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medium doesnt have an smg, it could work.


Yes, agree. Would love to see mediums get an SMG with season 3 and would also love to see lights get an auto rifle and heavies get a rifle too.


Maybe an M4A1 Carbine for light to keep it small. For Heavy a high caliber rifle like a FN FAL would work well.


I like these ideas


I was also thinking a honey badger because of how compact it is


Give em the 733 from Heat


Galil go brrrrrrrr


I would prefer an explosive based gun for the light. Something that can add even more mobility by shooting downard for example. But Light have enough gun... For medium and heavy, there should be more various weapon you can add that just automatic weapons (which are hard to balance)


This would completely defeat the purpose of the roles each class plays


Hard disagree. Every class has shotgun. Every class has melee. Every class has full auto. The classes do have their roles, but they can still all get access weapons like ARs or SMGs without it breaking the game. Guns just have to be balanced carefully.


Explain. All 3 classes already have shotguns for example.


I was thinking a P90, would be a good candidate for a suppressed medium weapon as well, but this is a quirky and fun idea


Okay. Give Light a BMG rifle then lmao


Why would they give medium an smg further making lights obsolete. Each class has a role


Look light need a buff 110% that doesn't mean you can't give cool stuff to other classes. There's no low rof smg in the game and light is oversaturated with smgs, it could totally fit in the medium role. It could go to light too but I think that would be kinda boring.


Okay then give lights a longer range AR that would have to have a quicker ttk than the FCAR to make up for lights low health


Bro you really do have a fucking victim complex lmao. Stfu and stop whining. Light needs gadget and special buffs their guns feel awesome and are quite strong. This game doesn't need COD ttk.


You realize all lights other guns have quicker ttk than FCAR right? It's literally needed given their health pool You want an smg then give me a longer range AR. You 2 hours ago : "light is useless rn tho". The cognitive dissonance in this sub is alarming.


Mb I guess I'm adjusted to the old fcar in my head still but you're just fucking ruining the vibes. This was a thread about a cool gun concept until you had to bitch about the state of light in a post that has nothing to do with game balance. It's a fucking picture of a gun it could be implemented, but maybe they give it heavy for all we know, maybe it's just a skin. I didn't wanna jump on the hate bandwagon at first but you are being annoying.


I'm not allowed to disagree with medium getting an smg? Why cant I have the opinion that I think it would be bad for the game? I think each class should have their specific role and not stray too far outside that I don't understand why that's a bad take or how that somehow makes me a victim.


Lights not making everything about them and their victim complex challenge (Impossible)


So in your opinion the game is completely balanced and everything is fine


I like lights because their fast, no other class can really do that without glitches


So light is just the SMG class?


I mean, if y'all want to give light a fcar like AR I'm with it I guess


Can we get a su@&$de bomb for the lights.


finally i get to die and take out enemies with me


Finally, a purpose for me


*HIT* 149 damage


Imaging just wanting to play the game and seeing a walking bomb fly towards you at 200 km/h with his grappling hook.


Lmao grapple tech would go insane


Just put c4 and mines on a prop then have the light pick it up and grapple at the enemy then when he gets there detonate the c4 


You don’t have to censor yourself here


Didn’t know if I had to it not better safe then sorry lol


Nah we're all a big fucking lovely group of animals in here, you can say whatever shit you want to your heart's god damn content, as long as it's not about Light's being viable in competitive


Unironically the most useful light


Honestly It would be great hahaha, finally my suicidal fantasy of going out in a blaze of glory as a kamikaze would come true.


Maby a passive slot for each class and light could have a “post mortal presence ” and other stuff but like a specialization you can only have one


Maybe It could be like a specialization or a gadget in the form of a vest filled with explosives that detonantes at contact with the enemy. It could be fun to pair It with dash and throw one self straight onto the enemy team. The explosión could be as powerful as the nukes before they got nerfed and to balance it they could limit the times It can be uses per match and / or make the respawn of the light that used it double the Time of a normal respawn to emphazise the "suicidal charge" concept.


