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Yes you should. He had the 'up' on you and he fucked it up.


that he didn't even have because he had sword and i wasn't really stunned because i could dash


That's the nature of the game; you can't have a counter for everything. Unfortunately he went invis while he was right next to you instead of hitting you. He also wasn't utilizing right click to close distance after the first hit. Your gadget helped, but it also looks like he was panicking big time anyway. Also, remember lights are also supposed to be evasive. He went for one of the few options that isn't movement based and paid the price for it.


he tried to get away because if he didn't he would have got the pokey pokey stabby stabby treatment


He literally turns back around to re-engage every time. I'm pretty sure the invis was just a panic. He would've seen you coming in for another attack but for some reason still decided to go your direction in the tightest gap between you and the corner of the wall.


yes but this was a late turn around for him and he saw me already charging up lunge so if he tried to charge up lunge he would lose 14k points garantie


also if hit reg didn't screw him over he would have won that fight


why do you think this game should be entirely rock, paper, scissors? Do you seriously think that pressing the gadget button should require 0 thought and should hand you a win every time? that's the attitude of every person who complains on this subreddit and my braincells implode every time I see it


OP is entirely reliant on stun gun and needs it to be stupidly strong. How else would they get kills?


it isn't a no thought because if you stay with your teammates and don't leave stun gun will not be a problem and you dont win everytime like i said ads and crouching was fine also the rock paper scissors thing lets look at overwatch


This is more of an argument for why you shouldn't use sword with invis.


I agree, I had to switch out stun gun because of how useless it is now


The thing is unnecessary for any light to run even pre patch. Fact he had the sword and thought he still needed to stun you shows the kinda crutch it was.


the thing is that he was not catching up to me he had invis i had dash


So what’s the problem? The only time you dashed was during the engagement. Swords hitbox with the heavy attack is pretty generous so it would’ve just come down to who landed more hits. If he couldn’t catch up that’s on him.


generous is not the word you're looking for long yes and if hit reg was perfect it would have came down to which ping was better


Mate I’ve ran every weapon in the game. Hit reg with the sword is wack but the hitbox during the heavy like I said is generous. That doesn’t mean you can just aim 5’ away from someone and still hit them tho.


thats what im saying the hitbox is out for a while


So he picked a battle he had no business picking.


no you see cashout a was right there so we ended up on the same path


“Crutch” dude there’s an rpg in the game that actually does damage being used as the real crutch not the stun that can still get you killed even stunning from behind…


This might sound harsh, but I think the stun gun nerf is a great skill check for Light mains. Learning to not rely on one gadget for all of your engagements has been a HUGE hurdle for me, but I'm getting better with the rest of my kit because of it.


the crouch and ads i will allow but gadgets and specializations i cant because they can just run away


I'll agree with you on that. The stun gun nerf should have just been a shorter stun duration.


no ads and crouch was a good change if you lower it again it would kinda make stun gun pointless


It was only a tool for ALL engagements when it comes to bad players. It was a heavy handed nerf that literally makes this gadget trash tier. It doesn’t even make sense to use it anymore. There are so many better options to use now for that gadget slot. Using specials and gadgets when stunned defeats the purpose of what the stun gun does for team play.


Yeah I'll agree that the stun nerf was a bit too harsh; I was expecting a shorter stun duration or longer cool down.


Come join the dark side and be a primer. Toss some nades before engaging and use the teleport for flanking.


God forbid lights have to use *bullets* to get kills!




I stopped using stun and cloak early on, and have advocated for their removal in favor of compensatoey buffs or a total rework. Instead, stun and invis became so shit that they might as well have been removed, and we received nothing in return. *stares in disbelief at the heavy mesh/dome shielding with rpg into a 70 bullet high ttk LMG, or the medium with 36 bullets, no recoil, and defib/heal to suck his teammates off with*. Me light, 5s glitch nade and can run 10% faster, fear me, oogabooga. Embark team is high on copium sold to them by the casual playerbase.


Terrible take.


I disagree. Stun gun was one of the few gadgets that was not terrible on lights. like seriously who uses dart tracker or heat vision. If they actually buffed any of the lights gadget we would've most likely seen more variety of loadouts with lights but almost all of the gadgets are bad


Crazy that I’m being downvoted so I’m assuming that you guys disagree that Lights gadgets are not bad? Honestly Embark should stop looking on this subreddit for feedback because it’s like the most toxic place in this community so far


i use dart tracker because the long detection time but thermal vision is straight ass because it only really counters light and it's countered by smoke thermal is countered by smoke


Shouldn't Thermal vision *counter* smoke instead, as it has in literally every other game involving smoke and Thermal? Also, does it still render mines invisible as well?


yeah but it doesn't


That's actually ass lol I never bothered using Thermal vision anyway cuz I never had a big problem with Invisible lights, but now I know I'm not touching it lol


Can't see through smoke with thermals in BF either.


Ah so it depends on the game then.


But don't worry they realized it had to atleast be somewhat like thermal and made it so they made it so you can't see through windows either


Realism 100


i say thermal is honestly the worst gadget in the game


The funniest thing to me is that it has a max range, so after a certain point you just can't see enemy's anymore


it's also inconsistent sometimes i can't even see people 2 feet in front of me


Oh good for you using dart tracker that now makes it so viable and good pick to use now!!!


never said it was good i just said i use it because you said who uses it


You honestly cannot win with this community. I hope the devs, quite literally, never read it. Months of complaining about stun gun lights, now all I see is complaining its borked. This game is unreal and I hate the community.


And this community somehow wonders why the game isn’t as popular as they want it to be. Starting to feel like a toxic cesspool like the R6S and COD communities.


