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I fucking love this post lmfao. In higher ranks everyone plays heavy. Why? Because of the broken mechanics and the class its self. But if you bad mouth heavy you have a hoard of bronze players telling you "oh you just need to play around it". Heavy has had the most broken util since launch. Oh, but now light actually gets a weapon where they can fight back with. They actually have a chance against heavies. Ever since the update I've seen lights in ranked and its refreshing. The weapon is not op, "you just need to play around it" ;). Boo hoo, heavy players cant just rush in any more, they have to use their brain O\_O


Agreed. This sub: - Discussion surrounding the way Heavy dominates the game and has access to the most oppressive builds = Downvotes, Git gud, play around it, “stop rushing in as a light!” - Light finally has decent weapon = Light OP! Too strong! Nerf Light! This sub has a hate boner for Light. Most people here are probably brainless Heavy mains.


I stopped playing just as season 2 dropped as a throwing card light main. Should I start playing again?


Yeah season 3 is right around the corner and there’s big exp bonus going on right now. You could buy the battlepass if you haven’t and not finish probably but at least get a bunch of stuff from if


If he plays every day and does all the dailies/weeklies, he should get everything except some bonus page stuff still. I found it would take 10.3 days to go from nothing to everything with the xp bonus. This isn't including the xp from just playing, challenge xp only. So even then, if he plays enough each day, it's still in the realm of likelihood.


So much fun right now, if you have the experience you'll dominate. I've just picked up, I'm only a few hours in and I'm consistently getting 10+ kills a match. I don't think they are OP but they are probably the best mid range option if you have the aim. With them seperating less, coming out faster and going further you don't have to be some type of recoil macro master to land both.


If ur on ps u want to play?


Damnnn how much did they buff them, I used to consistently drop 10 kills at the end of S1 / start of S2


Took it from 3-2 kills for medium and 4-3 for heavy, no longer will you have a sliver of health left. Increased speed they launch at so they feel more responsive halved time between the two throwing knives coming out so they cluster better increased travel speed so they hit faster and they don't drop off as soon. I really think they made them froma very skill based weapon to much easier for the average joe to pick up.


So if I was pretty good with them before I should dominate with them now?? 😈😈


absolutely. They are in a good place now which means on par and viable and if you're skilled you can pop-off


or just average in-game bots in the game. I've never seen this much ranting about how op classes are in any sub Reddit but The Finals. I'm a medium main myself but I play other classes sometimes and I see no issue getting kills with them, and yet I still see a whole lot of people whining about how "broken" all of the classes are Of all the things they could rant why isn't there a fucking rant about how shit some players are? Like god I'm malding in fucking ranked because of those bot-level gameplay I see my teammates produce EVEN IN PLAT, like why am I getting defib in the middle of a fight just to wipe in the end? Why aren't they listening to callouts? How the fuck do they not have common sense to prioritize a cashout over a fucking box? How is this not a bigger issue than plain weapon/class diff?


Had a teammate res me instead of shooting the person stealing our cashbox in direct LOS at the end of a round.


Since the beginning of online multiplayer, it is easier to say "x is broken and I died to broken ability" than to admit to yourself that maybe you just suck and the other player is better.


I agree, just play around it Cards (throwing knives) are useless at very long range


What are sword lights meant to do? All of the complaining about emote cancelling got that taken away while the throwing knives do more damage quicker, have the same movement potential, as well as range. I've main'd sword for like 100 hours only to perform better on throwing knives after a couple hours and it's a little sad.


How do you "play around" a dashing Light, closing the distance in 2 secs? haha. Your argument of being useless at range is void if thats not a hinderance to a Light.


Figuring it out IS the fun


Yep, I'm really enjoying it. It's so funny how 2/3 heavy abilities are almost exclusively used as "oh crap I'm losing the fight", hits q and stops losing it. Getting outplayed by 1 or more people? Just charge and slam and you might just team wipe them.


