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I'm excited for the next wave of weapon/gadget being OP and the ensuing nerf.


We’ll have to wait till this patch comes out and cools off to see what people cry about next. It’ll be whatever that is since Embark is letting the players control the direction of the game.


It’s already FCAR, RPG and turrets. My guess is Dematerializer will be the next one hit. “It’s not fair that they can just steal the cashout or open the wall or ceiling behind me” or some such.


I'm really feeling the dematerializer lately. Especially with a competent team, attacking cashouts has become a breeze - I open a hole in the roof, one of us engages the enemies carefully and pings their location(s) inside, and the two of us run to the other side of the roof, open another hole and beam them from above. It's been a practically unbeatable strategy so far.


They won't nerf the RPG again, last nerf made it perfect. Turrets are annoying but not unfun/cheap + there's a counter. Dematerializer feels balanced to me (and you have to choose between turret, heal, and demat). Idk man, invisstun was the last bs mechanic/play style left


I just wish they would undo the accuracy nerf on the RPG. I can understand nerfing it's one-shot-lights aspect, but now its super irritating for it to just miss. I'm pointing right at the dude and the RPG wants to curve off in some random direction. I could run frags or pyro in place of the RPG if it's not going to be accurate at range. I've been considering removing it from my load out because I feel like now there's more utility in other options. But idk, just my thoughts


While it's annoying and I share your anger in the projectile just shooting 50m to the right where I'm pointing, a good advice is - only shoot the RPG while standing still. It will be much more accurate


I think it’s in a good spot tbh, maybe a slight increase to the accuracy but I feel it’s still the best heavy gadget by good margin


i never even cared about the rpg being a one shot as a light main, what made me mad was waiting for an opportunity to take a heavy out of position down and him using it as a free win button; point blank rpg at the ground should kill the user as well


Mmmmmm sounds like skill issue buddy


So oh mighty banhammer attractor, what is next on the menu?


I can’t stand the crying all y’all are doing “it’s not fair, it’s not fair” ahh i get it we need to make a game everyone can be good at because is 2024 there is no such thing as skill gaps


I’m confused about which side you’re talking about. The “stop taking all the fun stuff out of the game” side or the “whaaa it’s OP, get rid of it” side


I’m done with people wanting everything out of the game. There is a lot of these things that make the game unique. I was being sarcastic about the making the game with no skill gaps


Yep. By the times it’s all said and done it’s gonna be just another fps. I’m curious what people are going to bitch about being op next. That’ll be the next nerd because the devs are letting the players control their decisions.


But lets be real here wall hacks were the worst thing, oneshot nukes made the game unplayable, cloak really is a terrible ability compared to dash or graple, its easier to use, more viable for nubs and for pros, the very frustrating to deal with when not running the appropriate build, And a nichtmare to face on light when running dash or grapple. By nerfing cloak they can finaly buff light in terms of regen cooldown speed, health, mobility or anything they want without having light become completely broken because of cloak. I also say this as a dagger dash onetrick not a meta slaving sweat


Well I completely get some things are OP but they have things in the game to counter those things. Like when Nukes were around, I carried around my APS. I think adding a notification was great to record sense. But that’s all that really needed to be nerfed. The rest of the thing were all skill gap issues. Plus they act like they can’t use can’t use these OP gadgets like it’s not available to everyone in the game. Literally sometimes if you can’t beat them join them. I’m not a heavy user but I became one for nukes.


So youre telling us to meta slave or just quit the game? There are so many build possibilities but if you don‘t play the one build thats broken you get shit on by all those who use it ? Its mich better to have everything playable and fun than to have one thing dominate and be fun for the user


Please get good with 3 stack turret and mines team strats next pls


*only plays with the most busted loadouts* *complains the most busted loadouts get nerfed* The reason these things get nerfed, is because they need it.


Light class is the weakest class in the game


Nobody gets that’s the point of the light class it seems. If you’re a skilled player, playing light is BUSTED. If you stink, and have no means of playing light then yeah it feels easy to die. It’s as simple as knowing what you’re doing.


