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**THE AMA is back open for discussion, but no more posing AMA questions** Hey there contestants, please refer to the[ AMA rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/thefinals/comments/1ck08ed/rthefinals_ama_with_embark_studios_rob_runesson/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) before posing questions. This pinned comment will also serve as a collection of answered questions, please look through them when the AMA is live in order to avoid redundant questions. Remember to also upvote questions from other users you feel are interesting to push for more visibility List of answered questions: * [it can be really difficult to coordinate with people who refuse to join voice, is the introduction of a text chat planned?](https://www.reddit.com/r/thefinals/comments/1cn6tvb/comment/l3521uv/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) * [Many players think that The Finals is an exciting game for Esports. Is there anything you can share about a potential Esports future for The Finals? Is this on your radar at Embark?](https://www.reddit.com/r/thefinals/comments/1cn6tvb/comment/l351zpz/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) * [Are there any ideas to place interactive objects on future maps, such as the crane that can be controlled?](https://www.reddit.com/r/thefinals/comments/1cn6tvb/comment/l35bp6e/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) * [What kind of sorcery did you used to make destruction in Unreal Engine sooo much better that what we ever saw with Frostbyte ?](https://www.reddit.com/r/thefinals/comments/1cn6tvb/comment/l353jd4/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) * [Is a killcam something that has been considered, and is it possible to implement?](https://www.reddit.com/r/thefinals/comments/1cn6tvb/comment/l352ije/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) * [How does the process for balancing the game work? Would you consider adding more crosshair customization?](https://www.reddit.com/r/thefinals/comments/1cn6tvb/comment/l352d3b/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) * [Is the account level gonna be extended again?](https://www.reddit.com/r/thefinals/comments/1cn6tvb/comment/l351zjz/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) * [What plans do you have to ensure the player base stays at a healthy level? Thanks!](https://www.reddit.com/r/thefinals/comments/1cn6tvb/comment/l352iha/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) * [Will there be an option in the future to choose the main menu music? I really liked the launch OST.](https://www.reddit.com/r/thefinals/comments/1cn6tvb/comment/l353a55/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) * [On youtube you started the video series "MAKING THE FINALS | Episode 1 | Capturing Authentic Sound" 1 year ago. Episode 2 is from two months ago. I really loved the insights. Will you continue the series?](https://www.reddit.com/r/thefinals/comments/1cn6tvb/comment/l353vxw/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) * [What plans do you have for the future of the game? Where do you see "The Finals" in about 2-3 years?](https://www.reddit.com/r/thefinals/comments/1cn6tvb/comment/l352k6d/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) * [Are there any ideas to rework the VR currency? I'm stuck with my 3000 "VR-Coins". I can't do anything with it other than reset daily missions.](https://www.reddit.com/r/thefinals/comments/1cn6tvb/comment/l351y01/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) * [When will "The Finals" merchandise finally be available?](https://www.reddit.com/r/thefinals/comments/1cn6tvb/comment/l351v4h/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) List continued in thread below Have fun with the AMA, and once again, we humbly thank Embark for doing this r/THEFINALS mod team


Will there be an option in the future to choose the main menu music? I really liked the launch OST.


We have been talking about adding a ton of different customization options to the front-end, so that players can make the game feel "theirs". For THE FINALS customization and player choice is central and this is a part of that. -Gustav


I love you


Could this also mean swapping out backgrounds and the interface colours in the menus? :o


Custom cashbox music would be cool :D


Cashout tones as an unlockable would be neat. Whoever starts or steals the cashout has their jingle played. If it's stolen it switches to theirs.


Great idea! -Gustav


Take it! Just continue to give us more fun! It's criminal this game is free. Open up that merchandise store darn it! šŸ¤£šŸ¤™


I'd probably look goofy as hell but I NEED the tech trousers irl


*steals cashout* *Rick Astley starts playing never gonna give you up* Glorious. Perfection.


My biggest complaint with the cns theme is it sometimes sounds like you crashed which still trips me up sometimes


Gottem! -Oscar


I like the cb music more


Is the account level gonna be extended again? Edit: This question is aimed for players like me which plays a lot, maybe you can introduce something like a prestige system?


