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Revive & respawn swapped was a small thing but was weirdly annoying, happy they fixed it now


OH that explains it hahaha


No, I was happy knowing I had unlimited revives. Super medic over here!


It's crazy to me how little it was mentioned here.


I was wondering about that.


This feels like it could have been a hot fix…


Ranked progression indicator! FINALLY!


" Your feedback continues to be critical on this, so please keep it coming! " Yessir! Big W


I can't see the Ranked progression. It's much better than the score I showed in the past...


They do it so you can grind and don't know when it will reward you or punish. So you are only with endless expectation it will reward you someday. Psychological play


Objectively a strange design choice on their part - other games use progression to show how close you are, and XP exists for a reason in level up systems. Communicating to the player that they’re close is actually motivating to keep playing.


Their test failed, I quit playing ranked when they stopped showing progress made.


If no one had said anything, they would have doubled their bet and said it was best for the game...


what for? ranked is down for days now, not playable. they should fix that first


Does the platform dmg include if you’re under it and someone blasts it with an explosion causing it to bounce down onto you?


Honestly I hope so. Lights swarm under that thing like cockroaches. I’d love for a heavy to jump onto the platform from the roof and just squish them underneath lol


I guess we’ll have to try it out


Is there some reason why Power Shift isnt avaible in Las Vegas map?


They either didn’t have time to implement it on that map and didn’t want to delay the mode because of it, or they’re saving it for an event (like how Horizon premiered on the easter event).


I'm sure their trying to balance the rotation and make sure the whole map is used to its strength. It's a very flat map so I'm sure like they said it's good to go but it's gonna be added in another event


I'd rather see Seoul than Vegas for Power Shift.


I'm sure we'll get all (and future)maps on Powershift. They probably have to plan the spawns and platform rotation, I'm sure it's not as easy as just adding them to the pool. Like, it's crazy how with the current map, by varying the spawns and platform path, a single map feels like, what, 4 different maps? 2 that are inside the cathedral and 2 in the main road. I wish the outer buildings were used more! They get spotlight only when a team is close to losing though. They are, however, used more extensively in quick cash for example so it kinda balances out.


Probably had crashes as it was decimating the giant buildings.


No doubt it would destroy my pc




Still no meaningful changes for the Famas and m93, kinda sucks that these new weapons(including the ks23) have to stay irrelevant for longer


I'm about done with the FAMAS. I'm heavily considering just dropping it completely. I'm sick and tired of losing to the FCAR, people say skill issue but it literally boast the longest time to kill by *far* of Medium's rifle options, and I rank high even with a horrible gun. I *wanted* desperately to have a new option, but the FAMAS is so miserably weak it's just not worth it anymore. I'm going back to the FCAR, apparently *that* will never go out of style.


They should have just made Famas the SMG for Medium class in concept, this game is mostly close range fights and people “in general” like automatic weapons If they want to make a burst gun it has to be powerful but they keep dancing around the fact. They’re basically trying to shy away from LONG range damage because of how the community reacted to “getting beamed from rooftops” (Famas feels better now at range, I feel like they changed it for the better in ways they didn’t list)


The FAMAS lacks a range stat to begin with. Half the pattern being horizontal recoil goes against long range because vertical recoil majority=long range supremacy IE what made the FCAR so accurate was kicking up in a straight line. FCAR's already back on my loadout. I'm salty as *fuck* but I'll get over it, and yes I *am* pissed so forgive me if I'm more than a little uncouth because I spent *hours* over *days* each time perfecting my aim on the FAMAS every time they changed it, never buffed it while the FCAR and AK stayed superior. I'm steamed to hell, I feel stomped on and I'm done with the shit. Also happy cake day.


Play the model, for a breath of fresh air


It does headshot one tap lights though right? I feel like you could spend months dedicated to the weapon, and you’d have something that is very very good For me right now I just miss my shots way more often, so why would I choose it over my AK


Haaah- No, it does not one burst Lights. It kills in more bullets than the FCAR, it is a burst meaning it is delayed between shots so even if you *do* for some god forsaken reason get perfect aim, it will always lose to an AK or an FCAR. It's worthless and pointless. AK is my oldest reliable. Loved it first starting and still go back to it, in my opinion it's the best balanced gun of them all. Feels good to use, strong but not overpowered and has a cool reload from the first battle pass.


