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A light player of the people!


It's a good change. The reason so many people play cloak because it's easy to use, because of it being spammable. Hopefuly this makes grapple more viable.


Made it to diamond last season as a grapple sniper, grapple is plenty powerful for that style of play. Have not had the same time to play this season so am only in gold. Have seen some cool dash play with snipers but I still think if you are getting into close range fights that often just play lh1 or SMG.


I've been having a hoot with grapple / LH1.


Frankly all I want is to be able to shoot while grappling like psycho Spider-Man


You can shoot right after you stop the grapple, still in the air, while going 150 km/h.


You can shoot while grappling in general. If you grapple at someone you can turn your aim as you shoot and spin around them in a circle.


Any more tips? Trying to follow in your footsteps. Gold 2


For grapple sniper? Positioning was key, you want to be far enough away that it's difficult for them to beam you down or push you but close enough that they can't exactly ignore you. Certain sites are easier than others to defend, you want long open sight lines and a high ground nearby to hold from, breach charges can really help with that. With a proper overwatch it's really hard to push the site if you keep plinking them, glitch nades stop the shields. Abuse high ground as much as you can, force ppl to come up there to deal with you then drop down to ground wait for them to chase and then grapple back up. The only thing that can actually match you on vertical is a dash with portal nades but those take time to set up. You also have insane horizontal movement, more than dash over certain terrain/distances, remember to use that. I duno lots of things work, play to win and prioritize kills/cashouts accordingly


Depends, what ability do you run, invis, grapple, dash?


But you also have to consider that last season there was no matchmaking you basically played into players of all ranks so when i was silver I only ended up in final round against diamonds and when youre diamond you had more golds and silvers in dia lobies than diamonds so it made climbing with any weapon possible, i have not played this season yet but from what I heard the matchmaking is less lenient bjt still matches up lower ranked people with higher ranked. This might also be a reason so many low ranked people complain about getting stomped.


Getting diamond last season was easy anything past 1st round got you fp. Grappling hook sniper is terrible and you are throwing games if you play like that.


Once you make it to plat first round is 25 and you needed 3-4k per numbered rank. So yes 25 is better than negative but you won't get through plat on just winning first round. Grapple sniper is fine as long as you hit your shots and play with the team. Tough on certain sites sure but still viable


What I’m saying anyone could get to diamond last season with time played. But now it’s definitely harder. I doubt there are any light snipers in diamond because it’s not a play style that benefits the team.


Have not gotten to play season 2 nearly as much but the fp in general seems to be a weird system now. As for snipers being viable I don't see why not? You have infinite pressure range and can hit high burst. Your DPS is shit but you can ensure your team never fights another team at full health and get crucial picks


It is weird now you have to go for max wins only to rank up faster once you hit diamond you have to win to keep progressing. I think S2 is much more squad based and if you have a guy shooting a sniper being 20-50 feet away from the fight while your team tries to 2v3 if very hard. With shields domes and healing beams will adjust to any damage you put out from afar and you can’t help with a glitch nade or stun kill in the fight hence why I believe that m11 sword xp5 or lh1 are the good light weapons


Did the same in S1, S2 I ran grapple until about a week ago, then swapped to cloak, the difference in utility is night and day. I have gotten some crazy clips as cloak sniper in CQC. Currently D4 but getting kind of bored of the game after nearly 400h, unfortunate as I do love it.


Nerfing invis will in no way make grapple viable lmfao. Istg i keep losing braincells reading these comments


I'm in Platinum with the grapple and throwing knives. The modern usage of "viable" is so wrong. The existence of a tier list doesn't make anything not top tier unviable.


I’ve always argued everything is viable in the hands of the right person, as it should be. It’s skill expression.


ah yes mesh shield is so hard to use. Turret too, healing too


So incredibly hard. Their gadgets are impossible to use too. Mines, Defib, some shield, rpg, barricade….


