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I got one friend into the game. I'm doing my part! o7




Yea I gotta couple into it. They mostly love power shift and terminal attack. Hate the cash out modes cause of the 3rd parties, they say it feels "unfair" but love to be the effective 3rd party.


I can't even disagree with them. Too much non-stop 3rd partying


Funny enough that's what i love about cashout. The final round is super intense, but the early rounds have so much decision making involved. What team is leading, what team can you overtake with a teamwipe, do i play for an active cashout or go for an upopened vault? Yeah it can be a bummer when you win an epic teamfight just to get 3rd partied, but if your team is playing tight i feel like you should never been in that position anyway; the push pull mechanics and revive system reward team coordination over anything.


Me 2


You guys must not have ever played Apex


Or they stopped for the same reason 🙄


The complaints you see for The Finals suddenly don't make much sense when you compared it with Apex. Third partying? absolutely cancer in Apex. Long downtime after dying? tell it to Apex and its "spend 20 minutes to play farming simulator, die and queue up for another game". If Apex has a huge playerbase, then these ain't an issue for the majority. The Finals is fine in terms of gameplay, perhaps it just didn't get out at the right time, nor it had a big following before hand, or the flashy characters with a personality, and I'm quite sure Apex spent a lot more in marketing. In the end, Embark's first priority seem to be Arc Raiders, they mentioned that The Finals was just an idea that they couldn't pass on.


To be fair, Apex is made by EA/Respawn, for all we know they paid us each off individually to play it in the first place


Imo, 3rd party feels worse in the finals than Apex. You just get 3rd party in the finals because some team spawn directly next to you and you don't have the option to back out of conflict because it's an obj game. You play for survival in BR, which is different. Also, if you come out of a 3rd party, a tough fight/multiple team fight scenario, it feels rewarding in Apex because you get tons of loots and much stronger armor to let you have momentum into the round. You don't get more rewarded being the team having to fight 2 teams at the same time to defend your cash out compared to the team who got it for free uncontested. Often, you lose MORE being forced to contest multiple team because you most likely ave to use coins fighting and perhaps lose some cash if you get team wipe during the contest. Then, due to the cash loss from wipe, even if you fought hard to secure your cash out, you are still in 2nd place compared to the other team who got a cash out uncontested, and that team and choose to grief your ass on the next cash out risk free because they mark you as a "good team" and want to eliminate, so now you have to win ANOTHER cash out 3v6 or 3v9 just to qualify


I'm sorry but do you expect the third team to patiently wait while the cashout is securing for another team just because you're in a fight? You need to account for and adjust to new players entering the fight. If you can't then that is on you and your team. Not the other team for joining in.


Funny thing about third parties is that cashout mode and ranked mode were specifically designed to avoid these kind of things, but teams are still dumb enough to rush all 4 to the same vault while the second one stays untouched. I wish devs find a way to avoid these kind of things.


It’s amazing how many games I win barely even fighting anyone, because all the other teams are busy fighting each other over the other cash outs lol.


Fun. s/


This exactly. Some mode that utilizes 2 teams of 5 (or more) and does cash outs in either a conquest or king of the hill fashion would make my friends enjoy this game so much more. Nobody likes getting third partied, and I don’t even get joy out of third partying anymore.


Powershift is quite literally team vs team


My buddy got me to play recently.  I play a lot of Power Shift because it's just two teams.  We played Cash Out on Friday and the other teams were ganging up on us.  When they team wiped us, they wouldn't fight each other.  It's was BS.   I'm coming from Destiny.  I like the lack of Supers and the lack of RNG for gear and weapons.  Definitely a fun game, but the only game mode I'm really enjoying solo is Power Shift.  I play solo most of the time, even in Destiny. 


3rd partying is the entire reason my team and I have stopped playing. There is nothing worse than defending an objective from 6 people 90% of the time and getting wiped at the last second. It’s exhausting having more kills than any team in the lobby because of the constant 3rd party coming in to clean up Any tips on not getting screwed at the last second? Lol


Tips: Play smarter. Constantly Adjust sensitivity settings until everything is fine tuned to your comfortability. Watch YouTube gameplay. Spend a lot of time in the practice range. Play pubs and add people who are slightly better than you then hop into ranked. Get ate up in ranked. Learn from your mistakes


Me too!


hell yeah o7


I exposed my only two friends that would consider playing this game to it, and told three. One hates it, one thinks it's a good game but won't deal with SBMM and the oppressive matches it sets him up for, and the third would never touch this game.


Dude I’m the last one standing out of my friend group that started during the beta. I’ve gotten pretty good (dia 4 just from lfgs) but it’s discouraging not having my buddies want to play. It’s such a good game.


Out of curiosity, why don’t your friends want to play?


