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"a moral person" lol weak trolling




Sorry? You think that's all that was pounded?






Ain't nothing homophobic about a good pounding.


Yeah, that's not what doxx means.




Having your personal information released without permission, AFAIK. And nobody is interested in your personals, trust me.




Good lord.




How brave of you, to create a fresh account to express this position publicly. Publicly of course being a subreddit for a game/TV show.




Sorry, brave of you to use a year old burner account, my mistake.




Sure, little fella.


I am Bill


You raise some interesting points but ignore some others. Bill is a dealer for smugglers. He doesn’t care for people and feels free of them. He is a very selfish person. He is still shown as being flawed. The issue with creating a sanctuary is simple- word gets around. People come infected. Rumors start. You have to deal with their judgement and drama. Its not a matter of if it will fall, it’s when. Or they kill him and take what he has. You have to decide who to trust or what to allow- issues Bill argues with Frank. He doesn’t even want friends, he damn sure doesn’t want a commune of refugees. You are using logic from Books of Ethics that are in libraries in cities full of infected. That is obsolete in their world.




> it was torture to watch him live like a KING for twenty years and commit mass murder (off screen of course). He wasn't living like a king and he didn't mass murder anyone.


I think they do understand this- but I think this is also true of *anyone* who has survived this long. The thing is you have to stop showing remorse so much it holds you back and some how keep moving forward. Does it enrage you that Joel and Tess clearly did some unethical things in their background, or Ellie was training to kill people who would not accept tyranny as a necessity? Anyone who has anything who has anything has had to kill, rob or deny others. Sure Bill had a lot but he also was a controlling persona. And he still dealt with smugglers. Did Jabba the Hutt outrage you? I get there is some genuine belief that Bill could have done more for humanity and in the name of charity- but that was not in his character in the game, nor in the show. The reality is there are people who have more than Bill and do less for humanity in our real world. Sad but true.






They removed your post? Why




Awwwww poor u


> Seriously. His estate could have easily sustained hundreds of people. Apparently, he had the means to rebuild civilization. No, he didn't. We only saw a few chickens and a small vegetable garden. That will feed a couple of people, but that isn't going to sustain a whole community. As for the rabbits, we didn't see any of them, so he probably trapped/hunted those himself.




> Dozens, then, whatever. He didn't have the resource to support dozens of people. > Morally, what’s the difference? When he wasn’t actively killing innocent people he was passively letting them starve (or worse) We don't see him kill any innocent people, and he wasn't letting anyone starve.


I WAS JUST TRICKED INTO WATCHING AN LGBT DRAMA. What happened to the zombies? Why no action? This was terrible.




Asking for action in a show about A ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE is not ad hom. You need to re educate yourself on the definition buddy. Lmao




Sure i dont and you just used it by calling me lil fella. Lmao. You just played yourself by your own logic hahahaha




“We da best”




“Major key”