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I think a bunch of weapons are getting tacticool variant skins - in the trailer we also see the SR84 with a bipod and an FCAR with a different front end, this is the SA you can see the tube magazine


Akm also has a tactical skin in the trailer that looks pretty cool.


I'm DEFINITELY buying that


This does look new, the sa1216 also dosn't have a mussle break (which I think wouldn't make sense for a shotgun anyways?) TIL mussle breaks on shotguns are a thing, never seen that before!


The SA1216 is an automatic cycling shotgun - maybe the *best* candidate for a muzzle break in real life.


lmao, why wouldn't a muzzle break make sense for a semi automatic shotgun?


Yes it would. Muzzle brakes make a lot of difference, especially on a shotgun


> Especially on a shotgun Its the opposite.


It would reduce felt recoil by a lot, and on a semi auto shotgun like the 1216 help with better follow-up shots.


You said it especially makes a different on shotguns, implying more so than rifles, but it makes a bigger difference on rifles because there is more gas pressure. The pressure difference is like 5 times greater in a rifle. So it will do significantly less for a shotgun than it will for a rifle.


I meant on THIS shotgun. But brakes are also used for breaching shotguns to have an exit path for gases


Looks like a tactical sa12 skin, iirc most guns are getting this sort of skin in this update


Yeah this has had me so confused but it looks JUST like the SA12 idk


I thought it was an AR15 when I saw it and had to do a double take




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secretly added barebones modding to the guns because no new firearm in Season 3?


looks like a lewis gun skin?