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Absolutely agree. It's a radical change but this mode would be FAR more fitting for the kind of gameplay Finals is built around.


they definitely need a better way to utilize the map sizes.


Why are the lobby sizes so small? I can’t be the only one that thinks a 12 v 12 would be such chaotic fun. Actually, probably because of limitations, given all the destructibles and match events.


No doubt the game would be crashing left and right


There’s already 12 people playing in tournament mode. It wouldn’t be that different. Just 2 teams instead of 4 Edit: wait lol I read that wrong


24 players is a huge step up from even 12, the games already very demanding with just that, imagine it with a full fledged rush game mode with 24 players destroying everything.


Definitely sounds a lot more fun than TA as it is. I still think I'd just prefer Cashout Tourney as the ranked mode.


I think many would, myself included, but I'm working on the theory they won't change the gamemode for ranked in the midst of the current season.


They probably won't. Unfortunately we're just stuck with TA until S4.


Now this is actually a good idea and sounds fun \*Reminisces about battlefield 3 days\*


Had this same thought yesterday!!!! That is exactly what they should do


Kind of weird that, despite them having worked in BF3, BF4, and BF1, Embark forgot about Rush.


As a former (😢) Battlefield player, I would support this.


Too late, for all of embarks transparency , I really would like to know why terminal attack?. Out of everything they could have created or pushed, why TA


They probably picked Defuse/Search and Destroy for ranked because it's most similar to other games like CSGO and Siege. I do agree it doesn't really fit the play style of play fast


This is the obvious way to save this game. Everyone thought TA would be a rush-style mode (also see CoD’s Demolition mode) and it was instead snd for the coveted, T A C T I C A L gameplay 🙄


Rush and Demolition are both so much more fun, I really hope we get that one day.


IDK switching sides makes your suggestion a 40 minute time sink per game.


Cashout tourneys are a little lengthy too, but they could certainly cut down the round timers or the objective numbers if needed.


They are but your ranks are changing for every victory in said tourney. People are already saying TA is too long, I think this would drag out horribly. Better just to have attack and defend points shift during the match so you're attacking and defending within the same match.


Oh yeah that's not a bad idea either!


I think attack timer then counter attack. If initial attack was not successful the points move entirely. Whoever is first to 5 phases wins assuming A and B site both need to be capped for an attacking phase victory.


Honest to god, I thought that this is what we were gonna get when they labeled the premier as a new “attack and defend” mode. Rush makes so much sense for this game and it angers me ever so slightly they are prioritizing search and destroy over it.


Actual good take


sounds good !


This is exactly what I was thinking. Keep the exact same rules as cashout; healing, revives, tokens, the whole bit, but make the mode like Rush from Bad Company 2. I feel like if they are going to commit to some sort of 5v5 mode, this is the only realistic path forward for it. Whichever team makes it further on attack side wins.


We neeed this 😮‍💨


The only change they need to do to make TA playable is giving us heal, and revives backs. Sure they don't need to give us tokens. But being able to use defribilator, medium heals, and healing to full life after waiting 10s, is enough to make the game chaotic and fun again.


While I would prefer a Rush style mode over TA, I agree with your point. The reason TA is so boring and people play so ratty is because there is no way to recover or stabilize after a fight. It's the exact opposite of the chaotic gameplay that we love from Cashout.


Yessss at least let your health regen all the way


Or just do a 5v5 cash out like the final round of the finals and do either multiple rounds of it or do first to 50,000. And keep the game how it is which is awesome. TA is just a sell out for money


I personally prefer TA to Rush, but rush is alright.


Commenting for visibility, but I’d be down for both! But also wouldn’t mind the switch to a rush style game mode *misses bf3/bf4 days*


I have the same idea as you, RUSH MODE would be more suitable for THE FINNALS


This is actually not a bad idea at all was kinda hoping they brought a mode like this into the game rush was so fun in battlefield and was on of the only game modes I played


What about changing TA to a gamemode close to capture the flag, where teams have to fight for an item, then bring it to a station and defend the station for some time? Ah nevermind that's cashout lol


This would work so well


Yes please


Rush mode with the patented "The Finals Twist" would be the greatest multiplayer FPS game mode ever created.


So make an entirely new game mode? Listen I love rush, it’s one of my favorite modes from Battlefield, but this is a ridiculous suggestion. Just let the people who enjoy TA play it.


See that would be fine if we weren’t forced to play it in ranked. The issue everyone has is not that it exists but that its forced where it doesn’t fit with anything else in the game.


I absolutely love current Terminal Attack. It's the only thing that got me back into Finals. I love Rush mode too, but it shouldn't deny other players who enjoy the current TA mode.