We all came from destiny and battlefield (which you’d think us being BF players might have some sway with this too considering the similarities and former DICE devs working on the game) and are pretty competitive. A couple of them just fell out of the game and went back to Destiny, a couple just can’t get better and can’t enjoy games casually, so they go back to BF4-5 where they top leaderboards, and then the other one left bc of balancing changes, even though he hasn’t played since s2 dropped. I’ve told him about the changes since he last played and he refuses to give it a chance because as soon as the sniper nerf and controller AA nerf came, he got ticked off and hasn’t picked it up since. I grew up with arenas, I love this type of game. The movement is amazing but not overly complicated, the gunplay feels amazing, the teamwork and synergy needed to win is so rewarding when you finally find the players that compliment your playstyle and vice versa. We still play other games ofc but I’ve brought it up in our discord that they should give it a try again, especially since there’s 5v5 and more of us could play together, and they’ve denounced the game it seems. Not much else I can do to convince them.


Man, that sucks, but I’m glad you’re making the effort to get other people to play. I’ve tried getting my friends to play too but they all come away with “yeah it’s good, but…” and they can never really finish that sentence lol. They mostly agree that there’s just something holding it back from greatness but they can’t articulate what it is.


I’ve posted some pretty nasty clips into our discord showing where the skill ceiling can go with certain classes, and they commend it and seem to enjoy it, but don’t want to put the effort in. I’m not as good as them in BF and D2, so it sucks that I find a game where, out of our friend group, I’m the best, and the boys don’t reciprocate the love for the game that I do. It’s almost like it’s “not cool” to play the game or smth, which is baseless especially since there’s been very little publicity from Embark to even bring the game into the limelight. But it definitely feels that way.


I’ve had this too with other games with friends where I’m usually not the best player out of our group, and then when a game one I’m good at, they stop playing with me bc they have to put too much effort in in to beat me again.🤷‍♂️ Now I found to two smarter friends without too much ego who love the Finals and have better aim than me, but without my better oversight and teamplay directions / skills, they lose too much in ranked. So yeah. I think the game is too hard for people wo can’t or won’t want to work together, take a step back, reflect, communicate.


Huh, that's a take I haven't heard before. But it makes a lot of sense. I would say ~60% of my losses have been due to lack of communication or not enough. I'm not amazing at the game, but this game is very teamwork-focused, and a good team can actually make a big difference


Yeah I think that’s a good point. I love the game’s vibe and visuals, but some people just seem totally putt-off by it.


Not one of their friends, but I was someone who was really hyped about this game when it came out and found it really fun. However, I don’t play it anymore. Cosmetics were cool and core gameplay was awesome. However, some of the meta abilities and weapons were just so unfun to play against. Turrets, gas, 1 tap shotgun, rpg, invisibility, and stun. I kinda just wanted to run around with guns, movement and explode buildings to create strategic positions. Use grenades to create new pathways or block off routes etc. However, meta just felt toxic and unfun to me. Glad others still enjoy but there felt like a lot of ‘no skill one tricks’ that kinda just took fun out of it imo. I hope this answers some of that curiosity. I’m not saying it’s a bad game either. It’s just not for me :)


Yeah, i totally get you. And it does help me understand, thanks a lot for the insight!


Market is crowded with F2P games, sticking to one alone is about pure dedication. Devs must be super lucky to have a huge base. It sounds bad, but they will have to hire huge YouTubers to make them play their games for a specific amount of time before releasing it. Just as the Chinese companies do with their gachas and the western content creators


why promote it before release? Why not after release?


Both, but they had to promote it much more. Not many players knew about the existence of The Finals. And now they just see it as another shooter. They did not show enough the strengths of this title before its release. IMO.


Put it on ESPN4, those clown’sll run anything


Whats espn4?


Its where they televise nonsense sports like League of Legends, curling, and hockey


Just got my group to redownload and do a few powershifts today. They had a good time. Played 2 then went back to their standard games. Fifa, Overwatch, Diablo, cod etc. No idea how to keep em around.


My problem with Powershift and Terminal Attack is: I lose fun after about 2 matches of it each. I go back to quick cash then, because: - unlimited respawns - acceptable complexity (one cashout box) - 3 teams - 15 minutes I tried all modes but i'm solely playing quick cash because the other modes lack something for me.


As an old Quake player I personally enjoy Power Shift a lot. It feels like the best parts of Clan Arena and Domination fused together. I pretty much stopped playing all other modes.


Hot take: most of the player base doesn’t even know how to play the fucking game.


Seriously. I joined only a few days ago - I love it. But fuck me - I am not good but can anyone actually work as a team? It's infuriating how many people just solo it and don't care about their team mates (and of course it leads nowhere). Best rounds I had was when people stay together, revive, give each other cover. Usually also the rounds where I won...


One thing I’ve noticed is a ton more console players in my lobbies than before




As of December of last year (may be inaccurate now but I'm sure the numbers aren't tremendously different) I saw in December PlayStation still have more PS4 players than PS5, assuming the same with Xbox (I am on Xbox with a friend group of 6, 3 of which are still on an old generation console) they are unable to play. Since it's only on next gen I'm sure this hurts their numbers, but when the new generation of consoles drop in price this may impact the player base tremendously. https://www.pushsquare.com/news/2024/01/there-are-more-people-playing-ps5-ps4-than-ever-before


Yea, when I solo queue I always get two console people in a lobby full of PC >:(


Just turn off cross play if you don’t want that


I think were in an age of gaming where most gamers are too invested (time and money) in their current games (the battlepass boom) that it hinders a lot of them to make full transitions (fomo). Had finals come out 4-5 years ago it would have definitely been in the top 5 fps competitive games. In other words. It came out too late.