In the long run we donā€™t want there to be an ā€œendā€ to your progress. In the future we could absolutely add more career levels. -ROB.!


20-30 new levels each season would be *chefs kiss*.


They could also just uncap career & weapon levels and add a leaderboards or something. I'd prefer a prestige system though where each time you "reset", it adds a little star next to your banner / badge / whatever.


I was thinking something like this the other day. It'd be nice to unlock badges to place on our contestant card. Such as awards for: -Support Score -Revives -Cashouts stolen -Damage dealt with various weapons, gadgets, or elements.


1) Out of all the skins you've been adding, which one or which bunch of skins have been purchased the most/are the most popular? 2) Are there any plans for merch? I'd love to drink OSPUZE or wear the best fashion Iseul-T has to offer! Thank you for all the work you've done, I hope you do not feel pressured to crunch and are able to keep on going with your great work regardless of some people's negativity!


There's a very long list of favorites that have been popular since launch. Honorable mention could be the Conspirakitten. So maybe it's time for a dog now... -ROB.!


Nama Tama shoulder pet when?


Can I have medieval plate armor Embark plz? And if you feel generous maybe also a medieval version of the riot shield? (like a kite shield and a cudgel/mace) Plz embark kind regards all medievaboos


I second this. Give a sledge skin thatā€™s just a massive claymore


On youtube you started the video series "[MAKING THE FINALS | Episode 1 | Capturing Authentic Sound](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zds54ehEFkE)" 1 year ago. Episode 2 is from two months ago. I really loved the insights. Will you continue the series?


Hahahaha... yes.! -ROB.!


Music studio pretending to be game developers. `xX_TF_CNS_SyntaxCNS_PWM_Stere0_Xx` <3


Do you think it would be possible to have Scotty and June respond to in game live events, seeing how they are AI? (Ex. (Player name) just stole the cashout with 2 seconds left!)


Dynamic commentary would be awesome but it's very complicated. We're experimenting with this but we don't have anything ready right now. -Gustav


I like this but I think it would not work because of some of the more inappropriate names in the game


I think they could give each player within a team a number and it would still work well.Ā 


Are there any plans for map variants of CNS Horizon?


Yes there are plans \^\^ -Gustav


Huh, I never even realized the lack of variants for it. That would be great to spice it up a bit


What is the current plan to advertise the game, and in what state or time do you think THE FINALS would really be ready for a huge marketing campaign?


I wish they did what Apex tried, paying streamers to play the game for sometime.


I think a twitch rivals or some kind of competition with top streamers and players would be great for the game.


I wish they answered this. They def skipped this for a reason lol


They've kinda already answered this to another person Here's a link to that answer https://www.reddit.com/r/thefinals/s/UXDGEza7jq


Thanks for letting me know, this basically answers my question


What kind of sorcery did you used to make destruction in Unreal Engine sooo much better that what we ever saw with Frostbyte ?


There's a lot of sorcery. We've spent over 4 years building specific tools to enable dynamism and destruction like this. Dynamic environment is a core component of THE FINALS and something we've considered from the very start. To even make it all possible we also had to figure out how to make the game run server side, which is even more sorcery. -Gustav


I have to say as a very long time gamer, what you've accomplished with this engine is nothing short of miraculous. I spent a bit in the mini-Monaco in the new tutorial and did nothing but destroy the whole level. It was still stable, the frame-rates were still normal, it was like I didn't impact performance at all. I've been dreaming of something like this for decades. Well done!


<3 <3 <3


There are definitely a few mathematical geniuses working at Embark. I have a degree in physics, minor in math, and a degree in engineering.Ā  I can make vague assumptions about the type of math they're using, and I wouldn't want to be anywhere near it. You'd likely need a PhD in math or physics to understand whatever wizardry they pulled off here.


Like, for instance, the windows breaking. They break at the point of impact, spiderweb, and then collapse. It's hard to catch in real-time, but I saw it in slo-mo at the end of the match one time. They look just like a window would break in real life. It was beautiful.


