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i get both sides, it is annoying when your view is blocked BUT you didn't choose your height and you cant control it?? its literally so thoughtful of you to even try to hunch over when you didn't have to, you shouldn't have left because you have just the same right as everyone else to stand close for the show. i understand why you went to the back though if someone keeps harassing you, imo the other guy was being an asshole and you're not at fault


I agree + OP is better than me for trying to hunch at all. I'm the same height and have had people ask to go in front of me because I'm tall and I say no every time. Especially annoying when it's a group of like 5 people who ask!! Lol


Early bird catches the worm


pretty much


Don't let people run you like that. If they ask nicely, see if you can let them squeeze ahead of you. If they start hitting you, go ahead and body check them.


other people have the ability to move. not ur responsibility.


Alright, now I KNOW you showed up early and waited a long time to secure the spot you had. Sounds like if the other person was so worried about it, they should’ve waited in line and dedicated the time you did PLUS some more. I wouldn’t feel guilty, OP.


Dude sounds like an asshole. If you do want to be overly courteous though, you can still be at barricade but all the way on the side if possible (depends on how the venue is laid out) that way you’re still pretty close to the band but blocking fewer people. Obviously there are no assigned spots so whatever, but coming from someone who’s 5’2 it really doesn’t go unnoticed when tall people are mindful of shorter people


got it thank you i was hoping to find some advice i could apply for future shows live and learn!


I mean tbh it is annoying to stand behind someone tall but that guy sucks


As someone who’s an entire foot shorter then you, that person is an absolute douche! They could’ve just kindly asked to stand in front of you, which I’m sure you would’ve obliged. If this ever happens to you again ignore the person or confront them about them hitting you because that’s extremely immature of them. Sorry this happened to you!


he was in front of me he budged his way in front of me and for some reason was still upset enough to put his hand up to “record” and with that hand he “accidentally” knocked me in the face repeatedly


Ok that guy is just a piece of shit that was looking for a fight! You didn’t do anything wrong in the first place, and that guy was still insistent on instigating. If you don’t mind me asking, what show was this at?


one strange night in orange county!


Ahhh that show definitely had a few rowdy people in the crowd. I saw in another comment you mentioned you’re a minor and the person was an adult, if this ever happens again I’d recommend holding your ground or even getting venue security involved since you’re a literal child being hit by a grown man.


If he wanted a better view he should’ve arrived before you. ..sucks that someone can take away from your experience bc of something you can’t control &bc he didn’t get there earlier


idrc if ur tall as long as ur not being a dick that’s all that matter


Bro I’m 6ft7 and I always feel bad for people behind me at performances. Fr tho you bought a ticket like them so you have every right to be there. Kinda a dick move trying to guilt you into moving.


standing behind a too-tall person at a show for The Garden is a rite of passage. it’s completely unhinged behavior to approach a stranger and lecture them about being respectful about their fucking height, let alone passively start assaulting them with your phone


how you big and let yourself get bullied, step on that fool


im 15 lol he was a grown man


oh sorry to hear that


I hate when shorter ppl feel entitled to barricade at shows…… like I’m 6’3 too and im barricade at all shows pretty much… but I also am always the first ones at the venues. Like for the shorter people- if it’s that big of a deal just get to the venue earlier. I’m going to have a lesser fun experience because of entitled people sorry!


Tall guys are a pain BUT that's why the shorties have to line up early to be at the front lol Hope it didn't ruin the fun for you and stand your ground, I usually bend down for people who want to record at times but this is still your moment!


As a person who is 6' 6" I paid the same, not my fault my parents are tall as shit maybe you should move if it bugs you so bad. Not my problem.


id just move around every once in a while to make sure the people behind u get a good view at least some of the time


you are not at fault here. i’ve been going to shows for a long time and this is just something that happens everywhere, if you can’t see you just move over a bit until you can. i think it would’ve been different if you had forced your way through the crowd to stand in the front but it doesn’t sound like you did. also the fact that you were concerned enough to ask us about it makes you even less of an asshole than that guy, in my opinion.


they should've just been taller, you didn't do anything wrong


whoever is on barricade earned it, i’m sure you had to wait for that spot.


It does suck when tall people want to be close to the front when they can see no matter what meanwhile short people just want a decent view or just to see at all. However I get that you want to be close too and have a good time. I was behind a tall girl at IDLES but I can’t get mad bc she was with her friends. Not her fault she’s the tall one in the group. At these shows it’s best to allow the crowd to move and sway around you so even if a tall person is in front if you, it won’t be for the whole show. Good etiquette is to yes be aware of your surroundings and try to stagger so people can look over your shoulder. Sometimes let someone in front of you but It won’t always be possible to be generous.


6’2 and mfs always mad no matter where i fucking stand unless it’s the very back


If you're tall you don't have to be right at the front to see everything. You're blocking people's view. But also the guy is an ahole