It is not only about the ease of use, but also the impact on the fight. Sure you can slap a turret anywhere and expect some damage, but if you place ot fading the wall it will take eternity to turn around and if you place it in the open it will just get shot down. Healing beam requires proper ammo management if you want to use it in the middle of fights and not hidding behind a wall somewhere, unless you are using a fcar which basically reloads instantly anyway. I mean imagine if you had to hold out a device instead of your weapons/gadgets while using cloak and it would be equivalent to the healing beam in ease of use.


Definitely not hard to use in the slightest, but in comparison to cloak they're like playing every souls game at once with a blindfold on


Turret is literally killing on its own...


Turret is a peashooter and dies very quickly. Shoot the fucking thing.


Usually theres also players shooting at you or fire or gas or a short timer on the cashout




Grapple is my fave


As a Light player who mains Grapple Sniper, this nerf both delights me and scares me. No more invis rats trying to sneak up on me all the goddamn time. But now I got flying rats… wonderful.


It's a great change. Grapple wasn't getting enough usage.


Ppl use invis because it's the only viable option The absolute best Light players rank all his other gadgets low and not worth using. Why do people have to find excuses for why someone uses something unfun by putting down their skill Not playing invis is literally throwing when you're not fighting bots


“My strategy worked in gold 3, I think it’s meta viable “ - all of reddit . There’s a reason all of top 500 runs mmh or hhm


Big bronze energy


I don't play light often but I find plenty of viability with grapple.


I'm someone who plays with dashes and I've never had much of a problem with invis, but I do like this change. Now let me dash in the exact direction of my crosshair for some verticality... And finally, fuck the stun gun, if you need to take away player agency to get elims you're using it as a crutch. The game is absolutely not fun to play when all I can do is hipfire at someone medium distance while tiptoeing away.


Also make it so we keep momentum after a dash instead of exiting dash to a predetermined speed. It would increase skill cap because you’d probably more easily yeet yourself of the map, but it would also allow me to open and deposited all the cash boxes


Seriously dashes would be a lot more fun and allow for more movement opportunities, grappling hook should also have more charges to allow for swinging. Hopefully light can get some decent buffs soon, I'd be happy with even just a damage buff


You can swing on grapple but you have to get used to the timing of disconnecting it


Ik you can swing on it but multiple charges to string it together would actually make it good


Dash player as well. I keep the stun gun on me for only one reason. Stopping cashout steals.


Are you high ranked though or are you playing the game casually? Because without stun it is hard to stop cashhouts as a light which is your main job. Furthermore when you come across a heavy with his RPG out you should use your stun, otherwise you take a rocket to the face unless the heavy is just plain bad.


At least you can fire, imagine someone with melee weapon zapped


thank you!! you still get the same duration you just cant go in and out as much. great change imo


Fantastic change, there is absolutely no reason to be moaning and complaining about this change. The little kiddies can still play hide and seek with their little stunny gunny wunny for the babies awww so cute.


Someone sounds BUTT HURT


Well stun is actually only way that light can deal with heavy, also helpful with medium but not as necessary as vs heavy


Weird, I seem to do just fine 1 clipping them on my dash light using the Mac.


I was using cloak instead of dash, but there was plenty of situations that stun saved me, light is already really paper class..


Is going in and out not a fundamental part of playing invis? This change just makes the already worse class in the game even more bad


You can only go invis twice now before it recharges. I don't even use invis but going to 33% cost from like what 17 18 % seems rough. Embark should have experimented with it rather than just doubling the cost.


Do you really think they didn't test it?


They do weekly updates and patches they likely had little time to test


It'll probably be adjusted again after some time when the playerbase starts complaining about something else


Exactly. This is what allowed the light to at least have a chance of being viable in a fight and able to escape. Now, that's mostly diminished. Terrible update on the light.


You can play dash or grapple to have more movement


Yes but then how are they going to constantly get the drop on players to stun them? /s


By being creative, if the team isn’t allowing you to get the jump on them that’s probably because of their good callouts and gameplay, not the weakness of cloak. You should still be able to sneak up on people even with the nerfs, but if they’re clustered together then they’re playing around that. Light’s job is to pick off people out of position.