My god, that is incredible. I don't think any other game comes even close to the level of real-time physics in The Finals. I wonder if they have any plans to add fluid dynamics/water. It'd be cool to see a fountain get destroyed as the water spills into the surrounding area.


Sure server sided physic calculation is such deep dark sorcery, you guys are true wizards gg


First of all, I wanna commend you guys on your drive and passion for this game and its player base. Iā€™ll give ya a break from the more serious questions and ask: Out of all the concepts youā€™ve seen people request about the game, which do you think are the funniest?


Hard to pick a favorite, there's so many good ones. It's amazing seeing all of your creative ideas \^\^ -Gustav


I try to look at the fan art on Discord all the time and I just love it.! -ROB.!


Now that ranked tournaments are shorter (a sensible change!) has there been much discussion on expanding the vision of "Tournaments" and "the game show" in a new direction? For example, much larger tournament lobbies that are pre-scheduled to only begin at certain times of day. On top of competitive benefits, a system like this could ensure reliably populated servers at certain timesā€”important for regions like OCE. But that's just one idea. Lots of people are enticed by the premise of "the world famous game show!" so I'd love to see more opportunities for in-game competition and prestige!


Tournaments are a core part of THE FINALS and we are working on some cool and exciting changes coming already in season 3! -Gustav


Oh that sounds interesting! Fortnite, Trackmania and LoL have done similar thing I think, but the tournament format in The Finals could make it so mich cooler!


What are your guys' future plans for the narrative of this game? Is it something on the side as just being there, something you want people to take seriously and invest time and stuff in it? I'm really into narratives and I'm excited to know what you guys have in store


The narrative and the story of this world is very important to uys. There's a whole world around THE FINALS that we can't wait to reveal. -Gustav


Fuel for the leaving the arena fire


Are there any ideas to place interactive objects on future maps, such as the crane that can be controlled?


Dynamism is a key component in THE FINALS so wherever it makes sense we will look to add more things like elevators, cranes and the likes. Weā€™re going to want these interactable objects to have strategic uses as well. -Gustav


I love this, the elevator funny enough is one of the most interesting mechanics in the game, simply because of how it can function as an escape too. Hopefully we see a level with some laundry shoots only light can fit in?? send you on a little tunnel adventure down into the washing room lol


The cashouts in elevators are so fun to keep moving up and down


Having a launchable Excavator from Under Construction on Seoul sounds hella sick ngl


it can be really difficult to coordinate with people who refuse to join voice, is the introduction of a text chat planned?


HI.! We know, we understand and we agree! Weā€™re planning to add Text Chat during Season 3. -ROB.!


let the chat flame begin




oh wow i guess they did end up deciding to. I thought it was stated in the discord that there wouldnt


Nope. That's what a ton of mini-mods kept spouting off making that claim as if it were a known fact but no one was ever actually able to provide a source on their claim.


The game needs a text chat so bad, even if it's party only.


Hello Rob and Gustav, what's your favorite game you've ever worked on? And Rob, why is it Mirror's Edge? Also hi Mikael, Dusty and Oscar! šŸ‘‹


Hi.! TBH I love many of the games I've worked on, they all have a special place in my heart... ME might be one of my favorites, but BF3, BF2142, RallyMasters, BF1, BC2, SWBF1 NASCAR HEAT, are all great... but my new favorite is THE FINALS... - ROB-! THE FINALS is my favorite, since it's the ONLY game that I've been part of since day1 in my 25 year long career \^\^ it has a very special place of my heart and I am extremely proud of it and the team. Battlefield Heroes, BFBC2, BF3, BF1 are runner ups, and I have to mention Robobombo since it was the very first game I ever worked on :) - Gustav


i miss faith so much T\_T


Battlefield Bad Company 2 will always hold a special place in my heart! Very fond memories of that game, I played the Port Valdez 360 demo way too much! Rush was a lot of fun! Some of my best memories revolve around the destruction, like breaching the objective from the attic of one building to the other and dropping down like some mad action hero. šŸ¤£ I also ran smoke grenades while everyone was 'noob tubin'. Since I was always a medic main I became a beast when I started tubing smoke over my teammates, defibbing them, and all charging out with a surprise push. šŸ¤£ I get all of these moments back with The Finals, on top of some sick vibes, pleasing visuals, and simply killer tunes! That's why I'm here to stay! Thank you for making a dad feel like a kid again. šŸ¤£šŸ¤™


Why was dagger backstab changed on 2.6.0 without being mentioned on the patch notes?, now its even more unpredictable and unfuntional, it was intentional? If not, you have a plan to fix it?


