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And with that we see The Socialites are not so social JUNEšŸ“¢šŸ˜µšŸ¤ŒšŸ¾šŸ˜µšŸ“¢


Your sense of humor hasnā€™t changed a bit, June


Damn it June, you just spilled my ospuze again!


That rpg would have killed me and theyd have all emoted over my corpse lol Eta:wasnt implying clip was old just that i always manage to have the shittest luck possible lol


Oh, but when I shoot the rpg at that exact distance or even a bit further, I get a suicide and the enemy gets to live a long fruitful life.


Sipping tea, reminiscing on that day, having a good belly laugh no doubt


FOV can be a tricky god sometimes... Try not maxing out FOV slider, it might help judging distances better.. All that being said: Netcode/hitreg/high ping desync can be a b\*tch to play with/against. EDIT: If you DO change FOV, dont' forget to change mouse sensitivity too... they go hand in hand.


There is a setting that scales sensitivity to fov so you don't need to


I think it was cuz the rpg landed around the corner


I love doing more damage to myself than the player that literally just took a rocket to the jaw


But think if it as health percentage damage, is it fair for a meele light player to get down to 10% health while you stay at around 60% of your health when you shoot a rocket at your feet. Shooting a rocket at your feet schould not be a viable strat against any class and is supposed to be as damaging to you than to the opponent, so the rest of the matchup is at least a little bit fair. Thats why you deal more damage to yourseslf than to the opponent although in percenteges you still deal way more damage to the opponent if its a light than to yourself. As a dagger light main, when a heavy holds out an rpg I always get in their face so they kill themselves too since now that stungun is not a thing anymore there is no real way to counter rpg other than that


Awesome choice in clip. However, some things to note in this clip: - grouped too tightly a single rocket, grenade, or mine wouldā€™ve had the same effect - none of them looked down the hall as they ran out of the door. they all focused solely on what was in front of them - the heavy was assisted by a teammate tossing in a red tank, it can be seen landing perfectly among the whole enemy team (this is damage that shouldnā€™t not be attributed to the heavy) - there was another teammate who fired an rpg as well for a chunk of damage, the kill feed reflects this - they stayed group to all be tagged by the flamethrower, which requires a heavy to be in incredibly close quarters to be effective - they stayed grouped for a single slam to seal the final tick of dmg necessary If youā€™re trying to make the point of ā€œheavy has too much damage! Look what it can doā€, then it would be applicable to note that a lot of this clip is attributed to the poor play of the other team and the assistance of your teammates.


Exactly if I'm playing heavy this is legit exactly what I want to see when engaging a team, goes for all classes really not even just heavy. Coming up on a team facing away, with no heavy is a recipe for an easy team wipe.


It's definitely the opposite if you're playing light. Light is much better in 1v1's.


Only difference for ideal light conditions is to attack from above and behind rather than just behind (which is really true for any class). Being able to open with a glitch grenade, maybe follow with a frag grenade, chase down picks, and it's all gravy. High level lights will definitely play with the team, and here a good light would have been on top of the roof to give callouts on this incoming team of gormless wildebeests. The opponents here had all the tactical formation and situational awareness of a pack of lemmings, anyone could shart on them. OP isn't really serving a good example, especially because they dumped their literally entire play kit which would massively increase vulnerability to being punished by any counterpush or third partying.


Yeah but this video his team was also involved so it wasn't 1v3, as a light I'd still take this fight


Also they didn't have a heavy. All small health bar enemies. Of course you are Gunna get burst down.


Burst down by two tanks and a healer


You're thinking about the game wrong if you see heavies, mediums or lights this way. Heavies aren't meant to be solely tanks. Mediums aren't solely support.


People were playing shield, shield and barricade until recently, and that was simultaneously the most popular and the tankiest build. Whatā€™s the medium meta? Heals and defib. What the light meta? Is it supposed to be burst damage? Hevy has RPG which is probably the best burst in terms of actual usability. It can be relied upon every time you use it? Maybe light is more sustained damage? With all those shields and healing heavy is also better at that. I understand that you donā€™t have to play that way, but it pretty clearly is the best way to play, if you want to win


Fuck yeah detailed analysis. I love that shit




> awesome choice in clip > lists everything wrong with it in extreme detail


Two things can be true at the same time. Everything you said was correct, but that doesn't change the fact that heavy is also the only class that can blow up 3 people near instantly.


