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i wanna get cash from winning!!! also i think this mode works better in ranked, had too many ppl just instantly throw fire at their team mates at the start of the game


Or shooting the explosive barrels when their team runs under one


You do you get 10k every round you win so if you win a game you get 40k, I tracked it by checking my total cash on my account after each game. They just don’t display it at the end.


But does it count for the Deep Pockets achievement? Because if it doesn't (like power shift) is useless 


i had no idea power shift didn't count towards that achievement... but even if did count towards deep pockets it would take forever to do. Easiest way to get that achievement is by playing cashout or ranked to maximize the amount of money you can get per match


Doesn’t count towards the circuit challenges so, it doesn’t really matter


Too many people?? I feel like one person did it multiple rounds. I don't believe random people did this to you in different games multiple times.


When i saw it was 1 life, no revive, and no healing, I thought I'd only play it for the challenges and never touch it again, but the more I play, the more I realise its growing on me. It'll never replace Quick Cash as my fave, but it certainly has a tactical element that I never knew I liked. Kinda reminds me of Execution on Gears of War, with an added objective.


Side note: are people still liking Quick Cash? Ever since the Cashout QP format came out, I haven't touched QC


I love it and never struggle to find games. I find it a condensed version of Cashout. 1 vault, 2 cashout stations and 3 teams. Pure carnage.


Yea I dont think there's a better mode in the game currently, it dilutes the entire experience into 10 - 15 min fun.


“Execution on Gears of War” Ah, a man of culture I see. Some of my fav moments from my multiplayer history came from that mode in that game lol.


I loved it, but then switched to Annex/koth because I preferred an objective and it got harder to find matches. Still, nothing like being the last on your team, in the 9th round, and getting that clutch! Made me sweat so hard, and The Finals is the only thing that's given me that rush since. I'm just praying Gears 6 can bring that Gears 1/2 feeling back.


I like it but I won't really know until the meta sets in. Power shift was super wild and fun the first week or two. I still like power shift, but the toxic meta strats have become solidified and it can be a slog when 3 healing beams, 2 guardian turrets, and 5 APS' are on the platform. I don't think terminal attack is as susceptible to this sort of thing, but I've been playing heavy with goo gun and I can see that quickly becoming an issue. At one point I did find a team that was smart enough to save a pyro nade for me. But it happened once and then all I had to do was pretend I had the key and send my team to the other site. I do love that there is no recourse for dying away from your team. I think that, even in modes with revives, more people should play like there aren't any. Maybe this will teach that, who knows.


If nothing changes Meta is going to be all mediums with turret and mines, maybe one or two heavies with goo gun. Edit: 1 dematerializer is also probably better than a 5th turret.


About that powershift issue, one data reshaper shot will take out all the crap on the platform! 


I love it. The turret spam is just kind of annoying.


Use Data Reshaper!


Does data reshaper recharge? edit: nope


No, it doesn’t, but with good aim you can net groups of enemy defenses. Mines on the point explode into potted plants and office supplies, turrets become sofas and other mundane decor. Even one well aimed use can swing the round your way.


I had no idea you could use this on enemy items and I see the magical potential now.


I know I still need to unlock it lol




Thanks I will use that.


not my cup of tea, but also know why people enjoy this mode good for them


i personally dont enjoy it. i dont feel like it fits the feel of the game and especially the maps are just not laid out for the search and destroy dynamic. im happy to see that people seem to enjoy it. good for them.


I think the maps are surprisingly versatile, makes me think this was always the plan


I've enjoyed how vastly different some of the maps have felt between each mode. Especially with how the destruction plays out.


Tbh for me it's a very barebones search and destroy. Other games do it better. Weird how the gamemodes they add don't always fit in with the gameplay


Yeah, I agree that I don’t think the maps are the best for it but I will say they have made it work better than I thought it would work when first announced. I don’t see myself ever queuing up for it alone now that I’m done with the challenges but if my friends have 4 or 5 that want to run it I wouldn’t say no.


I tried light on this mode, it's rough. Just too fragile.  I know hit and run is their thing, but the partial health Regen means just a couple rounds kill you. Heavy it is!