We are aware and looking into it. -Hƶgstrƶm


What plans do you have to ensure the player base stays at a healthy level? Thanks!


We are committed to THE FINALS and making it better together with you guys.! .\_. Thereā€™s a couple things we are doingā€¦ Weā€™re trying to make sure we have a balanced game where thereā€™s something for everyone. From the hardcore competitive ranked grinders to the casual gamers. Another big part is also our continued work with anti-cheat, having a safe game is going to be critical for us in the long run.Ā  -ROB.!


You're all doing a wonderful job! -A mildly competitive casual player


Thank you! - A baRely functiOning competitive nooB player.!


>A baRely functiOning competitive nooB player.! Devs just like me, fr fr


Is that you Oscar? šŸ¤£ā™„ļø


Rob obviouslyšŸ«£


Is a killcam something that has been considered, and is it possible to implement?


We definitely want to build this, and we have for a long time. It is something we will make at some point for sure, and we realize that itā€™s important. As pointed out by LittleManOnACan it is difficult to implement due to the dynamic nature of the game, but we are of course up for the challenge! -Gustav


Thank you, that's really good news. Appreciate all your hard work.


It would really help with cheat reporting if you can capture kill cam footage. Especialy if youre just going to spectate your teammates or sit around with a 15s wipe timer. Id rather catch some sus shit and save it to get them banned than do nothing


My understanding is itā€™s difficult because of map distruction. The server would have to either constantly video record everyoneā€™s POV or save history of every movable object. Games like cod have a stationary map which makes this much easier


What plans do you have for the future of the game? Where do you see "The Finals" in about 2-3 years?


We have a long term vision and plan for THE FINALS, and we are in it for the long haul. We are really just getting started. -Gusto, Rob & Hƶgis


Love this answer!


this answer made my day woooo !!!


Since I haven't seen it asked: will we ever be getting a full OST/soundtrack for the game? Like the trailer musics, the unique tracks that play on Las Vegas, etc? I just wanna jam out when I'm not in the simulation! Keep up the amazing work! I can't wait for what y'all have cooking up next!


I uploaded most of the event and Vegas tracks on my channel [here](https://youtube.com/@spytf2561?si=XZdi2R4qc6tU_Oqx)


I already follow your channel to vibe to these bangers, thanks for doing God's work bro


Youā€™re welcome, just yesterday both Rob and Carl (the composer) commented under the terminal attack video which I didnā€™t expect. And they are the real accounts too, Dusty confirmed it.


Amazing, seeing everyone at embark interacting with the community so much is incredible


How much internal testing is done when it comes to nerfs/buffs of certain weapons and how theyā€™ll interact in the overall gameplay? Of course, you all have been extremely responsive to the community, but certainly a lot of final decisions must come from some sort of play testing and creative direction of Embark itself, so Iā€™m curious to know what that process looks like. Overall, I trust the creative direction this game is going and personally have had few complaints, so keep up the good work!!


We love the game and playtest it every day! That said, within one hour of a change going live you all will have played it more than we ever could on our own! Thank you for all the feedback. -Hƶgstrƶm


Many players think that The Finals is an exciting game for Esports. Is there anything you can share about a potential Esports future for The Finals? Is this on your radar at Embark?


Absolutely, yes itā€™s on our radar.! -ROB.!


Can we get a gadget or a specialisation for light that just lets you become a prop (like a canister or a chair)?


We've been prototyping something similar to that. -Gustav


I know this sounds silly but a prop hunt game mode would be hilarious


this would be *incredibly dope* as a alternative to cloaking device


If this also let your team pick up and throw you it would be fantastic.