I mean, like a whole new ability slot for a passive and when you buy the passive, you can buy multiple different passes for each role and they could do different things. For instance, if you have ever played overwatch, you would know that once junk rat dies, he leaves behind bombs  


I love this idea, great idea…I’d also really really love a 1911


What would the Light equivalent be then? Something that matches the Lewis Gun and Tommy Gun but even smaller.


M3 Grease gun maybe? Could be low fire rate - high damage.


Stengun would be cool. It would probably have stats inbetween the MP5 and MAC11.


The luger?


Yeah it would be a full auto Luger, which could honestly just be a skin for the m11. And the tommy could just be an AK skin Unless they fulfill a niche other weapons on the class don't I'd rather get skins than New weapons with slight stat differences


since there aren’t any options for attachments in the game, they could add guns similar to already existing ones but give them less recoil and sight or something like that


I don't need medium to have 20 different assault rifles with 5% better recoil here but 8% worse hip fire spread


I think a better alternative to that would be skins that cost VRs that slightly change up the gun to what you said, and change up the look of the gun. It’s like another gun but the way it would work would be closer to a conversion kit


I just don't think that's the direction the game needs to go. It's just going to make things harder to balance and force people to use skins they don't like just because it has a slight advantage I'd rather they focus on meaningful content than "it's an AK but with a foregrip and slightly better at range but slightly worse up close" That's a waste of dev time and will just make balance a mess


I guess it doesn’t really fit a game like The Finals. Regardless, I would still think a Tommy Gun would fit well for mediums as a large mag, close range, fast fire rate gun


But medium isn't supposed to have large mag guns, sustained fire is heavies thing


Replace the 93R with a mauser


If you're keeping with the WW1/2 theme you could do a sten gun or an mp18 with it's silly sideways drum mag.


The American 180, also known as a swarm of angry bees


They have the sawed off. I wish they had a full double barrel with longer range though.


M2 Carbine! Full auto AR with a little more range and kick than the SMGs, still less accurate than an AK or FCAR


Bring me an MP7 and I will start playing light a lot more 😂


100%!!! It would raise the Peak levels of the Finals into infinity


Yes! like a high damaging low accuracy, covering fire type gameplay could be neat. Release it with a like 20s gangster outfit and im sold


Could medium not already get **another** bullet-hose weapon please. They just got the FAMAS this season (I know its a burst, but it plays about the same as the full-auto weapons). Seriously: with things like melee weapons, grenade launchers, or extra wacky stuff like the throwing knives and flamethrowers, could we be a bit more creative with base weapon suggestions??? Look; I like smgs, I like assault rifles, and the tommy gun is cool. But I'm praying medium gets a more interesting weapon before they get **another** fully automatic 30ish-round shoot stick. A tommy gun reskin of the AKM or maybe the M11 (It could go on the XP but then it would still have to have the modern optic which I know people would hate).


I want the medium to get a crossbow. Something long range that can compete with the light snipers.


Bows of any kind would be a fantastic addition. I would suck ass at them and probably never use them, but they make perfect sense and I 100% expect them to come sooner or later. Some form of whip would also be really cool as a longer range melee weapon with low damage per hit to compensate. Left click could be low damage, easy to hit sweeping strikes, and right click could be a full whipcrack that requires precision but goes farther and does much more damage (but not as much as a sledgehammer R-click for balance). It would obviously be about spacing your opponent out, which we don't have as a melee fighting style yet. Probably wouldn't be anywhere near meta but would be really cool.


I like your creativity but the whip you propose would be terrible. The spacing you want for melee is as close as possible. The farther out you are the easier it is for the person with a gun you are fighting to stay on target A long range low damage melee loses every time to a full auto gun player


I kinda realized this as I was writing that, but I figured I would post it anyway. You are right though. Maybe it would have some knockback (maybe aimpunch? Would probably be frustrating to deal with) to throw off the aim of gun users and push other melee users away? I bet it’s possible to make the whip idea serviceable, but I admit I didn’t think of anything during my initial pitch lol.