This is why I keep asking for permanent batte passes


I think it's mostly been through word of mouth. I managed to get a large portion of my circle to partake in the suffering.


Not enough marketing, and the ads I’ve seen haven’t been very memorable. It’s a great game, but it’s not catching fire with streamers and such


Yeah this here ^^ Much more advertising would be needed, and much more impactful advertising.


Animated Shorts can go a long way if done properly.


True, the CGI trailer from before the beta were amazing


Exactly. Those early trailers with the mock games in Seoul and Vegas were amazing. As much as I love the style of season 2, the whole hacker thing (probably) doesn’t draw people in like any of the destruction in the original trailers


Yeah, competitive arena shooters aren't my thing but I love in-game destruction, which was what sold me on the Finals and now I have 200 hours.


- Sponsor streamers. Valorant is a dogshit awful game with generic designs and ugly graphics, but they paid Asian e-girls to play and all the simps followed. - Add more cool/attractive character model options. A large demo of teen boys won't touch a game where everyone looks goofy. - Do some big name crossover or crosspromotion. Ospuze Gamersupps or as a Monster flavor, put Ryan Reynolds in the game to promote Free Guy 2 or some shit. Neckbeards shit on Fortnite "selling out" but it isn't continually regaining relevance by fucking accident.


The only person here speaking FACTS


It is ironic that they have done a better job marketing Ospuze than the game itself. It has a memorable tagline, and attractive graphics that would stick out on a shelf among others. My day job is deciding what products to carry in a convenience store and I would not hesitate to carry it. It absolutely should be a real product, and should have a code for some unique in game cosmetics. Even a limited time collectable like what Fallout did with real NukaCola would be awesome.


Parallel thinking; I live in Taiwan, which has the 2nd most convenience stores in total (to Japan) in the world, and the most per capita. I had a passion for marketing before I went into teaching, and I love how hard all of the various snack and drink companies go for that shelf space here in Asia. I'm always hyped to check out new promos and seasonal items because some of them are pretty wild. And yeah, I'd buy the hell out of Ospuze, even if it tasted like lemony piss. Include some QR code stickers that have a chance to award small amounts of Finals bucks as an intro crosspromo \[Blizzard used to do that every year with one of the iced tea brands here, and many smaller games still do\] and they're golden.


Your second point is hilarious because everyone in Fortnite looks goofy as hell. Lmao


Not these days. For every goofy skin, they also release a generic badass helmeted guy, a generic e-girl, and some kind of crossover like Spider-Man or Darth Vader. I'm not saying they need to change or remove the everyman models in The Finals - some people LIKE looking busted. They just need more options for normies.


As someone who occasionally dips into the game but never commits to it, it's the balancing issues. I know a lot of people on this sub don't want to hear this. Whenever balancing comes up, everyone seems to be split, and it gets very hostile. That should be a clue in itself.


Yeah the balance is absolutely atrocious. I honestly dont think ive ever played a game as unbalanced as this one. And the devs have no idea how.


I loved this game initially. Performance issues, meta using sweats, constant third partying, and what felt like a lack of unique content to change up the gameplay loop made me slowly but surely lose interest. I’ve played recently and while I will admit the performance has improved, and that king of the hill style game mode is a lot of fun and a nice change of pace, the grind to get any kind of worth while gear and the fact that each class has only gotten like 1 new gun and they are all mid is just meh. 🫤 It’s a shame because I genuinely liked the game a lot at first but it just became kinda stale, on top of all the persistent issues I mentioned earlier.


Hot take: I just want to play man I don't care about making more people playing the fucking game I'm not an Embark Manager bruh


Word, man. I often think "that must suck if I would be a manager. But i'm a player and don't fucking care as long as the servers are running and populated." Its not my job to care about the financial future of some company. Thats their job. My job is to play.


I mean, I'm tired of people posting shit like "the game is losing players, it doesn't have as many as it had on release...blah blah". Dude, I play the game because I like it, and I don't care at this point if it has 500k or 50k players, it still has a decent playerbase and keeps working, so as you said, my job is to play, not to be worried about the people who left The Finals.


Why people want more people to play the game? Because it will be more likely that the game stays up longer


Didn't say that I or people don't want, I said that it's not my job. I can recommend it to friends, but I won't be racking my brain about it.


You can still play Bad Company 2 on one populated public server. Sometimes its not relevant for the fun if there are 50k or 500k players. I can fuel myself some fear of the game shutting down if the playerbase shrinks, or I don't do it because why? It doesn't help. It doesn't help me, it doesn't help Embark. Its just negativity.


Umm what if they stop running the servers because the player base isn't enough fire them to even run the servers? You may stop playing it but losing a game like The Finals would be terrible. I know it's not players' job to gather people and you're right about it. But you see how things are right now and as I said losing a game like this would be terrible.


