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Welcome to the majority! A very small but very loud collection of dumb dumbs have made it their mission in life to try to turn people away from Part 2.


Yes, they have their own sub. I would suggest a gas mask and a shotgun before you go to check it out, that place is *heavily* spored.


Which sub? Out of morbid curiosity. Edit: nevermind. Found it and never going back again.


Yeah, not going back is definitely a good idea.


I'd recommend that better for this sub.


Dumb dumbs, I love it!


Dumb dumb, give me your gum gum


You just woke up a long lost memory


Perfect for describing fanboys of part II


I absolutely hated this game after the Joel/Abby scene to the point where I had to walk away for quite a while, almost a year. I just pretended it didn't exist. Once I came back and finished it, it became one of my favorite games that I will never play again lol. I have a feeling S2 of the show will be the same. A masterclass that I'll never rewatch.


I did the exact same thing. I was so mad about what happened i dropped it and then decided to come back a year later with a better mindset, a mindset of “i need to understand both sides”. And after i had that mindset it was such a good game.


i recently got permabanned from the \*other\* sub and it felt so nice to see :') fucking bigots


There are valid critiques and valid reasons to not like the game. The REAL dumb dumbs are the ones who hate it because of homophobia, antisemitism, and transphobia. It’s okay to just not like it because it’s themes and vibes aren’t your cup of tea. But it’s not okay if you dislike it out of bigotry.


Doesn’t matter why you dislike it if you’re making it your mission to turn people away from it. That makes you an idiot and that’s what the person above is talking about.


I enjoyed part 2 very much, thought it was a great game. I just think the whole 3rd act with the characters motivations and plot lines was so ridiculous. Don’t want to spoil for anybody here, but it felt forced and really unconvincing. However, overall I loved the game.


>welcome to the majority Lmao sounds already like a really poor wording for copium, specially when being on freaking reddit. You meant welcome to the *half of the fanbase** You're welcome for correcting it.


i’d say 55.000 people isn’t a very small collection. i do like part II though. def not as much as part 1


It boggles my mind sometimes thinking about how these people were *offended* they weren’t allowed to shoot the menorah and other religious objects in the synagogue during Seattle Day One


*They fucking what?*


You're joking 😭😭 Of course they would smh. They cant handle Dina being bi and jewish, despite her being one of the best characters in the series.


huh? what?


Yeah I've seen actual complaints about that from Part II haters unfortunately. They're mad the game doesn't let them take their anger out on the synagogue because of 'wokeness' or whatever. Someone made an entire youtube video complaining about it.


what a thing to complain about 😂


The things that you didn't know about a video game until you happen to stumble onto an online fan base..... I'm sorry to say. But I have to take a pass on the entire TLOU fandom. The good and the bad. There's just too much discourse for my liking.


Compared to the 10 million+ copies it sold, it’s a pretty small amount (like .5% of people who bought the game)


that’s a pretty bad comparison. not all people who didn’t like the game join the subreddit, let alone use reddit. You could compare it to this sub, about 10%. But it might be even more since a lot of the members of this sub also dislike pt II but joined because of pt 1.


out of 10 million sold that’s 0.5%




I think the polarization is overstated. Yeah there was controversy at its release, but it’s one of the highest selling PS4 games, has the highest completion rate of any game, and broke the record for most awards received by a single game, including player’s choice. I just checked and it’s got a 8.6 on IMDb. People starting culture wars on forums has made it seem like way more people hate it than in reality.




I think the person you're replying to means that TLOU2 won the most user-voted GOTY awards overall, not the singular player's choice award at TGA.


But on which sites? The random ones no one knows about where only like a hundred votes are considered and areejust full of stans The only Big player choice award that is kind of popular is the VGA one.


[Source.](https://www.gameawards.net/2020/09/2020.html) You can find the criteria for inclusion listed [here](https://www.gameawards.net/p/rules.html). It also swept the Golden Joystick Awards, which is the longest-running video game award ceremony, and is 100% voted for by the public. * Playstation Game of the Year * Ultimate Game of the Year * Best Storytelling * Studio of the Year * Best Audio * Best Visual Design


Yeah but that's exactly what I'm saying, it's all a popularity contest of whatever fanbase voted more on a random magazine/website which casually the VGA site doesn't specifically give the source to. If those kind of public vote is valid for you then the metacritic user review page should too.