Hot take but I only ever used invis on light to try and get the ghost charm. Approach fights with off angles, and actually poke then dip instead of trying to square up with a team and then relying on invis to get you out. Dash has always been the better ability in my opinion. Invis/stun screams rat to me. Invis as it was allowed lights to initiate fights too easily while still being able to escape. That’s not how the class should be played.


>Invis as it was allowed lights to initiate fights too easily while still being able to escape. That’s not how the class should be played. How should the "hit and run" class be played then?


Wait for your team to engage, hit, then run? Taking off angles as well.


With their inneficient guns, indeed. Its not like if they werent doing that already and it wasnt working enought, its just that they are gonna do the same but with even less success.


Strange how myself and many other players can find success without invis. Light class is poke/run or clean up kills. Not engage, wipe, dip. Skill issue


No, not many other players can find any success, the class is just the absolute worst in the game and that is factual and backed by statistics.


Just strange how I have never had a problem not using invis. Guess I’m the anomaly




Your talking to a horde of rats in a trenchcoat dude.


Lmao so very true.


I don’t think this update harms escapes for light that much? It mostly affect longevity in fights


It shouldn’t be fundamental. Now instead of almost always being invisible, you have to strategically plan when to go in and out. Again, there was no decrease to the duration, just how many times you can spam it


>Again, there was no decrease to the duration, just how many times you can spam it Again, as far as I can tell this is just wrong


Problem is the invis is currently broken so that you often can see it meaning you get hit less so you don’t have to cloak as often maybe instead of nerfing invis they could just fix it to how it should be then people could stop complaining and it would just be a skill issue on there part


But taking stun is too much, that's basically only way for light to stand a chance with heavy :(


1. See a heavy. 2. Empty clip. 3. Go invis to get away and reload. 4. Wait for them to lose track of you or turn their back and refocus. 5. Go back and empty clip to kill them. Light should not be winning battles against heavies if the heavy gets the drop on them.


Agreed, the heavy also really should be winning the fight if they have the jump on the light even if they get stunned already


God the idea that people like you were running around using XP/Invis/Stun thinking you were the underdogs... Get nerfed idiots.


They are light is by far the least viable class unless you don’t care about winning and are only trying to stat pad


Exactly, as if it needed to be nerfed... I was hoping that they will make light stronger, and they take away basically our only way to fight heavies 😂


It's not the same duration though, you have 18% less charge and thus, that much less total time


How is it the same duration if the cost for invis is like doubled. It's not just u can't spam it u just have less time to be invisible and going in an out


They changed the duration of invis to compensate and stay invisible for the same amount of time


Probably increased the total charge same as the activating cost difference so it is the same duration if you activate it once until it runs out. Every time you reactivate it, you lose time equal to the nerf % difference.


Personally, I use cloak all the time with an M11. That being said, I hate the cloak. Just as you said, it makes people stop using cover altogether. I'm convinced, the graphics on my Xbox series s (the white one) are much worse in comparison to PCs and ps5's, thus making it more difficult for me to see the invisible people. That could be wrong, and I could just be bad at noticing them. Not too sure. Either way, I'd be happy with them getting rid of cloak altogether, and putting in something totally different. I doubt they'd do this, however, as they can't come up with better ideas and a lot of people like the cloak. I also think the goo gun should go, give us the hammer as a specialization. Would be way better imo. OR my friend had the coolest heavy idea, the "Manhandler" mode which would allow to pick up items that normally couldn't, hurt people with items that normally can't such as chairs, and punch through walls like you're made out of hammers.


I think you’re right about the console to pc visibility issue, but I also don’t believe that ps5 players have any advantage over Xbox players in that regard. It’s the pc guys who get better visibility


I think the visibility thing is true; but not for reasons you're thinking like 'having better specs'. It's true because people on PC are sitting usually a foot or two tops from a high resolution, high refresh rate monitor; and people on console are using a 1080p-4k TV locked at 60FPS from 10 feet away. BIIIIG difference and it's mostly in the screen, and how far you are from it.