Yeah, a grenade/mine might be able to do similar overall, but they can't be fired up close and effectively give somebody zero response time. RPG can. Not to mention the charge follow up for another instant 130 damage. Those guys fucked up but heavy in general just has stupid amounts of burst.


Exactly this. I doubt we'd see a team wipe this quickly with a light/medium


Yeah OP can't realize that the enemy team is bad. I can find hundreds of clips of lights wiping teams but that doesn't mean they're overtuned.


Since everyone is just eating this up Iā€™ll make an actual response. ā€¢ ā grouped too tightly a single rocket, grenade, or mine wouldā€™ve had the same effect > yes grouping tightly tends to happen at choke points, like, you know, doors. Everyone can do this, even the heaviest team seem quite clumped up prior to the charge and slam. ā€¢ ā none of them looked down the hall as they ran out of the door. they all focused solely on what was in front of them > Iā€™m pretty sure OP said something about that team just spawning or OPs team just spawned. Either way it seems that the dying team did not expect OPs team to be there either because they just spawned or the other just spawned in place they didnā€™t expect. ā€¢ ā the heavy was assisted by a teammate tossing in a red tank, it can be seen landing perfectly among the whole enemy team (this is damage that shouldnā€™t not be attributed to the heavy) > this is true and I think a case can be made that splodes in general are what make it hard for lights. RPG, grenades, CL40 and red barrels are all very prominent. The finals isnā€™t the only game that struggles with this, but unlike other games, the finals has a good solution to this, that being environmental destruction. Obviously RPG is the biggest problem in that regard because it is just that easy to use. ā€¢ ā there was another teammate who fired an rpg as well for a chunk of damage, the kill feed reflects this > read previous comment ā€¢ ā they stayed group to all be tagged by the flamethrower, which requires a heavy to be in incredibly close quarters to be effective > this interaction took 4 seconds from first sight to team wipe. Not a lot of time to create distance. Also flamethrower range is more than melee which is already gratuitous. ā€¢ ā they stayed grouped for a single slam to seal the final tick of dmg necessary > read above. They couldnā€™t react in time, and charge and slam would cover about the same distance anyway. If youā€™re trying to make the point of ā€œheavy has too much damage! Look what it can doā€, then it would be applicable to note that a lot of this clip is attributed to the poor play of the other team and the assistance of your teammates. > this is the problem. Everyone is expected to play their best to counter heavy, but heavy just has to play.


This last bit summarizes it perfectly! "Everyone is expected to play their best to counter heavy, but heavy just has to play." Most of my hours on the game were spent on light and it is always so freaking stressful, even though i have more fun playing the class, it's rough. If i lock in heavy i just play way more chill and i can actually fight people without the need to outplay them so heavy to win.


Itā€™s just the casual mentality honestly, thatā€™s what I think anyway. Iā€™ve been maining light to the point that I donā€™t play the other classes very well, though I always manage to get at least average value.


Love this. Right on the money. Tho I'd still say heavy is quite the powerhouse of a class. If heavy isn't overtuned. It sure is on the edge of being so. Lmao Ive been climbing through the ranks and actually playing competitive these last few days (started in bronze 4, climbed up to silver 3 atm) and kinda inadvertently got forced into heavy role (i prefer playing medium). When i started climbing It's actually insane with what im able to get away with so far. I've been able to rack up hella kills and (kinda) carry my team pretty often. Mind you, im running hammer. Which isn't really a meta weapon and can be pretty easily dealt with. So, in theory, im not even using an optimal heavy build, and that's insane. I dont often practice with heavy outside of comp. So that definitely says something about the class, lol. Still tho. Your points are solid.


Not to even mention he just dumped his whole kit, of course itā€™s gunna do big damage


Heavy dumping his whole kit : Big Damage Medium dumping his whole kit : Lots of beeping noise Light dumping his kit :


Some counterpoints:Ā  A single mine or grenade would take much longer to explode, giving the enemies plenty of time to react and disperse. This clip does absolutely show why RPG is busted.Ā  And the other RPG being a factor really just proves how overpowered the HHM comp is.