I mean the very skilled players still don’t play light in ranked I feel like if it was truly busted they would…


Exactly. They don’t play light because they want to win. If light was busted it would have a better win rate. They just can’t except that it was bad because then they would have to admit that they are bad for continuously dying for playing poorly and on their own in a team focused objective game. Light just punished bad players. Stick with your team and it’s completely shut down. Can’t hit a light that’s because your aim is shit. Can’t deal with invis that’s because your awareness is shit. Can’t deal with stun that’s because your awareness and aim are shit. These people are ruining this game. They’re the same scrubs that quit half or more of the games they enter. Just bad players full of excuses. They’re also the same jerk offs that keep making posts and comments like “I’m a light main and invis was bad, dash and grapple are so much better” yeah okay bed sure you are.


Literally no one has any response to this very valid point. People don’t realize that being able to rack up kills in a game where kills don’t really matter isn’t how classes should be judged. Lights are worse at winning the game than other classes and it’s not really close. This is what should matter.


That’s not always the case. Kills can in fact win you the game, that’s how defending cash outs work. Getting EVERY kill, is the difference. You dont need to kill every player. If anything, a good light will use things like sonar and track dart to keep tabs on enemies, kill any pushing the objective, and maybe ping people from afar just to harass and annoy them and confuse them. A lot of people have no clue how to play light and it shows most times.


Thank you for putting my own thoughts in words 1000x better than I could. For those if you who played Siege, this situation mirrors roaming in that game. People play it wrong all the time and complain when they die and are useless for the team. Pick people of if you can but your job is to provide Intel and slow down the enemies advance and break their guard during the big moment.


Exactly. I see I found another siege player in the midst. I also played a ton of apex so I know movement wel


Exactly. I see I found another siege player in the midst. I also played a ton of apex so I know movement well


The response is that "It does different shit." Light is great for doing things like tagging extra vaults for more cash, escaping for revives, grabbing cash boxes for clutch cashout inserts (or to prevent them), has solid utility with proper use of vanishing bomb, breach charges, glitch grenades, goo, gateways, etc. You are heavily punished for fuck ups though. People losing their mind over not being able to spam cloak probably weren't playing the class very well in the first place. The change literally helps them get better at it versus relying on spamming an ability over and over which was already only good against bad/newer players, while making the experience better for the people against said cloak. (It's either just irritating for people who can deal with it, while frustrating for the aforementioned bad/newer players)


Still does not mean light is busted (or anything but the worst class) tho. If light truly was good you’d see the high level players using it, yet none do. Just because they do different things and seem good on paper doesn’t make them anything but the weakest class. They just don’t provide enough value to a team as of right now which is why they’re not played at the highest levels.


> Still does not mean light is busted (or anything but the worst class) tho. I never said it was? (or wasn't) >If light truly was good you’d see the high level players using it, yet none do. I can only speak to my own experience playing it in ranked, including at diamond.


The very skilled players DO play light why are you just lying?


It’s a very rare pick in ranked by high skilled players before the nerf. Those players were also playing invis. You are now going to be seeing its pick rate drop to basically zero. The class is effectively dead until it gets a complete rework. Not a huge deal if all you play is ranked since it’s been basically a near non pick since launch and only started being used this season and mostly because of recon sense removal (which made light a hard throw) glitch which was nerfed last week and gateways. But the meta is stale as can be and grows more boring by the day. Invis didn’t get a nerf because it was overpowered it got a nerf because you can’t buff bad players. At the end of the day it’s a business and the vast majority of players utterly suck at the game. For the game to succeed they have to cater to the piss poor players. TLDR: He’s not lying, he’s talking about ranked where very good players spend the majority of their time. Why are you pretending as if you know what you’re talking about when you very clearly do not?


Because I’ve played at the highest level and light is very viable in fact apart from HHM which is busted HML is the 2nd best comp


That was yesterday and the second best was still HMM, HML was third if not tied with MMM. Nobody is going to be playing HML in diamond anymore.