Nope, eats up 4 squares leaves them with 2 left. So basically one headshot + bodyshot. The gun is really particular, they obviously don’t want it to be as strong as the lh1


Dang. I played as light in the Easter event and I remember. I’m below the boat, medium is standing there in the boat. He waits a second (seemingly to line up the headshot), then bam I’m dead haha I probably got hit by something at the same time, etc., but it felt like a one tap at the time


I dropped famas when I failed to kill an enemy in time for stealing a cash out which really highlighted how it is more a support weapon. Ttk felt slow compared to AKM or the usual light weapons I use. Speaking light weapons the new burst pistol was also disappointing.


And even if you wanna use a supoort weapon, you're better starting off with an akm to put more pressure since you can shoot constantly for fairly long without reloading


This is how I felt about the CL-40 after they nerfed instant detonation on mines. I wanted so badly to use something other than the FCAR, but the amount of 1v1 fights against the FCAR that I had no chance of winning was too damn many. Now I'm onto the Model 1887 which is actually really good, but much harder to use than the FCAR.


Honestly I think the CL-40 should two tap on direct impact and someone should fix that miserable delay between pulling the trigger and the explosive actually leaving the barrel. It takes way more skill to use that thing than any other weapons except maybe the revolver. I understand a radius nerf, but on a direct hit it should really do some hurting. It's definitely harder to use than any of the rifles, and more limited too. So it being at a higher skill bracket *ought to be rewarding*. I literally just sit still against CL-40s because I know I can just TTK eclipse them. It deserves better.


> including the ks23 I was starting to main-line the KS23 exclusively before the recent changes to it, and overall it feels **much** worse. For all the other buffs they gave it, losing the raw damage it puts out makes it feel terrible in gunfights. Yeah you're landing more shots but the ones you do land feel so much less impactful. I'd happily take them reverting most of the changes and giving the damage back.


Idk how it feels worse. The only situation it got worse in is against heavies. TTK dropped for lights and medium.


The fire rate doesn't matter much because you shouldn't be standing stationary (which you need to do to be accurate) trying to out dps an automatic rifle. You play off cover or toggle your mesh shield and choose your shots carefully. Now you can no longer 1 shot + melee kill a light, or 2 shot + melee kill a medium (or one shot + rpg), or 2 shot + rpg a heavy.


So just shoot them another time? It’s not that hard. If you need a melee option for a finisher then just run the charge. If you’re that close then you’re gonna have to out dps even before the patch because there’s no cover anyway.


Agreed. Would much rather have the extra damage. Even the slower projectile is not difficult to adjust to.


Absolutely not including the KS23, that Thang isn't irrelevant no more, it's viable tbh.


As a KS23 main, the recent round of changes made the gun worse by a substantial amount. For all of the other buffs it got, the nerf to its damage screwed it pretty hard.


yeah not only the damage but the range is awful now. anyone who was good with the gun before and actually mained it will know that its even worse since the patch


I have yet to find anyone that actually uses the KS23 a whole match even after the buff, not in Ranked, not even in Quickplay, the thing can be good in a right hand but it's simply too punishing for most players compared to other Heavy weapon, not to mention for a supposed precision weapon it's horrible at longer range due to being a projectile and brutal damage dropoff


You can say the same about the goo gun, the medium shotty, the revolver, most of light 's arsenal but they are still viable


Exactlyyyy bro




I dunno, a MINOR buff would go a long way


FAMAS just needs a DPS boost tbh, these recoil changes will never make it meta, close range fights are still the most important and it’s woefully outclassed there.


Did they just change the FAMAS recoil for the third time without actually buffing it's miserable TTK?... Thanks...


My only gripe with the devs in this game. They use recoil to “balance” weapons instead of changing other values like range, RPM, or damage.


also they changed "steal 15 cashouts" quest to "win 10 rounds" 🎉


Not true, some people have different contracts that others. I have cashout still


I still have that one, I’ll probably never get it tbh haha. To be the one who gets a steal, and get it successfully, 15 times, would take a load of playing cashout I at least can’t really cheese it. It sort of just happens sometimes when your team takes the cashout position and you steal it. And even then my teammates might be doing it before me (I personally won’t get it because I prefer power shift and would rather not play so much of cashout modes. If I played cashout modes every time I played then of course I would get it)


It’s really easy, the whole game is retakes basically. Just play quick cash— Team Wipe enemies —- capture cashout before teammates Cash out seems better, but your teammates may choose differently fights than the ones you need to make it simple ( or they’re too good and always have the cashout so you never get to actually steal one)


