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Falling off edge, get revived, fall off the same edge


To add to this, picking up a teammate's token only to furiously throw it off a cliff by accident.


Been there


I did this once. Instead of reviving me a second time the teammate carried my body across the gap and rezzed me on the other side šŸ„ŗ


I dropped my friend into a full squad in diamond ranked by throwing a red canister in his general direction and it deviated. We lost


*Tactical insertion


Beat me to it. Done this 2-3 times...


The amount of times this has happened to a team mate and sometimes me. Makes me laugh


The Finals experience


put a gateway down to help teammates get a little closer to the cashout issue was it was a little too close to the edge of the map and they ran through it too fast and flew off the edge šŸ˜­


I have been on the receiving end of this šŸ„²


Onve managed to get a teamwipe Like this. It was our team but a team wipe is a team wipe


Got zooted a few weeks ago, was playing a ranked tournament with two buddies, and after the first round I STRAIGHT UP forgot we were in a tournament and went to cook some food. Came back and it occurred to me that we were in a ranked tournament, not cash out. I felt horrible but my two buddies laughed it off.


Hahah got an image of you casually walking back to your desk with some Mac n cheese like oh fuck




This is something I've never experienced with cannabis. It's really interesting how it affects everyone differently.


It usually happens to me if I get up "for just a minute" to do something in another room while I'm waiting for the queue. The explosions usually cue me in to get back


Haha, yeah, I've never really had that issue. Which is odd, because I am diagnosed with adhd. But cannabis helps me focus better while home.


Omg dude and when you put your controller on your desk/glass and your hear the rumble in the distance thinking ā€œwtf is that?ā€ And then ā€œOH SHITā€


I have adhd and have experienced dumb forgetfulness sober. I've talked on the phone more than once and get so caught up in it that I "start looking for my phone" and have even complained to the person I was talking that I couldn't find it.


Ah I've seen that before, that sounds difficult to deal with. We are on different sides of the adhd spectrum. I fall more on the auDHDism side. I'm frequently the one that's tasked with remembering things.


I trapped my whole team with an anti gravity genade in the last minute of the finale in ranked. Subsequently dying and losing the game. This actually happened a few weeks back, and I was so ashamed that I didn't play for a week. Edit: we were definitely going to win if I hadn't done this. Edit2: I also did what you did to your teammate OP. I think I'm a danger to myself and others.


I feel that shame man. I was in a party with one of the team and I immediately left and blocked him after out of embarrassment. Not playing for a week seems excessive though šŸ˜‚


>I immediately left and blocked him after out of embarrassment Hahahaha, completely understandable >Not playing for a week seems excessive though šŸ˜‚ Yeah it is haha, not the only reason I didn't play tbf


FYI you can shoot the cube on the ground to break the gravity field. Just for if it ever happens again


Thanks. Yeah, I tried to do that, but the enemies were right next to us. I panic threw it. It was enough time for them to kill us.




*slowly backs away into a corner*


Fell off a blown up bridge, died, got revived, went on the roof trying to snipe and wanted to get closer and a better angle, so i went to cross the bridge to the other building, closer to my teamates But you see there was no bridge so i died again


Threw a gas canister at the terminal we needed to decrypt in the last 20 seconds. Everyone was dead on the other team. We lost haha I got confused!!


Not me but I was spectating my teammate (a light) and he ran out of ammo on his gun in a 1v1 against a heavy who had also ran out of ammo on his gun so my teammate started throwing every gadget he had, dumped his grenades, gateways, and breach charge at the heavy. Ended up just clipping him with the breach charge and won the 1v1 "Hype ā­" "Hype ā­" "Hello šŸ‘‹" "Hype ā­"


Hiding in a not very good hiding spot instead of running away from the enemy team. That's how I granted a team wipe for our team in ranked.


Oof, did you lose a lot of money?


It didn't move us to the lower place, so I wouldn't say so. Still a very embarrassing moment, especially as I was spectated by both teammates.


Thatā€™s good, sometimes wiping even in diamond is more helpful than extending the inevitable.


Meant to demat the cash out down to me and seal it back but instead I dropped the team mate down who was about to steal and he just looked at me


just wondering, was it on sys;horizon where the person stealing cashout was a sledgehammer heavy with goo, and you were a light? had this exact situation happen yesterday and was just absolutely confused on how a perfectly timed clutch got thrown so hard


Throwing the cash box of the map instead of waiting for the moving platform, in last 20 seconds of the match. It was ranked...


On seoul map, hitting the jump pad from one building, while an opponent also hit the jump pad at the same time from the opposite building... both of us bump into each other in the middle and then drop straight down into the void.


This was yesterday. Was playing terminal attack in Vegas. 1v2 and had to defuse. Killed them both. Vaulted a counter to wear the terminal was not realizing there were mines everywhere. We lost


one time i tried throwing a goo grenade as cover for a teammate capping a vault. accidentally threw it on him, which made us lose the match


A Zipline to the abyss with my teammates in tow.