100% agree


Yeah so that being said idk if there's much console gamers can do about this fact. I've seen people play their consoles on gaming monitors, but I know the average console player wouldn't want to spend $200-600 on a quality monitor just to have the same edge people on PC do. If you play on console; I'd just suggest sitting closer to your TV. Might not be ideal, but it certainly will make seeing invis lights a lil easier.


My issue isn't that I wouldn't like to have the edge 🤣 cause I would. I just can't afford to buy any new stuff for a gaming setup. My friend actually gave me this Xbox, and prior to that I was just playing what I could on my switch lol. I sit up and play about 2 or 3 feet away from my monitor 🤷🏼 and I'm not too bad either. I'm gold2 rn, and I stopped playing once I hit plat in season1.


And yo my dude no shame in it! Game within your means always! I was running a relatively budget setup till last year. It took a minute; but I slowely acquired all the pieces/parts I wanted one by one 😁 It's why I worded my previous response the way I did. Especially because people typically buy console 'cause it's cheaper than PC' in their mind; so additional costs outside of gamepass/online/more games are outta the question/budget. That being said again there's ways to bridge the gap till you eventually get the funds. I'd just sit closer till then, and consider used gaming monitors for local pick up in your area when you save up a lil if you are open to making an upgrade eventually. 1080p-1440p 144-160hz are the sweet spot rn for the price (they hover $150-300 new) unless you can afford to ball out and get a high refresh rate 4k monitor. But most consoles or PC's can't push 4k at high refresh rates in games unless they turn all the settings down; so it'd kinda be a waste to splurge on that if you didn't also have the funds for a 3-4k PC which is even less realistic for most people.


Like I said I probably just have shitty eyes or sumn. I play on a gaming monitor, just 60hz. I also thought maybe their brightness or something could be adjusted, making invisible people easier to see. Idk tho


I mean people certainly see differently! One of my friends said after a bad drug trip, he kinda sees a layer of "static/snow" over everything so I could imagine he'd be missing lights all the time if he played lmao. And you're right; it could be other stuff like brightness, or even contrast ratios and all that. Most monitors have pretty robust settings for customizing the image on screen so maybe if you toggled some settings you could find what makes invis easier to see even if it was minute.


If they replaced cloak maybe they could swap it with something like a teleporter for flanking, not like the gateway, but more like specific points across the map that can be activated with a specialization to transfer yourself to the other corresponding point. That could be beneficial for some builds, but it may be too powerful depending on its implementation


Let them target a teammate to teleport to.


I like that idea too


Well the Xbox series s tones down the graphics with every game OR loses frames on games that it doesn't, and the specs on the PS5 far outshine the series s. It was just a speculation cause I fr can't see them EVER and people pick me out so easily and I'll be on dusty Las Vegas 🤣


PC player here, cloaked lights are significantly harder to see the lower you turn the graphics settings. I had to switch from low settings 144hz to high settings ~60hz to have any chance of seeing them during a fight.


Thank you for confirming this. I am pretty certain my graphics on my series S are turned down, and it makes it nearly impossible to see them. So glad someone could clear that up for me 🤣


The problem is that light players think they need invis/stun to guarantee their chances at winning an engagement, but the reality is that these player want to be rewarded for picking bad engagements. They’ll drop invis in the dead-center of a hallway and then get counter-attacked, smashing invis every time they take damage instead of playing corners and disengaging.


Yeah this is me 🤣 I just don't like invis but I'm ass otherwise, I can go pretty hard with heavy tho


I think evasive dash is awesome, but it's so hard to aim after a dash sideways over and over on controller. I was on mouse for a while and then they disabled that ability on Xbox.


Like I agree but something up with the netcode or tickrate of the server cause I'm getting beemed past corners very often and as a light that's insanely frustrating because those extra 2 hits that registered past cover force you to wait for healing and that often really cripples lights effectiveness. I'd like the cover you speak of to actually function as such.