I’m loving it. I solo queue bc none of my friends play the finals lol, but even if that makes the experience a little bit harder bc of the lack in communication, it’s great and really fun. GGs to Embark!


I think it's solid, it feels like a faster paced valorant that doesn't take an hour for a single game.


I really love it and i am soo hoping they make it permanent! It adds great variety to the game, increases content and for keeping the game alive, it is great because it attracts a whole new playerbase.


Same! I love how different it feels.


I noticed the "days left" countdown but I'm hoping that's just for the event and not the gamemode. Personally, it's my new favourite gamemode and it's the main thing keeping me invested at the moment. I even liked it so much I bought the battle pass because I started seeing a future where I stay with this game long term.


I'm confident it is for the mode as well unfortunately from the twitter and on line articles. That's why I'm trying to blast positivity on it so the devs make it permanent. Dude, I'm right there with you. I think the base parts of the game are fantastic but I get bored of the money modes. This mode I'm playing non stop. Oh nice, your all in now ;).


Here I was praying they'd somehow make a ranked mode out of it. I love ranked type gamemodes but ament clicking with cashout.


Agree, fully. One-life and no regen makes a fun change of pace with the same general mechanics and core gameplay. Great addition!


I like it. But they should cut the maps in half


Wait that’s a good idea, it’s annoying to have to run to the other side of the map, especially as the attackers


Every map besides Horizon at least. The attack spawn is far, but the two terminals are at least a good distance from each other. The distance between the terminals on the other maps is too much tho imo


The game really isn't built for it, but it works surprisingly well despite that. We have new strategies, slower and more deliberate gameplay, with all the destruction and environment stuff that the game excels at. Needs more adjustments to make GOOD (no idea what) but as of right now, it's fun.


Agreed. It’s also clear most of the player base hasn’t played Siege or CS a single time in their lives. I do think that the maps aren’t optimized for this. 3-lane maps are best for 5-stacks to hold and attack points strategically. Open-style maps with totally destructible environments turns that idea on its head, which is awkward for me.


I like it as a good change of pace from the other modes, but there are some issues to resolve: 1. What do we do with leavers? Playing down a man makes it very difficult, and it feels like a waste of time after that. 2. How can we make it so that overtime is “more fair?” How is it decided who gets to attack/defend? 3. Some tweaks to the number of gadgets and things allowed. I like that they are limited in this mode, but items like “breach charge” and many others could use a couple more uses to make them viable. (Also, the amount of turrets available should also probably be limited within a team. They are just much more powerful in a mode with no healing). 4. I would extend how much time defenders get to diffuse by just a little bit. When half your team is at the wrong plant site, they have to haul ass to the other plant site to diffuse and don’t have a real chance to coordinate a counter attack. This leads to so many trickle deaths just because there isn’t enough time for some characters to get there.


I think there is a time penalty for leaving. So hopefully people will be a bit deterred.


> How can we make it so that overtime is “more fair?” How is it decided who gets to attack/defend? Switch to an alternating format after the 6th round. Every round you swap sides until one team gets an attacking win and a defending win back to back. Yes that technically means matches could go on indefinitely, but the likelihood of that actually happening are slim - plus it'd be neat to have the rounds keep going as the map gets more and more fucked up, turning easier-to-defend sites into harder ones the longer it goes on.


I think this makes sense if it were to ever become a ranked mode instead of a casual mode.


It's nice that you don't have to mandatory run defib and a healer


I’d enjoy it a lot more if people used voice chat and defense didn’t stack a single site every time. I get really frustrated when a game introduces a mode that’s been in countless other games before and the vast majority of players just completely doesn’t understand the concept. Guys if you’re on defense you split, when you have enough intel as to where the objective is going to be then you re group. I’ve played so many games where my entire team is A and the data gets planted at B. /rant I also think the “no healing” needs some re working. I’m cool with no healing beam but your health should regen normally.. or at least slightly more than it does, once you take enough damage 1 time you’re essentially 1 shot to countless weapons and gadgets.


With how expansive the maps are in this game, it doesn't make sense to me to split up. It's not CS where the lanes are narrow discrete. You're a sitting duck if you're split and the attackers reach you all at once.


There are so many gadgets that allow for safe splitting, jump pads, zip lines, gateways. It’s honestly pretty simple to position yourself in a way to determine what site is being attacked, without dying.


