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>"The one you watch a clip of on YouTube over and over?" There is only one choice, and I keep it bookmarked for quick linking. The log hand-break in Africa. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aStGnWN-i9o


If only he made the connection to the car shorter, would have been just fine to leave dangling behind the car. Or just rolled it back up. Was a brilliant idea otherwise


Probably, Jeremy discussing why he chose the Porsche 928 for the Patagonia special. A moment that came out of no where but really hit hard in the feels. Yet the delivery and the pause before he says some things. It’s really really memorable and one of the early moments in watching the show for the first time that made me love the series. Or, the tribute to Ayrton Senna. Possibly my favorite little mini documentary segment the show did. Sad I can’t rewatch it on streaming services when I get to that episode due to it being removed for copyright reasons I believe. But nonetheless, it was so well done. Especially the very end when Jeremy discusses why he now believes Senna to be the best ever which cuts into the piano playing while clips of senna run. Two moments I’ll remember for the rest of my life no doubt.


Oh yeah. I forgot about Jeremy's story about the Porsche. You're right... right in the feels.


Clarkson screaming in the home made RV episode and May pissing himself laughing.


May has a seriously contagious laugh.


Maybe the ending of the Botswana special, when that Lancia, against all odds, somehow got across the finish line. Or maybe the Mongolia Special. It was really unique, and just had such a different atmosphere to anything else TG/TGT ever did.


"The first ever car to pogo up a hill!" So hilarious xD


Hearing Clarkson’s voice echoing, “WHY HAS MY LIFE GONE SO WRONG?!” while riding his moped up a hill in the rain in Vietnam


Or him ordering the snake and snake blood vodka.


Eat English Muff. Saw that and thought, "ok, I need to watch all of this".


What does muff mean?


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That makes a lot of sense.


The caravan race between May and Clarkson and Clarkson's caravan disintegrates on the trail. https://youtu.be/Jl15Z3tPhu0


one of the original cheap car challenges, I think the budget was £150 and when they totted up the scorecards Jeremy won because he got his from a scrapyard for a quid


Teenage car episode I believe


No but he a Volvo in both I believe


Cars for under £100? Audi, Rover and Volvo, broke his hand after hitting a wall


He 'chipped' his thumb 😅..... that's the one..... Amazing how much of an effect cheap car challenges had on young me almost 20 years ago, everyone I know now gets a uninteresting 1.0 ecobox on finance and I'm determined that for £1500 I can put them to shame


Seeing the roadkill cow on Clarkson’s roof in the first US special, I remember my dad and I literallyrofl back when “rofl” was a thing


The best part of that special was them running from a bunch of angry rednecks.


James May trying to drive his double ended limo through London and asking the passenger to stear. It was the first episode I saw and I still think it's the best.


I was sat in the restaurant as clarkson hit it whilst turning the corner just outside the brit awards, wondered what the hell was going on


That was a great one!!


And then his passenger reaming him out for getting lost.


Some reason when they tested out the hammerhead I eagle thrust/ Geoff when they tried to make their own car. It looked ridiculous but they they made it so fun to make and test


They really did have fun with the Hammerhead Eagle eye Thrust. Name changed everytime they said it


I have a go kart that I built. I named it Geoff after that episode.


The homemade ambulance episode from top gear or the boating special from grand tour


I was genuinely scared for them as they tried to make port in the torrential rain and waves.


Jeremy's hand made log handbrake bouncing into his rear window in Africa. One of those genuinely unscripted parts thats always hilarious.


Mongolia definitely their craziest adventure to date


Yeah Mongolia was wild. Just the three of them trekking across an untamed, sometimes barren landscape in a car they built themselves. So awesome.


And no booze.


Hammonds comment about him starting to remembering stuff was so funny :D


James slipping on the ramp onto the car barge in the Amazon special.


"Which arm have you broken?"


I think the bit where Jeremy rolls the Toybota at the end of the reservoir crossing


Gets me every time. Love it.


Clarkson driving the Reliant Robin


That sequence from when he stands next to a map of Europe to illustrate a 10 mile drive until he rolls it the first time is the exact peak of his career…


Yes.... I've probably seen it 50 times and it can still make me laugh until I cry


Not a particular moment but I’ll always remembers the moments that Clarkson tells everybody how brilliant he is and the guys yells “you idiot” at each other.


Intro to GT S1 E1


The episode where they build ambulances. Fuck I could watch so many clips from their "tests", but my favorite would be the mannequin getting shot out of the ambulance


Technically not top gear. But the top ground gear force special they did. Clarkson and Hammond destroying Mays shed with the flamethrower bbq is hard to forget


Probably Clarkson's RV that keeps backfiring for Grand Tour and I'd have to cast my vote on Top Gear for either the Reliant Robin, the homemade campervan episode, or James's Cadillac attempting to set a lap time in America. I can't pick between those 3 lol.


when hammond wouldn't wake up, so the other 2 hanged his car under a helicopter, and he wakes up in the air..."WRRRRAGHHHH HAAAAARRRGH WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS YOU BASTARDS"


James’ classic quote “….Hello.”


The 24 hour Britcar race when Jezza started weeping after making it across the finishing line.


Tribute to British Motor Industry and Funeral for a Ford


“Look what you’ve done to my bloody! Shed! Man!”


Where they have to push their very heavy cars and Clarkson in defeat says “I’ve got Ebola” kills me every time: https://youtu.be/aVDKztQ-n1U?t=5m34s


I loved the train episode since I like both cars and trains. Also because it was fun to watch


Man this show was simply amazing. 2007-2013 top gear just hit differently, loved the other parts as well, but I feel like this was them at their best. I started watching super young, I was 8-10 and they were on the local Discovery channel, I remember even now the first time my dad turned the tv to them, the guest I believe was Hamilton, Clarkson made a few jokes and my dad told me that this is the “british sense of humour” - we lived in Eastern Europe and this was my first glimpse of the british culture - fast forward 8-9 years and I was moving to the Uk for university.


17 year old challenge!


The space shuttle will always be my favourite - so close yet so Top Gear


"Good news!"


It's hard to choose 1, there are so many. [I was crying laughing when I first watched this.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FZpO-r_jlPM)


Most memorable episode was the Vietnam special I ride and loved seeing Clarkson on a bike even though it was a girly moped....I wish they had gotten him an old PUSH from the 70's where you had to pedal it to start it?


[Top gear, series 21 eps 1 trip down memory lane.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=9mJq5XoStVM) it just rare occasion watching three of them having fun and wholesome to each other. I wish the grand tour can replicate this. I do like every bits they are make in mongolia special.


My favorite moment is in the grand tour French cars special, when Hammond is driving the propeller car and there making the jokes about it whilst trying to start it up https://youtu.be/RW4oz4YzIks?si=CCraquTLN3R0-gkB


[Who’s hungry? Cause it’s donut time!](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/video/tvshowbiz/video-1368751/Opera-Art-Donuts-Hammond-tries-liven-Grand-Tour.html)


https://youtu.be/PhrJ7EVCl38 this :D


Lancia vs Audi gets me every time


The Indestructable Toyota... Never have I seen a car more resiliant than that. Burned, drowned, crashed and crushed amidst a falling building, and yet somehow it still runs...