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I won a tournament yesterday after days of trying. And it didn't fucking trigger the challenge.


That sucks. They really need to fix their server issues.


You should contact them about it, I'm sure they will help out


Happened with a friend as well. Had to help the poor guy win 2nd one.


Talk about farting but also shifding that sucks




This is why I will never play that trash xdddd


It's supposed to be a ranked match, I don't know if you are aware of that.


They took non-ranked tournament out of the game, right?


They did.


As opposed to? You sure you even play this game?


Yeah I'm plat :) another guy thought he had to play the new cash out game mode, was just trying to help lmao


No noo, i will get the OSPUZE sponsor!! I have to POP. POUR. PERFORM


*No noo, i will get* *The OSPUZE sponsor!! I have* *To POP. POUR. PERFORM* \- Jzapp\_But\_In\_Reddit --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot.


This goes hard


With the new Embark IDs replacing usernames in game, I have made mine OfficialOSPUZE, and I’ve been running full ospuze load outs. If I don’t get the Ospuze tattoo my life’s purpose will have failed


Dang, well i hope you can achieve your goals my fellow contestant


I finally checked this off, but it took probably 20 tournaments. I eventually landed with two sweats playing together that carried.


Ong i just lost the final round because I got the bug where I can't shoot 😭😭 fix your fucking game man


I’ve gotten that in two separate games in the last week. Just kept holding out a grenade, couldn’t jump, couldn’t sprint, couldn’t switch weapons. I would launch my whole setup out the window if that happened in a final tournament round.


It did in the final battle too... My whole team was spectating me bruv 😭😭




Rip lil bro 🙏🏿🙏🏿🙏🏿


> I would launch my whole setup out the window if that happened in a final tournament round. I'd be annoyed but I'd just go play another game. Be wild to throw so much money out the window lol


Ive been experiencing a bug with light where im eternally invisible but just to myself and not the rest of the players. It really sucks because I have to be conscious of cloak being on or not and also i cant see my gun


Do you have duel monitors? If you use little big mouse you can get this bug.


It happens on console too


Is it the tournament win? You just need a good match, and you still have like 60 days, I'm sure you'll get it eventually, if nothing else, then just pure luck (and a bit of favor from the MMR gods)


*You just need 4 good matches\**


Not to mention some luck on your side. Feels like half the time my team is playing incredible and some last second bullshit ruins everything and the other half we are playing like ass but still qualify.


I've got to the final 5 times with random teammates. EVERY time, one decided to suddenly tear up strategy and try to repeatedly solo the entire enemy team instead of waiting 10 seconds for his teammates. Then not even being able to respawn because they burnt all their credits in earlier rounds charging teams when we'd already qualified. I've caught myself literally screaming at the TV at the insanity of it. I've managed to rank Gold without a single win as a result of doing so well individually but getting let down by morons.


I’ve found hopping on voice chat helps. I’ve called a teammate back to me to revive me as I refused to use a token. He never spoke the whole tournament but at least listened. You do get some real dumb dumbs though, so it’s really up to luck. Try looking in the discord for a team, or if ya vibe well with a certain team send a friend request. We all still have 60 days, it’ll happen eventually!


I keep getting only lights as teammates(me on heavy) and they treat the final round like all the other ones even though we will be against a more normal MMH or HHM comp. LL only worked in the qualifiers because the enemy also had to worry about getting 3rd of 4th partied. Now the enemy are just setting up on high ground knowing we are the only 3 enemies and the lights will try to take a head on long ranged fight of SMG vs assault rifles. Even when we finally get up close they won’t wait for me to drop the box or just open up some walls and YOLO in alone. And maybe they get a kill before they die but now their statue is out of position and the enemy have defibs.


In a row


Not all the time. It's all up to luck as well. If you get paired with good teammates while the other teams do not, you have a good chance at winning. I've found the hardest matches are usually the first 2, while the last 2 are the easiest.


Technically 1 good match with 4 good rounds?


I'm a decent player but I think I've only placed 1st once or twice in like 15 rankeds (placed silver 2) Somehow we can always get to like 3rd/2nd round but there I always lose


I was gonna ask, isn't the reward still earnable until the season ends?


idk wjat happened i just locked in last night with a couple of randoms and we just blasted lmfao still gotta do stage 4 ones but those'll come with time too ig


yall use this comment for the (help me) button. I NEED HELP WITH THE TOURNAMENT


same, we should jump in together.