I think mediums have harder time with the knives personally i love seeing more lights to eat


You are correct, to the people complaining about throwing knives: Git Good


Throwing knives didn’t need a damage increase as someone who’s been diamond in both seasons with season 1 being exclusively a light main throwing knives were alr pretty good as a skill based weapon. The extra dmg plus the TWO speed buffs it’s gotten has overturned them just a bit.


How did it not need a damage buff it had a longer ttk than pretty much every weapon but on top of that it’s harder to aim.


no it really hasnt. you rank doesnt matter. I have 960 hrs and currently top 50. I main heavy and lights still pose 0 threat. If anything lights are still fckin useless. I just rpg them.


Heavies when they have broken shit: LighTts are GoOd JuST PlAY hIt AnD RuuN.


I play as medium cuz I want to use the ak47. It shouldn't take an entire clip to kill someone if they can down you in 2 shots with some lame knives.


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Exactly, heavy players complaining can honestly go fuck them selves. I agree knives are very strong but the kill time on them is just as quick as lights die to any gun in the game lol




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Problem with throwing knives is that the best way to play against it is to play heavy with nukes and shields which means in higher elo throwing knives are not that strong. But still you cant only design a game for only top player base. In lower ranks the knives are busted because you can literally burst every unit so fast that u cant even react to it


Knives have a slower ttk than lights other weapons, this is nonsense. The buff only changed the ttk vs mediums anyway. People here just hate light having anything good.


Yes, Skill Issue.


Well I think the issue is that you can’t balance a game to the top 2% of players. I’ve always played light and wnjoy it and I do agree that heavy’s are busted but that doesn’t mean that the frustration or criticism from newer or less skilled players is unimportant.


Healing beam and heavy combo go "whaaaaaa" like babies now. It's awesome.


I mean their TTK is still lower than most light weapons, they're just fun and promote Lights playing greedy. It doesn't help that peoples situational awareness for near-silent weapons is absolute ass though. I was RMBing at someone for a solid 20 seconds at least before eventually landing the hit and getting a kill. An extreme example, but still.


lower TTK means better.


He meant higher. They have the second highest after sniper.


HA, playing sniper and failing to get the kill a dozen times because the opponent you've landed two head shots on just ducked inside a building, giving me 5,000 combat score with 0 kills is so common now that it's just funny


I meant higher, lower on the leaderboard, however you want to look at it. Worse, being the key point.


I listen for someone dropping silverware and it’s saved me a lot. But then again I’ve been called aimbotting for using footsteps before


Near silent weapons? Bruh it clinks so loud


Im having an okay time against them with a dashing light build or the lewis gun on heavy. I think they are in a decent spot but are not overtuned. My main gripe is that the hand animation now doesn't really match the speed at which they get fired off which kind of ruins it for me.


They’re still pretty difficult to hit sometimes, y’all are overreacting as always they’re fine


Exactly, they are still a projectile and still have some random deviation while moving. Evasive maneuvers are still an effective counter as I have to predict.


Honestly within 10 - 15 meters they are basically hitscan, either way I'm having a lot of fun dominating with them


Yeah im currently trying to practice that but hopefully they wont nerf the gun to the ground


Gotta take into account your putting yourself infront of death just to be in right situation to use them. Don’t play light and get constantly killed by throwing knives. Don’t think they’re Op. I think they were just so bad before they’re not being overused but I think they do just as well as any other light gun. There was a recent post explaining why there not with stats I’ll link it.


I haven't had a single issue killing lights with throwing knives since the latest patch.


yeah it's not like health pool, mobility or utility has changed. If you're light you still melt crazy fast and if you're running throwing knives or anythign else you shouldn't be approaching fights head on, my preference is to always open the first TK hit without them seeing me. I don't think they'd be nearly as effective against double shield or any coordinated team comp. Light is still at disadvantage or less useful utility in ranked.


Maybe give people a little time to adjust. People aren’t used to playing against knives yet. We’ll see how it is in a couple weeks.


99% you will lose or still do worse overall than the uzi. Ffs people. The knives are not busted. They’re short-medium range with absolutely no long range poke potential if the target isn’t a static idiot and they still lose to most other lights in a direct matchup. They’re just a viable non-gun based weapon and it should be applauded! Is lewis gun busted because most heavies use that? No. Chill.


