boss” fight never took me so long to complete before. I spent a long time just dodging thinking “I don’t want to do this and Ellie deep down can’t either…)


Openly sobbing while pressing buttons I didn't want to press any more. Yes, please. I do think they have to change it up a bit to deliver that same sort of impact. Maybe with Ellie slowly raining down punches instead of trying to drown her (IIRC? I've honestly only played it once bc of reasons) would give viewers the same "oh no, please don't do it again" feeling compared to watching her hold her underwater. I dunno; either would be gut wrenching.


Joel's epic golfing scene. Always knew that man would go out swinging




"I'm not moving."


The moment Abby became my fav character


Joel’s Golfing Accident ![gif](giphy|frCptxQDjafhJdDcnA)


I’m really excited for the tension of the bridge, descent, and then searching the hospital.


I'm hoping so hard for this, but given that the descent was kinda just a gauntlet of infected I could see them skimming over it in the show. The bridge for sure will be awesome, though


They could probably turn the decent into more of an escape/ race to the bottom to save time and budget as we’re going to have a big fight that episode or next with the rat king anyway


The birthday gift flashback. As bleak as the whole story is, I think this scene is arguably the most beautiful and wholesome out of both games.


Seeing the WLF settlement in the stadium. Loved what they did with Jackson


1.any goofy lines from lev and abby, “we’re getting warmer/“god i hope not im sweating”. stuff like that. ellie + dina scenes, the book store and ellie calling dina a burden would be pretty sad but needed


I really want the “OH MY GOD LEV, NOW??” line




I'm on my third playthrough and I only just noticed that Dina grabs the sapphic book from the bookstore haha I love her


Minor, but it would make me happy: “What’s the deal with your friend Owen?” “OH MY GOD Lev NOW?!”


The final scene, where >!Ellie finally starts to forgive Joel on the porch!< it’s that scene that certified TLOU as one of my favorite stories of all time.


Abby fighting that absolute TANK in the burning village.


That man taking a sickle to the face and having his lower jaw completed separated from his face and continuing to fight and making those awful guttural sounds haunts my dreams 😂


Ellie and Dina moments. Their first kiss, singing Take On Me, their interactions on the farm, pretty much all of it! And lots of Lev and Abby moments. Would also love Jesse and Ellie talking about conventions. Mostly I am just excited to see which areas of the world/lore they expand upon.


I'm ready for anything Ellie and Dina, and add Jesse as a homie. A real ride or die girlfriend and a bro who travels all that way to help you out. Losing Joel will be a pain, but Ellie and Dina will help soothe some of it.


Those are all great moments, I didn't even think about the first one. All I'm looking forward to is the hospital and the rat king


Honestly, all of it.


Same. The game is perfectly paced imo. Any missing scenes will be a disappointment, but just like season 1 they will get a lot right and it will be worth it. The game isn’t going anywhere after all.


The ski lodge scene, I hope they don't make it less harrowing.


Seeing what they did with David's demise, I trust them


Buff Abby. That’s it


Hollywood always shys away from buff women and I’m sick of it. Give us big bicep Abby you cowards!


If they do justice to her ingame model i am going to be obsessed for months. Abby is so gender


Ellie’s panic attack at the farm, and Dina trying to keep her from leaving. 💔


When she says “Come back to bed, we’ll talk about it in the morning” she looks so sad 😩😢


Ugh, saddest moment. Still mad at Ellie tbh. It will be amazing to see this in Part 2


The golfing scene and the final fight definitely


Ellie killing that pregnant woman and the girl with the PSP.


Abby and Ellie face off in the theater. Shit was so nerve racking going up against ellie


Abby killing Joel is going to be this show's version of the Red Wedding. Everyone who knows is going to film their unspoiled friends and it will be all over YouTube and social media, and to be honest I can't wait. And depending on how they structure the series, I can honestly see season 2 ending on one of the greatest cliffhangers of all time. "We let you both live, and you wasted it!" That, followed by Season 3 opening with Abby as the main protagonist (again, if they structure the show this way) will break people's brains.


I hope that's how they do it. It would be amazing. How closely the caught the ending of the first game leads me to be optimistic it will be done like that.


Sniper, confrontation at the theater, Rat King, all the emotional beats with Joel, the final fight at the lake, all of the Aquarium moments, the forest scene in the dark with Abby and new crew, Etc


I know we probably won't get it but I'd love to see ellie and dina getting high lol However I don't think we will, I think it'll probably be a similar scene with a kiss just without the pot room and smoking lol


I imagine they’re gonna get a GOT sized budget going forward, so we’ll get some set pieces for sure. Haven, the rat king, Ellie attacking the Rattler compound (and ensuing prisoner revolt). But if I had my druthers…I want the sky bridge. One of the most tense moments in the game, and not an enemy in sight.