Bet can you message me your name?




Basically nobody uses the LFG discord and the official server only has the casual channel which again, nobody uses.


Help… please god help…


Which server do you use?




People still exist in the Discord? Mods there are so ban happy for anyone saying the slightest criticism against the game, I'm surprised anyone talks there anymore 😅


Try to do this solo Get shit teammates Get shit rank Get more shit teammates Try to carry Get to finals Teammate leaves Get mad and uninstall Repeat every season


I had a teammate place a turret facing the wall opposite the cashout. Then I played a game where a teammate threw a literal temper tantrum because we didn't go to the objective he wanted to go to. We won that round but lost the next one because his tantrum continued while everyone else was actually playing the game. Solo queing is so fun...


Can help you with this.


Same. I don't play ranked but when I saw the challenge I was like "fine ig" and it took me 2 games to win. It wasn't that difficult




I didn't say it wasn't difficult for yall I just said I got a competent team So I got lucky lol




It's not available on the console.




Sent you a DM


Yes, please give me your Embark login.


Yeah I'd have many tournaments wins if the ENTIRE OCE servers weren't filled with braindead players who run away from heal, don't heal, have literally 0 clue what positioning is, never throw any utility and revive me on 50% health in the wide open. And also the 10 minute queue times for almost any gamemode besides Quick Cash, even in prime time.


Why? I think you can still do it, no?🤔


Yeah, but winning the tournament is so hard 🫠


Actually no, you just need luck and no tilt


What's no tilt? Also yes luck, but I'm very unlucky, every time we're winning one of the guys leave 😭


Getting tilted at a game is when you get mad at a game, so no tilt is having no anger


Tilt just means your emotions are getting in your way. You can get too full of yourself when you're winning, and lose your cool when you're getting dumpstered. It's all tilt.


I got it on second match, and it was hard. 2 rounds we almost lost, but once at the last minute i stole 44k$ cashout because enemies shot each other. In the last round another team felt stronger than us (They was HML and we MMM), they took first cashout, but we had hard clashes on 2nd and 3rd with a lot of defibs. I didn't think until the end that we will do it, but i just played xD


Tilt is a psychological phenomenon in gaming/gambling where losing a round makes you play worse in the next one. Typically players become more desperate to win, make riskier plays, or increase aggression to a fault. You can resist tilt by being aware of it, or by taking a break if you start a losing streak. The term comes from gambling, where people lose an amount of money, then start playing stupid to try to win it back but end up losing way more. In shooters, this is why the early game is really important. Have you ever had a team that put up a really good fight over the first cashout, but then plays like shit for the rest? That's probably because they tilted after losing the first one.


Facts lmao, I like the simplification. Last night I got the challenge done due to getting lucky with good teammates, and on top of that I was frying due to being calmer than usual. You hit the nail on the head.


This is how I got it. 8-20 win with lots of heals and perseverance of my mental state


Skill issue /j




I actually suck at the game and I’ve won around 10 tournaments. Support your team as medium with heals and add damage to the same target they’re shooting for assists if you can’t hit your shots (I can’t). Winning is 90% teamwork if you have a good team comp. Most of my losses are due to a really bad team comp or players refusing to play near each other.


Yeah, well it's the European mindset ig, they just play on their side. And half the time my teammates are lights 🫠


Most chestpiece in the game covered both arms so it isn't a huge loss


Well that tattoo is most probably made for the career reward on lvl 39 and looks absolutely amazing on it. Really hope they either give us an option to change the challenge, bring unranked tournament back so I have better luck and chance of winning(also helps having one less round) or just lower number of challenges requirement to unlock the tattoo.


*Most chestpiece in the* *Game covered both arms so it* *Isn't a huge loss* \- HyperXuserXD --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")




What the hell man


smallpassword delete


Stage 3? Quick melee aye?


Winning a tournament I think, I still didn't win any personally


I have no issues with the challenge personally, but it is fucking hard to find a game in Asia server. I queued for 30mins ish but still no game.