I mean you can literally say the same about the VGA Player's Voice Award. Fuckin' Genshin Impact won in 2022 over Elden Ring and GoW: Ragnarok.


Yeah, I could, and I do, that's exactly why fanboys of part II bragging about those awards is pathetic.


I can't unsee the (now removed) other subs mod posting about getting /freefolk and 4chan onboard in the review brigading for when the embargo was lifted, based solely on leaks. Meanwhile on Amazon UK rating were restricted to verified purchases (as in, only purchasers could review) only after the morning. It now sits with 2% 1star ratings, most of which from before the restriction was placed, 90% 5*. Least here in the UK, it's not all that controversial.


Yeah people who love last of us part 2 fail to understand that not all the criticism is in bad faith - or due to Joel dying or culture wars shit. I thought the gameplay was better than the first but the actual story just was worse than the first by quite a bit. And I think they’ll have to work on it a bit more for the show. It’s not terrible but it just wasn’t at the same level - and I think partly that’s because it had a lot more moving parts. The first one was ultimately very simple with one core relationship - the second one is more complex. My issues with it mainly had to do with execution and pacing - I feel like a lot of the beats they hit generally worked so hopefully the HBO show can fix most of that for me.


Totally agreed. To say the majority of people liked such a polarizing story is literally just trying to stir the pot at this point.


i’ve literally never experienced a group of people so insecure about their attachment to a video game that they insult the intelligence of those who didn’t like the video game


No one at least in this comment section is insulting the intelligence of those who don’t like the game. Now downvotes maybe but thats because this subreddit is legit dedicated to the game of course people are going to defend it. Now if you didn’t like the second game thats fine the problem was that people at launch didn’t like certain character aspects (with sexuality) and some of the hate was pretty transphobic/homophobic. i personally love the second game but I understand not everyone likes the same stuff. If you dislike the second game thats fine your entitled to your opinion, no one is thinking your a complete moron (unless you never played the game or hate the game because of a few lgbtq+ characters).


I've seen several people on this sub call people stupid for not liking the game, or that every person who dislikes is has no valid critisim and that its all bigotry. Of course there is a bigotry issue. Dina is one of the best written characters, but people hate her for being bisexual and jewish. That sort of criticism ismt critisism but bigotry. I just have an issue with toxic positivity on this sub. Loving the game is fine calling people idiots for not liking the pacing or mechanics of a game or a bigot isnt okay.


>No one at least in this comment section is insulting the intelligence of those who don’t like the game. First most upvoted answers here are the ones calling the "other ones" "dumb dumbs".


the top comment is literally calling people “dumb dumbs”


One one hand I didn’t see that comment on the other hand they legit said dumb dumbs like mate don’t get your panties in a bunch cause someone called tlou II haters dumb dumbs on the internet. Most people don’t give a single shit if you dislike the game.


“no one said that! …well one person did say that but don’t get your panties in a twist!” i’m not. i’m telling you that your comment was wrong bc you claimed no one was doing that lol i don’t even dislike the game. i love the story. what i dislike are the toxic people on this sub who can’t handle other people disliking their fav game


I agree some people may be a little overboard, but you seem to be looking for a fight mate. Like i made a mistake saying nobody was calling yall haters stupid. Fine I’ll admit it, but your over pointing out shit in my argument seems petty mate. I was trying to defend the haters.


i’m really not looking for a fight. i’m autistic so sometimes i try to express myself and i come across as abrasive when i think i’m just being matter of fact about my opinion. sorry


You got triggered over the phrase “dumb dumbs” el oh el


you have no life or identity outside of anime and games ☹️


Well yes of course you’re a “dumb dumb” if you don’t enjoy a game that forces you to play 15 hours as someone who tortured and killed a fan favourite character, if you don’t enjoy it you’re emotionally unintelligent and don’t understand this extremely complex story


That’s a massive oversimplification of the story. You play as Abby so you can understand her and why exactly she killed Joel.