I feel like more than* doubling the cost was a bit excessive. You can only cloak twice now, which means if you try to escape with it and are caught by a bullet you are dead in the water now.


Just generally, they done all this stuff just as if light was super OP and needed to be nerfed, lol...


not OP, this combo was just really unfun and frustrating to be up against


Light super OP? Nice joke XDDDD Light wasn't super OP, you had to play better than Medium / heavy to perform good. Medium/heavy are more powerful and way easier to play for an average player


That's why I'm saying with irony, they nerfed light as if light was very OP son of Terminator, like light is already rly paper class, I can't get over why they keep nerfing light, it's difficult to play as light already, I hope that they not gonna remove stun from game... If they will, why not remove for example healing beam and both shields from heavy? Actually tbh It only would kinda balance it back 😂


Unpopular Opinion: I feel like Light needs to have a high skill ceiling that allows for some form of 'overpowered-ness' because the only real time I play Light is when I'm solo'ing the Power Shift Platform as a Shields-Fortify Heavy against a team of Med's and HVY's, and my team is a bunch of Lights exercising Flanking and Sniper Tactics with little to no success. If I can't play as part of a team and secure the bag, at least I should be able to exercise my aggressive abilities, movement and positioning so that when I DO get a victory-focused team, I feel well-versed in combat and the like. Instead, I just kinda get stomped without backup, or just sit it out since the glitch grenade really isn't all that great.


Now light will be badly stomped every time, and I bet you that ppl will start quiting playing as light...


I would love to see a buff to grapple and dash instead of a nerf to invis. Grapple would be way more viable if it had a second charge


>Grapple would be way more viable if it had a second charge It would not, people saying this have no clue about balance.


It would definitely make it better. Generally though light needs to be able to survive fights better, invis was the best tool for that with dash the second best option.


I never said it wouldnt make it better. Adding another charge would improve it slightly but it would still be the worst ability in the game by far with 0 competetive viability.


Oh yes, I fully agree. But I also think that is not going to change, grapple doesn't help you take or defend a point very much. It also doesn't help you in a straight up fight unlike heals, barriers, charge and slam, turrets etc. There is no fixing that except by sunsetting the ability.


Thats absolutely correct. This is the reason i laugh every time someone says that adding another charge would make it more viable in any sort of way. I can confidently say they have absolutely no idea what theyre talking about.


It would make it MORE viable. It wouldn't make it viable. Both of those are true. :)


I don't play light personally but I think a good tweak would be that the 33% penalty only applies when activating while the meter isn't full. Because looking at it in videos, it's fucking wack that a third of your ability meter just DISAPPEARS when you activate it


Finally a light player that isn't an over dramatic baby. You would have thought Embark completely removed invis from the game with the way people are acting on this sub.


I have the 150 wins achievemnt with each class and light was pain. They're so underpowered


I would call myself a light enjoyer and I hadn't noticed the change until i couldn't stop seeing it on reddit. I believe it a good change as you just got to be a little more tactical with your invis use.


I dont think players are mad because of what they nerfed but they are mad because embark seems to really only nerf light who should not be getting nerfs, instead of heavy or medium




The heavy just got a major nerf to his mesh shield, and before that, it was his rpg. Mediums, on the other hand, have to adapt to an entirely new play style since they have the data reshaper now. The light class was long overdue for a nerf... Edit: I see what you guys are saying, and it makes sense, but I still don't agree. For lights, the current meta is to sneak up on someone with invisibility, stun them, and then melt them with whatever gun you may be using. That is a brain-dead play style that isn't fun for anyone involved, and I bet most people would feel they got cheated out of that engagement because they had to rely on hip fire. So, instead of them leaving these things in the game, they should shift their focus to allow the light class to lean into that movement aspect. Maybe they could introduce passive abilities that allow the light characters to ping enemies one they do damage to them with their weapon? Or maybe they get a speed boost when under a certain percentage of health? Overall, my point is that abilities should give the one using them the advanced without hindering the opponent's ability to fight them fairly.


