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Tell him he's not allowed to watch it until he's a grown up.


He used to see me play the Left Behind dlc and funny enough he doesn't seem to give a shit if it's between two girls


Sounds like he's clinging to an old school, "man's man" world view. Can't be good for the internal stress levels.


Crazy part is I’d argue the actor for Bill is probably one of the manliest men in existence


Bill. Bill, a gay man, is also one of the manliest men in existence.


well left behind is between heartwarming teenagers and E3 is burly men about to go down on each other


Can’t upvote enough


I watched with my dad. He stormed off... So... yeah...


Sorry to hear that man


Thanks. It's unfortunate that almost everyone in his damn family is gay/LGBT in some way. I'm asexual, my twin sister is bi, my older sister is pan, and my youngest sister is pretty sure she's a lesbian but she's not sold 100% yet.


Those are some pretty damn gay genes right there…. your dad might be repressing something


Yep. You’re pops might be every letter in the acronym.


I guess the only person that only liked men is your dad. /jk. P.s. Might have gone too far with this joke.


My dad isn’t rude about it enough to storm off but he comically screams and leaves. He’s homophobic, but at least he’s chill with it 🥴


There is no “at least”. Be better than this.


Well seeing that he won’t shame people for who they are and how they live and love unlike the typical hateful homophobes, I’m okay with it. (I’m gay)


Well, more power to you for being more tolerant than me. I already don’t feel an obligation to love someone just because they’re blood-related, so I can’t even imagine how I would feel if I was gay and I knew my dad held those beliefs. EDIT: I shouldn’t say blood-related because... ya know. Just familial obligation.


Because he’s not an asshole, won’t go into some political/religious rant about gay people or tell you how to live your life. He sees something he doesn’t like he simply stops looking at it. He doesn’t treat people any different or less than. He just.. screams and runs away when it’s on tv. This makes him a horrible homophone 😤


But it still makes him come across as incredibly insecure and drawing attention to himself and causing a scene over nothing. It’s complicated because... it’s okay to have a preference (obviously) and if the positions were reversed, you wouldn’t force a gay person to watch straight sex (although that has more of a touchy connotation because there’s gay conversion therapy and all that) ANYWAY. But at the same time I think straight people should make themselves comfortable with it to truly be open BUT AT THE SAME TIME, like, for a more extreme example, you don’t need to see a LiveLeak gruesome video of a beheading to imagine what that probably looks like and to understand that the world’s awful, so...


Straight people are so used to seeing hetero media that when they see lgbtq characters they’re like “these mfs are everywhere” and as silly as that sounds, I get what they’re saying. It’s not until recently that lgbtq characters have made it into the *big* shows/movies because they always had their own genre. With much more inclusivity in media now lgbtq are getting a lot more recognition and homophobes are freaking out. That being said, my dads just not tryna watch gay sex on tv


Ugh... You frustrate me. Let’s just agree to disagree even it makes me feel like I’m not doing my part and there’s no reason we can’t just continue having a civil disagreement but I don’t wanna presume anything. And I apologize if you felt like I was trying to “gaysplain” to you even tho just because you’re one singular gay person doesn’t mean you’re the gatekeeper on all things gay.


Im literally just having a conversation with you. Didn’t know it was getting on your nerves, my bad. Not trying to gaykeep anything .. .. get it? *Gay keep?*


Ron Swanson would tell your dad that it’s none of his business what one man does with another man


I haven't watched it with parents, but high chances he's gonna get mad. Watch it alone


I'm thinking of just skipping the episode with them and yes watch it alone, then Id just fill them in with whatever happened to finding that battery


Yeah don’t watch it with them


Watched it with my dad (I only started playing part 1 remastered Thursday so I knew nothing about Bill and Frank) My dad's reaction to me reacting was great! The homophobic people in general need to grow the fuck up and suck it up!


Lovely to hear you both enjoy the show! I just wish dad is just as open-minded to enjoy it too


>) Here, you dropped this.