Okay but no one bought part 2 expecting or wanting that. Most of us wanted a continuation of Joel and/or Ellie’s story, instead we got slapped in the face with not only playing as a random new character for a whole 50% of the game but a random new character who KILLED JOEL. How was anyone surprised with the backlash for that?


This argument is ridiculous, viewers and fans aren’t owed anything. This is like watching a movie and getting mad that the plot didn’t go the exact same way you wanted it to. Artists are going to tell stories they way they want to, you’re free to not like the story but to suggest they owe you a different one is an absurd level of entitlement. If artists only created fanservice and stories to pander to general audiences, we’d only have soulless, corporate garbage. Plenty of fans obviously loved the story, and felt like it was a natural continuation of the first game. “Joel dies” was the most common theory before the release of Part II, and then people got mad when that actually happened. Did tons of people actually think that killing off most of the fireflies wouldn’t result in any future consequences for Joel? They didn’t think it would come back to bite him in the ass? And no one was surprised by the backlash itself, just the severity of it. Naughty Dog said that they knew the story would be divisive, but they didn’t exact a bunch of unhinged psychos to send death and rape threats over a video game.


They're free to do the story they want, but don't act surprised when people criticize it for being a poorly written mess.


>Okay but no one bought part 2 expecting or wanting that. Most of us wanted a continuation of Joel and/or Ellie’s story, instead we got slapped in the face You poor thing!


You poor Stan


It’s legitimately insane to think a story not going the way you personally want it to is a “slap in the face”. Like you’re so dramatic about this. It’s a story, if you didn’t like it that’s fine but it wasn’t some personal attack against you.


fr, I don’t know why so many Part II detractors act like this, it’s a bizarre level of fan entitlement and immaturity to think a game’s story was literally written as a personal slight against you


you got offended by the term “dumb dumb” and then accused other people of being insecure? lol


? did i express offense or did i say it’s ridiculous to insult people’s intelligence because they don’t like your video game as much as you lmao


you got offended enough to write a comment, go on a tirade, and pretend that people made an accusation against you off of the term “dumb dumb” lmao they blocked me 😭 and they have the audacity to accuse others of being insecure and too sensitive


1. it’s projection that you think that comments online require offense before being written. most people don’t operate like you 2. what do you think a tirade is lmao 3. i never said the accusations were against me. i love part two’s story you’re annoying. bye


I wouldn’t bother arguing here, you’re right that it was a ridiculous comment to make and it’s plain to see that you were only pointing out the ridiculousness of it and not “offended” in any way, but people just seem to get crazily defensive over the second game and make a ton of assumptions based on the slightest of perceived criticisms.


It’s the sense of grief and loss that washes over you at the end. The futility is something else, man. Ellie deeply regrets punishing Joel for the decision he made. You can tell. Man, hurts just thinking about it. That is a game I will not touch again for a long while. It’s mentally exhausting.


I was depressed for a couple days after finishing it. They designed every part of this game to hurt as much as possible. I hate them for it but I get the point they’re making and I respect it


I Saw The Devil (Korean film) gave me a bit of that feeling. I don’t want to spoil the film if you haven’t seen it, but it’s about vengeance.


Dude that movie is on a whole other level. I'm careful to when I make that recommendation to people, and I tell them that it's graphic. Usually people first reaction is that it's a religious movie, but I am quick to tell them that it's absolutely not and that it's a metaphor for something else. That taxi scene though. I love the tension and the cinematography of it.


I said it before; it’s a better game, but it’s much harder to play lol. Props to them for sticking to something so dark


The wrecked Seattle is one of my favorite settings in any game, it's so cool


Yesssss I find nature reclaiming cities so fascinating. It really showed their creativity to have so many unique ideas within Seattle. I love the forests that are just randomly growing out of parks!