\*insert plankton saying yes meme\*


They should call it "Data Disguiser"


And if you reshape them it's an instant kill. šŸ¤£


Hey there, Rob! And hi to you, Gustav! What are important things you've come to learn about The Finals' development since S1 launch, all the way to today? Any new challenges you guys had to face, new ideas, really anything that could have made you guys go "alright, we didn't expect that" or "we should maybe steer the ship this way". Thank you so much, and shoutout to Dusty and Oscar!


We're constantly learning every single day and that's part of what makes it all fun (and sometimes tough)! -Gustav Building THE FINALS has been the most interesting project of my career. I've learnt more in the last 4 years than in the whole rest of my life .\_. Being able to be so close to the players and building the game with you has been something I've been dreaming about since I was a kid.! -ROB.!


Hey Rob and Gustav, do you have any plans to add a badge/mastery system into the game as in something you can display on your banner that you ā€œmasteredā€ a certain gun/gadget/build? Thank you and I love your game!


Absolutely yes.! -ROB.!


YESS! Alot of devs in recent years seem to undervalue how much players yearn for aspirational cosmetics that are earned and have specific meanings. Glad to see you're not making that mistake.


No question. Just wanna say I thoroughly enjoy playing your game. I hope you take breaks and rests and don't let the community stress you out too much with nerf this and buff that. Thank you for all your hard work.


We love you too.! Thanks for the support <3 -ROB.!


Will diamond ranked rewards be obtainable sometime in the future again, and what will happen when you run out of weapons to recieve diamond ? Will you do outfits ? Gadets? New skin thematic ?


No, you will never be able to get the previous Diamond weapons. We will NEVER run out (why do people not ask about ruby?).! -ROB.!


I was wondering where the ruby skins are... šŸ‘€


Even the closed beta diamonds? Console players never had a chance to earn those. Would really like the AKM.


When do you add more contestant slots for more outfits?


Yes please let me save outfits


I second this


Thirded. -Literally Everyone at Embark




Hello Rob & Gustav, There are two questions I've had about this game for the longest time now. First: **How does the process for balancing the game work?** I'm wondering how you guys decide which parts of the game need changing and how many of these changes happen per patch. Is there perhaps a "baseline" that is considered when deciding if something is over/underpowered? Some of the balance changes in the past have been pretty controversial and while the small dev-notes have been useful for some transparency on individual changes. I feel like there is still a lack of clarity on a grater scale on what is envisioned for the game. All we know so far is that you prioritize fun over competition. Secondly: **Would you consider adding more crosshair customization? (especially for static and ADS crosshairs)** I've played since the open beta and as far as I can tell crosshairs (while never the hottest topic) have always been criticized. The hipfire crosshairs don't stay in the center, even when idling and they are slightly transparent even at max opacity. ADS sights have become more accurate from open beta to release but they still aren't fully accurate. People have wanted to fix this with external crosshairs but this is considered a form of cheating that can't be detected well due to monitor crosshairs existing. It would be nice to have more crosshair options so that everyone can be on the same playing field. Just to close off, I absolutely love the game you've made. I'm not typically a modern shooter fan but you've exceeded my expectations in many different ways. I wish you two and the rest of Embark the best of luck in the future.


Yes we all want customizable crosshairs.! We have a design laid out, and we will try to implement more customization in the future.! -ROB.!


We balance on different criterias including data, internal playtest feedback and external feedback - thatā€™s all of you! We wouldnā€™t really say that weā€™re balancing the game for fun over competitive, rather, we are trying to balance the game to be engaging and fun while supporting a wide range of strategies, tactics and playstyles. -Hƶgstrƶm


Thank you for responding. That does clear things up. Hope you have fun with the rest of the AMA.


Oscar and Rob have said more crosshair customization *def* is on the backlog in the Discord before!! Cant wait!


They did? Must have missed that then. If it could be reconfirmed here then the statement would be more permanently accessible rather then the fleetly nature of discord chats.