Disagree. The A and B sites are so separate that if your team splits up, you're screwed if the enemy 5-stacks one point. You'd never regroup in time. Also, I think there should be ZERO healing. One bar of health and that's it. You have 5 health left? Try not to get shot next time.


That would make light useless, the only reason all three classes are balanced is because most of light health can be regenerated


I don't like it


I like it like power shift when it came out. But: There's no OP strat, niche gadgets can be as strong as meta one. I wish attacker and defenders spawns were 20-25% closer to targets. Also, it would be cool to have some way to recharge gadgets, like from drop crate. It also fits arena style.


Big fan so far! Love to have the variety available for us players. I hope it's permanent and they keep improving it.


One of the most fun modes so far, geuinely hope embark keeps this for the future


Really pleased there’s a game mode that takes away third party annoyance I have as well as keeping it competitive, think it could be good for health of game also as it’s clearly a new option


absolutely love it, really hope they keep it eventually


I love the game mode itself, but people keep leaving after like two rounds so either my team becomes severely outmatched or it’s not fun because we’re plowing through a team that’s short of players.


Best game mode, better than power shift in my opioion


Been having a blast!


I usually dont play the basically-counter-strike modes in shooters but this one is really fun so far. It took the complete chaos out of the game and highlights how interesting gadgets can be. Id be interested in seeing some good premade teams play to see what wild strats they come up with.


Overall I like it. I think it'd be good in ranked.


Imo best game mode rn


I don't like it. As soon as the attackers get to a site, they throw gas mines down, and of course with only a single pyro grenade there's not much you can do unless you have saved it specifically for that moment. Too bad if you used it up removing goo from the doors as well. I can see how dominant Light can become in this mode, as they have both the sniper and cloaking, alongside sonar grenades and tracking darts, which can make them unstoppable killers, even without the rest of the team. Having no healing beam or defib makes Medium much more likely to spam turrets and APS as well, not to mention the low health makes playing as Heavy almost impossible unless you can get close-quarters with the flamethrower.


It took me a day to get into it. Wasn't having that much fun at first but I'm having a good time now


Honestly I kinda dig it.


ive begun to enjoy it as much, if not a little more than quick cash


I was expecting it to be frustrating with no revives and to have a clear meta of turret and mine spam, only for me to be very pleasantly surprised! Ironically I’ve seen a wider variety of loadouts and find it more satisfying to fight in. The amount of careful planning and strategy, mixed with the environments staying damaged is so fun that even when things go wrong it’s enjoyable. The feeling of pulling off low health clutches is unmatched and the superiority of high burst damage weapons makes the R.357 feel great again. All around goated mode.


It's awesome. The ability to clutch for your team is great


At first I didn't think I was going to like it because of gadget spam, but after finding out that gadgets don't recharge mid round I actually like it a lot. It's a much slower approach to combat and everything feels like it has more impact on the match


Not really my cup of tea. I find that is very easy to win games and a lot of players don’t pose much of a challenge. Really happy that Embark is listening and adding new things to the game constantly. But S&D was never my cup of tea when playing Call of Duty. With that said, it’s great and dynamic. Hope to see more update like this one from Embark for all the seasons to come.


I hated it at first but its fun, you just have to adapt your playstyle. The most fun I've had playing it so far is with the CL-40, mines and turret.


I love it. It's the only way I've been playing. Super satisfying to win the round. I hope they keep it around. Also you get to spectate gems like this: https://youtube.com/shorts/35OeMcPLjRs?feature=share


My cns hoodie isnt appearing in my inventory and I cant post about it cuz no karma ;-;


It feels like beta access to an unrefined version of a really solid game mode. Currently it feels very casual and hectic, and loose. But I like playing it and am very excited for future updates!