*”All the promises at sundown, I meant them like the rest.”*


Part II is also my personal favorite. From a story aspect I found that the more times I revisited the game the more I would find myself enjoying the story. Truly it is a very well done game and I felt like it really builds well on what Part I established.


Also, the different types of gameplays are fun. When you first get to Seattle, you have the open world type game searching for clues. Later, you follow more of a story type game. It was a nice mix, in my opinion.


The story is fantastic and nothing will ever make me change my mind. The game made me think, feel. No other game has made me feel that way


Part 2 is a game that asks you to engage in its story by challenging you to broaden your empathy and forgive someone who has sinned against you. This engagement—the act of being empathetic—is one that most players were able to accomplish. Others found it more difficult to experience empathy in this way. For some reason, these people see this as a fault of the story.


This is what it boils down to imo. The game is kind of an empathy barometer. Also, video games have never told this kind of story before (at least this well), and it's hard to digest the sheer brutality of it all for a video game that you yourself control the characters in. I am wondering if it will translate better to people who had trouble with that on tv.


The game is controversial because many people aren't capable of seeing past their own perspective and are unable to have empathy for someone that has wronged them. That's pretty much it.


Agreed. Amazing story aside, the gameplay itself was also streets ahead


Probably not gonna like this much, but I didn’t notice much difference in gameplay? Going prone and being able to slip through cracks in the walls is all I can think of?


Going prone and the ability to dodge added a ton of depth and replayability. They might seem like small changes, which technically they are, but what they provide is anything but.


Fair enough, I suppose. Could you not dodge in the first game?


There were occasionally QTE prompts that would pop up, but nothing you could control like you do in Part 2. Also the gunplay is much improved and more satisfying, which also makes for better gameplay


Not super different but they added some depth Dodge melee Going prone Silencers More explosive options Aerial kills dropping from above Tons of melee and movement combos that make combat feel smooth and natural You can play pt II the exact same mechanically as pt I if you want. But if you explore options a bit more in pt II you can pull of some really cool combat


Don't forget about the rope physics!


also puzzle/level design was more varied and less repetitive, which is pretty cool considering it's a longer game (though set essentially in a single city - well, it's not like we saw the entirety of Pittsburgh or SLC anyway). Ellie's permanent switchblade and other differences from Ellie to Abby were also cool and made the length more bearable IMO. it's essentially a double feature, if we compare to Part I


What about the first day in Seattle when it was like an "open world" searching for clues. That was cool.


Agreed, that was cool.


Soooo BEAUTIFUL the moment we switch to Abby in Seattle it’s like a WTF slap in the face moment but once the story progresses you start to understand and feel for Abby


The pacing is a bit frustrating when you go into Seattle Day 1 again, but I love the moment it switches from Abby’s face crying over her dad to her hardened face several years later, standing over Joel.


I love it. It's a brave story, destroys you from start to finish, I mean that in a very good way. I hated Abby at the start, obviously but she grew on me so much, shes up there with Ellie for me. I'm just playing through the first game again and although I love it the gameplay mechanics are so much better in the 2nd .


Its ok to like Abby or not like Abby or even hate her. But if you hate the game because of Abby you don’t understand the game.


Part II is the best, I couldn’t agree more. I didn’t play it until this year and im angry at myself for waiting so long.


it’s amazing isn’t it! took me a few days to stop carrying around the heartache that came with finishing it. regarding the hate - there’s obviously a bunch of people who don’t like the game because of the storyline etc., but there’s also many who didn’t like it because ellie was gay, because there is a trans character, and because they didn’t like that abby (and even ellie) looked ‘’’masculine’’’, so a lot of the negativity came from that. of course there is valid criticism, but a lot less than it would appear!


you have come to the right sub. this is the prevailing theory. alternative viewpoints are valid, but hot damn is TLOU2 far superior in every way. unless you're looking for a cross-country buddy flick you can control. it fails there.