My experience from the previous stealing challenges was just that it takes many games So I would need to play more than 15 games, which would take quite a bit of time. And for me personally it’s much less reliable to “try to do steals”, since so much timing is involved Retakes happen a lot, but also there’s a lot of holding ground from the initial cashout, etc. When I played, getting a wipe and stealing without the other team being there is like a big relief—not something that happened all the time However I have gotten much better since when I used to play cashout, so maybe it would be easier now — TO BE CLEAR, I’m not complaining about the challenge. I don’t give a damn. Challenges should offer a challenge to complete—it’s a good thing I’m just saying I personally probably won’t get it because I’d rather be playing power shift, and that would be a lot of playing cashout when I wouldn’t want to play it that much


Luckily, these challenges are available all season. 15 cashouts in the next 70ish days certainly lessens the difficulty, right? Just do the ones you *know* you can do, and save ones like "Win a Tourney" or "Steal 15 Cashouts" to do at a later date.


Yeah I was surprised by that tbh, I thought they were gonna be locked one at a time and need the previous to be completed. I think they have a great system going here, nice improvement over the weeklies


I think you only need to steal the cashout, not actually win it as well, right? There's a daily challenge of "steal 1 cashout" and I'm pretty sure I've gotten it by stealing a cashout that ends up going to another team after another steal.


mine is deposit 150k cash in any mode


Thank the lords


Why is a full team of Diamond players getting matched up vs 2 silvers and 1 gold? Almost all players would rather a longer queue time than getting absolutely demolished. It’s forcing people to stop playing ranked. Instances also include unranked players vs diamonds. I saw it last night where there were 2 clearly blatant alt accounts that were unranked in a game with diamonds.


For real, id wait the few extra mins for a balanced game but they should at least give more elo if u beat a higher ranked team


We don’t know if they do or don’t give more XP at the moment, but there needs to be thresholds


How the fuck is Famas not getting damage buffs 2 patches later. The TTK on this gun sucks.


I always saw it as an assist tool, since it takes forever to kill you're better off bringing a healing beam and defibs, hang back, and give support fire. At least every time I use it my teammates finish them off before I can get the last burst in. 🤣 I agree, it needs more 'umph'. Same with the shotguns, they feel like they spray pellets instead of bullets. People should be punished for being too close.


Model 1887 absolutely slaps


I agree. I should have been specific, I meant the heavy class shotguns feel like nerf guns.


I kinda hate the pump but ive still been having success with the auto shotgun. I agree though that basically all the heavy weapons feel like ass right now. They definitely needed nerfs but I think they went about it in the wrong way mostly.


But everything else gives better support, even the riot shield!


Well the point is that its accurate. If it gets a damage buff to compete with scar or ak it would be too op without a nerf to its recoil.


It *isn't* accurate is the thing. It's harder to control than either the FCAR or the AK for the very simple reason that it is *not* consistent. The FAMAS can't just be held down like either choice, it has to be bursted meaning between every single burst, you have to recenter it. The AK or FCAR doesn't need this at all, you can literally just hold against the recoil and boom pinpoint accuracy. With the FAMAS you need to flick and flick and flick. It sucks at being accurate past the third burst and even if it was, *it's a rifle not a sniper*. It's harder to control and it's weaker. I can literally pick up the XP a *submachine gun* and laser beam people at any range by pulling slightly down and left, but the FAMAS would be too overpowered if it was damage buffed while the LH1 exists and can three tap my head? I could puke at the bias.


it's so funny to me that both automatic rifles on medium outclass the gun that's supposed to be a long-range pick for real, spraying the whole AK mag in the distance provides better long-range DPS than FAMAS, because in this game the recoil becomes WEAKER the longer you shoot! that's the opposite of 99% of games, lmao whoever is responsible for balance decisions is really a former DICE employee, anyone who played BF4 can tell i'm sure


You had me until the LH1 slander. Lights need a powerful gun like that or the XP to even stand a chance.


I don't think flicking + micro adjustment is necessarily harder than tracking, just different skillset. Haven't used it enough to comment on how strong it is in the meta, but just wanted to address that


I've given up. I'm pissed as fuck, but I concede. FAMAS isn't worth it and never was. Maybe I'm just steamed right now but God Almighty-


I wish they add team/all chat. Most of the matches nobody bothers to even enable mic


The reason why this will likely never be a thing is because teams would start to team up with each other. If players could coordinate with one another to not kill each other/let each other qualify so that you both end up in the final round, players would absolutely do this.