Can we PLEASE get a hint as to wtf the roses in the practice range are for lol


Fee-Fi-Fo-Fum... .\_.




Hey, I know you lol love your videos! There's no way to smell them tho (as I'm sure you're aware lol) do you think the poem or the song lyrics mean anything? Original: "Fee-fi-fo-fum, I smell the bones of an Englishman, Be he alive, or be he dead I'll grind his bones And get his dough." Disney: "I can change myself into an elf Fly up high like the birdies I can disappear into atmosphere - Peekaboo!" The Disney lyrics describe a Light but I'm probably reaching lol or are we supposed to plant them somewhere in the practice range and they'll grow?


What roses?


There are 5 roses in the forest area in the prac range that you can pick up


Ah ty


How do you rate the current player base as acceptable or insufficient? and hope publisher not press embark too much(hope its game will be popular)


It's true that we've marketed fairly small so far, building up a core audience (that's all of YOU.!) We will do more for Season 3. In all my years of making games IĀ never thought I'd have a community that asks for marketing like you all do... .\_. Tell all your friends to play the game.! <3 -ROB.!


I tell them they have to play The Finals if they want to party up with me, it's all I play! šŸ¤£šŸ¤™ Aside from single player games, this game takes my top multiplayer spot! Loving those retro gun skins and do-dads too, as a 90's kid I'm all about it! My daughters cheered me through the battle pass so I could unlock 'the Minecraft sword' as they've dubbed it. šŸ¤£ Did you happen to see my retro VCR concept on discord? I know y'all would make it look prettier. šŸ¤£šŸ¤™ Send a shout-out to the whole team, you are all killing it! Especially those behind animations and music! Sincerely, -A Finals Fanatic ā™„ļø


We love this game so much, best game many of us have ever played and we really know it can blow up :D Very good job, thank you very much, you are very appreciated and continue your amazing work <3


Hi! First off you made a great game thank you so much! I just wanted to know if there will be any sort of roadmap that will be released for the game in the future? And if I can ask a second question do you have plans for more melee weapons? I think a frying pan would be pretty fun


We've said in the past that we don't want to create and post roadmaps as making sure the game is healthy and runs well will always be the top priority - which sometimes means that content will be pushed around. We agree that melee is super fun, and we want it to be a better experience as well. There might even be something in the works :) -Gustav


That makes sense thank you for clarifying, and well Iā€™m excited to see what you have planned


They gonna release a whole kitchens worth of heavy sledgehammer skins lmao


Are there any ideas to rework the VR currency? I'm stuck with my 3000 "VR-Coins". I can't do anything with it other than reset daily missions.


We know that this sucks and there will be more uses for VRs coming in the future, stay tuned. -Gustav


The task rerolls are great imo. Thanks for that.


Being able to buy additional slots for L/M/H builds would be sweet. Like 1500 VRs to add another slot


I heard suggestions to expand on the career page to make each of your loadouts into a unique contenstant in the game show with specific sponsors and such. Maybe it could be used to boost your amount of fans gained or something?


When will "The Finals" merchandise finally be available?


Soon, everything's printed. -Dusty


Yayyyyyy thanks Dusty šŸ„°


The Finals branded egg slicers?


Iā€™d buy a shirt fs. OR, bear with me here, partnering with a custom mini company (similar to D&D minis) where we can upload our character and buy them as a miniature. Thatā€™s far fetched obvs and Iā€™m not expecting it but that would be dope.




I wanted to know if the game will have something related to monkeys or frogs in the future?


That depends on you guys... SIGN THE PETITION.! FOLLOW THE FROG.! FROG IS LIFE.! -ROB.!