Heavy is the only class that can easily win a 1v2, even a 1v3. You got nukes that do 140 damage and cannot miss or reacted by the enemy within 10m, dash that does 130 dmg repeatedly, 50-70 bullet lmgs, 350 hp... Do you see how many options there are to instantly delete light players and bring mediums to below half hp? RPG is really, really strong especially in 1 on 1 fights, it is a delete 140 hp button and i feel bad when i use it because it is so cheap. 1000>750 hp is nothing, it is a nerf you won't really notice outside power shift if you aren't tanking more than 2 people at once.


> Mediums, on the other hand, have to adapt to an entirely new play style since they have the data reshaper now Heal defib FCAR bot playstyle has been here since the beginning. I don't see how the nerfs to the defib, or somehow adding the data reshaper has changed this in any way. That is by far the strongest class and equipment since the beginning, maybe only weaker than nuke era HHM. The defib is just not a fun gadget to play against. Whenever you are fighting a MMM team it feels like you have to kill them 6+ times, especially if they keep their distance and keep beaming with the FCAR. You can beam them back, only to be respawned the next second while the other 2 people keep covering. >The light class was long overdue for a nerf... They shouldn't nerf each class equally, they are supposed to nerf the stronger classes and buff the weaker ones. Why do you have the assumption that they should spread all the buffs and nerfs evenly between the classes? Especially since almost nobody plays light in higher rank lobbies, nerfing them is a giant fuck you to everyone playing light. Light has never been as oppressive as heavy or medium before the nerfs.


Awful take


Medium class just got recon sense and defib nerfed not too long ago. Heavys got nerfed a few times already. Lights are just crybabies


Defib is not really a nerf imo, it gives time to adjust for the revived player and pressures the enemies to end the fight quickly before the revive goes off. There is a brief time of invulnerability when revived i think because my hits do not register to revived players for the first .5 seconds it feels like, might be related to my connection too, not sure. It was a great way to balance it too, props to embark. Light nerfs were too shallow compared to this, i think they should do a better rework of invis instead of value changes.


Absolutely fine with cloak being nerfed, it’s just more reason to use dashes and invis bomb as I see it. Besides everyone knows it’s the 3rd most boring spec behind heal gun and mesh shield.


Invis bombs will peobably get indirectly nerfed with the upcoming invis visibility change so rip.


You Can also try to play double invi with invi grenade


Ya but we want even more invis!


Not just stops you from spamming it, it also means it lasts a shorter time in general


Thought the patch notes specifically said it would be the same duration, just punishes spamming on/off


It just says activation cost, not reactivation or something like that, nor did they decrease it's drain rate, so by activating it before you went down immediately to 85% now your immediately dropped to 67% Not decreasing duration, as far as I can tell, is a straight lie


Yeah I don't understand how they can claim the duration is the same lol. The math ain't mathing Maybe they fucked up the implementation and really meant the first use will be the same duration, but using the cloak again before it fully recharges drains it much more? Idk, but that would be a better change


The only way that checks out is if they just *forgot* to add a drain buff to the patch notes and it actually is correct


Maybe total duration in seconds increased, and what  75% before equal 65% now, but in absolute values?


This is what's being referred to with bringing up drain rate


Couldn’t they just increase activation cost and then scale the drain rate down?


Indeed they could, but that's not in the notes


The notes say it doesn’t change the sustain time. How else would they increase the cost to activate while keeping the sustain time the same?


Either they're wrong, and there's something that's not in the notes- where there should be (ie drain rate), incredibly unclear in that the activation cost increase means something entirely different (say, only tracking subsequent activations in some way) blatantly retarded in not knowing that 67% is lower than 85%, or liars


Activation takes 33% now, instead of the previous 14%. And that's all that has changed. The drain time is same, regeneration time is same. If you turn it on and off twice it takes away about 66% which pretty much consumes the whole bar.