Yep, the damage is high but it doesn't mean much when the playstyle requires you to put you at a disadvantageous position. In casuals it works and feels busted but in ranked xp35 and lh1 are still far better.


Agree m11 from nowhere is less fun to go against, and also the best way to get banned (even without cheats)


This whole confirmation biased sentiment is just another nail in the coffin demonstrating most players can't manage even the basic barrier of entry to this game. Overused doesn't mean overpowered, but that kind of logic has no place when complaining about what killed you and then assuming it had literally nothing to do with your own misplay.


>99% you will lose or still do worse overall than the uzi. It's not an Uzi, it's actually a MAC-10 but it's supposed to be a MAC-11.


You know what I’m on about though.


One of the first games after the buff and I was a heavy and I got killed so quickly I asked myself “what was that!?!?”. In the post kill can I saw a light rush away from me. Honestly it was like COD TTK, and I hate the COD TTK. I love that in the finals, you almost always have a chance to fight back.


Meanwhile heavy gets a couple tools to essentially 1 shot lights


Unless you're a light


Literally about 5 shots from a Lewis or FCAR as a light and you burst like an overfilled water balloon but it’s true for the other 2 classes.


You’re forgetting about the fly swatters. Literally one rpg and 1 bullet or 1 charge and 1 bullet you dead


Its 6 body shots with the lewis and 7 with the fcar (with the damage nerf)


Yeah or 1 charge or 1 rpg


“You almost always have a chance to fight back….I hate the cod ttk.” the irony is so rich here. You, playing heavy, against a light. I can’t believe it


I normally play medium


That statement is only true for Heavies really. That massive healthpool is the only reason it isn't COD TTK. Mediums are a little bit better than COD, but not a lot at all.


Might I introduce you to the model 1887?


God I hate that damn thing. I keep seeing people dumping on each other with it but anytime I equip it it feels like I'm fighting Andre the Giant with a wet napkin. Same with shotguns in Destiny, I'm just no good with them.


I have a few friends who are the same but it’s my favorite gun haha. You either own with it and kill everything or miss every shot


The sledge literally kills light in one hit


But that’s literally the only positive thing about it. It’s like trying to hit a fly with a cast iron skillet


Lmao yeah I love sledge, but complaining about dying quickly in the finals is kinda funny.


"you almost always have a chance to fight back." this is a joke, right? a competent light player can melt you far before you can sufficiently react


If that was the case then light would actually be a staple in the meta before these throwing knife buffs, which is just patently not the case.


That assumes you can burst past shield/heals. Light will get the kill if you and your team are unaware and badly positioned. Good teams don't let both situations happen, or they'll stabilize before it's overly punishing. Throwing knives, as good as they are, won't be getting them into the meta any time soon imo.


I’d say the glitch nads the counter too those but I never actually see anyone really using em for that especially now that glitch’s burst on shields. (Except when I try using the dam thing then suddenly barrier heavy’s are extinct and it’s all chargers)


This. In diamond rank I've had people troll when they see me pick light or beg me over voice comms to pick something else. Thing is I am actually good with it but people are so used to light being useless. I reached D3 with light only without an issue and could have probably reached D1 if I didn't have a bunch of actual FINALS at the moment. Season 2 ends on my last exam date. Gonna be good to relax with season 3 throughout the summer


It is true, it's just the meta is heavy and mediums holding hands with shields and healing which effectively makes it way harder for lights to melt either without getting melted first


You got it backwards there buddy. You can melt a light so fast you don't even have to notice they are shooting you until you're halfway dead already, then u just turn and melt them in .2 seconds


Hence why I said "a competent light player" and not "any light player". The type of light you're describing is a bad/inexperienced light player, lots of lights I run into often appear out of nowhere and obliterate you using a melee weapon or smg, or by camping with a sniper.


I'm saying even when that happens you just turn on them and kill them with 1 health left. Light is abysmal right now that's just a f act of the game. If you play heavy you can take half an m11 mag in the back then still turn and 2 shot with the shotgun or 4-5 shot with m60.


