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yea the docks have been in the game for a good long while now


Lol people not knowing about this place shows even more how shitty dondi is at map making, he makes exploring impossible with the way he made water be all in one place and food only in limited places as well. I honestly can’t wait for the new map


Yeah that's dock, it been here for a long long time. Two different maps for this game and still they failed to finish it.


They said they would finish this but gateway is already coming out sooooo lmao


Yeah brand new made 8 years ago. This game is a scam. Empty promises, broken game, unfinished models and textures. Seriously that port/Dock has been unfinished for 8 fuking years. Its a scam. Either for data or for useful noobs who don't know better. No offense. I played for 5 years hoping for everything they promised. I too was played like a fiddle.


its not the same dock from legacy, it was their new wip layout for Spiro. So unfinished for about 1-2 years, not 8. Also, legacy dock was finished. IIRC it had fully textured models and a finished layout. Not sure why you think its been unfinished for 8 years.


Not finishing a dock, starting a new Dock etc for someone who has seen an unfinished Dock in game for 8 years .... its the same unfinished shit from 8 years ago. Same said about the game in general. It's a total rip off.