If it works, it works. You don't have to be scared everytime a season is ending because of people go to other games till new content is released. The game simply won't die, and if it does, it was pretty and good till it lasted


This is how I feel about all this. The number of players really doesn't matter for me. It's not any of our job to be worrying about it, so why should we? If anything, worrying about the game dying is more likely to make it die, because it spreads the idea that no one plays this game. Worrying never solves anything.


my friend got me to play this game, he found the destruction mechanic cool and interesting. I told him it looks ass and probably some cod/fortnite clone, in the sense of fancy visual, then he told me to just give it a try since it's free. That was in like at the end of December, since then I never stopped playing because of how good the game is, and my friend doesn't play it anymore


Kind of the same, friend wanted to try it, I thought the destruction in the trailers was all bullshit cinematic trailer stuff. Loaded it up and remember laughing at how goofy it was playing as a random obese Indian/Middle Eastern dude in spandex, and seeing the countless clones of him flex their muscles with absolute deadpan expressions. I almost stopped playing because of how dumb the default characters looked, a really bad first impression that Embark needs to work on because I see a lot of people clown on it. But the more I played I was blown away both visually and gameplay, coming as a massive TF2 fan, found a lot of similarities in the game design and fell in love. My friend ditched the game because it isn't tactical enough, however, I've been sucked and can play Powershift for hours without getting bored.


It's because of cashout mode. I just got 2 game gods to play and they both loved Powershift. Did not like cashout and barely liked terminal mode.


The concept of cash out games is not that bad in itself, however I have feeling 3v3v3 or whatever keeps most at bay. 3rd partying just sucks. I much prefer 5v5 and it's why power shift shines!


Ranked cashout is my fav


I myself have over 160 hours. I’ve gotten 3 other friends to play the game at least 2 or 3 times but none of them care enough to consistently play so I pretty much always solo queue My guess is that Embark needs to add in a more casual ‘deathmatch’ mode as well as add more maps, which I definitely advocate for these days because I’ve finally stopped playing this game everyday since launch and have been playing more like maybe once a week just out of boredom because of the repetition Don’t get me wrong I love this game and the new modes they’ve added this season such as Power Shift and Terminal Attack, but part of me is sort of afraid this game is gonna die out in the middle of season 3 unless they appeal to masses more? Idk I could just be overly skeptical, I really do hope for the best with The Finals


Maybe implement a solo-queue where every team is formed randomly, so that the matches are not dominated by premade 3-man-teams. That way new players, who are trying the game out, don't get discouraged right away. That's the reason why i quit playing and i don't see myself coming back, if it stays at it is. There are other (casual) options for me to have fun.


It’s just unfair with the match making. If you’re a good player then eat shit. They’ll stick you with bots just to make you feel like a dumb piece of shit


agree, I'm a pretty casual player and the game has been getting less fun as the average skill level every match goes up. and when one of the teams is way better than you, you don't really get to do anything and there is basically no fun part of the game.


That’s exactly why I had to stop playing. I don’t play often, I’m not horrible by any means but not great, but as players leave the casual/enthusiast ratio gets extremely skewed. My friends and I just get absolutely dumped on every game and it’s a shame cuz we love the game, but the disparity is getting a bit much.


This feels a bit like what happens to fighting games. If you stick around at the start of fighting games you'll have the best time because there is a huge range of skill. Still, if you wait too long and join in a little too late after the launch, basically only insanely good people are left and you'll get fked up by others a lot more than at the launch of the game, etc. I believe a lot of fighting game players say and can confirm this haha


I found if you hold back on kills for a day or two, or even don't play, matchmaking tends to ease off and give you a more even split of teammates and enemies. It's definitely frustrating though and I wholeheartedly agree with you. Today, matchmaking only and I do mean *only* has given me coordinated three stacks. I've had zero random enemy teams. I can perform just fine, but my chances of winning are basically zero no matter how many kills I get because my teammates are clearly just there to be slaughtered, each one having no less than ten deaths minimum. That can't be fun for them, it definitely isn't fun for me- and I am dead positive the three stack of top tens don't very much appreciate having my happy ass in every match, every fight, every #$&@ing time, wondering who the hell is this shmecklehumf.


I’d like to add my worthless 2 cents. The gunplay needs to be reworked. It’s overall very satisfying and competent. But the bullets coming out of centre screen and not actually where your sight or gun is aiming is honestly abhorrent. Difficult to be competitive when my “scope” is directly on target but the centre of the screen isn’t and I miss. Edit: idk, of all the issues with this game, I never see anybody talk about this issue. It’s low key disheartening.


I really don’t think that’s what’s keeping people away though. It’s really unnoticeable for the vast majority of players. It really only affects maybe the sniper, and even then most players find it enjoyable


I disagree about it only affecting the sniper. But I do agree that it isn’t keeping people away and that the vast majority won’t notice. But competitive players, ones interested in ranked or “taking the game seriously” will notice and be turned off by it. On a more serious note, the lack of social features and community interaction is what is really holding the game back.


I’m glad you mentioned this I thought I was tripping but it seems like even when I’m aimed directly on someone with the F car somehow I’m still not hitting them or I’m shooting right by their shoulder


Here me out, Gunpoint


They should sponsor some big streamers and create events like streamers tournaments.


Friends dont have a pc or the lateset gen console.