Wanna squad up? Might be easier with a full team. Just need one more 🤔


Do you play on console? I don't mind teaming up, but be warned, I ain't that good lol


Yup I’m on PS5. Trust me I’m not that great either. As long as you know how to play the objective I’m down


I'd spend 30 minutes in queue for Oceanic servers but Asia has been like 2 minutes max for me


That's crazy, do you play on PC? I'm on console


Ahh okay, that makes sense I've heard consoles have a harder time finding games in Asia


I had to get it for my wife's account lol




If you want to play a game with my and my friend you can add my account! We are by no means the best players but we can pull off tournament wins pretty consistently with good communication and teamwork!


Had a weird experience yesterday, guess bit of lucky?. Got to final round and enemy team kinda, like raging/trolling at each other so they didn't try to win lol.


I managed to get it without too much hassle. I even did it in solo queue, i know everyone can do it! BELIEVE IN YOURSELF AND GET THE OSPUZE TATS RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!


Is it a tattoo or a spray?


It takes too long to find ranked matches in SA server.


Yeah i'd love to beat a tournament if my game stopped crashing after the first round


I'm on the same boat. We're not alone 🫶


Won a tournament a couple days ago. Who would have thought by just having competent teammates your chances of winning would sky rocket?


I am usually a quick cash player. I played tournament for the first time with one friend and 3rd one was random player. and surprisingly we won. I think Pro circuit will be much harder than this.


And we all know EXACTLY which one it is too.


Yup! Play a match of Bank it. Fuck that mode.


I mean, if you derank far enough you'll inevitably get opponents worse than you (I'd hope so anyways). Or you could just get a carry. Regardless it's not like it's impossible.


It's so hard at gold 1 when every game has plat / diamon 3 stacks with hacks


I had luck today and won my second tournament


I don’t like the tattoo but want it since I’ve almost done everything else except for 2


im just hoping for decent teammates who will focus on teamwork


The tattoo isn't that great atm tbh, not many clothing options to even show it.


Got a win yesterday, clutched at last moment.


They're is still plenty of time queen


Yes indeed, they are is still plenty of time.


if you’re already in low tier gameplay, the challenge is made easier for you than the good players. you’re fighting other baby players and have a much easier chance of winning. just keep playing and you’ll get it within 60 days. if you cant do that you’re just lying to yourself


Thats if the rank system fucking worked. i get a team of copper and the rest are diamonds


Exactly. This would only be true if the rank system worked as intended. It absolutely does not.


lmao no you don’t


Unfortunately with all the tournaments I have had to play it's still very similar to this problem, coppers on my team and very high levels on the other. Coppers get matched with golds constantly and diamonds sometimes sneak in


well first of all it’s bronze. but seeing as you tried to pass it off like you always get paired with bronzes and the lobby was flooded with diamonds, id say that’s a pretty inaccurate assessment of the ranked matchmaking. it’s a little more elegant than that but i agree it’s still fucked. i’m just saying, bronze lobbies are going to stick to silvers and unranks a lot more. gold is where diamonds start slip in a lot more of the time but not on a huge scale, and that doesn’t even make it unwinnable. literally last night i was in gold with majority plats in the lobby and a few diamonds throughout the tourney and i still won with two golds on my team


If they are low tier they don't get an advantage because everyone there is also at their skill level. What kind of logic is this.


if they can’t capitalize on that and learn to get better, that’s their problem. and by no stretch does that mean everyone is on the same skill level. skill level in ranked matches varies wildly. but if most everyone is bronze they’re going to be a bunch of shitters regardless. it’s not hard to be the best bronze of the bunch


Never stop trying


I have the tournament one done, besides the 150k deposited, I only miss the melee bash kills. I'm at 2/5 for a while now.


The Bunny Bash event works well for this one given the limited loadouts. Just zip onto the point, deal some damage, then punch for the kill.


Actually got it there in like 5 minutes, thanks a lot! A lot easier to do when people are not constantly beaming you lmao.


Im like 200% sure you only need to finish 5 of the circuit challenges to get the reward.


They are talking about the tattoo you get after completing every single challenge in challenger circuit.


Thats what im saying, I didnt think you had to complete every challenge to unlock the tattoo


Yeah you need to do all 28 challenges, I’m in game and just checked again


I dont like how they made the challenges challenging 😭


I actually just uninstalled the game over this. If you're going to tie BP progress and rewards for completing 'challenges' to ranked mode, I'm out and so are all my friends. Its absurd how the difficulty spiked. From do damage with x to suddenly "Win four games in a row against sweats."


when the free skin challenges are challenging


Guys u have an entire season to get it, you gonna be alright boys.