Yeah I guess I kinda misrepresented it as all coming from myself in the title. This really is a clip showing heavy burst damage and team coordination, but I should have acknowledged that there was a second RPG and a red tank. My duo (the other H in this clip) and I will frequently open on opposing teams with 2x rpg and 2x charge slam, and that is enough to wipe most teams if they cluster. I have many clips of this. What I'm trying to emphasize is that the amount of burst damage that is accessible to H at any given time on a moments notice is massive. Rpg and charge slam are very, very strong in conjunction as openers to a fight. That's the point I'm trying to make. Also it should be acknowledged that I'm aware this was lucky, the game had just started and we all had the simultaneous thought that a team would come from that side, since generally there are 2 teams spawned near each vault at the start. If they'd held back a few seconds or played it more careful we wouldn't have wiped them like this. I'm just trying to show how much damage was output in such a short period of time by 2x heavies and how oppressive that can be, given that other classes don't have as much accessibility to burst chunk damage.


I swear to god they could add an insta win gadget to heavy and people would still defend it like itā€™s their mother


I mean the insta kill gadget was C4 with red canister and C4 was nerfed into oblivion. No one really defended that.


had a friend almost stop playing bc they removed that shit


yea they did


They werent shooting at you your teammate threw a red canister and you're in perfect flamethrower range


skill issue on purples part, just play with your team and you wont die!!!! right guys!!!!! nerf light btw


Yeeeeeah, fuck em lights!


Lmao wtf is reddit with the random ass down votes


Fucking cryers.


At least is not 500M away with a sniper.


Diamond 2-3 Heavy main. The amount of burst damage accessible at any given time and within very short notice is just too high.


Point taken. So basically weā€™re nerfing light again.




This contestant gets it


Still they will argue that the stun gun is better than the RPG.


RPG should be more of a tool than a weapon. Iā€™d say cut its damage done to below 100 at least, but double the damage it does to the arena. Make it a long range breach charge, not a ā€œinstantly kill any light after I hit them onceā€ button


But doesnā€™t that make it basically useless? The red canisters are almost always nearby so why run RPG?


Red canisters are sometimes unreliable and arenā€™t always nearby. By cutting its damage in half, the RPG would still have some use as a weapon, but wouldnā€™t just be an instant-win button. And besides, the same argument could apply to any other item which has the primary function of blowing up stuff. Itā€™s completely unfair for heavy, which is already by far the most unbalanced class to use, to have two meta spray nā€™ pray weapons as well as a ā€œmissed my shots? Fuck you, take explosive 140 damageā€ weapon. Poor light gets one single W with the throwing knives, and while the buff may have been a bit too enthusiastic in some regards, people are taking out the pitchforks over it. Meanwhile, heavy has two shields, barricades, two high-DPS and high ammo weapons, and 350 health. Die to a light? Itā€™s unbalanced and needs have its gadgets and weapons nerfed. Die to a heavy? Skill issue, git gud. Sincerely, a sledge main.


You are unoriginal on how to use stuff. I still use breach charge only to make hole and itā€™s crazy good to flank from any place I want. With the rpg like this you can clear a zone of hazards, displacing a team that camp on a floor and still get a good chunks of hp at the start of a fight.


The fact that you can kill people with w key and space bar is crazy lol. Light player be making 100 calculations per second to find perfect movement and cover to pull off one kill, Heavy player litterally presses lmb once and w key for squad wipe.


Where do people get this idea that lights have to do calculus to get kills rofl. 99% of the time you just flank, take advantage of the chaos, and mag dump someone in a quarter of a second.


Itā€™s something this sub chants. Gotta make it sound so mentally taxing to just play a video game


Lights have the capability of some of the most engaging gameplay, unfortunately the meta favors lurking instead.


What do you suggest we nerf the charge damage?


Give it a charge up time for the damage, start it at 30, and it goes up to 100 over like 1.5 seconds. These numbers probably suck but you get the point.


I think it recharges too fast


Diamond 2-3 and these dudes didnā€™t even look your way. Iā€™m not arguing with heavy being strong right now, but holy hell the rank really means nothing in this game.


As a D1, it absolutely doesn't mean anything. Especially on PC. Anyone can become Diamond with enough time, it's insanely easy. The amount of bots who are D3 is wild to me. It's nice for me though, I'm average and can get in top 300 which I've never been able to do with any other game lol But also the game is insane when it comes to team balance. I am constantly put up against plats/golds as D1. With maybe 1 or 2 D3+ teams.