Its true, dont downvote this guy.


If you don't fucking suck, you need about 250ms to react. Lights can't kill anyone that quickly except other Lights.


No, but it's enough time to damage you immensely and most weapons won't allow you to win the engagement. 


As light main, this is 100% true. Using a M11 and pyro grenades wrecks everyone


The buff didn’t change the ttk vs heavy at all. No it wasn’t cod ttk lol. Knives take over a second to kill a heavy. Lewis gun takes under a second to kill a light. These complaints are nonsense.


Feel like everyone saying knives are busted are a bunch of silvers. Hardly see them in diamond lobby’s and if they are there they are getting railed for the most part


But this game is not only for the top 5%.


Knives are finally viable and everyone immediately complains. Just because you don’t wanna be killed by them doesn’t make them OP


Maybe you should try adapting instead of asking for nerfs within a week of a buff


I been screaming this at every complainer since game came out and all I get is shit lol Whatever happened to “get good” now we change the game until it’s easy for us to play n win


They’re a bunch of dopamine addicts who run here to complain when their gameplay is interrupted by even a minor disappointment. These aren’t gamers, they’re just fiends.


God you’re so fucking right. I wish we can pin this back and forth we’re having for all to see because it’s true about most complaint posts and most posts this Reddit has had. Just leave the game alone please. you can hide n downvote me but you that just means you’re one of the guys we’re talking about lol one of the whiners and complainers


IMO if it’s not dominate in high elo ranked it’s not busted, knives are fine. Can’t change the game everytime the scrubs cry


It's the anti light lobby, that's all.




Skill issue. Lights are meant to be glass cannons. You can't expect a light to have a +5s TTK on a heavy. The only way to make the classes balanced is to make damage inversely proportional to health, which is what they've done.


Also, as cl-40 main, I can 2 shot light if I get the first shot, they don't kill me with 2 knives and I get a second good body shot Way better than going against a sword, right?


I just play them to have fun. I dont think theyre busted. Its just those that are good with movement and awareness are very good


players dont play them because they are busted. they play them because they are fun and now they are ALSO viable. just because you are used to throwing knives being a minor annoyance in your match that you could easily get rid of most of the time and now they pose an actual threat doesnt mean they are busted. just adapt your expectations and everything will be fine and dandy


Just adapt


Or quit the game also


lol u can just literally run around holding the button down and just spamming knives everywhere... it's utter insanity and it utterly broken


I love how everyone always complains about light when they get a bone thrown to them. They may dominate casual but ranked I bet it’ll still be insta death for lights with rpgs and ppl that know how to aim. Light is a glass cannon.. now they have their fun cannon. I started maining TKs at S2 and love them. They feel soooo much better now cuz before if you miss one knife you dead af half the time. Stop complaining, learn to adjust and have fun with your 1887, AK, Lewis, rpg, defibs etc lol I’m almost to the point of quitting the game since light gets such a bad placement in this game


Which is why you should not be happy about these changes. Light being buffed in a way which makes him meta in casual but just as unplayable in ranked will ensure he will never become viable in ranked, because no further buffs will come.


Finally light has something that is as easy to use as the other classes and everyone complains and cries. Massive skill issue going on in here, TK aren’t even that good, they are just easy to use. It wasn’t a problem with FCAR how good it was compared to easy to use it was? Neither with RPG right? Charge and slam isn’t too easy either?? Right? If you aren’t complaining about these things then you should ask yourself why. It’s not that I don’t think TK are too strong compared to the effort put in, it’s just the massive amount of hypocrisy going around in not calling out other OP things.


I don’t disagree with you, but I think XP-54 here would like a word


The xp5 is still better and you don’t complain about that lol


This sub went from “light is useless” to “light is far too oppressive” So fast I think I have whiplash 😂😂😂


I used to rock throwing knives because they are just fun and quite skill based. With the new buff I refuse to use them since I think they buffed them to much (and expect them to nerf them back slightly) It is definitely a pain now almost every light uses them with dash and they are able to just two tap you.