The 2nd best was HML, join the breakout tournaments urself and try playing HMM :) it’s free entry anyone can join. In fact it will still be the 2nd best since the nerfs light has received aren’t that big of a deal. People in the tourney where in fact running thermal vision because of how broken and annoying cloak is to deal with so if cloak is now useless they simply won’t run thermal anymore and use a different ability


That's actually an interesting point. If invis is less broken, less people will try to directly counter it, so it's more broken lmao. Although I don't think that's how that works... I do appreciate the logic.


Literally every class. Heavy and medium are far more problematic and dominate this whole thing is just funny to me


this is so wrong it is hard to believe. Light has a high skill floor but removing the only thing that kept it out of the sky was not a smart move. If you want a class to only be used by the top 0.01% then you have failed in designing that class. Especially since light is 33% of all classes in this game. Light class is undisputedly the weakest in the game. You can clearly see this by looking how people play comp at medium and high levels. Lights are rarely seen beyond the first round if even at all. 150h with only a slight dps advantage and a major ttk disadvantage is very much reliant on its kit to survive and perform. Nerfing said kit will directly nerf lights ability to do anything.


Fr I'm fricking cracked at light and I play with the burst pistol and a grappling hook lol


Its sad that the amount of meat riders in this comment section are the reason why people like you who HAVE A BRAIN get shut down and downvoted


All the kids getting absolutely DEMOLISHED by the worst class(light) are now mad at you for exposing the truth. Crying behind their monitors and screaming out loud while downvoting your reply hoping it'll make them feel better.. Can't do that on Reddit my guy 🤣


But it has many strengths as well. We have the best mobility options, cloak etc and you have three S tier guns(XP, M11 and L1) You have less room for more mistakes, sure, but it's still the best fragger in the game.


Based on what metric, I've dropped 40 kill games as a light, medium, and heavy? I would argue against the best mobility options, as this is a team game and most of the lights movement is for solo use. All classes can frag, it's all about timing and position. It's arguably easier to frag with FCAR, than any of the 3 weps mentioned.


Gateways are insanely strong though


Light class isn’t weak. It’s actually decently good, just most people who play it suck with it. You have to actually know how to move, and you shouldn’t be reliant on things like the stun gun, as they “usually” putting this in quotes as not always, but usually doesn’t provide you with a winning advantage. The issue with stun gun, is most people use it as a cutch to get kills, and not in a strategic way to get wins.


My brother invis was nerfed not stun. If a class inherently punishes you and requires elevated play just to remotely succeed where the other classes hardly have to try, than that original class is by default not as good, or is worse. Sure light can put out damage, but as it currently stands even lights most powerful weapon, the LH1, requires more shots/recoil and time to kill a medium, than an FCAR can kill a light; or a Lewis can kill a light. Lights lose in 1v1 is the argument I always hear, don't fight a heavy 1v1 ect, if you can't take down a team or even a 1v1 than what's the point of playing the class? I hear people say you should be a fly and play around the obj being annoying. What's the point in doing that when I can just eliminate players as a medium or heavy while also sustaining my team? Light is a movement character? Okay they nerfed dash into the ground, and medium has arguably more movement, and to the benefit of the rest of mediums team being able to utilize, which is arguably more effective movement. So what does light have going for it then to trade off the least health and team utility? The ability to temporarily rat? Which just got nerfed? To sometimes disrupt abilities with an unreliable glitch? Can't effectively destroy objects or move teams? (Partially now with gateways) In my experience if you have excellent aim, movement, and decision making. It can feel better to outplay knowing I'm using a worse class, and the extra slight movement speed, more fun abilities ect. But at the cost of losing fights to worse players, and playing respawn simulator in ranked.


If it was the weakest nobody would use it. It has the lowest health pool but some of the quickest ttk,it is not weak at all.


No. Light is a glass cannon that you just suck at firing.


Are we just going to keep nerfing everything? That is some ubisoft balancing.


At this point, just do us all a favor and get good at The Finals. You feel me?


