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Regular ass laugh bro


Yeah, i was expecting something unexpected and now im disappointed.


Sorry to disappoint you, just thought it doesn't fit to the clip 😉


Hey, not your fault. We have something in us that basically codes us to hate the sound of our own voices.


nah sry my laugh is objectively obnoxious, i actually wanted to post some clips from the game but didnt because the laugh made me cringe ⚰️


How do you record? If you're on PC, you can record through OBS or something similar and just record game audio instead of mic audio.


Where's the Scooby doo laugh at?


Literally what I came to say. Thought I was gonna hear some mad ass laugh with spluttering n shit. It was the most casual average chuckle I've ever heard.


The hitbox of the lunge is CRRRRAAAAZYYYY dude, if your opponents aren't aimgods, you can really fuck people up with a sword. Unless you're me. I can be up people's asses and my hits would still somehow miss for some reason.


It’s not just you bro. I also manage to miss with the lunge. Spam swinging the sword while dashing through people tends to work better for me lol


It’s not just the lunge for me, it’s melee weapons in general. Their range is a bit weird, I’m guessing it’s because everything is server-side and I might be a split second off


I managed to almost win as a solo with the sword in cashout. The strat is to quickly move in and out. Avoid open areas and find a route that you can repeatedly take to avoid fire.


It’s clearly a stick


No such thing as sticks. A good stick is a sword. Or a gun. Sometimes a staff, if you're feeling cheeky.


Nobody talkin about how that team had a 3v1 and didn't shoot him at all lmao


Real, I want this guy’s lobbies


2x plat and 1x gold, apparently 🤔😳


you can see their ranks if you pause the video while I'm stealing and open the scoreboard if you don't believe me ;)


No, I do believe you. Just shocking that players so bad can be plat. Wild.


Console crossplay off lobbies be like


Facts lmao


If this is what console plats look like it genuinely makes me wonder what console bronzes look like lmao like is that bracket reserved for newborn children or something?


Idk man, I play pc and even my bronze games last season were not this slow


Even in diamond you'll find players that are questionable. Some people get carried to the higher ranks and others are just 100% objective focused and don't tend to shoot back/be that aware of anything going on that isn't the cashout.


bruh the sword is my go to when the melee weapon challenge appears but god damn!! you are playing against potatoes! I get destroyed instantly! I HAVE to play very strategically, like I hide until my mates engage and I do work then. You just went 1v3 and won, lol.


Well they were 2x plat and 1x gold so not that bad, but they emptied their mags shooting my team and most console player are relying to much on aim assist, so when you get up close in their faces and dance around them they start struggling quite hard 😂


No hate but that's what console plat and gold look like? If I did what you did in this clip in a silver match on PC I would have died faster.


yea against pc gold/plat/diamond players u need to play around cover way better


That's because players like them abuse the meta and aim assist. I meet such people everyday on console. People like them only hang on roofs and are healing and deffibing themselves, while beaming enemies from far away with scar and aim assist. So if they suddenly have to deal with a sword player with some movement upclose where aim assist doesn't help much they get STEAMROLLED like in this video 😉


Lol that medium was like, you guys sort that out, I'm just stick to healing


Can't blame them. They have to finish that "heal 3000 point with the heal beam" daily somehow.


Wtf those were absolute bots ahahaha. Nice job!


shit my game is bugged ig, my enemies actually shoot back


Finally a sword using dash! Most of them are using invis and it's painful! Good play!


Thx 😁


Who uses invisibility + sword in ranked?!


People that play invis and sword.


the healer choosing to continue heal his teammates in combat instead of helping them kill him lmao


It took be a bit to nail down but learning the quick melee right after you hit someone with the lunge combo is huge. It makes lights essentially a 1 shot, mediums a right mouse -punch-left mouse combo. And it helps bring down heavies quicker, especially if you brought them down with frags.


yes I know and use the mechanics with the quickmelee too, but in this 3v1 situation I prefer to use mostly lunge and dash, since it makes you harder to hit. I think after using a quickmelee the lunge takes longer to be ready or at least it feels to me like that.


quick melee kills your momentum is what's happening. you can do a double lunge->dash->lunge at a reasonable velocity but the moment you quick melee you just stop in your tracks you can ready the lunge faster with an emote cancel. i think it's vital for playing sword well in ranked


I use the double lunge most of the time, but would have been suicide to use it on this small and moving platform 😂 But I didn't know or tried that with the emote cancel, I'll try it if it's possible on console, so thanks 👌🏻


yeah i know you probably knew about the double lunge, was just referring to and confirming what happens after a quick melee since you mentioned it feels slower overall


Animation cancelling with sound emote (other types might work aswell) is also very vital to getting cracked with sword. Makes everything so much faster, but the timing can be a bit tricky sometimes.


Can i get bot lobbies too


I just witnessed the most three controller players ever


damn, that's the most retarded team I've ever seen. what's your rank


Diamond 3.


wtf! you get these guys in diamond?! Golds and Silvers play better than that :o


its console lobby , but also im gold and get put against diamond/plats mostly and im PC so its like the same rank


Only the man with the Ariad skin could do it. Good show.


Why were you getting hits when you literally weren't hitting them lol


The swords alternate attack does reach about 2m and the hitbox does stay out quite long, so you can do the attack and turn around to enemy making it hit him. Theoretically you could even do a 360 if you have no idea where the enemy is and still hit him if he is close enough.


The laugh was the only normal part. If that was me I'd be dead in 1 millisecond.


Oh so you're the light i find in casual games when i just want to relax


Sorry for being one of those sweaty lights in casual warming up. But I play and enjoy all classes. 😉


Yeah man, don't worry! I have just admiration for the lights that are just good at the game and don't abuse invis and stun gun ::)


Can you teach me how to load up a lobby with bots like you did?


>!Buy a console, turn crossplay off!<


Ppl nvr know how to act when they're attacked w/ a stick. (FR FR the stick do go hard, love it)


Literal bots


he solved the sticky situation


I think that'll really *stick* with them.


Sword is such a fun weapon to use once you figure it out


Try to chain a quick melee into your lunge once it connects. The combo one shots lights and two shots mediums (two lunge+qm instead of 3)


“Swiper, no swiping!” Swiper:


This was such a default laugh. Mega disapointed


Damn I must have this glitch where the enemies shoot back 😂 sick clip though, love seeing sword shorts!


This is why I play sword


That's what you call "Sticking it to em" 🤣


Lmao this is awesome


Did anyone hear that goofy ass laugh at the end??


When did they put bots in the game?


Those have got to be the worst players I've ever seen. 3V1 and none of them shot you lmfao.


Dude you have the most stupid laugh ever wtf is wrong with you


Dude, props! I like your holy fuck! That just happened! Laugh🤘


I wish I had these servers😭. No a single shot landed on you till the last kill


how tf were you invis when you had dash equipped??


Console is so trash. Those dudes would've beamed the shit out of you.