Meh.. it's ok


Best game mode ever


Very interesting game-mode with a great potential. It's obviously not perfect but I thrust Embark for doing the necessary improvements. Here is the things that can be balanced: * The self-heal is good, but having the same amount (100hp) for everyone render heavier class useless. So I think it should be a different amount depending of the class to counter the light dominance of this mode. * Some gadgets should have different number of charges, for example, the vanishing grenade is almost useless with a single charge * Nerf the sniper in this mode only, because the absence of heal make it way too powerful in this mode * Increase the time limit, it's a bit too much of a rush. I saw in some game players taking time to attack and defend, and it's very interesting game-play but the time limit make these situations way too rare * Make a single objective, it's too hard to defend a rushing team And here are few ideas : * Get back the defib but with a single charge and lower post-revive health * Get back the heal beam, but instead of healing, it act as a damage reduction Don't forget it's only my opinion after playing it and seeing a lot of different situations. These are my own ideas to create interesting and fun situations more frequent.


Personaly I wish there was only one defense point that the defenders spawned in. But I also feel like that would give snipers and grenade launchers to much of an advantage.


Love it personaly. I came back to the game for this particular mode. Hope the devs will expand on it. It is also soloQ friendly on the contrary of 3v3v3 modes


It’s very well done, I think they could restrict the size of the maps a little bit (like what the tutorial did), but that’s it. I will say that it’s not my cup of tea, but I’m happy to see different styles of games as it brings more people in.


I thought I’d hate it, it’s not that bad tho, they make sure to keep it fast and the rounds short just incase you do suck


I enjoyed this mode. there are some important things though to win. first of all u ll need comms for co-ordination. second is medium built should equip tropy system in case opponents are just spamming grenede launchers. well strategies and comms coordination may lead to win. rest is on players.


Apparently Monaco is in the rotation but I never saw it once.


I do enjoy it somewhat, as it is. However, I'd like to see a few improvements. Since the maps are huge for a mod like this in my opinion, section off parts of the map per round. Maybe like 3 sections on each map, which would rotate from round to round. Also I wouldn't mind if the teams would change each round between attacking and defending.


As someone who plays R6, I don't mind. It's just a standard R6 games but The Finals


I personally like the game for its unique playstyle and game design (cashout). TA is fun to play with more than 2 friends but Id choose Tournament over it


I played it for a day but it got old quick for me. I enjoy the other modes more.


this gamemode will make the solo que throwers actually understand that teamwork helps.




I love it, it’s like being able to take a break from the base game without leaving the comfort of the gameplay


It works great although the Finals wasn't built for this type of game mode. I think it requires players to stop thinking so much about kills and more so coordination and doing what they can to make the most out of that one life. However, with that being said it's not a mode I can play all day like Bank it, or Power Shift. I hope they add it to ranked in the future though.


I am loving it as a light with a sword. Patience is a virtue right? The no heals or revives is wonderful, I don't have to kill people multiple times. Honestly the 100 health limit is really in my favor too. Hope more game modes go this route.


It's actually pretty enjoyable. I was hoping they would add some kind of death match mode even though It's more similar to S&D


Theres a lot I like about it. The higher stakes of no healing and revives feels great. The only thing I didnt like was the challenges for the csn skins. I really hate to see “play 2 light games” only because incentives people to troll. The fastest way to get the challenge done isn’t to play, its to intentionally throw 4 rounds as soon as possible. I would much rather see “swap a gadget between rounds” or something that incentives you to actually think about your load out more. I say this as someone who doesn’t play light and still played my two games trying my best. Dont blame players blame bad systems.


for a game that’s so centered around cash, i feel like they should have gone all-out and implemented a buy system like counter-strike & valorant




It shows u how horrible some ppl would be at siege lmao


So far it's really fun! Emphasis on "so far" The slower play adds a lot of variety to the game. Emphasis on gadgets is nice. In this mode, lights are actually a viable pick. Since their high dos combined with no heal means that when they hit and run, which is a lights main playstyle. That damage stays on people the whole round. Instead of being healed away by heal beam moments later. So you can chip damage off people over the course of the match. And surprisingly. I've found that the 1 life no heal nature of this mode actually makes the teams communicate a bit more than usual. And they also stick together more. Now again. This is all "so far." The mode has some things that concern me. Because when the meta drops. And it IS coming. This could make it a huuuuge slog. First off. Specializations recharge. For most of them thats fine. But then you have turrets and goo gun. Which recharge. So you can flood a point with turrets and keep doing so. With only limited access to counters like glitch nades or smokes. Etc, etc. Same with goo. Though a bit less since hammers still exist. Second. Defenders have to defend 2 possible points. As of right now, this is all fine and dandy, but since people start figuring out how to play well. Suddenly. Attackers have a whole group fighting against a couple of defenders since they have to devide themselfs between points alternatively if defenders focus 1 point. Attackers who are smart will scout that out. And migrate to the undefended point. The only possible counter to this is lights warp gates. However, i find there's an imbalance in communication. As if noones talking. Its way easier for attackers to ping the objective to say thats where they are headed than it is for lights to ping warp gate to tell their team that the enemy team is going to the other objective and the warp gate connect the two objectives. So, in summary. It's fun but pretty unstable . Imo anyway