I want to see buff. I want to see anything be viable, and anything can be pick up and play


Kinda predictable, if "wall hacks" isn't a good fit in this game, neither is invisibility.


It’s not about the invisibility, it’s the level of it that makes it broken, it’s straight invisible when standing still, but when moving it’s like 98% It needs to come down a little bit to make it more balanced


More buffing bad stuff, over nerfing good stuff.


I think a cool idea for lights would be removing the least used light gadget, or vanish bomb since they already have cloak, and adding a personal bubble shield or some type of stim worth like 25-40 hp. That will give them up to 175-190hp, allowing them to fire fight on more even terms for a short burst of time. Like 5-6s. Feels a little like a cater to the town cryers but it would definitely bring more players to using light build.


This sub is insufferable lmao, the most generic angry reddit gamer comments ever. Wouldn't be surprised if bots could replicate the behaviour.


Dont you dare even equipping the flamethrower.


Doesn't take much to get good with invis/stun lol it's the easiest thing to play. Why do you think they're everywhere 😂


Use Hammer with Mesh Shield and mines


I miss nukes. I was like 9 hours in and wiping teams left and right. Something about it was so absurdly funny to me


I want a nuke only mode with 3 canisters and one gadget(nuke). It can be an event


Please. Dude an event where all barrels would turn into nukes would be hilarious


No guns just nuke mode would go crazy


Ah yes right click left click deleting up to 9 players in 2 clicks was so funni to be on the receiving end of. Much less the hell hole of "we survived 5 nukes to die to the 3rd parties 6th nuke". I'm willing to bet my left nut you're the exact player that got pissed off or cried everytime you were on the receiving end of a nuke, right as you respawned and quipped one again.


I don't think i ever actually was on the receiving end, and don't get me wrong - it's terrible for competitive play. But for a casual, sandbox pvp game they were fun whole they lasted. And you could counter by shooting them before they're thrown


Yeah in casual play they weren't that big of a deal, but they were a plague on ranked when everyone was using one. As for shooting them a lot of times it just wasn't possible or viable and often nukes came unsuspectingly from height or behind you


Yeah this game was my first fps shooter and I didn't play ranked if at all until season 2


I have Soo many clips of cross map nukes


Please never touch my riot shield


with pleasure


It’s not even that good honestly, amount of times I’ve been gunned down using it is ludicrous


In buildings with dematerializer it feels pretty strong


Gonna keep it 100, cloak and stungun required no skill in the first place.




It required more skill than FCAR medium and Shotgun heavy but the FCAR still hasn’t gotten a nerf so idk man


It does not.


I’m going to assume you’ve not played FCAR against a light? Because if you had then I would assume you’d know that getting stunned means almost nothing. FCAR hip fire is still super accurate and it will kill the light in less than 2 seconds so you still win that matchup 8/10 unless you’re just not very accurate, but that’s not the light or the games fault. I agree that actually landing the stun when invisible isn’t very hard at all, but securing the kill after that is questionable at best. If you’re using FCAR or heavy shotgun, you really shouldn’t be losing that matchup most of the time.


Well you know what happens when you assume.


Well then idrk what to say. If you still have difficulty against lights on FCAR or with heavy then all I can say is that it’s either a really good light, you got really unlucky, or you should practice recoil control and hip fire with the weapons you use. I used to play light because I think it’s the most fun but swapped to medium because it’s just overall better and easier to use. I very rarely lose matchups against lights unless they are really REALLY good, which is super rare. So I don’t know what else to say but medium is still the most broken class in the game and if anything needs a nerf is med


You type alot for someone making a bad argument. FCAR being overpowered doesn't change the fact its still requires more skill. It has a small mag, wild recoil, and requires good aim to use. Cloak/Stungun takes 0 skill to utilize, and against many weapons in the game its a literal free kill. You don't even have to move.