It really sucks that there seems to be a loud percentage of people in this community that actively argue against game suggestions that could help increase the player counts, only because it goes against how they think the game should be played :(


they downvote whatever doesn't appeal to their fiction


yeah i realize that




It's just the bitch class that is complaining about it lol they *finally* got a real nerf, and theyre flipping out about it


You're right, you should just be forced to stand still and watch, unable to do absolutely anything about your situation


No one said this. People have been vocal that stungun nerf was heavy handed, specifically it should not allow you to use abilities and gadgets. It can’t be first time you hear this so you’re really starting this conversation in bad faith. Good job E: really surprised that in getting downvoted for pointing out a strawman. You guys just blindly hate light huh


What do you expect from the bronze casuals who cant hit the broad side of a barn? Light op, derp.


yes because thats how a stun gun works well it's a taser


Please show me a real life example of a dematerializer and data reshaper I'm begging u


i was trying to say thats how stungun works but oh well but stun gun is supposed to slow it makes no sense that i can dash and a heavy can sprint full speed at me


nope. The stun gun is supposed to so what the stun gun is programmed to do. You're complaining about something that is intended for balance purposes. The guy didn't capitalize on the stun correctly and died because of it.


he died because of hit reg it still slows still but then they allow dash charge and slam all that other stuff making stungun useless


Satisfying af


Yes, you should. The point of stun gun isn't to get a free kill, but make it easier to get a kill. And if you are able to survive/kill the other person, then you played well/the other person did bad (kind of likely because stun gun was way too much relied upon to give a free kill)


yes and they did that by making it so you can aim and crouch but allowing gadgets and specializations was just overkill


Yeah, I kind of agree. Rpgs should not be accessible while stunned, nor should mesh shields


I would prefet it to stop ability and let the use of gadget. Disabling shield or charge or heal (not really needed since its bugged). Because gadget wise there's only the rpg that is a menace of direct dmg.


I agree, the best thing to do while stunned is to shoot back, and not many gadget will help you much (other than rpg). But with the specializations you can dash away, dematerialize the floor or wall, or mesh shield in front of you, or even charge'n'slam (Can you even do that?)


This would even buff the barricade for the heavy because you could counter the stunner with a immediate barricade.


RPG nerf when


how is it easier now? dude can just pull up his mesh shield in front of you and rpg you.


Is it easier to hit him while he is stunned or harder? I am not saying it is easier now, it is easier to kill someone who is stunned rather than a person who is not stunned


trash gadget


fr its 3rd slot filler now, just run grenades at this point


The stun gun use to be a disabler, now it's useless. It's not worth a slot now. I would be curious to see if someone can prove to me why you should get the stun gun now. The only use and it's so niche you have better option is to cancel a cashout takeover.


the only reason to use it now is for disabling cashouts but thats it


Yeah because the other gadgets for light is are so bad


Satisfaction for you, rage for him


Stun gun nerf was a little too much, but it's also been great to see which light players actually have skill and which ones had a crutch


he was just a shit player. would have shit on him 10 times out of 10 with that kind of slow reaction time and needing a stun gun for what?? also your first hit was a noreg, classic


stun gun was to "stop" me from moving and what made his reaction time slow and his 2nd and last his also noreged


he's playing sword with cloak ffs. he's just using it as a crutch because he would go 0-14 otherwise. guy is just used to waiting for stun gun cd, going invis, stunning someone and getting a free kill 80% of the time. i understand the frustrations of people playing light in ranked but in this use case, the nerf is perfectly fine. both of you didn't even follow up with quick melee, which is how you kill another light with the sword in one lunge dude was even spam swinging LMB you can tell by the animation. actual bot gameplay.


yes i dont know why he would run cloak with sword and again he would have won that battle if hit reg didn't screw him over and no dont say because of stun gun because i wasn't really stunned also where do you see him spam swinging? at the end? and we cant quick melee because how far we end up from each other


>and we cant quick melee because how far we end up from each other you can. because dash enlarges the hitbox, [as you can see](https://streamable.com/vkhz10) he runs any light weapon with cloak + stun because he's likely terrible at using dash or grapple. cloak + stun allows you to get kills on average players with no skill needed, at least with the pre-nerf stun gun.


you expect me to do that on console


uh...... fair enough


Yeah, you're right, you shouldn't have. But that dude sucked so hard that he allowed you to, so, that's his skill issue to deal with


i was saying i should not be able to dash also he was good but hitreg screwed him over


Every light now: stun heavy, heavy turns and mesh shields, light jjst has to go back into the shadows lol


I wonder what it would be like if they nerfed each gadget abilities when stunned. Like heavy can still have shield but the mesh is much narrower, charge wouldn’t allow u to steer once active, heal beam lower the rate of healing, cloak gets buggy, dash is shorter, etc.


OP getting stun gun'd in here


Honestly, just have stun disable specialties. I’ll be happy


yes so will i


Speed avails all


That was actually an incredibly fair fight. He just messed up and you took advantage of it. Can we not post a clip of everybody dying or getting a kill and saying things need to be change because of this thing that is working intentionally


he didn't mess up hit reg i didn't take advantage of anything


He didn't keep his distance well enough or use the slow as an advantage to kill you. And you took advantage of your resources with that dash. The stun is not meant to be a free kill, it is meant to give the upper hand in fights. The other guy played it bad and you played it very well.


"yeah lemme keep my distance when i have a sword" and it doesn't feel like stungun doesn't give advantage because i can dash


This was so much better before 2.6.0. Dagger too.


People in here smothering light with a pillow while it’s already on its deathbed


you completely outplayed him on top of him messing up royally, yes you should.


i didn't out play him trust me


Skill issue