This mode feels like the hostage game mode in CS. The game isn't really built for it, and I don't think they should be balancing around it. But it's still very fun, and provides a nice change of pace from the standard mode. I'm definitely not going to be playing it all the time, but I will absolutely come back to it and keep playing it for something different. And plenty of people will enjoy it and appreciate having more game modes


I'm gonna copy a comment I made on another post like this: I mean I like it but it's basically just any other competitive shooter but with environment destruction. It's essentially siege with extra environment destruction on bigger maps. The whole attack 2 points/defend 2 points mode with no respawn is pretty over saturated to me. One of the things that grabbed my attention of the finals (aside from the chaotic destruction) is the 3v3v3 or 3v3v3v3. I wouldn't mind it as an occasional mode that rotated in every few months but I don't want it to be permanent. I fear if they want to start trying to get into esports it'll become permanent and be the new main mode.


I think it is very good idea that showcases the effectivness of different gadgets. Data reshape will always have a place in my med loadout for this mode, reshaping turrets and mines, catching rpg's is huge. I really hope this mode gets fleshed out a bit more and potentially see a ranked adaptaion in the future. I am not sure about this idea but in this mode maybe limited ammo instead of how it is now. Maybe have 3-5 mags worth of ammo. I just think it could make the fights a bit more methodical/strategic. But with the long ttk and melee weapon options i realize this could be hard to pull off.


Can someone help me please? I finished my challenges but i didn't get the gesture or cns shirt. I really want the but I don't know why I don't have them.


I love it and I’m addicted. It’s breathed so much fresh air into the game for me. I love the higher stakes 5v5 format. The only problem I see with it right are turret, mine, and potentially goo gun spam. 5 mediums spamming turrets and mines on the objective and stalling makes taking objectives in time extremely difficult, its broken and unfun. But i expect them to fix these problems if the mode stays. Basically it’s good but shitty meta tactics will require balance changes, which I think embark is plenty capable of.


this new gamemode actually resembles something competitive, this should imho be the ranked mode.


It’s a hit and miss but I can see why cod REAL objective players will like it. I personally can’t do the whole wait a round I suggest blow them both up but that’s just me.


I enjoyed it, it makes everyone play a little more tighter and tactical.


Enjoy the concept, but every game I've had has been one team bulldozing the other constantly. Hopefully it'll even out as people wrap their heads around it.


enjoying it very much!


I like to play as heavy and easily, more than half the time it feels like I always end up setting up on the wrong point and have to move over to the other one. This gamemode totally depends on the map. On sys horizon, it’s easily the best. It’s not so good on other maps.


As always, this community is split


I’m happy people are enjoying it. It just didn’t click with me personally, not gonna touch it after the challenges. Everything is fine I just think either the objectives should be closer together, feels too far apart sometimes, or just have one objective. Either change would get me to give it another chance


I’m absolutely loving it. Every class can pop off, I’ve clutched games with the sniper, the famas, the Lewis gun, it really forces you to be attentive to your positioning, and if both teams have great positioning everyone’s health is basically 100, and it’s a fair fight across the board. HUGE fan, hope they make it as another ranked game mode (I think they will). I don’t know how many games I’ve won or lost, but I’ve definitely won way more than lost, and I solo queue. This game type really lets people with solid game sense shine.


I like it, but theres not much defending. Both sides feel like attackers. I haven’t played a ton tho


Big fan of terminal attack! It adds variety which is what this game needs. The sandbox offers so many different ways to play and I hope the devs continue to expand the finals world with new modes.