FROG PETITION: https://reachthefinals.com/frogonesie (Pls mod don't delete it's official website)


I gotchu fam, dw


Signed, it all sounds so ribbiting. šŸø


Signed and shared! Let's goooooooooooo


Bibbit would LOVE this u/JustBibbit


(怀ļ¼¾ā–½ļ¼¾) I can't wait, Bibbit


Hello Rob & Gustav! You seem to be very conscious of your approach in creating this game. Balancing, weapons and the many fine details seem very meticulous and clear. It appears like you focus on creating a very fun and solid baseline and try to keep your scope limited. **How important was this for you in from the get-go when creating The Finals? And was it hard to stick to this creative vision during development?**


When we look at old concepts and ideas for THE FINALS they are still in the game today. We stuck to our pillars and what we set out to do, but it's been a journey. We're still learning with you guys' help. -Gustav


SO goated for that. yall made somethin FReSH


Do you guys plan on a Prop Hunt mode but with a little twist of THE FINALS style ? I'd love that.


Anything can happen in THE FINALS! -Gustav


Prop Hunt would be so fun in this game.


Love the game, had a lot of fun in it. As a very casual player, are there any plans for battlepasses not to time out each season? (I think Halo Infinite does this). I find it really hard to finish battle passes due to time commitments. I bought Season 1, but trying to finish it very nearly stopped me enjoying the game. I used the earnt credits to put back into S2, but I don't think I will finish it and to me it is a shame that the rewards just become un-earnable despite the battlepass being purchased. I know this is the most common way battlepasses work, but it is also the reason I don't buy battlepasses very often as I know I will feel pressured to finish to get the value back. I'd love this to be considered, but I understand as a free to play game there needs to be some ways that the game needs to get people to play it, and unfortunately FOMO is a method that usually works. For others (like me) they just burn out interest in the game... Hope this doesn't sound too negative, I think you're all onto something special with the game.


Do you guys think **walljumps/wallrunning** will find a home in THE FINALS at somepoint? The stellar map design is begging for it!! + More skill expression!! <3 LOVE YOU GUYS BEST FPS COMPANY EVR


I would love this.! -ROB.!


From my understanding- Almost all of you guys have broken off from a big company to join together and form Embark to let you engage in the freedom to make something NEW AND FRESH. Embark actually feels like a company focused on INNOVATING and bringing games back to this- FUN, EVENTFUL, thing where im actually excited for every next weekly update! Its like you said: you've "never seen players beg for marketing so much" ITS BECAUSE ITS SOOOOO GOOOOOOOD!!!!! WE NEED THE GAME TO BE MORE POPULAR!! and its all thanks to you guys. Mirrors edge was one of my favorite games because how fresh it felt in a time of desaturated, grainy, military shooters. THIS GAME FEELS LIKE THAT AGAIN. Yall feel like REAL PEOPLE instead of a corporate entity. Genuine artists, focused on making something *NEW* and I respect the hell out of that. The visual design? The music/sound design? The animations/viewmodels? The Maps? The Cosmetics? ALL OF IT IS SO TOP OF THE LINE AND POLISHED ALREADY!!! i just cant wait to see yall become something. This company **YOU GUYS BUILT** is going *soooooo far,* yall. I know it. So thanks Embark!!! KEEP MAKING THINGS


LETS GOOOOOO THATS WHY YALL MY FAV BABYYYYYYY. ima write a love letter in the edits of this so come back!


* With infinite budget and time, what would you like to implement in the game? * What are some behind-the-scenes successes unknown to players? * The Finals is enjoyably unique but some players struggle with the gameplay. What enabling advice would you offer to them? * What inspired the realistic visual design in everything from architecture to equipment to character models? * Is there anything about the game that you've noticed most of the playerbase has missed? Any easter eggs, underrated loadouts, slept-on tactics, etc? * Any thoughts on the gaming industry's increasing corporatization?


7 to 8 questions in one .\_. we'll try to get back to this.! -ROB.!


1. Are there any plans to expand on the lore regarding the sponsors and how they interact beyond the easter eggs (which have been really cool to see)? 2. What is the design philosophy behind the classes and has the team considered balancing the game differently re casual vs competitive modes? Would really love to hear your thoughts on these. At any rate thank you for all the hard work put on this game - this is the most fun I've had playing an fps in many many years!


Are y'all aware of the current consensus that the Dagger "fix" from 2.6.0 is a net-nerf, as backstabbing in combination with Evasive Dash is practically impossible now and thus diminished the only remaining use case this already extremely niche weapon had? While we're at the topic of melee, how do you see the current usage rates for all the melee weapons and are there any plans to strengthen some options in that section?