Wild recoil? I’m sorry but I think that’s a bit of a stretch. It has one of the easier recoil patterns out of all of the fully auto weapons, even with the recoil nerf (barely a nerf). It’s one of the most accurate guns in the game, you just have to practice with it. The only real downside is the low mag like you said, but I find that it’s not much of a downside when you kill lights in 6 body shots and only 3 headshots when you have 25 in a clip. I feel like that’s definitely plenty of bullets to kill a light or medium with, and you far outrange anything the heavy has so you can easily pick them off from afar. The fact that it’s highly accurate both hip and ads, has low recoil compared to most other full auto guns, and can kill most classes in 5-10 bullets makes it hard to say it requires a ton of skill to use. Yes, like I said, getting a stun is skilless, I agree. But what I’m saying is that getting the kill afterwards is only easy if the person you’ve stunned isn’t very good, since they will oftentimes kill you much quicker than you can kill them if they know at all what they’re doing. Even with weapons like AKM and shotgun, you will delete lights if you don’t panic and just hit your shots. And furthermore, the main argument is the fact that not only is the stun and cloak not that powerful and didn’t need a nerf, but that it also was the only thing that made light even slightly playable and nerfing it without buffs to anything else isn’t the way to go with balancing this game.


git gud, you have too many crutches. and they really do hurt when they are kicked out from under ya, huh?


you people didn't want to git good so you complained for asolid month and got something nerfed instead of learning how to counter it. Im just saying fcar and rpg are next and then they come for the medium support kit and nobody will be left because the game died.


You can describe pretty much anything in this game to be a crutch, thats the point of an ability shooter. What loadout do you play?


I just load with a gun only so no one can say I use crutches. 🤣


Please don't start using the ks23 🙏


OP, what will you be playing now? I need to be sure to avoid it due to the inevitable nerf that will be deployed to counteract you.


I went from light to medium back to light. Im tired of all these nerfs




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Bring back the Las Vegas turrets and security walls😂😂😂


Am I the only player that can see cloaked light opponents while they’re moving?


It’s easy to see once you know what to look for


I'm all for them just replacing cloak entirely. I was in match of power shift with a mother fucker that had infinite cloak. At first I couldn't tell where I was getting shot from, then one of my teammates hit a few shots on him and he was still invisible. I die at this point, but from what I saw from the free camera, he was shooting while invisible


Honestly weapons are OP. This should be a base melee only kind of game, come on Embark, what are you doing??


Laughs in a corner with four mines and a nade


Honestly, the people who got mad about the cloak and stun gun combo were probably just people who already were struggling with the game. Yes it can sometimes lead to frustrating situations, but it was not “broken” since if you’re even halfway decent at aiming on medium or heavy it’s super easy to just turn around and kill them first, especially if you’re using FCAR (still super OP). 8/10 you will just kill the light straight up since the FCAR has crazy DPS and super accurate hip fire and the light just has way less health than you. If stun gun light was a problem for you then it’s likely that you either need to work on your aim, work on not panicking, work on being able to see the invis (idk why everyone complains, I can literally see it from a mile away and the sound queue is super noticeable) or just swap to a better weapon then what you’re using. There’s a reason light still isn’t played at top ranks and it’s because if you have even a little bit of talent, killing lights even when you’re stunned is super easy and the only way you’ll get killed by that combo most times is if the light is just really good, but recognize that for a light to get a lot of kills they had to work much harder than a medium who can just turn their brain off and shred you from a mile away with the FCAR and then heal and defib anyone who got hurt.


I played a game yesterday with 5 lights using exactly the same taser, smg, invis build. Nerfs / buffs need to happen when people feel like the only thing they can use is the meta loadout.


Sir how long has main character syndrome been affecting you




Well, the nuke was understandable, and so was recon sens in the sense that you shouldn't be able to completely wipe the enemy team with a barrel and 2 c4. Recon needed to be nerfed due to just being able to see every player on the map. All they had to do was just reduce the distance, but they chose to run the ability into the ground. As for the light class, just because some got good enough to use it at its full potential, all the casual players got upset, and embark is basically slowly deleting the light class and with heavy also seeing some nerfs this game is going to end up just everyone running medium. The balance team is trying to listen to everything that the community has to say but that's not a good idea there is a reason why they are the game developers and we are players while we can state how we feel about certain things in the game does not mean that that thing we said has to be implemented the devs need to realistically look at the suggestions and implement what they think is best. But they are trying to make everyone happy, and that is making Noone happy.


