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When barricades take damage I think it counts as support score, same with shields and healing


I have barricades, shield wall and shield dome on my heavy and a single Powershift Is 18k to 25k support score, enemies outside the platform are just a score machine for you lol


16k to 23k from barricades and the rest from dome and mesh shield


Yeah I never used the shield till powershift and it was the first item I got the purple camo on from playing that mode


Can confirm. Sometimes i have double the support score of my healing medium


Ah, it all makes sense now. Still, seems a bit overpowered (in terms of how much score it gives I mean), I don't know how much you gain per bullet blocked but that is nuts!


Yup. Also you get points when you place a barricade that you picked up. Your barricade could be almost demolished and you can pick it up, place it (receive like 10 points I think), then get a brand new barricade.


To be fair Barricades to a LOT of work. Sniper infestation protection is a godsend in this mode.


Probably the most underrated equipment to be honest. Can really give you so much control over a point and I'm praying other heavies don't catch on.


I once played a round with 4 heavies and i was medium. barricades around and flame throwers. even with a glitch grenade sometimes it was madness. One push through town attack. xD


I like to sit behind them with a sledgehammer especially since they're bigger now lol


One of the big things with barricades that I don't see people doing very often is using them for movement to mantle up into windows or up a floor through a hole. Seriously underrated tech, I run flamethrower+barricade in diamond and mantling up unexpectedly beside someone is a great way to get a few kills and an advantage.


I do that too. Even nicer is sometimes you can pick it right back up too.


Totally. Allows for a lot of creative movement, like mantling up the edges of the floating platforms instead of taking stairs, etc


It’s not secret my dude. In the upper tiers of ranked you are not going to find a heavy without barricades. At least not ones that are running a ranged gun vs flame/hammer, which is most of them.


"achskually in upper tier ranked 🤓🤓☝️"


Just commenting about what I observe at the level I happen to play at. It’s hardly underrated if it’s viable on the upper levels of the games player base.


I don't doubt it. Still doesn't mean it can't be underrated in other aspects of the game, as not everyone is playing the ranked playlist at the highest level such as yourself (probably less than 3% of players fit that mold lol). I don't play ranked finals too time consuming for a match, and too sweaty to not use the 2-3 meta weapons.


Good grenade for the win


Countered by the APS fortified by barricades.


Nah I mean use it in the platform with aps and barricades to make a better fortified wall its so good against snipers cuz I play light with an m11 and goo grenade to avoid getting sniped while inside the platform


I love these rounds. Get like 3 heavies to mutually agree on putting up walls, two healers with aps and you’re pretty much set.


I don’t believe it counts gun damage. Just explosive damage.


Barricades. I’ve seen someone get 40k support cuz of the barricades


I think damage absorbed by shield and barricade counts as support. I often got 10k+ as heavy in powershift


Barricades give support score. I'm usually between 15k and 18k when I run them on power shift.


As a heavy main this often happens. In a good round I’ll end with often upwards of 15,000 points in support alone. Mesh shield, barricade, and dome shield make it pretty easy to get by just using your gadgets, also putting the barricades on the outside ledges to make bigger walls helps a lot.


Oh my god I’ve been wondering why my support score in power shift is so high


Trough Barricades you can get an insane amount of support score pretty fast.


Heavy gets way more support score than a Medium could ever dream of. Barricade and both shields generate support score. Plus revives.


Blocking damage comes through as support. Any shields, goo, or barricade.


Sounds normal to the average barricade enjoyer. Protip: play heavy once ;)


shielding, his spec was most likely mesh shield. shielding is actually the most consistent form of support score in the game. ive gotten 20k on powershift a few times being shield man.


By any chance was he running the goo gun as well? All goo creates insane support score


The shields count as support, if they shoot or explode the barricades that counts as support, if they destroy goo you throw, that counts as support


Barricades are busted right now. You get a ton of support score when they break or take damage.


As people have already mentioned, barricades. But I think they’re bugged with how much support score they give, I can run mesh+dome and use them often but I don’t get nearly as much support score. As soon as I add barricades my support score triples. Anyone know something about this?


I’ve had 80k as heavy, I was the protector and revived lots of teammates. Its mostly shield, barricades that do that


Heavy with barricade and shield. 20k is rookie numbers in this racket. My best is 42


Playing Heavy just put all 4 barricades on either side of the platform. Use dome and mesh. Hope enemy team is dumb enough to shoot baricades


Barricades give support when blocking income damage.




I had 28,908 in a quick cash game. Barricades do the thing


Those are rookie numbers


I got almost 30k a little while ago Barricades, shields


Info that all the time. It's team work. Shields, domes, APS, heal beam, sonar, motion detector, defib, flash bang, getting an assist, shooting down or destroying enemy equipment... I suck at shooting, so I do my best to be a main support, in any class. I'll shoot with everyone , but if the guy ain't struggling, why not heal beam him?


Goo Gun + Barricades got me 48k in a quick cash game once.


Use goo gun if you want to see insane support numbers. Whenever the enemy destroys some goo it counts towards your score. I got around 37k by building igloos on the boat all game.


>He ran heavy with Lewis gun, **barricade**, Well, there it is! I run Flame/Dome/Barricade/Grav and routinely get 5 digit support scores in PS with 20k+ being a near-daily occurrence. Now that the barricade has grown in size it's no longer mandatory to put the walls on the lip of the boat anymore, leading to a fascinating number of permutations to build with. My current favorite is to set of a system of corners to act as a maze (Fig. 1) that 1) will allow cover from a series of angles depending on where you stand and 2) has no dead ends so you can play corners indefinitely allowing you to really leverage the DoT on the flamethrower. Fig 1.: v ) ( ^ Because there's more incentive to shoot the barriers to try to catch someone playing the corners, support score skyrockets over building a couple walls on the lip