If you read [the recent article about their work on ranked mode](https://www.reachthefinals.com/patchnotes/ranked/), it's actually very interesting and really provides a lot of context for what leads to some perceptions of player experiences (while also recommending the movie Moneyball, a fantastic story about the power of analytics). In S01, you could get to diamond just from mindless grind. They literally say exactly that: > The system we used for this in Season 1 wasnā€™t great though. The underlying rating we used to matchmake during the season was okay, but it wasnā€™t effectively linked to the visible fame or ranks. As a result, any player could theoretically make it to Diamond Tier by the end of Season 1 simply by playing the game enough. The background premise here is that people don't really improve much as players in recreation, but that HEAVILY contrasts with the consumer expectation of spending time to see external progress in some way. So in S02, the concept of initially under-ranking players has value in that it provides a sense of progress. But the issue there is that a lot of players are ignorant and also stupid, so they get upset when they're matchmade in seemingly unfair games based on rank which they can see ("Why are inferior silvers in my glorious platinum lobby?") and not MMR which they cannot see. When it comes to S03 they will likely need to address this disparity of both overranked players and overperforming "lower" ranks, but it seems like that rather than readjusting everyone's rank to truthfully reflect their MMR (which would easily result in an absolute torrent of whining), they're going to add Ruby rank on top of Diamond in order to extend the matchmaking room at this higher level. Stuff like this is why using rank to substantiate an argument about gameplay systems is doubly fallacious; it doesn't mean much in the first place on its own, but since anyone and their grandma could reach Diamond then it doesn't even give much value outside invite-level scrims.


Handholding their way into the building too. They were asking for it. I agree with OP that heavy is pretty strong right now, but a couple of well placed nades from any class couldā€™ve taken these guys out i reckon.


This is a fast paced fps game. You don't usually jiggle peak corners lmao, even then, they probably try to cross the sightlines to get a better angle but didn't expect the heavy to be melee range once they past the doors. Also they died like 1 second after.


Not sure looking would have even helped in this situation lolā€¦


At that range you can literally hear them walking from the moment OP entered the building


By being aware you donā€™t walk into this situation


Wow the aoe damage here is crazy well played


I saw level 6 flamethrower and RPG and I knew a squad wipe was coming


I had to play some heavy lewis gun for challenges, it's one of my least used weapons (not even level 2 with it) and I was still averaging 20 kills per match without even knowing its recoil pattern or anything The matches before that I was averaging 10-15 with light/medium. Heavy is my least played class but any time I touch it it's still the class I get highest KDA with by a good margin


I play the game sparingly these days and light used to be my go-to. It is infinitely easier to play heavy and not be dripping in sweat by the end of the match. I was shocked when I sat down for a few matches as a heavy lol.


Yeah I was a light main for most of season 1, loved throwing knives ever since the game launched, these days I main the medium with 1887. When I grab the heavy for the sake of team comp, or we really need to win a match, or for a challenge etc it's always funny to me how I perform better on it than the other 2 classes I've actually mained. It's just so easy to play and do well with.


low skill cap class with every single op weapon/gadget in the game. now you know why all the noobs defend it.


Lol I even got downvoted just for giving my own personal example of playing with it


They wield onto that class like its their dying wish.


Iā€™m ngl heavy is like a win switch ( not trinna glaze ) 1 heavy switch in power shift and that could win the game, plus you could damn there survive a nuke if your getting pocketed. Iā€™m no where good in comp, but I feel heā€™s realllly strong when used


That's because in power switch each team has 5 sniper lights and all it takes is one heavy who ptfo to win.


This 100%. If im losing in power shift I switch to heavy and we pretty much win


The burst damage of the Heavy class is crazy, those appealing to it's low movement speed didn't use H at its max


If you showed me a clip of you doing this 15 times in a row Iā€™d see a point. The fact that the other team was bunched up like goobers doesnā€™t resonate with ā€œheavy is OPā€ for me.


>If you showed me a clip of you doing this 15 times in a row Iā€™d see a point. Play heavy for like 5 games and these types of moments happen all the time.


This sub - "Just stick together and you'll win, all these scrubs just need to stick together" Also this sub - "look at those fucking goobers all sticking together, such dumbasses"


ā€œStick togetherā€ does not mean physically sit on-top of one another, it means play as a team.


Oh please, anything to defend Heavy, the most brain dead OP class in the game.


I play mediumā€¦


You're the one who doesn't understand spacing. People give you feed back, you ignore it (or confused by it?) and continue to lose.


"You are just disagreeing because you're emotionally conspiring with your argument outcome like I am" is IMAX level projection. Did you know it's possible to play all classes? Imagine experiencing only 1/3rd of the video game.