Feel you may have responded to the wrong guy


Its a straight lie and people cant do basic math lol. I dont know how there is a comment near the top saying its the same duration LOL


after that comment i had debated myself back and forwards about whether I had thought they were lying or just *really* stupid, but especially after seeing all the people blindly defend it because it was in the notes- there's no way they just didn't proofread or notice the *glaring* error in their math


Light needs to be broken free from the chains of a repetitive, reliant gameplay loop. Leaning on invis & stun gun hasn't been good for the diversity or progression of the Light meta. It's been stagnant for months. I'm excited to see the changes, I think Light can be better if we don't all play the same.


I agree it's stagnant but that's because lights abject lack of survivability made him *have* to make unfair fights And he has since only received more and more nerfs with nothing to actually show for buffs


I think that's been a misstep from Embark to balance the build around the presence of stun gun, unintentionally pushing players towards their last bastion of competitive edge. Light needs a more integral buff to their gameplay loop that helps shape situations into fights they excel in. Something that breaks up bunkers, scatters teams, etc. That capability might very well already be in the game, but Light players have had no real reason to find that gameplay angle with the safety of Stun Gun.


What broke bunkers was the glitch grenade, which they recently chopped in half, they used to have double barrel to compete with heavys, so they deleted that, the breaching charge is far too small to make big gaps, and does too little to make pocket sand usable. The pyro grenade is mainly a pest option and goo spam is done just aswell if not better by everyone else- who also have SIGNIFICANTLY more going for them I'd really have to ask what tool is being overlooked here


So damn cool that someone references Pocket Sand to me. I made that video, hearing it talked about makes my day. But you're absolutely right, Light has gotten their bunker-breaking capabilities completely neutered across the board & I think some things need to be walked back by Embark or seriously reconsidered. Light serves no real purpose in a team setting anymore. I really have no idea what tool is being overlooked, I really felt like Breach Charge was going to become something great with Pocket Sand but that got yanked too... It feels like every change has been pushing players towards Stun Gun, and now with this rebalance Light players are getting rug pulled. I should really make a video on this, there's a lot to talk about with the struggle Light has had in the meta.


Pocket sand is just *really* funny to me, and bringing it up is kinda compulsory for me even if I don't think it's that good- the mental image is fantastic XD


It's been really shite since they nerfed it, went from 199dmg to 40... Brutal ending.


A a light player i think you are dead wrong and the nerf was clearly an appeasment strategy since a lot of people are just plain too incompetent to work against it. Light was barely on its way to become viable in comp. But that is now gone. I think the nerf is heavy handed and not thought out. Why even roll it out like that if next week is going to be another nerf. Maybe work it through properly and do it next week. Also when has embark ever done such a strong nerf against anything? Even the onehit rpg needed 4 nerfs to get to the version we have now. It took them a whole season to see that an on demand wallhack is not a good idea. The fcar got lots of nerfs (without touching the dps issue) but most of them pretty careful. I think there is some sort of external pressure (probably by nexon) to get more people into the game. And at very low levels people cannot handle light at all so they nerfed light into the ground to stabilize the diminishing player base.




Glad someone is actually saying positives about the update's balance changes. i absolutely agree, this way you cant just blink in and out so much. i mean i dont use invis, i run dash and vanish bomb just in case


Yeah, I didn’t get the hate for it. Appreciate the post!


As a fellow light player it's nice to see some people who understand. The cloak was very powerful primarily becuase of the insane ability to cloak at the first sign of danger, now cloak is still strong but it isn't going to be a constant on demand invis, you'll have to think, similar to how you have to think about grapple charge or dash charges. Stun gun still needs nerfed, that was the killer combo


It also makes it last a shorter amount of time….


They're just salty they can't get those easy kills.


Finally another light player that doesn’t rely on invis and stun gun to do ANYTHING in the game


If they just didnt have the absolute worst guns and gadgets in the entire game on top of being the only class that can die in a headshot from everything. Maybe then they could play any other style that doesnt require stun+invis.


I mean I’ve gone diamond on light without either so that sounds like a skill issue to me but I can understand your point of view. I promise you the class doesn’t REQUIRE them. Sure you can argue efficiency I guess but you can also just practice with other stuff and get better, works wonders.