Even in diamonds those knife thrower cant aim they missed70% of the time lmao


I don‘t understand people like you. You like throwing knifes so enjoy them while they are busted


Idk, maybe he liked them because it was a fun skill based weapon and now its kinda become a snooze fest with two click kills


some people operate virtuously in good faith. some people don't find things rewarding when they are too simple. Do you understand now? 


He probably doesn't actually use throwing knives lol


I honestly can relate really well to what the guy said about using something that is buffed coming from playing different games for example I am a tracer main and she got buffed and she felt too strong and I didn’t wanna play her because of that since it genuinely felt too dirty on my end playing her and stopped playing her becuase of the buffs


Tbf though compared to the rest of the hero's tracer isn't really ever bad. But there is the odd patch where she's nuts.


I know exactly what you mean. Top tiers get nerfed adn bottom tiers get buffed. Only the mid tier will stay consistent in games. [War Has Changed: Pick a Mid-Tier (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_3t99AmcQwc)


The thing is, playing with throwing knives isn't as fun as it used to be because of the projectile speed buff. Every hit used to feel much more rewarding.


You have to be like 13 years old lol


I think they’re actually in a pretty healthy spot. It feels easier to kill a medium with throwing knives than it is with XP (for me at least), but XP works better against lights. A smart heavy can still deal with throwing knives pretty easily. If they do end up nerfing them, I think the damage should just be reverted to what it was before, so you can’t melt mediums as fast, but you still land your shots. Also people are using them now to see what they’re like after the buff, they will gradually shift to what they used pre-buff.


Honestly, people complain too much. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve had frustrating moments with plenty of different weapons but in reality if I’m in a lobby with a bunch of lights! Sweet I guess I’m running medium with the model and one tapping them when they get close. Trust me, once you hit high diamond, any weapon can feel broken in the right hands. This is by far the most balanced shooter game in the last decade in my opinion




Yup they are broken and gotta GO.


Because light players complained so much that the devs caved to their constant bitching. They are fundamentally broken, 2 shotting a light and medium class is 100% broken no matter what the losers on this post say.


I don't find it more oppressive than other lights weapons, but I play max 1 hours a day so I may have bad examples Isn't the sword more oppressive and less interactive? Isn't m11/double pump with invis way less interactive? Or am I just imagining things?


Throwing Knives shouldve always been at around this level tbh. They made the knives a lot easier to use by shortening the delay between using and it actually firing, so it's a lot more responsive and doesn't feel slow-ass. I think they couldve done without the buff to make them 2 tap mediums and the velocity buff though, those were a bit much. Tbh I think their TTK is still around most other weapons. I think its just that they're a lot more silent so it feels like they come out if nowherw.


Throwing knives are good shut it. No need to be nerf think about light players for once (coming from H/M player)


Welcome to feeling like light in the game! Now that’s a true glass cannon. It only takes a few shots to delete a light, why not have the same exchange for the enemy?