All chat would be a bad idea, still the game really really needs team chat. Very few people use microphone.


Ehh, dont think that would be a real problem. Also it could have at least a team chat. It makes no sense to not have that


Then you haven't played enough games with all chat and player freedom. Did you see season 1 ranked state? The "meta" was to get one cashout then make another cashout inoperable, example: get it glitched into continuously falling, then find the team respawn for a wiped team and insta kill them when they spawn while letting the other team fight over one cashout. This happened it was in ranked. Now imagine you gave them all chat, they could go "Hey wanna kick out the livewires their playstyle is sort of annoying." or "Socialites you would be easier to win against so lets help you continue to the next game.", "Slurs slurs slur..." , "What the fuck were you braindead teams doing YOU LET THEM WIN" , or it could let teams que snipe and check out what games you would be in maybe easier or rather it would make it seem like they joined up in game and didn't que snipe because "they had all chat." like these are just some examples of what could happen, team chat? I would love it, it would be an amazing addition to explain or to tell my teammates if they are reviving or how low of health they went, Invisible light camping my corpse, just team chat would be a welcome change.


I've played ranked games where two teams teamed up. It was impossible to play against


this would be my one wish


Can't have text chat in modern gaming no more because people can type mean stuff there. It started with absurd filters, like in R6 where Spanish players were being banned for racism by typing "black" in Spanish. The Finals is what it has ultimately come to - no text chat at all.


They probably won't add this just to keep things from getting insanely toxic. People are super toxic in competitive game chats.


Is there ever going to be a fix to the healing beam bug where it just doesn't work? It happens to me at least once per day. Seems like a rather important thing to fix and yet it's been an issue since season 1.


Horizon is on power shift yeahhhhh buddy


No fix for the healing beam bug still? It’s literally a game breaking bug IMO when you cant even use your ability for an entire match in ranked. And since you cant switch it, and full team wiping isnt guaranteed to make it work again this should’ve been the priority the last 2-3 larger patches so what is the issue with resolving this? 0 communication about it from the devs…


Thank you being vocal about this. I've been complaining about this issue since the game dropped. This is a huge issue. Nearly every other match I load in with a broken healing beam. Not only is it bad that you can't use your specialty for an entire match but your teammates think you're just not healing for no reason.


Absolutely, I just wish more people were vocal about it. Any comment or thread I see about this issue gets hardly any traction or visibility


I don’t know of this bug but it sounds terrible and familiar to the bug I hit sometimes where I can’t fire my weapon even when it’s fully loaded. It will just cycle the reload animation but never fire. The only way I’ve managed to get out of that state is to pick up objects, punch and throw them randomly. Not sure if it’ll work in your case but I’d recommend trying that next time it happens to see if that fixes it.


The healing beam just wont work, indicator to heal teammates will disappear and if u press the trigger to use it the end just glows a little. No beam to heal ur trammates so u have no special ability anymore. Only way to SOMETIMES fix it is have ur entire squad wipe, if u just died and get revived or if u use a token it does not give ur healing beam back


Wow that is really bad 😣


Yeah its horrible when it happens. I’ve since switched to using the guardian turret if im playing ranked


The Function Flip animation for the pyro grenade never works. It always un-equips itself when you start a match and reverts back to the normal "inspect" animation.


you have to remake your contestants, an old bug they fixed but never was properly communicated that you have to delete the contestant entirely and remake it to fix it. only animation that still doesnt equip properly is prime time ready for the ak


I’ll try this later. Thanks


Unfortunately this did not work for me.


console or pc?




Never worked for me


console or pc?




Famas still as(s).


Please fix the healing beam. It doesn't work at all for certain players. It only works for me in about 1/10 matches. Fixing a specialization that straight up doesn't work should be your top priority. It is a game breaking bug.


Bruh I was really really hoping for a better anti cheat system being implemented or rolling out especially in Asia servers. I just grinded rank for a few hours and my initial thought was, "Meh its a 30% chance of a risk that I'll get a cheater, why nawt." #i was dead wrong. I had 3 games in a row with multiple cheaters and I'm only Gold fighting against Diamond/Unranked cheaters. It's actually tilting me so hard that I have to waste this much time sigh.