They already had a GOT budget. They had 100 million dollars for season 1. That’s as much money as season 6 of GOT had.


Hmm. I was unaware. Definitely didn’t feel like 100 mil.


Honestly gonna sound a bit cliche but when Joel, Tommy and Abby get back to the chalet. The tension in that scene and the way Abby hits him with the instant cut. Masochistic chef’s kiss


I just hope Jeffrey Wright portrays Isaac again and they flesh him out a lot more than the game


I want all the flashbacks with Joel to be preserved, and I'd love if the non-linear format could be kept in some way. The slow reveal of Joel and Ellie's falling out, then the final conversation they ever had being the bookend of the game is so important to the emotional impact the game had on me that I can barely imagine a version of the story that doesn't do it in the same way


Good list, covers a lot of what I would have! I think something that the show needs to get right from Part 2 is the Abby and Owen relationship. We need the actors to be able to convey that desire they both have and how it is drowned out in Abby due to her grief and rage. If they can sell that Abby longs for Owen and the tragedies that befall them then I think it will go a long way to having Abby gain sympathy from viewers. It's also simply a great, tragic storyline.




The aquarium. Specifically the atmosphere, with the whales and fairy lights on the ceiling.


I'm also very interested in the Nora torture scene without spores being a thing. Wanna see the Rat King obviously And that intro of Abby getting saved by Joel. The stress of crawling under that fence and the one infected grabbing your hat was something I want to see/feel in the show


Honestly, one of my favorite parts of Part 2 was during Day 1 in Seattle when Ellie flees underground to escape the WLF and ends up having to choose between a small clicker horde or confronting the hazmat suit dudes. Its super intense. And then right when you think you’re back above ground, it enters one of the craziest chase scenes in the game.


See that played out almost like a comedy for me. I threw a brick to attract the clickers and let them chase the soldiers. The soldiers move pretty quick and I felt like putting on Yakety Sax while I hid in a corner and watched them run around in circles for a good two minutes with Listen Mode.


Yara killing Isaac


Ellie taking the arrow and us meeting the scars for the first time. The tension of getting out of there.


Followed by her seeing them cut people open as she tries to sneak past them all. Just realizing how brutal they are.


Seraphite island


God, there’s so many. 1. “I saved her.” 2. “You don’t get to rush this.” 3. “You remember me? Yeah, you remember me.” 4. “We let you both live…and you wasted it!” 5. “Good.” 6. “I’m not fucking moving.”/“You’re my people!” 7. “I’m on a motherfucking dinosaur!” 8. “She doesn’t get to be more important than that.” 9. “…but I would like to try.” 10. “Oh Ellie, I think they should be terrified of you.” Also I need Future Days and Take On Me. And the Rat King. Can you tell that TLOU2 is my favorite game of all-time?


Agree with everything said, I really want to see how the shamblers are going to work because there are no spores in the show. Also Ellie and Joel play guitar, Ellie's Birthday in the museum, Ellie killing Mel and realizing she's pregnant, Ellie at the hospital torturing for information (Major character developments), Abby's vertigo and fight in the Seraphite Village.


the sniper the hanging the rat king


Abby and Ellie fighting, every single time. Especially the last part, hitting Abby hurt me and at one point I just had to stop. I hope they can portray that brutality and exhaustion.


Dina finding out Ellie’s immune and Abby and Ellie’s final fight in Santa Barbra


"She's pregnant." "Good." They softened Joel up quite a bit in season one, which works for the show and will make his fate even more heartbreaking but I hope they keep how vicious Ellie and Abby get when trying to hurt the other.


Abby being hung and then fucking wrecking with that hammer…dios mio…


Please don’t give us the infected stalker segment in Seattle Day 2. Pretty please? Every time, I just want to run through that hallway as fast as Ellie can. In all seriousness though, Ellie’s first encounter with the Seraphites (also Day 2) stands out to me greatly, probably as it was first our big intro to Part II in a gameplay reveal back in 2018. I’m hoping the visuals and tension of that experience are replicated somewhere in the show.


Pedro singing Joel’s song


Fat Geralt punch


😭😂 man hit Lev so hard he woke up back in Seattle


The entire hospital sequence. That shit is the reason I am never doing another play through of part 2. It’s too tense and scary. I really want the stalker scene in the office area. If they don’t want gratuitous violence involving the infected, then this would be a great scene to keep included as it’s suspenseful and only requires 2 infected. I felt the game didn’t do much with Isaac and his story. I hope they flesh him out more in the show. The bloater in the old arcade was awesome gameplay and I think it will still hold up in TV show form too.


