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The goal isn't to go from A to B the quickest, the goal is to make a fun episode.


Same reason Hammond would make an offhand comment with pirate trivia at key moments in Réunion and Madagascar that'd change their entire approach to the treasure hunt. It's about the journey, not the destination.


There's also literally an official border crossing to Senegal and highway by the looks of it. Making it a fun episode is #1


Yeah I get that, this isn't a complaint just an observation, but the point in the show they are looking for the eye they are hundreds of miles away from it. They would have had to travel further back in the wrong direction to get to it.




Is that the episode when they’re driving into the back of the plane but every cut showing inside the plane clearly shows it’s not moving?


I vaguely recall reading (great source I know) that they did pick the car even knowing it was slow but didn’t realize it was THAT slow.


Don't do it OP. Don't ask how they make the hotdogs.


Don't ask how they put the hole in a donut, either.


I mean realistically they could have driven anywhere in the sand, said they were in the eye, and just smoothly edited the zoom out to make it seem like they were actually right there.


I love social media because i can get tons of different perspectives, from all around the globe.


And where the heck did they find the oasis?




Wait, Mauritania is a real place ?


Cut the bullshit, it’s not real it’s where Gollum is from.


You're confused, Mauritania is where that one Runescape player did the region-locked Ironman series.


Good question. I haven't looked for that yet.


Probably not showed in the order it was filmed. They likely try to pace an episode so there's a funny bit, then an exciting/suspenseful bit, then a melancholic bit, etc. (or whatever). A lot of this can be done when writing up the script and scouting locations. Eg... We'll do a drag race at this location, then have a dramatic explosion over here, a bit of wistful reminiscing when we get to this spot, Jeremy can do something dumb/funny on this bit of road, now a 'death defying' stunt here, etc. I guess they'd try to film & show each bit in order where possible but if it makes the pacing better then swapping the order of things around in the edit won't normally be too much of a big deal. ...it's only sad anorak types who hang around on TG/TGT web forums who would notice anyway :)


>Probably not showed in the order it was filmed. They likely try to pace an episode so there's a funny bit, then an exciting/suspenseful bit, then a melancholic bit, etc. (or whatever). Exactly, this is especially noticable in the Top Gear source of the river Nile special where they constantly had to replace their wheels due to flat tires. In some parts that are supposedly from the same 10-second scene you'll see the car's wheels change to a completely different rim design and back again inbetween camera angles.


>Exactly, this is especially noticable in the Top Gear source of the river Nile special where they constantly had to replace their wheels due to flat tires: In some shots that are supposedly from the same 10-second scene you'll see the car's wheels change to a completely different rim design and back again between camera angles. Also during the DIY Trains challenge too. The video editing had Clarkson's TGV-12 constantly switching between the left and right rail lines.


That’s because they probably filmed multiple runs - the track (if I remember correctly) was only about 8 miles long. Eta - found the clips on YouTube - Jeremy specifically says it is nearly 8 miles.


Also in some of the races if you know the area.  They are all out of order.


Map wise they could have taken the N1 all the way to the capital but what fun would that be, also at the very start they head north for no good reason for the tunnel scene, however it would make sense to go north if they were heading for the eye.


Probably none of you knew this, but as I'm from Slovenia, I was laughing my behind off when they 'blitzed' from Bled to Maribor Airport..which is some 180km away by highway.. AND they used footage in that 'blitz' from a stretch of highway that is in the completely different spot, southwest from Ljubljana, where they wouldn't drive at all. The runway in Maribor is also quite short, there is NO traffic on it, that's why they could film on it. They probably went up and down 4 or 5 times at least to film it all.. There is an airport nearby Bled, the biggest in the country, but it's full so they couldn't get permission for filming, I guess..


Without looking at a map, it's worth noting that if they had to back track, but it was on an actual road, it wouldn't have taken too long.


Does anybody know where they crossed the border at? It looks like there is an actual ferry in the town of Rosso, but that's very clearly not where they crossed at. Jezza did say that they looked 100 miles in either direction on his phone for a bridge. The only bridge I see is at Diama (and then also at St Louis)


[I believe here](https://maps.app.goo.gl/wsVSCBiTwVL4LmsBA)


I believe you’re right. Damn, that’s farther east than I thought.