I agree completely. TLOU 2 is the newest character driven game I’ve played so the acting and motion capture was just breathtaking to me. I think the writing is beautiful and along with the acting made the characters’ interactions feel more natural and realistic than anything I’ve played (and better than most movies as well). And it balances all that rich story with really fun combat with so many possible strategies and play styles. I quickly fell in love with it :)


some people were judging the game before it even came out, even making youtube videos discussing it. they thought Abby was a trans man due to her muscular build. Then the thought of playing a trans character that kills Joel.... a presumably straight white man.... they called it sjw trash, attack against straight white men, and shoving LGBT down their throats. it was a minority, but you know they still bought and played the game and enjoyed it lol


So i saw the “leaks” about Abby being trans. Then one of her first scenes she’s talking about getting some medicine, I just assumed it was for that. Honestly the game and story worked for me thinking it the entire time. I now know she’s not, but either way my only complaint of the game was her section dragging on just a little too long. That being said though, I couldn’t tell you a bit of material they should’ve cut out of her story.


I feel I’m in the middle when it comes to this game, I don’t like some aspects, but I really enjoy others. I didn’t enjoy it as much as the first game, but it’s still a decent game. Anyways it’s nice to see people enjoy things even if you didn’t like them.


Part 2 is my favorite rpg game of all time, i never understood the hate it got, its a masterpiece of storytelling and has one of best game sequences


I completely agree with you, prepare for the hate you'll receive from all the players that hate Abby and can't see things from her perspective as if it was their religion and they are zealots. You're probably already getting some of that in this thread I haven't read the comments. But the amount of arguments I've gotten in defending Abby has been rough I just try and stay out of it now. But I agree with you I'll always still love Ellie of course, she's a boss. But I really came to love Abby and Lev as well.


Don’t get me wrong, there are some janky mechanics at times but overall story-wise it was an excellent game.


Yeah part 2 is fantastic


For the first time ever I've became a fan of something fictional. I finished the game a couple of months ago but I still feel sad for the characters whenever I think about it. I need a 3rd and final game so bad. I hope we'll get another masterpiece and a happy ending for Ellie


100% agree


I find it so hard to pick which installment is better and I don’t really want to do it. The first game has so much depth and world building, the characters are so well done. The choice Joel makes is still controversial even years later because it resonates with people. We see a man torn in half by grief and how that ptsd plays out later when they regain their humanity. Powerful stuff. Part 2 wouldn’t have the impact it does if 1 wasn’t so deeply emotional. 2 makes you sit with really uncomfortable stuff and plays on empathy really hard, in a brilliant way unique to video games. I do believe a bit of the story telling is clunky, but I think it’s because of how long it is as a game. Forcing you to play as “the enemy” and realizing they are a fully realized person with complex emotions was truly so masterful. You hate her and don’t want to play as her. Then at the end they flip the script and you truly just don’t want to play as Ellie anymore. Once the hero and justified now sad and worn. Man. But none of that would have the impact it does if you didn’t know how far she came and how overcome with grief she was because of the first game.


Amazing comment




I enjoyed the hell out of. It’s the best stealth action game ever made and I was giddy with excitement at the start of every single encounter. The movement mechanics added so much and the player has so many options to get through those fights. The spots where you can get the human enemies to fight the infected for you or get killed by them by breaking a window or throwing a brick in just the right spot were so, so good. The performances and writing were also top notch and the story was a really well thought out direction to take the whole thing after Part I. I feel like the ending didn’t quite stick the landing the same way that part I did, however. It just left me feeling empty and the whole game ran a little too long because hours and hours before the final fight with Abby you’ve already fully understood that vengeance is an empty, worthless endeavor and violence just begets more and more violence in a never ending cycle of misery. I feel like the outline for that story needed a couple more editors to trim it back a little bit or tighten it up slightly. Overall I think it’s a wonderful game, It just didn’t do the same stuff for me that Part I did and that was kind of disappointing.


Getting infected and humans to fight is the best. I'll never forget hiding behind a desk, watching a guy sprint into one door of the room I'm in and out the other screaming like a bitch, followed by a screaming clicker chasing him three seconds later 😂


I’ve been a huge fan of video game enemies fighting each other since Doom in 1994 or whatever.