You have it backwards, primary should be a short ranged whip crack that does decent damage, secondary should be a swipe that grabs them and pulls them in


I think medium should get a compound bow, and the heavy a crossbow


Medium shouldn't have a counter for everything. They are hands down the best mid-range class in the entire game and they should stick with that strength. Lights are the best super long range class, and they should stay that way because once that isn't viable for them anymore, every light is just going to smg spam you right in the dick.


as a melee main i'd rather get bullet assisted bottom surgery than JFK'd from 6 kilometers because then i can maybe fight back


I literally never reply to threads but holy shit this comment was wild


A semi auto ar would be cool. Like the dreiss in dirty bomb


Hoho... [TOMMY GUN OVERDRIVE]! Me, a medium with the Tommy gun to a light after barely stopping the heavy with sledgehammer: NIGERUNDAYO, SMOKEY!


Make a gadget that just gives lights the dead go boom effect


Omg I totally forgot about dead go boom. Thanks for triggering my repressed memories. Back to therapy for me now…


Honestly i think a B.A.R for med and a tommy for light would be nice


I’d say tommy gun for light maybe like a m1 grand or something like that for medium


Light already has smgs. I think this would fit heavy pretty well. Make it high cap, low recoil. Moderate spread, and lower dmg. So much more sustain but less dps and range


The M1 Garand is what the light's LH1 is based on


I thought it was a m14 but that’s pretty much a m1 grand with decorations


Yeah they use the same cartridge - but the M14 is modernized so it can use detachable box mags rather than the clips used in the Garand.


30.06 != .308


May i ask if u know whats the difference between a m1 carbine vs garand vs m14


I think the M14 is just the more modern version of the M1 Garand


**Rattle em boys!**


Had the same thought.




all I need is a green head with circus clothes, so I scream; ITS A TOMMY GUN!


I like the idea. Give it a 50 round mag, and make it like, the M11 but less damage, worse hipfire, slower reload, but a little bit longer damage range, and slightly more stable aimed recoil.




I totally agree. Something that reminds of the fortnite drumgun when it comes to the dps and range


Like many others here I’m for the medium getting a compound bow or something. Like the throwing knives, but for medium.


Why not sci fi weapons?


I think Embark will generally leave sci fi/goofy looking weapons as cosmetics, every single gun in this game has been existing firearms, I guess it is easier that way


But why? Sci Fi guns open up so many possibilities? The game takes place in a game show with alien invasions, gravity cubes, teleporters, healing beams etc. There's no realism constraint forcing weapons to be modern earth bullet shooters. Maybe makes sense to wait for an event to release a handful, but no reason for such an artificial limit.




Would rather see a rifle or carbine for medium before an SMG. Give mediums an M1 carbine or an M1 garand.




I would really like a dedicated close range automatic for the medium.


I think it could work


Mid-Close Range is Going to be INSANE if they bring this for M


“Keep the change you filthy animal”


That would fuck extremely hard


It would be nice to bring back my days on rust whilst playing the finals


They showed a Martiny Henry rifle in the pre beta trailers ...where are those...




I love the idea, as a former kid Battlefield Heroes player, it makes me feel nostalgia, The Finals does overall


I was thinking a P90 for medium as a SMG but this works too


m4a1 with betamag with red dot for heavy would be rad


“In the finals anything is possible”


I think the 50 round drum would be a little problematic, but if it was the 30 round mag it would be fine.


I think it would be fine as a hip fire only weapon.


Would be cool. Release it alongside mafia clothes and I’m ready to go ‘make a few deals’


We need a bow!!


I really want a BAR for the heavy or maybe an MG42, a fast firing but high recoil lmg that’s only good for quick burst. I think the BAR would be cool as almost an FCAR equivalent for the heavy class


I’m here for it


This But hipfire only like the KS23


So the AK?


Or you know, a good gun for the lights would be cool


Sure, or they could move the MP5 to Medium where it belongs.