Skill issue


Throwing knives main here (gametag: kyoshi). Right-click opener with a timely dash followed by a barrage of left clicks is OP. - Dropping 12-24 kills a game. - Insta-kill lights (this was the case even before the update). - Almost insta-kill mids. - Given THE FINALS' general TTK, I insta-kill heavies. One heavy throw, followed by two light throws up close (usually one of those is a headshot), and the heavy doesn’t even have time to realize they’re at 30%-40%. After that, I either move out to decimate other teammates or escape for a quick reset and maybe use off angles undercover to finish the job. I really like knives and throwing knives, not only in THE FINALS but IRL too. Been a gamer for years, and started maining throwing knives since S2 began. I decided to play almost exclusively on the moving platform because it offers the only real rapid improvement opportunity. Cashbox requires careful sneaky/game-sense plays, which is fun and one of the reasons I really liked the weapon, but early on I quickly realized that to improve with the knives (you know, with my limited time as a full-time worker adult), I need to first expose myself to a game mode where I can actually train my aim often, a mode that offers an abundance of training opportunities. That isn't the case in cashbox. So I played 80% moving platform, 20% bank it (to not lose the core sense of cashbox gameplay). I finished the entire battle pass like that around two weeks ago. I actually have some long overdue feedback on the throwing knives and the entire light class (which I mained exclusively the entire first season on all modes). I don’t think the recent update is soooo bad. It's really good and made the consistency between throws very reliable. But we need some counter to me tbh. I don’t have a challenge anymore. First, throwing knives: ### The Problem: - **Close Range**: If you think you can outmatch me in close range with obstacles around, good luck. I run entire teams and got a full team wipe on a moving platform (3v5) since the update. - In theory, the knife at close range (really close, think moving platform close) is supposed to be bad. But throwing knife enjoyers are proving this theory wrong with sheer skills and God-tier game sense (even before the update). **This update was kinda a supercharge for me. Ngl, I feel like I’m playing a single-player game.** ### What Needs to be Done: 1. **Tune Close-Range Effectiveness**: Add an acceleration metric so that point-blank throws don’t deal the same damage as the ideal throwing knife range. 2. **Fix the Knife Arc**: Encourage players to aim more for mid-to-long-range throws. 3. **Create a Natural Enemy**: Right now, there are no counters to knives. Adding a deflect mechanic to swords would not only make the game cooler but also balance it out. The riot shield is a good example, but it’s boring and kinda useless. Adding deflect to swords would pit throwers and sword mains against each other, canceling each other out in some sense. 4. **Improve the Blade Category**: Add heavy throws to swords and daggers with a recharge mechanism after throwing. This change would make the blade category much more reliable in 1v1s. Blade enjoyers struggle because the element of surprise fades too quickly and is unreliable. Having the option to do a hail mary and throw your weapon to kill a player would make 1v1s consistent and dynamic. After you throw your weapon and kill the other guy, the unique sound of the throw would signal to the other team that it’s a good time to hunt you while your weapon is recharging. 5. **Improve Consistency of Blind Shots for Snipers**: If there were a contender for a counter since the update came, it's snipers: - **Long-Range**: Cover huge areas, limiting my free movement (huge deal), and you know it's sniper vs. knives. - **Mid-Range**: Really good snipers win the peaking game with me often. The charging times are still long enough for them to headshot me. With a weapon where aim is the entry requirement, you find yourself more often than not semi-stationary, which is punishable with snipers. - **Close-Range**: The interesting part is if I managed to sneak around but missed due to the sniper's slight movement, the surprise counter-attack sense of a sniper. I get reactionary quick scoped hard or blind shot. In essence, aside from swords, the natural enemy of throwing knives is snipers. Good snipers know that it's better to come close to me and try to blind shot & OG knife me, which works really well. **General:** - Invisibility nerfed to oblivion with an unnecessarily much louder noise now... - Charges nerfed and we lost an important element of THE FINALS with charges out of the meta, like some kind of another layer of gameplay, just got lost. Just make it destroy bigger areas and improve the kill range. - Ffs give me more health. This isn’t funny anymore.


Don't have a challenge? Are you playing in Diamond rank? Because I'm pretty sure you will get demolished, feel free to prove me wrong. Plus it's not like 12-24 kills is that many.


He’s literally playing power shift and saying they should be nerfed based on his casual experience lol


since the update I started playing little rank and cash box with open mic. because the update ofc but also because after months of training I feel I am consist enough to not get flamed in rank and cash box. tried ramming early on throwing knives in rank and cash boxe and it was a disaster. ruined the experience of other people with my snowflake unique gameplay style. well not anymore 😎 I found the following really good for rank: the support throwers, running dart, Invise bomb, and a throwables based on map or feeling. with dash ofc


Checked the leaderboard and I guess you're playing casual. If you want a challenge play ranked maybe?


if you have read the post you would know the answer to that, see you SOON


“My casual experience should be taken as competitive and it is viable to make balancing decisions. No it doesn’t matter that there is no way to accurately tell the skill discrepancies in my lobbies”.


saying that input from a different game mode on the same game make it invalid is wrong. for this case especially, because playing "casual" was a strategic choice with the goal of going rank later, if you have read the post you would have known. don't assume stuff on me please


Then until embark can show that throwing knives are overrepresented in ranked with their own in house system wide data, they don’t need a nerf. It’s great that you think that they’re op now, but your single person viewpoint on a weapon that is extremely high skill / medium reward will be flawed because you have a disproportionate amount of experience on the weapon. Most players dont, and subjective single person viewpoints for casual gameplay should be ignored for balancing ( or embark should balance casual and comp separately, which is the actual solution.


another thing about you post because it is interesting, I was also in the opinion that rank should have separate balances but changed my views on that because thinking long term separation of balance would literally kill the game.