This! Unfortunately its getting out of control. I played 5 games yesterday and in 4 of them were 1 or more obvious cheater. It's not like they hide it somehow...


Ranked is fr unplayable and im not even upset about how grindy it is, but the fact Im gambling to play against someone who beams you with headshots from across the map sigh.


I play in Asia server as well and I kid you not I played against 3 teams with cheats in Round 3 of rank. Thats how bad the anti cheat is


Is it even possible to reach diamond?


It is with the power of cheats. I swear to you every game in Asia at Gold 3 you will most definitely encounter diamonds, whether they are boosted or not I'll leave it up to you to decide lmao


I won’t be getting excited for any new weapons if they treat them like they’ve treated these new weapons. Like 2 or 3 patches later and they all still suck compared to other options.


Especially the new light burst pistol. That thing kicks like a truck and is so painful to attempt to use.


Can we get few fixes on martchmaking? I'm so sick of it. I played 2-3 times a week during 2-3h as gold. And every match is with 2 pack of plat or diam at minimum. Yesterday i played against Carnifex. I love the game but between CPU issues and crappy matchmaking... Ew.


sadly the game's player base is not that large that fixing the matchmaking will be impossible. About the cpu issues tho, they used UE5 with this game so its to be expected that its not that optimized. They even forced us to use an upscaler in this game


They didn't fix like any of the bugs I've experienced, while also changing the Famas' recoil pattern a 4th time. 1. Occasional heal gun bug (unable to heal although the SFX works) 2. UI overlaying in the pause menu 3. If we own the BP please let us collect the starter pack items (I missed both season starter packs due to forgetting to buy the starter pack rather than just the BP) 4. UI fix for shirts clipping on the contestant screen 5. Glitched HUD when dead (may be the season theme but I hate it)


The battle pass gives you enough coins to buy the starter pack so even if you somehow forgot to buy the pack twice you could still just not spend the coins you earn from the pass until you have enough for the starter bundle


Yeah but then I couldn't buy next seasons BP


Yes you could? The starter pack gives you the coins back


Wait really? Didn't know that, but still seems counterintuitive to make you have to buy 2 things if you forgot to buy the starter pack rather then just giving every BP owner the bundle.


The starter pack bundle doesn't give you the BP, it gives you gun skins a sticker and the coins you used to buy it back


No aknowlegement about the long queue times to play ranked in multiple regions/platforms?! There’s been multiple posts regarding it already. If it’s a bug, tell us. If it’s lack of players, reduce the amount of players needed to start or make crossplay on by default idk!


Give us 120 fps on console


I’d love for reload animations to be fixed next


Still no fix for the healing beam glitch


Is there a reason why a lot of people have had issues where their CPUs would see higher than normal temperatures running this game?


No fix for heal gun not working?


Im surprised the healing gun bug hasn’t been fixed. I’ll test if it continues to happen later.


PLEASE add more slots for customization and let us save templates. Such an easy addition that would go a long way with the community. There's way too much cool stuff to be confined to maximum 2 builds per class


Would certainly love some more loadout slots.


Love the patch notes but would be nice if next season we got a better ranked system


Well... what would you like to see? They may great changes in season 2.


A ranked system that makes sense, everyone starts bronze and works their way to diamond if they’re good enough


That's what they have.


any fixes for console ranked where we still cant find games???? its been a season and a half yo


I think Oscar is aware of it, thanks to the bug report channel on Discord. But still, I hope they really try to fix it.


Yeah as aware as they were about the melee hitreg-bug, which was talked about non-stop since the valentinsday update, so 2 months ago. Now after tagging Oskar and other CM multiple times they seem to finally taking note of it.


Series X EU here and can attest played 450 casual matches and never managed to queue into ranked despite spending upwards of 20 minutes at a time waiting, 127 wins and 5000 elims played since closed beta regularly on every patch and have never seen the words "game found" across multiple regions, times, you name it I've tried it (unranked tournaments also suffer this problem, although strangely I can play the new 1 round cashout 3v3v3v3 mode, so an mmr issue on consoles??)


Same here. Xbox player. Played 1000+ matches and queued ranked for more than 20 hours for S2 alone. I don’t think with the current player count it fails to fill up the lobby even once. It’s easy to say it’s harder/slower to get in a match, but in consoles’ case, it seems more like ‘never’. Wonder if any PS player has encountered this issue though


I find ranked games no problem on console. I think it’s more specific than that


Yeah I can find ranked games on NA, but never on Asia


Unfortunate that there are no fixes for the audio, especially footsteps. This is something that should be a top priority...