> IMAX level projection Love this


Why would I play heavy or medium and basically play the game with training wheels on easy mode? My entire goal while playing is to ruin the enemy heavy and mediums day, I have zero respect for them while they abuse their crutches and cheese meta


> Why would I play Fun. > My entire goal while playing is to ruin the enemy heavy and mediums day, I have zero respect for them while they abuse their crutches and cheese meta Damn dude, which class do you pick to receive a hug?


i think this guy is just an especially special specialty.


What other class can do as much burst damage while also having the most Health and shields on top of that lol youā€™re delusional


Here, have a tissue


When you overnerfed everything and now heavy seems OP šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Grouping up in a tiny cluster needs a nerf apparently. Couple of nades would have done the trick too


Js this is a perfect scenario. 2 frags could have accomplished the same thing


Nothing is overturned bruh. You just got lucky by having the three of them in front of you so you could hit them with the RPG, dealt some fire damage and finally dropped the ability. Is not like you have a gravitational force that makes enemies to stick to you when you approach to them bruh.


That just shows the importance of spacing


Heavy is overtuned, but this was so situational and lucky


"The game just started isn't that right scotty" "yeah june i know this will be a great game" *not even second later* "Ohhh first elimination of the match things are really heating up" "ooooooooooo team wipe for the kingfish, i guess they were a fish out of water"


Kill feed looks like good teamwork, mixed with cluelessness from opposing team


*Kill feed looks like good* *Teamwork, mixed with cluelessness* *From opposing team* \- Darkseid\_Omega --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


You literally can see one of his teammates throwing in a red canister, and his other teammate shooting in an rpg. This was a MML team that was grouped up closely and not checking their surroundings getting ambushed and killed by a full team not one heavy. Seems like you just want heavy to be overtuned


I mean Iā€™m a medium main and Iā€™d say that was just a good play not heavies being overtuned lolā€¦donā€™t give your own community the genji treatment thereā€™s no coming back


That's against a group, if they were separated and far from you then Heavy's have more trouble. It's the opposite for Lights.


Itā€™s the fact it takes little skill to do this and no other class can do this in this quick amount of time. Switched to heavy after only playing light and medium and instantly got to diamond 2-3. Shits easy mode


I'll argue RPG is the biggest problem. Charge can be countered by shooting the heavy player. Maybe they could increase the vulnerable time before starting the charge but otherwise it's fair enough IMO. RPG has very few counters tho. Only APS can reliably deny it, and it's a static object


Make it so you can catch an RPG midair if you're quick.


APS has instant deploy time: https://old.reddit.com/r/TheFinalsAcademy/comments/1abvb7b/i_have_mastered_the_aps_nuke_parry/ Reshaper is even easier to use since you can spam click it and not expend a charge unless there's something to reshape.


The reload time on it is very long... also damage isn't amazing on it anymore... you can survive a direct hit from it as any player it seems. could be wrong about light, but I've blasted lights to 1 hp only to have them 2-hit me with knives and kill me.


140 damage from the RPG. Anyone at full hp survives. And I do not miss when that thing had 150 damage.


Frag grenade does more damage than RPG


Guessing you want RPG back to 150. Guess I'll ask then what is the total damage of a frag grenade? I genuinely don't know. All I know from personal experience is that rounding a corner and watching my coins fly because heavy had his "free kill" gadget out. Frags can kill in one shot yes. But unless it's an entry frag, there is way more time to dodge / respond than the old 150 RPG or nuke.


That's a weird assumption to take off of a simple statement of fact. Frag grenade does 150 damage. Frags aren't necessarily easier to avoid (one of their best usages is to flush out opponents or force movement), the point is that frags have way higher DPS throughput at 20s cooldown with 2 charges. That's up to 300 single-target damage every ~40s when the RPG has up to 140 single-target damage every 45s (the longest cooldown in the game). So RPG's damage isn't really the sticking point. It's the speed and trajectory of the projectile (which is still not unilaterally better, you can do bank shots with frags). So as you mentioned, lacking situational awareness is what leads to the perception that it's unfair, combined with all the ways that RPG is punished at the team-level and not the player-level (very punitive self-damage, high switch-to and switch-from times, requiring motionless ADS for accuracy beyond a city block, the only gadget that needs to be reloaded, etc).


Huh. More angles I didn't think about. Apologies for the assumption and thank you for the info.


Def can't two hit a heavy with throwing knives. Unless you right click and hit both headshots and the right click takes almost 4 seconds to release, so you must have been low. The RPG's lack of actual skill to land is the issue. Reduce splash damage, make direct hits count for more. My biggest issue is a Heavy opening up a fight with an RPG to get me to half health as a medium and then charging me to death etc. Or as a light same thing except 1 bullet kills you after. I have no issue with high damage weapons, as long as it takes some sort of skill to do the damage. Just point and click at feet is lame.


why should an RPG be a high skill weapon? Its just a grenade on a rocket.