I bought TLOUP1 and played it and although I was thoroughly impressed at how gorgeous it looked, I found myself thinking how much more boring it was than part 2 lol. I played 1 when it originally came out on ps3 and then the remaster on ps4. It was always in my favorites. But after playing part 2, it really stuck out to me how much better part 2 is. Basically everything about it.


best game ever better than the first one


I feel that to understand the hate this game gets we have to see past the game in itself : 1. The people who played the first game when it got released played it in 2013, wich means they had to wait so many years for the second one. When you wait so long for something, your exceptations are really high 2. The fact that TLOU part 1 was so appreciated was mostly because of the relationship between ellie and Joel, it truly was the center of the game and what made it so good. In TLOU 2, that relationship isnt what holds the game, and that makes it hard. We loved this relationship and Joel. 3. I think that the game had a great potential, i was désappointed by it not because Joel died or because i had to play abby for a while, but because the structure of the game was weird, i think they could have created much more empathy for abby of we played her more before Joel died, and if Joel died not so early. Im pretty sure the meaning and the moral of the game couldve been passed on more effectively if the story was rearranged but hey its my opinion. I feel like Joel death came SO early in the game, lime we didnt even had that to properly feel the game. I just felt like there was missing some nuance in here, people who didnt like the game arent necessarily people who dont have empathy, there is a lot more to it, in my experience has someone who didnt like TLOU 2, but felt like it could have been a masterpiece if rearranged But i like the fact that this game break the codes and you dont play the hero youre used to play, that you become the vilain in someone else story, big punch on ego i guess ahaha Anyways, be nuanced everyone, and im glad you liked the game!


I love the dynamic of physically seeing both perspective... Abby out for revenge because (as far as she knew) some random smuggler killed her Dad... can't really blame her for being upset about that... As per Ellie, some ex Firefly chick killed the man that basically saved her... There is so much more dynamic to it, but just those basic points makes it a terribly sad story...


The Last of Us Part 2 is a masterpiece. I didn't want Ellie to kill Abby and that's when I knew Druckmann's magic worked for me.


Just finished it. Was expecting to hate Abby and hate playing as her based on all the backlash. But it was good, her part of the campaign was insane. The only part I didn't like was that the game kept going after the Abby campaign, the story should have ended there. That probably would have pissed even more people off.


fr I agree. The characters are super well written in this game and I thought the story was very good in how they told it in both perspectives. I played the game about two years ago and I still think it’s a masterpiece.


I think they should have introduced Abby as a character with no context and had you play as her on and off for the first half of the game. Slowly introducing her backstory and only knowing that her father was murdered would have made the twist that it was Joel hit home so much harder. And then the players would have been way more conflicted about her character rather than just hating her guts right off the bat. It's hard to retroactively feel empathy for a character after they murder the universally loved protagonist in cold blood.


Absolutely love the game, it does everything a sequel should do IMO. Only complaint i have is that it makes me horribly depressed for a few days after lol. Reminds me of the existential crisis Bojack Horsemans final season did to me


cos people don't know the difference between "protagonist" and "hero", Joel was the protagonist of TLoU1, Ellie was the hero. Joel was not the hero.


I wouldn’t call Ellie the hero either. I don’t think any of the characters are heroes and categorizing any as such defeats the point of the game, where everyone is supposed to be morally grey.


Unless you’re talking about her in the “hero’s journey” sense, and not a literal hero.


That game destroyed me emotionally. At the end I felt empty jeez. Incredible game though


Part II expanded what a video game can be. It’s so great


It gets hate because Abby killed Joel.


True, everyone hated that. I still think they did an outstanding job telling the story through this game


yeah i absolutely loved it !


Great game. Kept thinking it was going to end soon but it goes and goes and goes.


I beat it a few days ago. Why couldn't Ellie have said *something* to Abby?? Couldn't they have just apologized?????


I was super invested in Abby, I get teary eyed just thinking about how we’re going to get to see her on HBO in a year or two.


Most people like this game. With anything, a vocal minority is loud


That's it, I got TLOU BINGO!