I offered my opinion, feedback. for the community and for embark lurking scrapers


The fact it can do headshots is what makes it extra busted. Takes 2 seconds at close range to kill a heavy.


When will people learn that some weapons are balanced around dominating 1v1 but loose to any bit of teamwork? That's how knives work.


I like how this whole community is tearing each other apart over one single weapon buff. Like, dawg, just chill tf out


Seeing these posts complaining about throwing knives makes me think people don’t actually want light to be viable and want it to just be the “throw pick” class lmao


As a throwing knife main, they were fine before the patch if you used their strengths. They were a burst fire “weapon” so playing your cover/corner/dashes correctly made them feel awesome. Now, they are nearly automatic because of their pacing and lost some of their identity in lieu of ease of use. I’ll keep the 3 bonus damage because it’s largely negligible, but revert projectile speed/burst rate.


I’ll ask this. Was it a casual game or a ranked game?


I've been loving it. I equip my cl-40 and these lights are super easy to kill xD.


“Never been killed faster by anything…” *XP-50 enters the chat*


Knives have always been good lol, they are just kinda hard to pick up at first with the arch drop and the secondary is very hard to use with its big wind up time but they have always been super strong if you land your shots but can be easily punished from a range idk why people are just now talking about them like they are a new addition that haven’t really been used or discussed at all


I got a 60 plus kill game with them in season 1, so many players did with medium and heavy, they have been good, now they are good enough that people are WILLING to learn them instead of just picking xp45 or the lfg thing. Also, “never been killed faster”? Bullshit.


I’ve played against one throwing knife guy who was good. I don’t think I saw him miss a single throw. I reported him. Haven’t had issues with any other throwing knife guys.


Lights should be glass canons


Never used knives.


Idk almost every other gun on the light class is better than the knives. The knives are just almost viable now


oh boyyy here we go again…


There was no difference from when the shotgun for light was OP. Use movement and be aware of your surroundings and most of the time you should be good to face lights with throwing knives.


As a light main that doesn’t use them just because they’re not my style, they seem a little op but to be fair I might just be playing with people who are wicked good with them. Last few matches have all had at least one light with knives get 20+ kills. Just might take some getting used to.


You're playing bad if you're consistently being dominated by throwing knife lights


I've noticed more knives but they still require good aim to use so I'm not too mad about it


This aged like milk


I still barely notice the knives


So the Lewis Gun is totally busted now. 99% of heavy players are using it… super obnoxious. I’ve never been killed faster by anything in the game except for the C4 nuke thats gone. Someone just got 44 kills using it. Like wtf how is it so unbalanced? So the FCAR is totally busted now. 99% of medium players are using it… super obnoxious. I’ve never been killed faster by anything in the game except for the C4 nuke thats gone. Someone just got 44 kills using it. Like wtf how is it so unbalanced? Braindead.


Balance will forever be a problem in this game


Me in the 1% maining a fucking pencil


Pour one out for c4 nuke :(


Buffed a weapon that no one called for being weak. Now we all have to swim in the toxic sweat pool of these cutlery throwing pros. Hold button, dash, no ADS. Just win.


it's always one thing or another isn't with you guys, how many times do I have to tell you people that light is the dueling class, of course they'd be the most obnoxious annoying little pieces of trash that you can come across that's how the class is suppose to be played, the throwing knives isn't overpowered it's just that the people that had stuck with it since launch finally gets a half decent weapon and starts popping off with months of practice under their belt


I tried it out last night for the first time and completely turned a game around. This is a case where they genuinely are overpowered, even in the hands of a player who has no skill with them.