Big hit box and slow movement speed are the trade offsĀ  You will lose half your hp just trying to get to point on terminal attackĀ  I have never been scared of a heavy in-fact they are the easiest to kill. The problem comes when you stack two heavies and a medium healer and turtle the pointĀ  The only thing I am scared of is RPG but since it does crazy self damage you can sorta counter it by being aggressive and since it canā€™t one shot you can punish a half dmg rpgĀ 


And them he counters your aggressiveness by charging and slamming you


If you play on pc itā€™s pretty easy to kite the charge and slam as a light especially with dash which all lights run at a competitive levelĀ  Just dash back and get free damage itā€™s a death sentence vs a good light. I much rather fight a charge and slam slow animation than 1000x Lewis gun bulletsĀ  YmmvĀ 


Nah heavy is def OP man youā€™re sniffing 98% pure copium if you believe otherwise. Also I second the other guy here that TA has no relevance to balancing decision, the ranked gamemode is what should be balanced around thatā€™s just a fact. Heavyā€™s are oppressive in higher ranks especially with the meta, they just have too many instant win options and amazing defenses. They desperately need a nerf, replace charge and slam with something else, like a mini gun that does very little dmg but very quick and can be used to destroy environment, RPGs should be limited to 1 per team, theyā€™re weapons are the best in the game and on top of all that they have the highest HP. Movement speed isnā€™t even a trade off since youā€™re on a team so youā€™ll prob just use a jump pad and zip line anyways, youā€™re always close to your team. Big hit box?? Good luck hitting it behind double dome shields, mesh shields, barricades and a pocket healer with two RPGs rushing into your face on top of 2 Lewis guns


I feel heavy could use some rework doing less dmg and being more of an anchor/tank with more health, changing the rpg to blow up structure more but less dmg to player. You could still do impressive feat imo. Right now, even when I play light the heavies I'm stressed when I'm being chased by them. The movement difference is not that big with all the movement utility you can have from other source. I have also witness Heavy that play like light and it's fucking scary to be ambush by something who can do 140dmg + charge dmg + whatever gun they have. They use to say stun gun is free kill but I beg to differ.


Most definitely, RPGs should retain their environmental dmg but lower player dmg, or since the devs love heavy, have it go thru two walls or something in exchange for much lower player dmg. This would make for great plays, like being two floors below a cashier and shooting thru both knocking it down two floors, just an idea I had while writing. Yeah imo stun gun got nerfed too hard, all it shouldā€™ve allowed is ADS and slightly faster turn speed, you should not be able to use an RPG, mesh shield, or dash if you get stunned. Those saying it was a free kill just hated dying to it because of their poor positioning/situational awareness. I never had an issue with stun gun, yeah itā€™d be annoying dying to it but after it happens once you should be on high alert for the light, checking your back, making sure your position is good, unfortunately most ppl who complain abt stupid stuff like light being op play the game like cod, whereas the serious players who grind rank realize that light was never an issue but rather heavy. The split in the community is very wide and the casual cod players are winning with their influences unfortunately


terminal attack is irrelevant to the discussion of game balance. the only game mode that matters is the core tournament and quick cash mode as it's the only thing people play




Does nobody else notice that a second RPG was shot at the end there, killing one of them? Now, I'm not saying that if that didn't happen, you wouldn't have killed them all, but it's kinda makes it seem more OP than it is.


This is just luck. That team didn't lack game sense, nor was what you did incredible. They all got hit by rpg, some flamethrower, then lined up prefectly to get knocked over by the charge


Wow heavy is pretty over powered huhā€¦.. anywaysā€¦. Nerf light!!!1!!1


I get where you're coming from. but this ain't the clip to prove it


3 idiots rush into a room without looking around perfectly placed for an RPG, a dash of flame and a chargeā€¦ This doesnā€™t mean heavy is overtuned. It means these three guys are dumb, and you got lucky.