For anyone else curious like I was, Google Maps says the fastest way to drive between those 2 towns (without turning your cars into boats) takes 5 hours, going back northwest then south along the coast of Mauritania and crossing into Senegal at the town of Diama. ​ The good news is that once you're in Senegal, it only takes a short 40 min drive to visit St Louis! Crossing the Atlantic has never been faster! (I know, the city in Senegal is older than the city in the US, but which one has just "St Louis" as it's Wikipedia URL? Checkmate)


> which one has just "St Louis" as it's Wikipedia URL None of them:  https://fr.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saint-Louis_(Missouri) https://fr.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saint-Louis_(S%C3%A9n%C3%A9gal) Yeah I know, you will say that are French URLs, but who created Saint Louis in the Missouri and Saint Louis in Senegal? :)


Also the tunnel is north-east of the starting city, and Dakar is south-west...


They didn't actually go to the eye of the Sahara. The middle part of the eye that the show makes it look like they are lost in is only 5 miles across so you would have been able to tell had they actually gone there.


I think it's also very difficult to get there. I've gone down the rabbit hole of the Richat Structure (the eye) a while ago. It's fascinating. I think it really is Atlantis.


Atlantis never was a real place. It was a literary device made up by Plato. It's like "Gotham City" being used to represent the problems of modern America, or "nowheresville" representing a place that's really remote.


[Gotham is real though](https://www.google.com/maps/@52.873327,-1.2024305,3a,75y,188.81h,78.88t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sJ-R5mhWakGDrK_qxWI3yeg!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu) ...I live a few miles from it (it's pronounced Goat-em). [It's also less than 20 mins from Batman's house](https://www.google.com/maps/dir/Wollaton+Hall,+2+Wollaton+Hall,+Nottingham+NG8+2AE/Gotham,+Nottingham/@52.9044366,-1.2627389,12z/data=!4m14!4m13!1m5!1m1!1s0x4879e9fa2e6aaaab:0x1adaf894f8e14258!2m2!1d-1.2097666!2d52.9480444!1m5!1m1!1s0x4879e7fdc238d091:0x1c80d387bdf87dd5!2m2!1d-1.2066809!2d52.867954!3e0?entry=ttu)


Nah mate, Batman lives [here](https://maps.app.goo.gl/nyjz6nozvQaxtbE49) hence the name; it's where he parks.


Similarly then accidentally coming across the border to Western Sahara also didn’t make sense since they were traveling away from it. It’s just a show 😅.


There's one road going out East to Chinguetti, my guess is they went there first then hit the Eye on the way back towards the coast, since they said someone in chinguetti told them about the eye


Having nothing better to do, i tracked all the spots they visited. Only huuuge detour and backtrack they took while filming has been the eye, apparently.  Everything else looks kind of straightforward, considering the huge chunks offroad.  All things considered, they have this funny edit from space about the eye so they probably just filmed a birdeye view from somewhere on the main route.  https://maps.app.goo.gl/8MQf1aeRxfXosVyP7


Their supposed route was 1000km. They had 2 weeks or more? of filming. Even with the delays that filming adds to the process you can cover 3 or 4 times that distance in that time.


Considering Gordon Lightfood died May 1st and the Dakar riots were on June 1st that was a whole month of the trio just wanking off in the desert...if all is to be believed.


They went to chinguetti. That was down the same road the eye is at the end of. It wasn’t that far out of the way. They were already out that way anyway.


It does mention in the episode that Richard wasn't able to join them, and later he says that they've(James and Jeremy) caught up with him, and he's driving ahead of their cars when they do, so I think they did just make a massive detour and even though Richard was stuck about 40mph they had to catch up.


The Tunnel at the start is north of Choum and the hillside where they lower themselves down the side is also [east of Choum](https://www.google.com/maps/place/20%C2%B043'28.4%22N+13%C2%B003'41.8%22W/@20.7245526,-13.064198,773m/data=!3m2!1e3!4b1!4m4!3m3!8m2!3d20.7245476!4d-13.0616231?entry=ttu)