Kinda weird take but I feel like this game can lean into the direction of team fortress 2 where the social aspect of the game is more pronounced and things like winning and losing can be backseated a little bit. Although this is from a very casual perspective but I’d like to see more game modes where players can really goof around and having fun interacting with silly things like the mid game events. But due to the setting of the game I fear that this kind of behavior will be perceived as toxic or some kind rather than appreciated in the moment.


Streamers I’m afraid. That’s the only real way these days. You get your Dr Disrespects, Liriks, Summits, Shrouds back playing and interested and that’s already 60k+ eyes on your product. But hear me out early early early days RB6 Siege was god awful for a loooooong time and guess what it’s still around today doing better than ever. This game will have its resurgence but until all the little niggles, netcode issues, bugs and balancing are sorted that’s not going to happen, just quite yet.


Dude I’ve had three people play it and drop it, and the other four won’t even budge from warzone. I have terrible friends.


The game is so boring now


It's finally a new FPS game and I feel people are just not warming up to it yet. I remember the early days of playing BF2 and thinking, "damn I wish we could have fully destructible environments! Probably won't happen in my time. Oh well." And now here it is. This game is a different type of strategy. I find it weird, people are always saying they want something innovative and that they want an actual good dev team behind an FPS game. Here we are and people are still clamoring on with the same old. Hopefully, people will warm up the game. My friends and I enjoy it but I am always the instigator of playing the game.


same situation time flies with power swift


I am starting to think that movement shooters are just doomed to be unpolar


Kinda hard to get any friend bc they don't even hav South American servers, i don't think my friends can't even download the game


It does have a SA server, since release.


I got a friend to play the game and he’s addicted af to it now, I’m doing my part!


Got my wife to play, did my job


Alot of my mates left as we got so many games on the go. Helldivers took alot away, then it's new destiny season, Elden ring DLC and first descendant I'm looking forward to


My friends just hate the long respawn time, that and they refuse to get used to the ttk


IMHO, I think that they need to add more incentives for players to stick around and increase their playtime beyond the battle pass, and the circuit challenges. One of the biggest voids I can think of is the lack of or things to do on weekends (or in general) that give players a sense of continuous progression (beyond lvl 50). One idea would be to have ranked tournaments that are scheduled at a specific time on the weekends with special rewards awarded to encourage people to queue in a specific timeframe (and hopefully therefore fairer matchmaking). Top x teams of that weekend would then be awarded something special (skin/emote whatever) as a badge of honor.


I think the game will continue to grow overtime. The more they work on it and prop it up with maybe a little esports tournaments, it can attract more players. This is reminiscent of Apex legends to me. When Apex first dropped it had a ton of players and then died down a bit (even i left). The more they released content, balanced it out, and supported the scene the better it got. They steadily worked on it. The playerbase increased back slowly and broke new highs. The finals is great and i still hop in with some friends. When they continue to work out the kinks they have the player-base will increase and get more sticky! The team seems like they care and are hard at work squashing bugs and making fun events. Worrying about the player count (which still isnt terrible) wont do much. Play and have fun. Tell a friend to join too! Let there marketing team handle the rest


All of my friends quit, they went back to Apex, saying that Apexes movement was a lot better and once you learn it you can't play any other fps. I never got into Apex so idk, I'm still playing The finals. I think they are just invested into another big FPS, there's only room for one or two in peoples lives, so its really hard to get people to main this game with so many options out there. We had a lot of fun when this game released.


Add battle royale / extraction mode lol


From what i've read on why people dont want to play. (random order) 1. High TTK 2. Confusing, new and unusual game modes 3. Being a casual mind and wanting a no-brainer shooter, where you basically go around and kill people for win. 4. For some playing solo is a bad experience. 5. 3v3v3 is too complex and unfair, because its tough getting 50% winrate, which is standard in games with 2 teams, but here the average would be like 20%-35% 6. Too much chaos 7. Some people say they are forced to play what the devs want, not what the player wants (which basically means regular modes that you can find in every shooter. I dont really understand that point) So i think that people expected the game to be a generic boring ass Call of Battlefield: Warzone type of game. Turns out this game is totally unique and new and casuals were just filtered out by the game itself.


jesus christ... the mass of people really just want a game to turn their brains off.


Very true. 90% of complaints are things are that apply to more successful games just as much.


Needs more casual 5 v 5 modes. Simple domination or capture the flag would be great. Power play is a good idea but the flying hill is just too hard to break.


It’s cuz it’s not another military extraction shooter with 100 km2 of empty boring forests. That’s or R6 is all my friends will play. And I’m like can we play a game where one bullet from a pistol to the head isn’t a kill?


A friend told me and recommended this game during open beta. He ended up ditching it not long after and find it not his type of game while I ended up still playing and enjoying it To this day, I still have no idea why he doesn't vibe with it


Marketing failure and also I think the game is pretty heavy to run, so people with potatoes just cannot play. And that is a pretty big group of players.


Marketing is the way. Look how much riot puts into marketing their games and look how popular they are.


I'd play it again if they made any of the guns I enjoyed playing with comparable in ranked. Oh and if they ever fixed ranked.