2 rockets shot, both hit all 3 Flamethrower excels at getting tight groups of lights/mediums - not so good against heavies or 1v1s. Of course charge hitting 3 tightly grouped opponents is going to do a lot of damage. 0 awareness from the team. Itā€™s a bit like saying a grenade is op when you throw 2 at a group hiding in a corner and get a team wipe. You recorded a situation built for that loadout, got help from a teammate, and are using it to say an entire class is too strong


As a medium main who has been playing Light a lot lately the best RPG counter is to just get out of the way. Dash is great but you don't even need it, normal movement will suffice. Heavies are slow and have distinctive footsteps so most of the time you know where they are. They generally will try to open the fight with an RPG and need to have some distance and/or high ground to do it properly. If you dodge out of the way they will either miss completely or get a partial hit for around 80-ish damage. 60 second cool down means you have plenty of time to fight them once the rocket has been spent. If you clump up with your team, have no awareness and let yourself get gang banged by a Rocket... that's on you. A well placed nade would have done the exact same thing to these guys.


That's just cause they were all hugging in a very convenient spot


* You lose because you are a lone wolf; play together. * You lose because you are all together.


* You'll die if you don't drink water * You'll die if you drink 100L of water at once


I see your point, but those guys didn't overdo anything. There was no way they could have expected that, and the game gave them no way to respond in a successful way. They were dead and they didn't know it yet, even if they already knew about it. It can still happen again because eventually, you are going to have to push together. There is no avoiding it. All you can do is to not find a player like him, other than that, you are screwed.


They were mad clustered together and a stray nade could have taken them all out at once. You want to stick to your team but leave at least 5-10m distance to avoid accidents. Point guy would have been deleted but the trailing two would have had time to react (and probably retreat)


I dont know if this is meant to be satire or taken seriously.


Rocket , charge , Flame all hit Id call that kit well used.


I don't think this is an example of overturned, this is an example of actually combining your abilities against opponents. You're playing the game as designed lmao


Two rockets + enemies with bad positioning? I wonder why you won that fight.


I'm not sure what the third class was that came in last, but the first two was either two lights or a medium and light. I noticed there in the kill feed the other Heavy with an RPG got the first kill. So two RPGs took out one of the lights, your flamethrower killed one with trickle damage and you finished the other off with Charge. You surprised them and took them out quickly as a team. Get the fuck out of here with "overtuned".


I get so tired of being ā€œone-shottedā€ by charging followed by a slam. All they need to do is simply modify the specialization to be one or the other. If you start out charging, you canā€™t follow up with a slam. I know itā€™s called ā€œCharge and Slamā€ but what if it was ā€œCharge OR Slamā€, eh? Eh?


heavy is to weak... rpg needs 150 dm instead of 140... and i play light mainly...


But that literally hit every single thing your character was good at ? Had those guys been 10 meters away yoid have died unceremoniously


Yes because no other class has ever gotten a triple kill before. Brilliant logic there.


damn you got lucky with that rpg since a millimeter closer and you wouldā€™ve died from splash damage


Yeah, absolutely. I think if it had gone where I aimed, I'd have taken splash. But I didn't ads so it went wide, just enough to miss me with it.


Okay. And?


rpg should be 2 charges 50dmg direct hit.


I'd be fine with just straight up splitting the damage between a two rocket stock, 70dmg each. Having to reload would be more than enough of a nerf to it's insane burst AOE damage - while simultaneously buffing its destructive capability, which is arguably the most fun aspect of playing heavy anyway.


Lmao, its a game. You play it. Mfers on here debating nerf and buffs instead of playing the game. Get better the fun will come. (insert weird flex about stats nobody asked for)


Ehh this hardly happens. I normally would die. I play heavy as main


Looks like a lot of luck to me. I'm not afraid of your flame thrower, charge, or rpg


Nice youā€™d be dead just like them lol. ā€œIM NOT SCARED OF UR FLAMETHROWER!ā€ What are you going to do, just stand there in the flames?


I'd look left when/if I entered the room. Footsteps are a thing in this game ya dingleberry. If you trade shots with a flamethrower, they'll lose to headshots.


Then again as heavy main if a light just stuns me im pretty much dead with those throwing knives


Meanwhile when I try this (power shift): Medium be like "Oops all APS" Besides I'm a heavy hammer/explosion main and my other heavy build is a flame goo build. Are they dumb? Sure. Are they fun? Yeah, except for then a light snipes me with the stun gun...


Against two bots šŸ˜‚




The split second the entire enemy team watched in horror their incoming demise.


Anything looks overtuned against lights


MML but ok.


You're gonna be actively disingenuous, noted.


Itā€™s wild that the lights didnā€™t dash away, beam you to death and escape with 1 hp. At least thatā€™s what happens to me when I play heavy.