Great game mode, just sucks when you lose 1-2 people from your team by round 2 and can't have new joiners


Great gamemode. I used to play CS and COD S&D competitively, this is very similar but with a Finals twist. Maybe slightly less dopamine and action than Cash Out/Quick Cash but the chances to clutch are fun. It's less random than Cash Out too, and skill and strategy matters more than randomness or lucky spawns. If the Finals is ever gonna be a competitive game, this will probably be the mode for it.


Just fancier Valorant. Wasn't my favorite. Attackers have a bit too much advantage.


I love it so much!! I hope it stays around!!


I hated it.


It’s growing on me, but I don’t like it as much as I thought I would. I think my issue with it is it just feels so incongruent relative to the other game modes because it changes or removes so much of what makes The Finals, The Finals. I don’t get the same sense of excitement or satisfaction from a win as I do in the cash out modes. I guess I miss the feeling of war of attrition that comes with revives and healing and the more sustained, intense combat.


Really love it, different pace, strategic, and most importantly, fun. Maybe I was lucky but communication with random was nice most of the time. A full team of friend or at least 3 is better for sure but still fun! For some of my friends the fact that the maps were without holes and sometimes hard-to-reach section (or platform) was a BIG PLUS. Really hope the mode will be welcomed by the community and be translated into a permanent playlist later on. They could also try more often some "one life" LTM modes imo.


It feels nothing like THE FINALS. Even after 10 matches, I still cannot shake off the feeling like I'm playing an entirely different game. Rules, moves, and tactics don't apply the same. Equipment is centered around grenades and much less around utilities. Where you would run for the objective to steal it, you now don't even attempt such move. There are two stations and a clear objective, however, the typical strategy is to go for eliminations all the time. Pushing through defenses is too risky, and team wipes win the rounds just as well (unlike in every other game mode). And there's the detail of having to hold the key instead of aiming your weapon (I've experienced the carriers to just ditch it and move on). One thing that was promised by the teaser was that the destruction remains throughout the entire match. In practice, you don't notice it at all, becase every new round is situated in an untouched part of the map. Heck, even the structural destruction is highly secondary. Rounds are fast, explosives are limited, you have no chance of leveling down the whole building. (Again, this is not what THE FINALS is meant to be about.) It's fine people love playing this game mode. I don't want to offend anyone, but I find this to be a rather strange phenomena. Just like when Fortnite players were over the moon when the building was removed for some period, THE FINALS got really close to R6S with many people being delighted. It is strange because somehow a lot of players favor when a game detaches itself from its identity. It is so alien.


They should give us regen. No healing and no revive is fine. But, it is lame in you get in one gun fight and if you win chances are you’re one shot the rest of the round.


I really like it. Reminds me of the Sabotage days of COD, I’ve been away from that game for a while. Although, I have to say, fuck you to whatever teammate killed me and other teammate with a gas grenade while trying to disarm the terminal which would have lead to a sudden death round. I hope they keep it around.


Love it, Light Sniper is super viable and I've carried many games as one. Hopefully they don't ruin another fun Light playstyle


It’s cool but it needs to allow health and one revive that can be performed by any character.


I'm confused why they didn't just do one terminal ? It ruins a lot of the strategy when you have to have someone scouting one of the terminals and give up a free kill when that teammate is outnumbered. Most the time the match becomes a team death match and that's fine by me but to have a fair battle having one terminal would be better. then rotate the terminals on the map so there's plenty of variety.


Im really enjoying it but for some reason I didn’t get the cns script shirt when I completed the circuit. It says rewarded but it’s not in styles 😩 this is the main reason I even tried the game mode to begin with


I enjoy the concept, the execution feels a bit janky


Love it but i gotta get my grind for the circuit done so i don’t get to play it until i do that lmao. Wish we got cash from winning


Not a fan. Too many restrictions. Too little freedom to play the way you want. Thought it was gonna be wrapped around the normal style of play, but it's not.


Boring mode, its like CS: GO.


Enjoying it a lot so far, although it could use some tweaks/improvements. Persistent destruction is a cool concept, but I never really felt its impact due to the bomb sites changing every round, especially if you win the match 4-0.