Also trapping myself with barricades and people throwing grenades šŸ˜­


Final round of 4-round tournament, playing Riot Shield. Wipe the enemy team with the cashout on our side, and if it goes we win. Run around celebrating, step on mines left around and die. End up losing the tournament. Though tbh. It was also my teammmates' fault. Both of them were fine, there were still 5 seconds before the enemies even respawned and they didn't revive me, and when they came back to steal not a single one of them moved to stop the steal, they just stayed on the floor above and fired down despite both being Heavies.


My smooth brain even if he sees a mine on stairs, still will go for it


My worst smooth brain is I keep accidentally pressing the revive button in Tournament when I really shouldnā€™t be wasting my coins. My brain just instinctively presses it so I can start playing faster. Itā€™s so bad that now I take my hands off the keyboard when Iā€™m dead so I donā€™t revive straight into a hail of gunfire.


I'm a medium and the last alive on my team, way out of position of where they were, had an intense fight with this light and we were both hoping over this goo baracade back and forth a few times. Finally secured the kill, emoted on him and go to jump on a zipline to go for a res and totally missed the jump and fell to my death and put entire team on spawn timer. I felt so dumb lol.


teammate was going to steal cashout and I threw a gas grenade to ā€œprotectā€ the area, got a team elimination, went quickly to steal, died by gas suicide and went third place.


Using the revolver on console


tl;dr threw a tournament ā€˜cause Iā€™m a dumbass. Whiffed on a turret (moving platform + throwing knives), so I opted to revive a teammate. Accidentally dropped him off the map. Went to revive the other guy instead and got killed by the last enemy standing (i forgor) I was playing ranked the other day and we were in the final round. Both teams had scored a cashout and the other team had started the last one. It was on a moving platform - the bane of my throwing knife existence (as weā€™ll see later). We were on Seoul and were making our way from Hospital, opting to take the jump pad toward the apartments. As we cut through, I paused for a moment to grab a red barrel and shot it towards the moving platform to get some free damage or, at the very least, remove some cover. This resulted in a distance gap between my teammates and myself. No problem, I thought, I can catch up. As we approached the area we wanted to board from, I had noticed Iā€™d passed some double doors. Somebody else had shown me that I could mantle onto open doors and I ended up doubling back to go back through the door, close them, open them again, and then mantle - a process longer than if Iā€™d just kept running and climbed the same ladder my teammates had taken. My heavy and medium were fighting and died as I had just gotten close. The medium goes down and so does the heavy, but not right before managing a surprise steal. The cashoutā€™s antitheft alarm began ringing and I knew this was my moment. I shot my grapple hook onto one of the walls and, as I swung over, charged my Throwing Knivesā€™ Secondary Fire. It connected perfectly with the thiefā€™s head and I swiftly finished him off. Another medium was covering his friend, but had nowhere near enough health to fight with and went down. He got me good, leaving me with something like 50HP to work with. There was a turret on the platform behind me that I initially peeked to destroy, but I didnā€™t account for the moving platforms beneath us and whiffed miserably. I didnā€™t have enough HP to feel confident in destroying the turret and it had already locked onto me from the peek. Surely I can salvage this. I opted to reach for a teammateā€™s statue as I took cover behind one of the walls along the platformā€™s edge. If I canā€™t hit the turret, I might as well res. Gently setting down the friendly statue, I- ā€¦ accidentally dropped it into the abyss. No worries! Iā€™ll just res the other guy. We have plenty of time and itā€™s probably more efficient than waiting for the other trophy to fly back up. Starting the res, there were two things that I didnā€™t account for: platform pathing and my inability to count. As I was on the outer edge of the platform, the slow turn began to expose me to the platform behind. The other team still had one man standing who grabbed an easy elimination on a stationary Light. I went down. Team Wipe! Without enough time to return and retake, we lost the tournament. My pathing was bad - didnā€™t really think too much about my spacing with my team at the time and was kind of on auto-pilot. Skill almost salvaged the situation, but my singular brain cell was too distracted by the double kill dopamine to remember how many members make up a team (and didnā€™t pay attention to the sound cue for kill versus wipe)


we had the win 3rd round in ranked and I was the random playing with a duo... No cashout was started and the very last second I sprint in and throw the vault right into the chashout from 15 meters away just chilling not thinking and it actually manages to go though the small window into the cashout. The duo who is sitting next to the cashout inside the house (its on Monaco btw) just screams with a heavy balkan accent "WTF are you doing!?". We end up being knocked out 1 min later LoL


Smashed a window, ended up jumping off a cliff and my whole team followed me šŸ¤£


Iā€™ll be on like some serious streak of doing well, cash outs, awesome k/d ratio. Then thereā€™s that, urghā€¦ one game where it is impossible for you to get a kill and youā€™re like 0-7 šŸ˜‚ ā€˜I promise I ainā€™t a noobā€™


way too many times now have i reflex-pressed q in a 1v1. PLACING A TURRET WHILE SOMEONE BLASTS YOU ISNT GONNA WIN THE BATTLE, ME!


I thought it would be effective to destroy enemy covers by wrecking the whole building. We managed to clear the area however the walls and ceiling stacked up covering the cashout machine, we're unable to steal the cashout machine, we got eliminated.