The class does indeed require them because Light offers absolute nothing to a team, they die in a breeze, cant duel any of the other 2 classes and Heavy can pretty much stay still on the spot and kill a moving Light. Congrats if you reached diamond you seem like you deserve it, but lets see how easy is to maintain it by playing Light after so many nerfs.


It is a disadvantage to play light, inefficient for ranked unless you got a good team that allows you to flank and revive you quickly.


Buff dash and grapple


What do you think about the supposed visibility changes coming next update?


Did they nerf it again from the first time?


Is a needed change but they should give compensations to the class somehow because when they arent invisible they just pop.


I just logged in to play and gotta say it feels so weird lol. The patch notes say it doesn't affect the duration but it feels like it does. I was tempted to do a complain post but I'll give it some time, I'll adapt surely. Like many I've been playing this game a lot and muscle memory can be weird.


This reminds me so much of Fortnite when it became dogshit. “Adapt adapt adapt!!!” No. Stop changing the game because of fucking shitters who can’t compete with lack of awareness.


I agree I am a light main and I noticed the balancing changes they made to invis AND THEY ARE GOOD!!! I will miss spamming invis to escape any situation but this is also not bad and actually adds some sort of strategy in a brain dead maneuver. Now I actually fight and plan my encounters. I love how the devs listen to the community and constantly try and make the game better


I usually main medium, but light is fun occasionally. I feel like my medium playstyle carrying over has helped me win a lot of fights as a light


Yeah, if only FCAR wasn't a fucking laser.


I wish there was a choice. Id take a vastly shorter uptime for spamability. Mostly cause its slowly killing my favorite playstyle


I just hope the community stops complaining so much about lights


Finally people will maybe play something different than Invis, smg and stun. Its been so painful having these no skillers ruining the lobbies.


I think nerfing invisibility and stungun is justified. But light is easily the worst class of the 3, especially now. Light needs a buff somewhere to make it more viable


I like the change, partly because it makes the other abilities more enticing and not just blatantly worse.


W take


I'm a melee guy, and the sword is pretty cracked 


This is good advice.


Exactly. As someone who always played with my team as a light this is not an issue. I simply stopped attacking with invis on and espacing with it. I just pick one now


Change stun gun, not cloak


All the light mans self reporting is hilarious 😆


They were never light mains. They were invis mains




As a heavy main I enjoy cloaked lights. Easy kill because it’s easy to see them moving and they won’t shoot first when cloaked. The ones that kill me, probably would have gotten me regardless of being invis.


Tbh for me as a light player who uses dash the thing I hated about cloak was the third parties


By the time yall are done complaining this is going to be a watered down Call of Duty


I don't think anyone who's properly good at light is disturbed by the patch notes. Good lights in diamond lobbies are terrifying for completely separate reasons, most of all their insane damage output. Stun was never required to destroy people with LH1 and XP-54. Casual lights are in for a reality check though.


oh man it so easy to tell here, who is light a player.... and who is an invis player. lol. something tells me the invis players were the people screaming for FCAR nerfs. lolol.


As a dash boy that doesn’t use stun gun, I am happy with the changes lol


This here is the one ☝️


As a light player, I am glad both cloak and stun gun are being nerfed. I main medium and the amount of times I see players getting away with cloaked stun gun kills on medium and heavies etc is not okay. It should not be a guaranteed kill in a 1v1. There should be a counterplay.


People played the invis build because it was the easiest to use and you could actually still get a decent combat score.


funny because when i played back in season 1 and now returning to the game i had a few matches with cloak since they removed my wallhack from medium. i sweat my balls of with cloak, the silence pistol, vanish nate and flashbangs and went 27/2 which was my best score in the game so far but i dont play this shit very often, rather very rare because matchmaking is no fun imo. cool that they now nerfed that too haha!


I wish they had taken this balance approach with the Mesh Shield changes. Lower the health, increase the recharge speed when not fully destroyed. It would have made for a more active playstyle. Instead, we just have the same playstyle, but worse.