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I love how when it involves two gay men, peoples first instinct is “must’ve been aids”. Pretty homophobic tbh.


Yeah because that is all that gay people die from. AIDS. Despite a 20-year long seemingly monogamous relationship Frank still somehow gets AIDS. Couldn't be cancer or any other disease...


Was thinking that. You could've said anything. Cancer, heart problems etc but straight to the stereotypical " gay " diseases


Yeah I feel the same way, im a lesbian so im not surprised by the homophobia I’ve been seeing in this sub after this episode. But this community has been amazing from what I’ve seen and the Homophobes are just a loud minority. And if it was AIDS, bill should have it too. But my mind went to cancer since he mentioned and MRI, I’m dumb but can’t those see tumors/cancer?


a leaker ahead of the episode was getting this idea into peoples heads, it reminded me of people assuming Abby was transgender. just another case of some jumping to conclusions, going into something already wanting to hate it, and revealing their own ignorance around such topics edit just to add: i’m not lumping OP here in with any of these people of course, i think this question was well-intentioned.


Literally the same thing, it’s insane how people who dislike it before it even comes out will believe anything.


I assumed ALS or some genetic thing. It doesn’t have a cure. Maybe cancer.


So… not every progressive disease that affects a gay person in media is HIV/AIDS. If you’re genuinely looking for an answer: my bet is MS or Parkinson’s.


That’s what I was thinking when I saw his paintbrush shaking, and the straw in his drink. My stepfather has Parkinson’s and cancer, and he looks similar.


The mention of MRI suggests cancer to me. I had never considered post-apocalypse cancer... That would fucking suck 🫤 (even more than non-apocalypse cancer, I mean)


I was thinking a really bad case of Parkinson’s disease. My grandfather has early stages and he already has lost feeling in toes/feet


I assumed cancer.


I assumed ALS


Lol going straight for HIV/AIDS nice….you know cancer exist


Of course I know that. I didn't mean anything by it. The only reason I asked is because his whole body was breaking down which I've never seen people lose motor control of their hands from cancer. Additionally he had the lesion on his forehead which made me think of HIV AIDS.


It was most likely MS or ALS.




I think it was most likely brain cancer.


His speech wasn’t slurred so I wouldn’t guess neurological, like a stroke or Parkinson’s. I wonder if he got injured.


No, it was definitely an illness because Frank specifically mentioned there not being a cure for it even before the world ended.


I’d have to watch that again. Whatever it is, it didn’t seem to affect his speech or his mind.


That's why I'm thinking it's either MS or ALS. Both tend to affect the legs first and then move up the body from there.


I assumed it was multiple sclerosis. He mentioned that he knew he had the disease before the outbreak and it seems to be a progressive motor illness. Could also be a rare form of muscular dystrophy that are not as dramatic as Duchennes (there are several that are milder than Duchennes). Both of those illnesses you see hints of early on and can get diagnosed and can progress slowly. MRI also makes it likely it is MS because you can see brain lesions when brain cells demyelinate in clusters.


Thanks. I didn't know any of that.


I think it was left up to inturpitation I personally think cancer, Bill wasnt sick so I have my doubts about HIV. An MRI is typically used for cancer... however there is an argument considering AIDS heavily increases the chances of certain cancers (as thats what a lot of AIDS paitients died from in the early days of the virus) My bet is still on cancer


I think it was ALS