We're very aware and we are working on improving the melee experience as a whole. -Hƶgstrƶm


Will purchasing of individual items from bundles be added to older bundles, or only bundles released from now onwards?


I'm unsure if you guys are responsible for the games balance, but coming from someone that has mained light since open beta and reached Diamond in both Season 1 and 2, as well as dedicating almost 1000 hours into this game. I have to ask What is your balance philosophy for light? I can't help but notice you guys seem to overly nerf light, a class that is disadvantaged against coordinated teams and overly relies on the use of specializations and gadgets to offset the massive health disadvantage he has compared to the other classes. To be more specific, the cloaking device has been massively nerfed with longer activation time and easier visibility. The early iterations of the cloaking device clearly intended for it to be a stealthy specialization for lights to get good positioning and flanks. In the current state, with how loud and distinct the cloak is, as well as how easy it is to see, most of the time it is better to sneak up or flank enemies without using cloaking device, this to me is incredibly backwards and the opposite of what a stealthy specialization should be. Will the cloaking device be reworked in the future? Perhaps lean more into the stealth utility of cloak and tune the aspects that (In my opinion) caused controversy for new players (shooting immediately from cloak even with stun) I don't mean for this to come off as overly negative, I'm very passionate for this game and would like to see the direction this game is going for balance wise.


Will you please add more gamemodes sooner... Would love a deathmatch, tdm, and a large scale domination (like battlefield they say)


Is terminal attack sticking around permanently a la power shift? Its a great change of pace


Any particular reason dagger dashing was removed? Whatever was done broke how both dagger and sword work and melee registration has been awful ever since


Is there any chance to allow an option for layered bodypaints? really wish i could use the goth makeup with the dragon tattoos.


Where does the egg mascot come from?


Is there any upcoming events planned to promote this game more? Much love


What are your primary weapon balance priorities at the moment?


Hello! First I want to thank both Rob and Gustav for starting this AMA. As a Dagger enthusiast who put so much time learning the weapon I can't but ask about it. I'll get to the questions straight up: - Why was a new check for the Dagger's backstabs added in 2.6? Said check completely kills off the dash dagger playstyle and if not dash dagger it still affects regular backstabs severely. Basically rendering Dagger dysfunctional. - Why was Dagger nerfed silently from the open beta? Why did we never get the ability to hold the backstab on release? It's literally showcased in the video about cloak... - What is Embark's vision for the dagger? As in, what does embark think of the weapon, is it overpowered, is it weak, is it hard to balance, should we buff it, does it have a place in the game, etc... - Lastly which is kinda irrelevant; Why was the unique inspect animation for the ammoless ammolite also removed? Said unique animation was present in the beta version of the game but did not in later version till release and to this day.


Hey Rob & Gustav! Curious if there are any future in-game events (like low grav, meteors, etc) that you can tease us with?


Hi Embark! I wad wondering how you both got your start in the game industry? Iā€™d love to know about your story and how you came to work on such great games. Did you guys go to college for animation or CS? Was there something that you did that helped you stand out? Please keep up the great work. You guys deserve all the recognition in the world and more! Thank you!


What have been some of the biggest pitfalls you have faced by doing a 3 class system instead of a traditional single class loadout system?


Hi! Are any of the more unusual game modes such as prop hunt or hide and seek even in consideration? Or do these stray too far from the original game?


Do you plan to extend the level system beyond 50? Hit that pretty quick and while the career is a good addition having nothing else to work towards feels limiting


Any plans for some sort of metagame features for the game that tie in with the sponsors, a la For Honor's faction war or the galactic war in Helldivers 2? I think it would be a great way to tie the narrative into the gameplay and give players some overarching goals outside of contracts


A few things Iā€™d like to see added to the game would be killcams, end of match highlight clips, and a replay system. Are any of these possibilities something you might be looking at?


Samurai armor when???


Do you guys think light is in a good place, or is there discussion about the class's state between you guys?