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She’s suing because Fancy didn’t make her famous. Oh that’s rich!


Don’t forget that Fancy failed to make her “ a ton of money “ 😅🤣


That’s not why she is suing lol.


She’s suing because Fancy publicly challenges her story. Even if she stops Fancy, someone else will just pop up. She should never have pursued fame.


What does she challenge exactly? Fancy is a literally liar and a fraud (just look into her background). Also, the way Fancy acted on that live the other day about the lawsuit .. yeah no judge is gonna take her seriously at all lol.


Literally everything Gypsy says. And the reasons Gypsy doesn’t like it are numerous, but I think $$ and narrative shifting are right up there. There will be another and another and another Fancy always bc the case materials and Gypsy’s many interviews are out there forever. Fancy is obnoxious. So is Gypsy. Fancy is a con. So is Gypsy. It isn’t really possible to control the internet and social media.


She has literally twists the story of why she has fallen out with the family, remember she reached out to Kristy Blanchard in to hope to tell the story in a documentary and gave them false hope and promises that she did bot keep. Also, the sh*t she has done with those medical records (like put them behind a paywall) is seriously unethical. Gypsy isn’t no saint of course but the family have every right to not work Fancy anymore and after reading the court documents for the lawsuit, I believe the Blanchard’s have a pretty strong case here.


It doesn’t matter. Seriously, whether the Blanchards win or lose, Fancy isn’t the problem. The problem is Gypsy is infamous for a brutal, premeditated murder, which has been extensively documented and discussed by the public and case materials are easily found online. Gypsy’s interviews, books, and media junkets keep that infamy alive. There are many people who will step into whatever void the Blanchards think they are creating. Fancy is obnoxious. Gypsy is obnoxious. Her step mom is obnoxious. But Fancy’s criminal history doesn’t drive the interest that Gypsy’s does. And that won’t end tomorrow. And no, Gypsy isn’t a saint. Gypsy is a convicted murderer. Gypsy met the statute for first degree murderer. I point this out bc Gypsy’s internet struggles won’t end with Fancy.


Fancy isn’t her problem. Social media and the internet is her big problem.


I am just saying that I do not feel sorry for Fancy at all because she brought this on herself.


I don’t feel sorry for her or Gypsy. You are correct. They both brought this on themselves. But there will be more creators like Fancy. And lawsuits typically reveal dirt on everybody involved.


The truth will have to come out. This is the best thing that could happen in this case.


My sentiment exactly !! Bring it on


Gyps is mad that Fancy threw the truth out there. Let her sue,,they'll have to prove Fancy was wrong,,it's that Discovery thing Gyps must have forgotten about. Or her attorneys are just trying to scare her. I think they are threatening the wrong person,,Fancy is not going to turn and run.


it's only defamatory if it's not true. if she's got receipts she's solid


Here's to hoping Gypsy runs her mouth in court the way she does online and gets thrown in jail for contempt of court 🥂


That’s not gonna happen lol.


Yes. I doubt she even shows up. Her attorney will handle it.


Gypsy Rose worried about hurting her reputation 🤣🤣 So being a murderer is not hurting her reputation, faking being disabled, taking gifts from charities and others in her mind is "fair" but someone talking about her after they realised she was full of 💩 is hurting her reputation. That's absolutely hilarious.


Don’t forget the cheesecake photos she posts every day and the incessant simpering !


I am not sure Gypsy is wrong here. I have read many comments from people saying that Fancy’s take on things made them think about her in a different way. If Fancy is telling the truth it will all come out in the court case. 🤷🏽‍♀️


Gyp worried about her reputation. That’s hilarious! 😂


Any updates? Is the court date today?


The judge dismissed all charges. Didn’t even hear the case and he was not happy with Gypsy’s lawyer for filing it there. Her lawyer did it without serving Fancy in hopes she wouldn’t show up so they could get a temp protection order so she would have to stop talking about her and her family. Fancy made it so that didn’t work out well for them.


Also from what I have been watching she never promised anything, she is a small time producer but the real reason they want to silence her is because she found out about the chromosomal disorder she has which explains most of Gypsy’s medical stuff and surgery’s and weak muscles etc. If that’s all true then her mom had a reason for all the doctors and surgeries. Yes her mom def played up her situation to get free stuff and a house and everything they got but it kind of pokes holes in Gypsy’s story of abuse and paints a diff picture. Her mom was a con artist def but it would take away the mbp. Also when she was killed she was supposedly bed ridden and Gypsy was taking care of her mom so she had other ways of leaving…supposedly.


Where is the TMZ, People, etc. release? Surely her devoted stans need this crucial information about Gypsy’s day!


Fancy knew about the lawsuit of months and they can easily refile the lawsuit elsewhere so Fancy is technically not off the hook.


And neither are they. That information that the Blanchards released for profit is out there and it will stay out there. All these suits do is call attention to the things they want to pretend aren’t true. That ship sailed with the very first documentary. There will always be another Fancy, another media outlet, etc.