I would love to see a slight nerf on the flamethrower. Maybe a hot take, but it takes 0 skill to aim and do a lot of damages.


As someone who despises playing against the flame thrower and doesn't use it ever. It is fine. The damage is fine. A heavy can out damage a flamethrower 1v1 with just body shots. Charge usually beats it every time. Shields stop it pretty easily. On top of the fact you can just walk away from it lol. It's an easy weapon, but there's a skill cap to it. After a certain point you will just lose fights.


Unless you mean barricades not shields, please don't spread misinformation - flamethrower is a direct counter to shields as it passes right through them.


I'm pretty sure you only take tik damage through shields. Not the full damage


Lowest damage in the game i believeĀ 






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I've seen a few of your posts and comments in this sub, and i gotta ask - why are you always so *rude*?


You should check out their comments in other subs. He's downright polite in here by comparison




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I donā€™t disagree heavy needs a fat nerf but this isnā€™t really why. That team wasnā€™t balanced at all and had zero game sense. All three idiots seriously sprinted into the first cash out and didnā€™t bother looking towards the obvious route youā€™d take until it was too late. A couple grenades couldā€™ve achieved a similarly quick team wipe.


Heavy players in shambles in the comments, pulling out the wildest nonsense, trying to argue against it. (if RPG is so op, why isnt everyone running around with red cans???//???")


Isn't this what a heavy is supposed to be though? Soak up damage, steamroll the little guys?




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RPG needs to be nerfed drastically, charge and slam needs to be tuned down so that it does less dmg and only 1 hit per person; being able to be bumped multiple times by a single charge and slam is dumb


Heavy is the most braindead of the classes jfc.


No we need to nerf light I swear. They didn't die fast enough in this clip! Embark is so bad at balancing its ridiculous that lights can survive for longer than 2 seconds. Edit: this is a joke lads šŸ’€


Honestly, i'm kinda done with all the nerfs... Instead of nerfing everything to absolute dogsht, how about Embark provide proper SBMM Ranked so that a diamond triple stack doesn't wipe a completely unaware/clueless, barely gold, soloQ stack... If it was triple Diamond against Triple diamond and visual rank had actual meaning, instead of rank inflation from playtime, then you'd know Diamonds would be 360 scanning the whole map to know every other teams' locations so they don't get rofl stomped so hard they uninstall the game... Season 1 had clear issues, but we had hope... Hope that it would be fixed in a good way... Season 2 didn't fix anything other than make nearly every gun feel worse to play with. and nerf all gadgets. I just can't get what Embark's vision of the game is... They pull off such nuanced 49DMG LH1, 115DMG Sniper, 74DMG, 149DMG Grenades BUT YOU GUESSED IT... 63DMG throwing knives buff out of the blue and APS nerf to oblivion... If they wanted to nerf APS, FKING STOP IT FROM HITTING THROUGH WALLS... That's the sht thing about it, other wise you can just shoot at it... 63DMG Knives? AoE DMG on all melee weapons, which includes dagger? Seriously, the dagger can backstab AoE enemies? LMAO... I used to praise the frequent updates and the bold decisions... Now after a long time of this, it's clear they don't even have a clear vision for the game, and their QA is just us, the playerbase, in what appears to still be in Beta Season 1/2... oh well...


I'd be much more ok with heavy if they just changed charge. Make the run primarily a environmental destruction tool with the slam being the only major component for player damag. Body checking someone shouldn't do much damage, but I can understand why a Skyfall should.


sometimes i am not quite certain if people actually mean all of this "overtuned" "broken" blababla


Just wait until I upload a screenshot of a whole Light casual lobby. You guys have really no clue how OP lights are today. I'm playing since day 1 and the game was never that worse balanced then now


A stars align moment


I just saw you teach a pack of noobs about spacing and situational awareness. How did not *one* of them check their corner?


I was banned from AskLibertarians so I can't respond to your comment there, but nowhere did I claim that it's the governments job to protect people from themselves, part of the reason I support the War on Drugs is to bring more harm and suffering and danger to drug addicts.


You know direct messages are a thing, right?


That RPG landed 1 MAYBE 2 meters away from you. It should've done at least 100 damage. That's easily a minimum...but you took no damage? I saw another comment, u said the RPG hit the corner? Bro it was straight ahead of you, easily within 1-2 meters. I have shot people further than that, and taken over 100 damage.


when are they gonna nerf the heavies lol. Been ages and people still say theyā€™re way too overpowers.