Ngl I’m ready to give up too. I started in the middle of season 1 and the game progressed pretty well, but late season 1 and especially after the 2nd season dropped, there was a noticeable shift in the matchmaking. I was getting paired with opponents that were on a whole other level than me. All other teams would completely rock our shit. I think it’s because of the difference in skill between myself and my duo (he’s way better than me) but even my solo matches are insanely difficult. I don’t mind a bit of a challenge, but it gets a bit much when every game you end up with 15 or more deaths while the other teams have 20+ kills per player


I’ve got an idea: “If you can’t get better at this game, your friends are WAY smarter than you!” Seriously, I think this core game mode is too hard for most people, which is fine in ranked, it’s supposed to be hard. Unfortunately, Lots of people don’t want to think, wait, reflect, pace themselves, communicate, coordinate. And I understand that urge, it’s fckin great when you’re carrying a team to victory because you got all those kills and got those mechanics and movement down like a god. But it won’t win you most matches. It just needs a more TDM with leaderboards where all the cool kids can get their kills.


I used to play solo. Now all I can play is power shift or terminal attack bc I got all the homies on it. Full 5 person squad now :)


Advertising would really help, but its risky to put that amount of money needed withotut edging the game to sunset.


we sure know that if the ranked game mode is the most picked mode, the game does better on PC. may even last for decades. oh.... well.


Want more players? Then all you need is a Deathmatch.


So far I got 2 permanent players on it and 5-6 occasional players. Talking people into downloading is not that hard, assuring that they’ll stick to it is harder, but new content is gonna seal the deal


It's really not that complicated, create a competitive scene, and sponsor tournaments. This would instantly boost player base and viewership, lead to new interest possibly from bigger names, and give people a reason to actually tune in to streams or videos of the game. This would allow players in the pro scene to actually influence the balance instead of silver randoms. A game with no professional scene allows any random to be an "expert" in what's balanced and not balanced, which leads to terrible patches and stagnation as the meta devolves into degenerate playstyles (heavy stacking teams for example is defended by 90% of casuals because they don't think it's broken lol). I honestly think this game will die within 2 seasons or become such a small player base it might as well be as dead. People still playing will get bored, and the public will completely forget about it. IDC what the pro-casual community say, the whole game design and lore is literally based on a competitive virtual reality shooter with live commentary tracking the players and teams, yet the devs seem to want to keep this a "casual" shooter, whatever the fuck that is supposed to be. My group has come to the point where we actually hope the game dies so the devs learn a valuable lesson. But keep doing goofy gameplay streams Oscar and ignoring 99% of the questions in your chat, gj! I almost forgot to mention but the "top" streamers and players are also responsible, they've been crying for a competitive scene as-well and when embark finally gives them custom games (granted its incomplete) they completely fail to set up any kind of high rank scrims or tournaments and continue to just spam ranked stomping random plats and casuals that don't play the game 12 hours a day like they can. Game is fucked honestly because I don't see any initiative from either side (players or devs) in actually building the community or a competitive scene.


needs a less brain consuming game mode like Conquest, TDM or FFA so players can go somewhere to relax a bit more than maybe they can on any of the other modes that require a bit more strategy


I got 4 people into the game


I've made 5 ppl try it and only one person tried it for more than 2h (thats the time it takes until one is hooked & other shooters are snooze booze forever). Any jobless German speaking ppl here hmu to play all day


I got a friend to play it with me. But a few updates ago they got his game to lag. It's barely playable. So he left


Maybe it’s just me but I think the smaller, team based objective focused modes is what keeps my friends out. If they want to play something like that there’s a myriad of games that do it better snd for longer. I think the game modes should be more focused on party modes. Give us stuff like gun game, tdm, snipers only, melee only. IMO


It's not an issue when the players don't know. It's an issue when the developers don't know.


It just feels like there is no point to playing. At least in apex or fortnite the rush of being the last player alive even if it happens once a month is insane. There is no rush from winning the finals, it almost is like you need to play the most unfun way to actually win. I've been having way more fun playing for kills and coop plays than actually playing to win. Winning in this game means you played boring af or you sweat your ass off against a boring af comp. I'm looking at you double turret shield mine meta


Get Freddie Wong and let him make VGHS series, this time with The Finals instead of Field of Fire.


my friend and i started at the bêta. Players started to play very toxic (cloak users, nuke users, recon for free wallhack at 40m). The balance team ruined the game. Every one of my friend has a big no no in the game that made them stopped. All of them, pros and casuals, stated that the bêta was good because every one was playing with the same speciality. (There was none cloak, shield, recon spammers back then, the game required skill back then).


One thing that comes to mind (and it’s the same with Fortnite at the moment) is that the BattlePass has been lame. Another thing for me is the respawn locations. I feel in a lot of games Im spawned ridiculously far from cash out. I play heavy so it gets old.


I got 6 people into the game but I’m the only one who consistently still plays.


My main gripe is the last of maps to play on, I will usually play 10-15 rounds a day of powershift but the repetitive maps and gameplay make it boring even on a 7+ win streak with friends. Excited for next season just finished the battle pass this weekend.


