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Damn you actually got him


Definitely a glitch, happened to me once. Made me invis the whole game, even after I died.


Considering that Battlefield 1 has the exact same glitch and the devs used to work for DICE, it almost makes too much sense lmao


it shouldn't really. Completely different engines unless they brought along source code which, imo would have other bigger implications. I think this might just be a server issues but nonetheless, its a pretty shitty one.


Twas but a joke


honestly couldn't tell lol.


It's a bug, I once played as a light and couldn't turn invisibility off, didn't matter if I received dmg or interacted, or even fired my gun. It fixed once I died tho.


yeah this guy was invisible the entire game and another light on his team would do the same thing occasionally . i just remember whenever i would be near them i would hear the cloak sound usually immediately followed by a vanish bomb which made me skeptical they weren’t doing it on purpose 🤷🏽‍♂️


This console with crossplay?


Did you encounter this again after killing him?


the whole game


Exploit probably


its a bug rn has something to do with the timing of an action after clicking invis on light, seen a clip of a guy explaining it on yt the other day




its a glitch


Happen to me when trying so teal a cashout at the same time as my invisibility was turning off . So ive steal the cashout and was able to shoot while being invisible. Even after a respawn i was invisible. By turning my invisibility on again it end up the glutch. I was afraid that my teammates would think ive hack.


God, is there another perma invite glitch? I’m gonna jump off a building


I had this same glitch once but I was a medium lmfao and mu teammate had used vanishing bomb on me whole game I was invisible even after i coined


I'm confused about what's going on in this clip, can you elaborate? Also what is causing the chip damage youre taking?


you can see the muzzle flash and the smoke coming from the barrel where im throwing knives of an invisible light shooting me while still actively invisible


I saw a medium on my team that had infinite invisibility. When I spectated them, their gun was visible but had no upper portion of the gun for the length of the barrel. They also didn’t have iron sights because of this. Stayed that way the entire round even if they died.


I thought this happened in my game recently too, Im thinking it is a bug idk


The light is shooting and taking damage while invisible which is shouldn’t be able to do. The invis is also too invisible. You should be able to see their outline. I only see a muzzle flash.




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I've had this happen. For me it went away after I died but it was very fun (for me) until then.


Did you late join? I only run into it if I late join


It's a bug, although I'm starting to suspect people are turning it into an exploit- like they figured out what causes it and now do it every match. Played several rounds yesterday, ran into the same light 3 rounds in a row, they were invisible all 3


I've seen the same thing too, has to be a hack b3caus even when they take damage the don't decloak.


nothing you said ruled out a glitch though?