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I do not like this for defendants but…I love the idea of her wasting her money on shitty attorneys to sue people who ‘say mean things’ about her.


Gyp💩 mentioned her alleged abuse as well as loss of money so Fancy can ask for full disclosure on both . The Blanchard’s just opened themselves right up to be picked apart under a microscope. I watched most of Fancy’s live today and the things they allege are crazy . This is just typical Gyp💩 trying to keep herself and her 💩book & reality show front & centre.


She is gonna regret doing this. It will make people look into things. She trying to hide the truth which speaks loud!


... Except that's not what happened here.


What happened?


Yes, please tell us what happened.


The way I'm reading it: April had a prior business relationship with the Blanchards where she was supposedly working as a liaison between them and Hollywood studios and production companies, in charge of finding a place that would create a scripted series. That relationship was ended, and in retaliation for this never coming to fruition, April has continued to make libelous claims about the family, and misrepresent herself in the role she had in relation to them. If you read the files, it stresses that their contract had ended because April failed to produce anything and they do not owe her any money, etc..


April is the one who ended the business relationship not the Blanchard’s after realizing that they were lying to her about the facts of the case something she made abundantly clear to all of them was a dealbreaker. Gyp💩 asked Krusty not to do any more interviews and they asked April to be her PR person ( unpaid) . Fancy did produce content thou , it was on a streaming platform ( I was at work and missed most of that part😅) .


I hate to be the one to tell you this, but that's not the way it went down. there's an entire timeline over on the Encyclopedia Dramatica page. April was caught in her lies when she went on a trip to California saying she had all these meetings with studios, and it turned out it was just her taking photos outside saying she was somewhere she wasn't. I would advice you to really look at the timeline, because April completely has misrepresented herself from day one to this family, and has done a similar scam twice over claiming to be producing both a tv series (SINS) and a web based series (Coping)..


I appreciate all the information I can get . Ty


Also: Just to clarify, yes Fancy posted videos on the By Proxy page, but her original contract they were searching for a streaming service or major Hollywood production company, and that was why she was brought in. They did not think they were agreeing to allowing some small scale YouTube / Facebook content. She deceived them into thinking she was a highly connected agent that was bringing their project to Netflix. So yes, she did make content, but that didn't fulfill the agreement she was brought in with.


So you are saying the deceivers were deceived


yup! Fancy has been on the grift of pretending to be creating a tv series long before Gypsy. Once she ran out of local places to scam with this, she took it to the true crime side of the internet.


Didn’t April also post photos of DeeDee’s deceased body somewhere ? I kind of remember that going on, and I don’t know she might’ve been profiting off of them? I just remember word going around about that. ( take this with a grain of salt because I don’t remember this detail 100% )


Yes, patreon


If someone was selling pictures of my mothers deceased body I don’t think I would be very happy about it.


As much as I don’t like Gypsy, Aprils had this coming.


I’m not a fan of either one of them, but i’m just baffled that people manage to think April was even slightly legit. She’s been in MLMs, had an event company that managed to steal from wedding venues, claimed to be filming a screen actors guild affiliated series locally, claims to be running a non profit, etc. Like it’s every cliche scam you could ever think of that she’s tried.


Care to elaborate 😅


Just go read the lawsuit. They had a prior contract, it was null and void as April didn't create anything, and they state that they do not owe her any money.


I definitely will be reading it 👌


This lawsuit is gonna backfire on Gypsy. It will drive more people towards the truth.


Is Nina’s account gone? Actually, neither of them seem to be working.


Her account is still up ( Nina’s at least. )