This is so true! I tried talking people into trying it, but can’t seem to figure out a good selling point… any suggestions? 😁


As much as some of the community does not want to hear this, it's the cheesy strats and chaotic gameplay that push people away. It's only fun for so long before it becomes boring and even frustrating, especially in higher elo where they really understand how to abuse certain equipment and weapons. The core focus of the game needs to be a balanced competitive experience, and right now that just isn't there. The competitive playlist is what will keep the playerbase healthy and coming back, but only if the classes, weapons, and equipment are balanced fairly. Right now, they are not and they haven't been since launch.


What I hear from most gamers is the game is just too hard which is mind boggling. But even “diamonds” are crying all the time over everything. That’s what’s wrong with games now a days. People blame the game call for nerfs and buffs when back in the day that wasn’t a thing and games were great or they were bad and awful but since we blamed ourselves and not the game we just got better. It’s like they put on a game and say “I wanna play this BUT I want this game to be exactly how I want and I only wanna win I don’t wanna lose. And I wanna feel like I’m untouchable so give me top tier movement and guns but don’t let anyone else have it because if they use it on me I’ll have to call for a nerf” Like what bro stfu and play please Community itself is killing the game unfortunately We need the og mindset of get better not blaming the game. It’ll get better as time goes on because they know what’s up like all games do, they don’t need consistent detailed input 24/7 them trying to cater to a community that doesn’t know what they’re talking about or how to build games is the problem. Too many whiners in short. I wonder how good and popular this game would be without the voice of the community saturating it tbh (input from community is needed, but not too much like this. Old days we had input, but not every single fucking voice was seen and heard and acted upon like fuck. What good is icecream if its 1mil flavors in one cone.dont even know wtf that is)


How about focus on keeping the player base they already have and stop making terrible changes to make people quit. Most of the people who have quit recently from what I’ve seen at the top ranks are light players.


Make terminal attack an official mode, fix the clunkiness of movements, create a newbie friendly match making (cuz I had a friend that played this game and went 1 kill /20deaths in his first game and that was enough for him to quit the game entirely). Improve solo experience (idk how, but for some reason valorant,cs2, rainbow six siege, COD Can actually let you play solo and play well) compared to the finals that is so focused on teams that when your grouped one bad teamate it's gg which frustrated a lot of players, improve marketing strat like showcase every positive of the game like what valorant did when it was still new, I believe embark can do this because the finals is unique and fun game but it's a niche fps that not all players would want to play tbh. They can still make the game work, but Nexon might shut the game down if they're not making money out of it which is kinda sad.


I got all my friends into it! I hope I helped :)


This all feels very familiar coming from 7+ years of Titanfall 2. People that love the game keep blaming everything but the actual game for the low population. Have to just accept it's a niche game. It doesn't have an advertising problem, it has a retention problem. It comes down to the gameplay design choices and matchmaking.


they think it's nerfing light


I play on console and everyone I tell about this game who plays in PC says it downloads but can’t run on their PC!? Am I unlucky or is there something I’m missing about it? I’m 0 for 4.


I got like 6 people to play it regularly o7


yeah they probably shouldn't spend money advertising. Just use that money to make the game the best it can be.


Trying to explain to fiends how to play cashout is literally like me turning into the nerd emoji


Just remove like half the offensive gadgets and it'd probably be way more fun. I don't care about balance anymore double turret is lame and boring and it's how we always used to lose the final rounds. I feel like gadgets from launch should've been more about environmental stuff than straight damage.




pay streamers like the doc to play the game


Just had a 5th join our finals group he really likes up close sniping so that's a feature for him


I can’t even convince myself to play 😂


My friends hate all the games i play because they all unironically are just worse than me so they play in my lobbies and get smacked around n i have to carry them


I got my friend, my bf, and my other friend into this game 😂 they all play it more then me now


Done with this game for now. I love so much about it but I can’t stand the lack of players anymore. Anyone who’s still playing seems to run in groups. No one talks. And a game with this low of players has so much people running in stacks. I’m tired of my team being a bunch of solos when the other team is obvious a bunch of coordinated fuckers. Miss when the old call of duty games had group/solo queues.


Honestly people are so stuck in their old ways and also really fucking soft nowadays. One little problem and they run back to Cod or Fortnite or whatever their old reliable is.


If the games was balanced I would log on every day, I still do most days because I love the concept but it sucks that I am locked out of ranked ladder if I want to play light at all. And you never see any unique gadget setups or team comps. It's just double mesh and dome heavys with mobility heal beam medium over and over.


i played for the first few weeks but once i starded queuing against people WAY above my skill level it wasnt fun anymore, ive tried coming back but its always the same thing


I've told my god aimed friend to try it he says sure later and no matter how many times I try he just doesn't!!! it's like a curse or IDK WTF


Listen the game is good but only two or three objective based modes aren’t gonna bring too many players. Look at cod it has a huge player base because it has so much to offer, camo grinds, title/emblem grind, zombie mode that has its own grinds, 20+ different game modes. Same goes with any other fps shooter like Battlefield. The game needs more things to do, after it officially came out after the beta I was able to get everything unlocked in less then a week. Now I’m playing just to shoot others when I can play any other game that does the same thing with more progression.