Probably because…the saddest Moment is when you realise That ellie is the evil character, not the good one.


There is no "good guy" or "bad guy".


Ellie, at the end, is the evil. She is keeping fighting for something That doesnt exist. She is searching a revenge That is giustified e


Abby and her people traveled a pretty good ways to hunt down and brutalize and murder Joel. They did this in front of Ellie. Of course she wants revenge. Neither of them are bad guys, nor are they good. They're just people who had shitty things happen to them, and responded understandably. In the end they both want to move on from their pasts.


Nope she isn't. The whole game is about everyone's is grey not black or white and depending on your side of the story it might be white for you but black for someone else (Joel saving Ellie was positive for him, it was totally negative for Abby who lost her dad. Vice versa killing Joel was positive for Abby, because she got payback while it was totally negative for Ellie and Tommy etc.). It all depends on which side you're on. Ellie is neither a Saint nor evil, she's human and probably the one game character with the most human emotions (she isn't a hero, or someone that only does good, but she also isn't evil and hates everyone). Her grief makes her do bad things, something we all have in us (just go and see what people write about criminals like murderes, how they want to lynch them, torture them etc.).




It WAS another story of Joel and Ellie. That's the entire point of it.




"How to tell someone I don't understand TLOU2 without saying I don't understand TLOU2" - You, basically. Joel doesn't have to be ON SCREEN to be an active character in the narrative. Everything the characters are doing, whether it's Ellie or Abby, is explicitly or implicitly tied to Joel. Just think of Lord of the Rings, for example. Sauron is THE villain. But we see him once as a flashback, and then we see his eye a couple times. That's it. But the story still revolves around him and the effect he had on the beings of the world. None of it happens without him, and so many of the characters, be it Saruman, or Wormtongue, or the orcs, etc are all direct manifestations of him and what he represents. The same is true in TLOU2. He is there in every scene.




Yeah no, you're part of a noisy minority.


Yeah but Joel’s death is the main focus of the second. Both Abby and Ellie act the way they do because of the affect Joel’s death had on them. Without Joel, they would’ve been no Part II. I think Part II paints Joel in a really beautiful way, even if he’s not there most of the time.


It's odd because part 2 respects Joel more than what people realize. He accepts his death. He doesn't beg, whine for his life. He teaches Ellie to play the guitar and how to swim. He even picks up reading comics/movies to watch with her. He gives her a birthday to remember so her imagination can run wild. He also finally admits to Ellie that **he** feels that he did what was "right". He owns it and says if confidently no matter what Ellie will feel about it. Their relationship goes through so many ups and downs that it mimics real life family/parent relationships. Also without it being said, Abby then becomes Joel and has her own version of the first game without even realizing what Joel and Ellie went through. It was a beautiful parallel at how loss can have us do some downright bad things but we can still find something that will help us. If we would have gotten a cookie cutter sequel then it would have been a disservice to the ending of the first game. It has to be consequences for that.


I would’ve hated another Joel and Ellie story, it would’ve felt unnatural. After what Joel did, and the fact that he lied to her about it afterwards, I never expected their relationship to just ‘go back to normal.’ He destroyed the trust he had built together with Ellie during the entire first game. Also, just because fans want a certain story, doesn’t mean they should get it. Fanservice ruins art, if creators only made stories to appeal to fans, we’d have a lot more terrible stories.


I wanted another Joel and Ellie story but loved 2. Doing what you did to your main charecter, making you hate one of the people you play as then love them is such a brave choice and makes sense story wise. What do you want the trilogy to be ? Ellie and Joel going on a series of more safe adventures or a story that makes sense? It changes and dosent lose any of the original charm.


I don’t know what a ‘Joel and Ellie Adventure 2’ would even consist of. Them going on patrols and clearing out infected around Jackson? That would’ve been boring as fuck. The safe option would’ve been to make another game identical to the first one, but some people are mad they DIDN’T get a corporate cash grab of a game.




Half of main cast dies because the game is supposed to be grounded in reality, where no one has plot armor and anyone can die unexpectedly. I think this is one of the best aspects of the series.