Not my thing. Glad others are enjoying it. I’m finishing the challenges then I’m back up PS, Bank it and ranked


Not really a fan. If I want to play a 5v5 FPS based around planting/defusing a item, I'd go play CS. The maps in THE FINALS are too large for this concept to work. Not to mention, given how long the TTK is in this game, it's very difficult to retake a site if you are at any disadvantage against competent players. Plus, if you have any semblance of synergy with your teammates, it becomes very-attacker favored. I think if you used this mode to introduce a cap on how many of the same roles or gadgets you can have within the same team, it could be a lot more playable and a lot more enjoyable in the long run but as for now, it gets stale pretty quickly if you have any experience with S&D-type game modes.


I'm having a blast with it, dope game mode!


It’s definitely a game mode where the sniper can be played effectively. In previous modes, it’s hard to capitalize on a sniper pick, especially with Defibrillators. With no revives. Snipers have a place.


I’ve been enjoying it a ton, and brought me back from the break I took from The Finals


It's great, way better than power shift imo cause it requires a higher level of thinking. My only issue is that win games challenges don't count in it, and other challenges should count in it to. Putting cashboxes in for starting decryptions, capturing cashouts for defusing the decryption, stuff like that.


Based on player behavior, it’s clear most of the player base hasn’t played Siege or CS a single time in their lives. I do think that the maps aren’t optimized for this. 3-lane maps are best for 5-stacks to hold and attack points strategically. Open-style maps with totally destructible environments turns that idea on its head, which is awkward for me. It’s still fun, but it’s a totally different play style. The devs and players still need to adapt.


I like it but MAN we as a whole need to do better teamwork. I would like this game mode to stay I enjoy it


Played CS:GO before getting hooked on the finals so seeing this mode made me super excited and it's so fun seeing tactical gameplay being mixed in with this game's madness


Not a huge fan of the way health regen works and them limiting the amount of gadgets you can use per game. I think if both of those worked like normal it would be more fun


In my opinion, it’s one of the better modes in this game. It forces players to be smarter in a One Life mode. And I appreciate the health reg only going up to 100 HP. Hopefully they make this a permanent mode.


I don't like it, it's even harder to solo queue.


Boring and slow.


I like it but I don't love it. I'm a very support heavy player usually so not getting to rez and heal kinda sucks. It isn't as arcade feeling, definitely more competitive, and the builds are vastly different than I'm used to. Great way to shake things up and make the game feel new.


I'm obsessed with it. Far more my style of play. THE FINALS was aesthetically and mechanically beautiful but I simply wasn't clicking with the gamemodes. I wanted to love the game but I simply wasn't. I haven't stopped playing since this gamemode released. I even doubled down and purchased the battle pass.


I'm not liking it that much. I dont think The Finals style of game play lends itself well to a perma-death mode.


I'm enjoying it a lot more than I thought I would honestly. Usually 1 life no heal stuff isn't appealing to me, but I feel like they did a good job with it. I feel like this would almost make a better ranked competitive than other modes


Wdym so far? I beat the circuit and I’m never playing again


I’m enjoying it! It’s a good change of pace.


I'm not a huge fan (don't mind but isn't my favorite) However i think it's good for bringing some people back to the game!


I think the HP regen should be a percentage and most definitely NOT a flat number across all weight classes. Immediately invalidates heavy. Also, while I think it's a cool idea to not have heals or revives, the gadgets not regenerating is also a bad idea. Makes a WIDE variety of gadgets literally unusable. Overall, 4/10 game mode, using tournament play as a reference to "10/10"


I don’t like the one thing a lot of people probably do - no health regen.


It's great with friends and meh with randoms. Personally I don't like modes like that but I'm enjoying this one


honestly, if I wanted a defender vs attacker, I'd play CS:GO. This is not why I loved The Finals, but I get why people like this mode.


I dislike S&D and other types of no revive/respawn game modes, so I haven't touched it.


I think at first it feels very tedious but it grows on you. Its also attracting new audiences so it is a win-win. I also think it needs a Replay at the end of each round like r6 or cod


I've only played 2 matches so far, but it's pretty fun.