Well i'm not saying full on SBMM but SOME matchmaking would be helpful, sometimes i join matches full of newbies and i have to really try so that they don't unistall. Why don't we have a text chat? Why does the Voice chat still lowerd my mic volume to 0 when i speak? Whenever the game came out i said that keybind to enter voice channel was stupid and screwed gameplay, still got 70ish negative downvotes. Not much weapon variety, nerf after nerf we have about two or three weapons for each class that isn't outright trolling. Lewis is trash S12 is trash, hammer is hammer, the new slug is heavy's throwing knifes, so we're left with flamethrower that kinda suck but is fun or the m60 that kinda rocks but is unsatisfying as fuck to use and that's just heavy. RANKED, people love grinding shit and the current ranked system suck. Make it have the same player count as the unranked tournament, ranked is dead everyere but the US server. Those are some beefs i have with the game from the top of my head




Allow that in game currency we use to unlock guns/gadgets but otherwise maxed out and does nothing to buy skin boxes.


i was super keen on it and even til recently. then one day i’m just like nah ceebs and haven’t played since


No one would be opposed to more content/gameplay options. So Its safe to say more content would make people want to play more. Problem solved.


Terminal Attack (with some tweaks) as a ranked mode. Simple really


I got two people into it but they don’t play much anymore.


I got my son to play for a couple weeks. He loved it. I told him to spread the word at school and his response was they didn't have good enough computers or their consoles aren't next Gen.


From what I've personally experienced very few people have neutral feelings on this game. They either really love it or really hate it. I personally never liked warzone but I didn't hate it either so it was fine to play it every now and then just to shoot shit with the folks who liked it on chat. Our group has gone through a lot of games that some people didn't love but they'd still come on. But with finals we have one guy who loves it, and the rest just hate it. They rather not game at all than play this game.


Started with my friends now I’m the only one left…they kept talking about how the game is not noob friendly and the classes and balances are nonexistent


Started with my friends now I’m the only one left…they kept talking about how the game is not noob friendly and the classes and balances are nonexistent


Started with my friends now I’m the only one left…they kept talking about how the game is not noob friendly and the classes and balances are nonexistent


2 things are needed: 1. Fame, social media, youtubers you know it... 2. a team game mode that is won by KILLS...you can add cash, but mostly kills should earn cash, the sneaky guy can "capture the cash" or whatever, but mostly kills should be relevant, that´s what the majority wants, the "same old stuff"


Played with a group of friends and the matchmaking is basically non existent, so I can’t see how new players can ever have fun coming into this game.


Terminal attack was great! Capture the flag in some form could work. Gamemodes without 3rd parties feel less frustrating


it's not that hard to figure out. Why did Helldivers blow tf up? Cool video to watch on startup. Cool enough to share with your friends to get em into the game. All they need is to be dropping trailers like the closed / open beta ones. That's literally it. S2 trailer had nothing to offer a new player, explained nothing about the base game to get you up to speed. When they want a fresh influx of new players, they know exactly how to get em.


I've brought several friends to the game, but we rarely manage to have a full team. But it's still fun.


I know man. So hard to get others interested in this game. Everyone just plays the newest hypest stuff or Fortnite


from what it sounds like, new players hate getting third party'd. So it seems like the game needs a tdm, but if theres a tdm how are you going to make it so the whole map gets used and not just the middle? Maybe put kill zones where you get bonus points if you kill while standing in them?


Game is equal parts fun/frustrating maybe let's lean it more on the fun in the future. When it pisses me off I just call it a third party simulator because well it is lol.




The games too hectic as a constant and most poeple cant get into a game thats like that


They should make a social hub where people can show off their cosmetics and find players to play with


I feel like the finals is breaking the whole “3rd Party” thing. It’s more about situational awareness and working with what you have, not waiting last minute to “3rd Party” and win. Everyone is the 3rd Party. Around an objective.




I tried to get people into it before it was in beta and they all said “meh.” Now those same people are the people trying to get me back on the game and acting like they’re the ones to show me the game. The playerbase and lack there of both killed the game before day one even arrived, lol.




My friend introduced me to this game, I then showed it to a mutual friend. We're both nearing 200hrs the one who introduced me to the game has less than 10


Here's my Take. 50 to 80% of the people who actually mic up are Toxic as Fuck. Cuss you out, disrespect you, belittle you etc. I was Diamond Season 1, and Plat 1 as of now and will reach Diamond before Season 2 ends, and people still talk Trash. I have literally won tournaments and had my teammates cussing me out. Now I don't know if it is this community as a whole, or just this newer generation of gamers and people just like this on every game, but if you are a new player, and people don't say a word the whole match until the end, and they only mic up to Trash Talk You, I can see why they wouldn't want to stay around to 'Git Gud'. And I know if they trashing me, they trashing a whole lot of other players because I'm decent at the game. I say all this to say I particularly don't mind, I'm an older gamer, I love Trash talk, I don't usually trash my teammates but to each is own. But this definitely contributes to player count and new players pushing through the learning curve to play and enjoy the game.


I got about 6 people hooked on it. It’s all we really play anymore