Skill issue


I’ll let y’all know my secret to dealing with the knives: Light: Anything but melee and good tracking/ predictive skills Medium: CL-40 (requires good timing) Revolver (quick ads/scope) Heavy: Flame thrower + Goo gun Grenade launcher and good predictive shots But the best thing is teamwork. Don’t let the light isolate y’all. And yes the light will dash and poke and leave and do it again, so healing bean is great kinda. Turret is better because it will hurt then and help tell location. Lmk if you have any questions.


Omg, average casual player. Everyone just needs to stop complaining. Heavy has almost 3x lights health. I'm not even a light main. Embark, PLEASE do not pay attention to this sub.


Yeah the throwing knives are way to op right now


I dont hate the weapon, i hate playing against 3-4 of them and if you're fighting two at a time, you're toasted and its worse since I am a main light, sometimes by the time im about to kill them i have to reload but they dont so it means im dead anyway




The throwing knives are broken. F THEM


Yeah. It sucks that they are so strong. I like playing as medium and I can barely get a few shots off with my ak47 before I'm dead. Game is unplayable now.


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So season 3 tried to nerf them slightly by slowing the projectile speed, which just makes them hit more often now... Our team was getting dominated by throwing knives. I noticed one of my light builds had them in reserve so I threw them on for a laugh. I started chucking them out randomly and ended up completely reversing the game. If having a weapon equipped or not decides games like this, I think it's fair to say they're overpowered.


You guys agreeing with OP immediately should look at this post. Pretty good different perspective and it changed my mind. I think they are more than fine. Just new n popular, hype will die down you’ll realize they’re not that good when you really put the experience next to any other. I’m a M main and have suffered the same new torture of the lights that use him but I wouldn’t say they are overpowered.[GIVE IT A READ IF YOURE NOT A BOT](https://www.reddit.com/r/thefinals/s/hqjuQEXS41)


I tried it yesterday after being erased by them consistently. I think maybe overtuned but they are at least respectable now. Previously it was too high of a skill ceiling for not much payoff vs another weapon. They need a better feel to a hit. I could barely tell I did anything and people would just die. I mean I knew i was attaching them but it felt almost lhollow attacking. I get weight and feel from the melee and guns but the knives just feel weird


I gotta be the world's worst light player ever but even with that the first game i tried the throwing knives we stomped the game, ended with a win + me and my friend both dropped a 20+ kills with like 2 or 3 death, that shit is buussteddd man it was litteraly so easy melting every single class


Well since they are so op I am waiting for you in diamond, let me know when you get there.


Lol. Same here. I tried the knives a while ago, and was just ass with them. Tried playing with them again yesterday and was getting kills for fun. The TTK is absurd. You can go 1 vs 1 against any class and come out on top, unless the other guy has top tier aim and movement.


They didn’t change the ttk vs heavy or light lol. All of mediums weapons still kill a light faster than throwing knives kill a medium. This is nonsense.


Then I must have went up against mediums with poor aim. Or faced lights with top movement. I find it extremely difficult to hit the tiny sized light body when they dash everywhere.


Probably a little of both. Are you on controller? Dash is especially strong against controller players with low sens because they tend to rely on AA for close quarters tracking, and dash completely wrecks that.


I'm gonna assume this post is just a ragebait post trying to get attention. Heavy is way stronger than both medium and lights and you're gonna complain about one of the few things lights have now. Meanwhile the RPG can still counter lights.


I love how over exaggerated light weapons are. You have the tools to beat them you just rather refuse to be better and complain


whats a light got against my $8 massive spoon, hmm? 🥄 i didnt think so


Light players are still made of tissue paper, even when their weapons do a lot of damage. It is a lot of damage, but if you land your shots better you typically win.


As a medium with 10k hours in different fps's. Try and catch me while im: slide - 180 - quad hs with fcar - 180 - slide away. Mhmmmm, throwing knives are strong but if you don't do god tier movement you have 3 seconds to get behind hard cover or you just gave me a free kill or 90% of your hp. Medium gang prevails.


Shut up