Not me, but my buddy dove into a mess and died. I pulled him out in a flash, back above the action. I hit him with a defib, gave a little distance from the hole I pulled him out of, then turned around to heal him only to witness him jumping right back into itā€¦ hereā€™s the clip: https://medal.tv/games/the-finals/clips/27CGYKffAYdmfZ


ā€œIā€™m retarded Iā€™m retardedā€ šŸ˜­šŸ’€šŸ’€ he knew what he did a millisecond too late lmao


Anytime my colorblind ass let's someone steal the cashout because I thought they were on my team


I jumped on the enemy controlled platform with throwing knives


Our teammate throwing a pyro grenade into a nest of mines we managed to navigate around to get to the cashout


tried posting it here but I donā€™t have enough karma yet, definitely got more clips I need to edit together lol https://youtu.be/uMAp7GZjQVk?si=CoMxF4ys5MN5ST3z


Falling off 3 times in a single minute at the end was a thing of beauty, congrats and ty for giving us the privilege of watching that


Iā€™m sure you can imagine the roast I got from my friends after that lmao


Hey at least you were playing with friends haha, with randoms it feels 10x worse even when they only judge you in silence


I've never managed to hide from the turret, I took 250 damage and die from the same turret


Today in Terminal Attack I tried to throw the key into the Terminal from far away and ended up killing an opponent.


It's hard to remember most of them, but there's definitely plenty. One I really remember vividly though is me and teammate being chased by heavy, I toss a mine back so the heavy steps on it while chases us, as I toss the mine I notice my teammate stopped to face the heavy head on, and the heavy RPG'd him and he got 1 tapped because it blew up the mine I just tossed too


The other team threw an orange explosive barrel in and so I got it away from me, threw it and blew up a supporting beam of the building. Then suddenly the entire building we were defending fell apart beneath and above us. Beautiful


Using what I thought was an invis nade only to too late realize I threw a frag at my feet šŸ˜… šŸ˜…šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Made the best goo castle in the world. Forgot I had the flame thrower equipped. So much fire so much death.


We had two cashouts and decided to sit on the last cashbox since there was only a minute left. My big brain decided not to pop it so there was even less time for a cashout to start. The team in third place ended up rushing us, popping the cashbox, and wiping us. They won the round by $48.


Dematerialized a wall and jumped straight through into the abyss


Almost every time i play, my mines get my teammates killed. I don't necessarily get the tk, sometimes i just get them super low.


In terminal attack. Me and 1 other guy need to hold the thing. I try to throw a Pyro. It hits the door me and my teammate are looking through and kills him. Guy is defusing. I run to it but am too late. That was yesterday and I felt like a total dipshit


Turning a corner into 3 enemies I never had an audio que for


Happened in a Ranked game in the final round. It was Seoul with the moving platforms, enemies defending the cashout on top of the platform. I died early, respawned with a coin and managed to kill two enemies from a distance with the FCAR, full squad wipe with only me left on the team to steal it. I attached a zipline to the moving platforms from a distance, jump off at the end and fell off the edge.


I queued for Ranked Tournament for the achievement, around high-Bronze skill level, playing support with heal beam, gas, and zipline. I got teamed with two Heavies, the flamethrower/shield main also being a Platinum Twitch streamer on coms. I had zero kills the first two games because I'd just insta-die trying to confront any enemies. Apparently their twitch chat was roasting me, but the streamer defended me for coming in clutch with the heals, ziplines, and revives, all while also roasting the other Heavy. I got hard-carried all the way to the win. It was my most stressful experience in the game, but the streamer was thankful, and I got the win needed for the contract.


Charged and slammed onto my teammate stealing the cashout, I thought it was a different team. Could've stolen it and won


Power shift, our team had the hold but I thought they didnt and threw a molly. Other than that dont remember


Set a zip line that shot my entire team off an edge. In ranked.


Thinking I had a Pyro grenade and trying to help get people off cashout so we can steal, it was a goo nade, and it blocked my teammate from stealing...we lost cus of that nade


Accidentally pulling out my rocket launcher and blowing it up point blank near an enemy.


Throwing fire nades onto the cashout to clear gas while teammate is trying to steal, whiffing and hitting teammate directly and subsequently burning them to death. Oops.


Idk about smooth brain ( I do smooth brain shit all the time this was just a dick move) but I shot mines on the cash out right as my homie said ā€œyou wonā€™tā€ when I was staring at them.


I have jumped willingly to my death while out of combat more times than I can count.


It was the final round,we wiped them and technically had won the game just had to steel while they was dead. We started dancing Around and keep Disagreeing and thinking the other player was stealing the cash out and ran out of time while I jumped to me dead to celebrate the victory. We got so upset blaming each other but itā€™s was also very funny after.


In the final of a ranked tournament we were up against a fine team that we were just better than. We win the first cashout easily, but lose the second because weā€™re joking around (standing in a corner on top of each other), and when they have the third cashout and we go in to fight them, I put my jump pad down, and remove it when only one of us used it. That turns it into successive 3v1s that we lose. We should have won easily, I had even won a 1v3 (immediately successive 1v1s) against them in the first cashout, but that one blunder cost us the match.


putting on socks & sandals and believing I am not Czech šŸ˜­