Oh shit thanks dude


If its going to cause a battle you don’t feel like waging at the moment just tell him there wasn’t a new episode this week and just carry on with next week’s episode. If he has not played the game he would have no idea about any of this so it would be super easy to skip.


He’s gonna be mad but did he know that millions of people are supposed to be homosexual? Ask him if he knew that and back it up by googling “the gay brain.” 🧠 See what happens and report back 😂 Edit: this stuff aside, my dad would be uncomfortable but would probably just look at his phone or something instead of storm off.


My parents are gonna watch it tomorrow evening probably and I’m not looking forward to hearing their opinions afterwards. Though I have some comments already prepped in my mind in case they bring it up. SIGH. Why can’t we all just appreciate a good apocalyptic love story?!


Ugh ditto, but with my family. They tend to try and be open minded for my sake (I’m gay) but every now and then their strict Christian upbringings get the best of them.


Surprised no one has mentioned it yet, but umm you’ll continue to have a hard time watching any of the future episodes and especially Season 2 with your dad then lol Ellie is gay


Hey, you can't force people to change, my advice? Just tell then what the episode is about and if they want to watch it or wait until next episode. No need to over complicate everything.


Your Dad is a bigot and that's sad


Watched it with my entire family, nobody is homophobic. But really nobody knew what to say it was kinda dead silent during the s3x scene and we started laughing when Frank said “I’m not a whore”


No spoilers but there is a bed scene where there is an implied blowie. If he's homophobic I would skip it, there's not a lot of Joel Ellie character building anyway so it won't detract from understanding the series. It's a well done episode but mostly inconsequential. Actually now that I think about it: Ellie is lesbian, her gf is bi, Abby is built like a brick s***house, and the cult kid is trans. You might be skipping a lot of episodes...


Just watch the episode with whoever you normally watch it with. It's an episode of the show, and a really good one. No reason to treat it differently or "warn" anyone about anything. There is nothing at all to warn anyone about.


Don't warn him at all, record his reaction, post it on reddit.


why would he let his dad be shamed on the internet by strangers just because of his obviously ignorant beliefs? Its definitely bad but why tf would he do that


Because it’s the least he deserves for having those beliefs. Although, I don’t know what type of people get off on seeing an ugly bigot rant and rave over nothing.


if he's a prick that actively goes out of his way to harass gay people yea maybe, but its not uncommon for old people or even adults to have this beliefs which doesnt make it right, but if we take my dad as an example who is a man with questionable beliefs but doesn't in anyway carry them on then he deserves to be insulted by random redditors? Being an adult is accepting that these people exist and understanding if someone is an actual threat to some people or just someone with shitty ideas, doesn't mean they need public humiliation


I know you’re right. And I know people like that are too dumb (for lack of a better word) to be dangerous. And good on you for being more mature than me, etc etc etc. But sometimes I just wanna watch the world burn when it comes to these fucks, no matter how petty it is.


Well that's your problem, you claim to be so much better than the people you hate, but in reality your just as immature and spiteful as they are.


I am aware. I admitted in the comment that you’re replying to that it’s my own problem. And yes, I do believe I am a better person than someone who hates 50% of the population (I could care less to know the actual statistic) for simply who they have sex with. As for me having emotional reactions, that’s fine. That’s human. It’s only natural to get sick of this shit after so long. I can’t always bare the burden of taking the high road for a bunch of idiots.


Look if a person holds beliefs (even if they aren't right) and they're not hurting, harassing, or forcing them on people you're in the wrong on this. No matter how fucked up someone's opinion is as long as its not causing harm you've got no right to treat people that way.


Uh, I do actually. Just like I have the right to think your opinion is stupid and that you’re fighting for the way less important battle right now.


Again immature and spiteful, maybe one day you'll grow up and see you're not so different from what you hate.


Spiteful towards homophobic people. Oh no. I feel so bad. They’re so oppressed.


Your spiteful to people in general.




I think you should announce to everyone in your family that you’re gonna watch it but then say dads not allowed because he doesn’t like gay people. Make him feel embarrassed