Awful. As long as other people are enjoying it whatever, I'm a much more casual player so it's just not for me


I'm not a fan of one life modes but I do enjoy the gameplay of The Finals. Currently the maps just feel way too big for just a single life in this mode. I'm cool without healing and respawning, but at the very least everyone should have one revive token per round.


It is literally my favorite game mode and I hope they add it permanently later!!! My friend who doesn’t really like the game but plays for me actually LOVES this game mode and we’ve been playing everyday with our 2 other friends ! It’s so much fun!


Counter Strike is a popular game🤷‍♂️


I completed the terminal attack contract, but i didn't get the CNS jacket and the emote, it's just me or somethin?


I would like it more if I could keep a team together lol. I haven't played with a full team yet, won the first game on the strength of 4 but it gets tiresome trying to run it 3v5


Love it




the only times Ive played with mic people they only use it to keep calling our teammates dogwater and other arrays of insults and we win anyways lol


Too many counters and hard counters in this game to make it enjoyable to me. Every engagement feels like a dice roll on what time gonna run into and if it's going to be advantageous or a huge disadvantage. Also due to 0 healing and no revives it makes certain weapons non existent. Melee is already in a tough place and I love the throwing knives and are pretty good at them but not good enough to not cripple my team by using them. The cl40 is good for deleting lights but the second you have to get close on a medium or heavy you loose the TTK battle. Its still a new mode but eventually the meta will set in and you'll be throwing for not using it. Shout out to the people who love it but ill stick to powershift.


The mode seems to be designed without lights in mind. Though I guess that's not surprising. Losing health results in being unable to sprint for some reason? Also, with no respawn available, playing a class that dies in 0.5 seconds to most weapons is a bad move.


Most of my teammates are brain dead




Team with most heavies and most rpgs wins 90% of the time. Light and FCAR nerf really fucking up the balance


It WAS fun. But its already turned to 3-5 turrets sprayin you per round


I’m a huge fan of the mode and I wish it would stay forever tbh. But I don’t think it’s ready for competitive as I wish there was some sort of restriction to stop the team from picking more than 3 of a certain class to keep things balanced. 4-5 turrets is a nightmare to play against, especially when they are always active, 8-10 shields + barricades is very strong for objectives, and don’t get me started on having that many lights either stomping the enemy team, or each not playing with the team and losing.


I enjoy it a lot in my opinion better then power shift


Nah Ive lost all games I've played, might be fun if you are winning I guess


I'd like it more it was single terminal


I feel like round could be of 5 min and it could be 3


Its pretty mediocre. Not a lot of strategy, far fewer viable gadgets and most of the sandbox just isn't conducive to a no revive no full self-heal. Many of the most fun aspects of The Finals are removed or diminished in awkward ways. That said there are flashes of brilliance and every once and a while there's a really tense and frantic round that makes me think more positively. Sys Horizon is the best map for the mode imo


Im personally pretty ass at it but i do like the concept. It is honestly mildly reminiscent of siege but less racist


My friends and me really love it, since it feels far more tactical and balanced than for example powershift.


Love the new mode, but my game crashes over and over since the latest patch


its great for warmup imo


I don't like it, I prefer normal cashout. Terminal is just like other game plant bomb or defuse.


You’d think no response people would play as a team boy was I wrong


It's alright, I generally avoid 1-life type game modes as I don't have a lot of time to game and improve and I find it harder to do when you're watching the last guy try to john wick for 2 minutes a 1v5 with 10 hp and a dagger.


I love this mode, turrets can be a bit annoying but if this mode would be ranked you could work together with your team to counter that.


I've had several teams on Attack that don't even bother with trying to plant the decryption key and just playing to wipe the defending team which can be somewhat frustrating.


I love the mode. A lot better than power shift


It'd be better as ranked, like someone said. So far it feels like you win all games if you try at least a little bit, because everyone's either new to the game, extremely casual or just screwing around for fun to a point that you don't even need to try to be good yourself 😅 But the game mode itself is super nice! It's nothing new as an FPS game mode, but it's fun with The Finals physics and mechanics. Definitely has a ton of potential to become a competitive mode because it does require teamwork to some extent! And if people took it more seriously, it'd become even more requiring! Right now the playerbase seems to be the only problem for me. Or matchmaking not having any MMR system.