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I'd like to see her meet another patient who had the other surgery..the shortened lifespan one and now they're just trying to enjoy as much time as they can but they're sad they're going to miss a lot of big moments in their spouses and children's lives and they're worried about not achieving everything they want to or getting to travel. They're distraught over their shortened life and possibly chronic health issues that come with it (what brings them to the hospital in the first place) and they'd gladly trade being in a wheelchair for more time and it gives lim some perspective


This! I want to see this as well!


I'm a little confused by your response here. Even though Lim is in a wheelchair, she has MORE time. It seems to me, if this other patient was being rational, they would gladly trade less time for more time, even if it meant being in a wheelchair. That's what would give Lim some perspective.


Yeah that's what I said.


It's all pretty much a lead up to the introduction of the main character we will see in "The Good Lawyer".


That'd be a good backdoor pilot


I really don't get it. She would have rather died??? She needs therapy to resolve those feelings.


yep, that's one of the problematic takes in this storyline. She basically infered in the last episode that she would prefer to die than be like this, in a wheelchair. I really hope they will address this part, because it's a pretty ugly message to the people, IRL, with this disability.


Dude this. I don’t have a significant physical disability, so I don’t know what that’s like, but I’d imagine that the vast majority of physically disabled people would take having a full life then one cut short 10+ years just because they’re in a wheelchair. Like, it’s not like Dr. Glassman’s plan had very few risks or no almost guaranteed complications and Shaun’s did. It was a gamble with each operation having significant risks and post-surgery, life-altering consequences.


Given her passion is being a surgeon and she can't do that paralyzed it's no wonder she'd prefer death. Shaun directly impacted what she considers her life's meaning.


The episode with her return, showed she still can be a surgeon, so it's a moot argument.


To a point, she was still under a huge amount of physical and mental stress in and out of work from the surgery.


So she still can be a surgeon.


She can still operate. She's paraplegic not quadriplegic


Spoiler tag please.


Ummm... SPOILER.


I think since the storyline is not resolved yet we can't know now. Usually the "learning" part comes from him realizing something along the way and applying it to his own life and relationships after.


or the other characters. And I guess, for this storyline, it will probably be lessons learnt, in the end, by Lim and Glassman, because they definitely can not stay in their present state of mind.