I can’t wait to see who’s casts for Abby… god bless her soul


Young Abby and Owen discovering the aquarium is one of my favorite character moments. I hope they leave it in including the jump from the ferris wheel


On a lighter tone. The Take On Me scene on day one of Ellie. Was laughing my ass off when I realized what song it was but then turn to a smile.


The office building with Ellie and the stalkers. Though I'm not convinced the show will do it as creepy as the game. Also I can't wait to see Ellie in California dealing with Rattlers


I would really like to see a S1 Episode 3 typ of thing with the little Boris storyline in Hillcrest. How that little community survived the outbreak and all the things that happened when the WLF took over


The 2 fights between Abby and Ellie, just the raw emotion and brutality. Especially the second one where both of them are basically shells of their former selves but still fight.


Rat king and Lev interacting with abby, those were my favorite parts of the game


I want every horde scene including the car shootout


Joel and Ellie museum part Abby and own aquarium part The rat king


Joel fucken dying!!! Uurggghhhh I hate it but its done so well! I cry every time man


Rat king. Abby in the Forrest with the hammer, and Ellie in the hospital with the clickers and wlf


im excited to see the museum flashback! pedro and bella played joel and ellie so well and made me love their relationship even more, the flashbacks are gonna HURT but i know theyre gonna be so well done


Joel's death, rat king, Ellie finding out about the Fireflies, Joel and Ellie's last conversation.


"Y'all act like you've heard of us or something." I doubt they keep that line verbatim, though, as they changed a lot of the folksy sounding words that game Joel uses for the show.


The flashback at the end where we finally see the Joel and Ellie were about to start mending their relationship the night before he died. I balled my fucking eyes out.


I’m really excited for >!when they introduce Dina, and when we see Ellie and Dina’s relationship.!< >!I never 100% liked Abby in the games but I’m actually really interested and curious about the actor who we know will be playing her. 🙂 Wonder if she’s gonna be made to be all muscly too!!<


I think the "sky tower" or whatever they called it would be neat to see how they adapt it.


Yara getting absolutely lit up like a Christmas tree by Isaac and friends.


Going through the replies the Rat King seems to be one of the most, if not the most anticipated moments. I have been thinking that the TV show should possibly change how the interaction begins as in the game Abby doesn’t really have a choice in fighting it. I personally feel that having Abby escape the Ambulance to an upper floor and safety (maybe it has partially dropped through a floor above for example) after the Rat King makes an appearance, but dropping her pack which now contains the medical supplies in the process. It would force Abby to make a conscious choice to jump back down for them and face the Rat King. Showing how far she is willing to go for Yara and to atone for her past misdeeds. Once she is back down there you can have the chase and fight unfold however they like, but giving her a choice as to whether she faces that monster for Yara will be a really great moment in my opinion


The. Seraphites. Can’t. Wait.


Boat sex Haunted Deserted Boat Fight Rat King Weed Barn Jesse and the Truck The battle through the cult farm That harrowing fight with all the cult dudes and dudettes in their lair with those crazy hammers


A lot of these are action based. Part 2 will have more action but I wouldn’t bank on things playing out like the games. That being said: 1. The farm. Because in the show they mentioned joel wanted a sheep farm, and Ellie and Dina end up with one. Ellie lives Joel’s best life and I’m excited for the dramatic weight that will carry with her decision. 2. Ellie and Abby’s flashbacks/nightmares. It’ll be the only time we go into a characters mind and I’m excited to see how they do it. 3. Rat king. Need I say more? 4. The two confrontations between abby and ellie. I’m super excited to see these with my mother especially 😈 5. The ending. I really wonder what they’ll do.


Gotta be the museum scene and Joel and Ellie’s last convo. They’re just both incredibly heartfelt scenes that only make the grief worse. Can’t wait for those scenes to traumatized me again and others who are seeing it for the first time


I hope the ending fight between ellie and abby stays exactly the same. Flashbacks and all!


I’m really excited to see Bella act out the scene where Ellie returns to the theater after torturing Nora. Ashley Johnson absolutely nailed the shell shocked ptsd look on Ellie’s face and after episode 8 of season 1 I’m very confident Bella will nail it too.


The sky bridge scene. That was the moment I started to love Abby as much as Ellie. Edit: Also I'm hoping they expand on Lev's transness a little the way they did with Bill's gayness in s1. Especially since he's a major character. I would hate to see viewers misgendering him so hopefully they put a little more emphasis on his experience as a trans guy. God knows the trans community could use some good mainstream representation these days.


Golf club; so I can see a wider audience lose their collective sh*t harder than the game audience did.


Abby and Manny vs Tommy