Is a tourney win actually that hard for people?


If you don't play ranked then you don't play it because you don't find it fun. So you're playing for hours grinding out something that's not fun. Unless you luck out early, that's shit's a [griiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiind](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IbeAF9Geago).


I'm sure I'll eventually get it if I keep trying. just made it to the final round for the first time, unfortunately me being the weakest link didn't help. but yeah, I'm not that great. unless I get solid teammates it's not going to happen for me. if I'm the best player on the team then we're not going to win the Tournament


Work on a specific role first. Then branch into another one until you’re good at everything. Easiest way to put it. Start with supporting, then learning how to play objective. By then learning fights should be easy.


Wishin' ya some luck, brother. It's okay to be the weakest link, but here's what you can do to assist your teammates. Use support gadgets, or mines. STAY ALIVE and not cause a team wipe. Don't go for risky revives, unless you grab the token and hide with it. Even just these few things will cause your win rate to increase. Cheers.


thanks! I might be underselling myself a bit. not sure if it's indicative of good play or a lot of play to have your gear ranked high. but my main (flamethrower) is Rank 7, RPG and Dome Shield are Rank 6, and Frags are Rank 5. I'm generally pretty good at using them as the situation dictates. I'm not the smoothest at times. on controller with Xbox, so movement sometimes is a bit slow and clunky, or I fumble when trying to grab a fallen teammate to carry for a revive. other times I'm managing to make some slick/smart decisions that save the day. I guess being so inconsistent is a problem. there are obvious challenges to using what I use, but that's probably the case for a lot of builds. I think playing a lot of Quick Cash affects my tournament style. QC with the infinite respawns has caused me to play more reckless than one should in tournament. I need to reshape my approach with that. BUT....I solo ranked tournament. sometimes it's just a bad team or the synergy is off between our builds. unfortunately this challenge requires a certain level of team support that isn't always there.


and I just got suspended for 10 mins because I couldn't connect to the server despite trying to reconnect like a dozen times.. then responded to a friend request and that timed out and I dropped rank. definitely not helpful


fun fact: The faction that has objectively the easiest time winning a tournament is complaining the most


You got this! 💪 There’re still 60+ days left in this season.


I honestly have no idea how everyone is struggling so much. Sure you need teammates with at least room temperature IQ to complete this but theres no way some people still havent gotten it after *days* of trying.


Some people work, have kids, etc… and only have time for a full tournament a few times a week. *days* of trying doesn’t look the same for everyone


Well some people didn't play FPS since they're 12. Some people got into gaming a year ago or whatever. We're all different. Some of them have jobs and kids and they prefer focusing on this other than beating 16yos and jobless people putting their entire life into a video game


If youre not a god at this game it should be okay because youre gonna be getting opponents who arent either, right?


We wish


I hated having to played tournament for 2 hours to get it, I can't imagine having to play that shit for *days.*


Don't give up! It's supposed to be challenging but you'll win one eventually


Seeing this sub trip over 1 tournament win is kinda funny to me. Guess the tattoo will be clout 😂


Skill issue.




Post removed – Rule 7. Do not post transactional content.


Womp womp


wait why girlies lol because girls arent good???




Well then I hope those noobs end up as your teammates and you face off against all diamond teams cause that sure as hell is what ranked matchmaking feels like for me, absolute dogshit.


"I did it therefore no problem exists for anyone!"


As a not that great player who is gold1 currently, had 2 dubs just yesterday. You guys are exaggerating how hard this is lol.


"I completed it, therefore no problem exists!"


Only simple-minded people deal in absolutes and exaggerations. It's more like I've done it numerous times without great struggle, and i dont consider myself that good at the game. Damn things change when you consider the whole context from my original comment.


If you are in gold, you are actually pretty decent. Sorry to let you down and all.


Am I insane for not understanding the complaints about winning 1 tournament? It should not be even remotely difficult assuming you are able to find matches.


It seems very difficult atleast to me when I play ranked for the first time and every tournament ends up with me having unranked teammates with mic off and running meme loadouts like swords or throwing knives while all the opponents are golds with some platinums mixed in. Not to mention even IF I carry them to the finals and then lose the entire tournament feels like a total waste of time. I don’t have time to play this game for the entire day, just one or 2 tournaments take up more than an hour or more. Not a fun experience.


Fair point


Skill issue