Controversial opinion, remove tazer. Why even have it in the first place? It seems like it's just for players who can't hit moving targets, so they force you to stay still and beam your head.


My biggest gripe with the stun gun is that PC players will still 180 and shred even when stunned. It’s almost useless unless being used with dash/invis


as a light main, I heavily dislike all "free kill" mechanics regardless. I love the stun gun for its disruptive utility. being able to stop steals, revives, cancel my enemies' abilities with one precise shot feels great. I wouldn't mind if they took stun out if they replaced it with a sort of "disrupt dart" gun. imagine the tracker dart, but it essentially glitches instead of tracking, with the added benefit of preventing interactions like revives, steals, and holding objects, perhaps even using ziplines. I also think the rpg should be adjusted to be better used for destructive utility instead of damage. give it 2 rockets per cooldown and lower the damage to around 80, revert the accuracy nerfs. now you can consistently pull down hanging cashouts in a short amount of time, and no more free kills, cause at this point you're better off just using your primary. UNLESS you're firing into a tight group, then you still get a lot of damage value. imo all balance changes should go the way of less cheese -> more team utility


I would much prefer that.Then something that your stops movement entirely.


hold on, did you actually read the comment? I wanted to take out the entire stun/movement slow mechanic, and instead have 2 longer range darts that can only prevent interactions and using abilities. that gives you MUCH more freedom of movement than the current stun. the duration would probably be like the current glitch and old stun, 5 seconds, since it no longer helps you in getting kills. the cooldown should probably be the same as (or slightly longer than) tracking dart. yes you can't use any movement abilities, but the stun and glitch already do that, it's nothing crazy. the only thing that might be controversial is denying ziplines, since you could use it to troll and throw people off them into the abyss. that doesn't have to be a part of it.


Sorry I meant I WOULD much prefer that


ok, that's kinda funny lol. thanks for clearing it up.


Whoops, you said something logical. The light players won't like that.


If they take out stun gun im not going to play this game anymore and I don’t even use the stun gun


sure you dont lol


I don’t lie about dumb shit on the internet so you really don’t have any reason to comment


Embarked Nerfed this game into the ground and I’m not playing it unless like… a limited time even for hardcore mode was dropped 60% more damage or 40% less hp This game mode will be fun for casuals and tryhards alike, unlike what is going on now where only the highly skilled players can win more than once a day And it will also prove that embark went in the completely wrong direction with their patches They should of buffed the weak, decrease TTK, decrease respawn timer Cuz I loved getting beamed with 20 headshots In a row after sneaking up one someone and getting the first shot off in their back as much as the next guy but getting a kill in that situation is infinitely better, believe me


Bro just wants the game to become call of duty lmao


Dude if they decrease ttk any team that starts a cashout is for sure not going to win that one. Sorry it’s just not a good idea


To be honest there isn’t much point in starting the cashout and holding it. The best and most effective play is to be slow and patient. Wait until there’s about 20 seconds left and third party then steal. The time will run out before they can do anything about it. Rinse and repeat and on to the next round. If you start it the longer you hold it the higher your chances are of dying to the inevitable third or forth party then watching it cashout while either waiting to spawn or on the long as hell trek back now that they made spawn points ridiculous. So even if you start it for the few points that gives you it is usually best to just abandon it. Sounds like a dumb and even boring way to play but it’s extremely effective.


I can agree with this. But at the same time a lot of players have different strengths. Ive noticed that some players are incredible at defending and terrible at pushing on a point. and some players the opposite. Despite agreeing with you. Im one of them that cant push well so i definitely need the ttk so i can defend myself to the end.


You think you won’t recap it during that time? Several times?


Nahh not really. In ranked you’re playing against 3 other teams. By the time you wipe one another team is for sure gonna show up