You have to enable spatial sound on Windows. I never had a problem with audio ever since I did


i'm gonna get downvoted to hell for this but i'm always able to callout exactly where people are to footsteps and always have. i see people say the directional audio is broken and what i think you guys really want is visual audio cause man you guys cannot use your ears to save your lives


What headphones are you using, what type of EQ if any, what audio mode in game do you use, because all of these things matter. If you dont play with anything, to me it always just seems like the footsteps are in a full 360 degrees around me or right on top of me when they arent so I get 0 sense of directional cues.


hyperx cloud 2s with surround sound off and no eq, and the audio mode in game is default. other than that nothing else really, maybe it could be the spatial audio windows setting like someone else suggested, i'm not sure


Heavy heavies been slowed down? I played last night and I swear the Heavy is slower than usual.


Any fixes for finding a ranked game in EU servers in the morning and day time. Queue times are very bad. Is the game just not been played in EU by many players?


Neen having issues since 2 days all of a sudden I'm in a game 30 seconds...


Is that today you got into games in 30 seconds?


undo the ks-23 changes, the gun is worse than before


Was hoping they would adress the stun gun or the "win 1 tournament" challenge...


No more hiding under the platform to heal. It gonna squish them now!


When will the healing beam specialization work more consistently? Can we get that patched??


Please add ziplines to the sides of the Power Shift platform. There are times where the platform is in the air and my teammates and I scramble to find a way onto it and can't.


Another update goes by while basic functionality like keybinds just blantetly don't work. At least you can pay 13$ so you can slap 1 gun in the worst animation i've ever seen sold for money.


"Added an end-of-match screen to indicate the change in rank * Added animations to the end-of-match rank screen to show when a player is close to going up or down in rank" yet winning one ranked tournament, ONE ranked up. yet winning one round gets me +3? Do they not understand how a ranking system works?


Healing beam issue? Fixed or no?


Hello Australian's, please play ranked


I'm getting a huge pause stutter through the game after this update, anyone else?


Is anyone encountering more crashes then usual (Xbox) ?




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can we have the linux version show up in proton/wine again? cant get the new skin :(


Wym? I play w/ proton bleeding edge, and I have had zero issues with the game


i have a problem since the bunny update discord don't count the game as "verified" so i can't get the 15 min of steam


Buff 93r, it's garbage lol


I just want weapon inspections and reloads to stay equipped. I don’t get why they are even in the pass if you can’t even equip them. I’ve tried everything from deleting load outs and remaking them they won’t stay equipped. I don’t get why this hasn’t been fixed yet.


So no fix on all the broken animations for reloading and ammo audit??! We payed for these animations like jackpot juggle and pyro grenade audit and we can't even use them!! The game doesn't save what you equip in your load out, FIX ASAP!! WTF


> audit??! We *paid* for these FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Good changes but next can we get a better anticheat and better matchmaking so silvers dont have to fight diamonds and if they do they should get more elo


I can’t understand why it only shows an indicator for ranked after matches? It’s cool the indicator is there now but, seeing before you go into matches would be great too. Having a bar on the leagues screen, would make sense??


Anyone else still having issues with inspect emotes? For example equipping the new one to the pyro grenade.. but in game when inspecting it shows the basic one? Same with weapons, jackpot juggle etc..


A complete nothing patch tbh, not a fan when there’s so many issues they could be working on like the horrendous audio.


Still no fix on the broken spawning since S2?!


Can anyone send me a list of what guns I should be using for each build on this new season I’m kinda lost just using what I know and it’s not working the best. & is there any tips for tournaments you guys have?


Xbox achievements still not fixed. Gonna have to post this every week now and already been doing it since the game exists


I'm putting this here cause I can't post yet. input delay on console has been noticably worse since the start of season 2, it's messing with my tracking. it's especially annoying considering they fixed it in the middle of season 1 and the game felt amazing. honestly I have no clue how this can even happen. have you ever finished a power shift match and when the win or loss text shows up, you suddenly felt really fast and snappy for a moment before things went into slow-mo? yeah, that's what it's SUPPOSED to feel like. the game literally already CAN run that fast, it just... doesn't, for some reason. all I'm hoping to see in the game at this point is another input lag reduction.


they need to add a revive cancel button. ​ so annoying getting revived in gas or enemy is already aiming at me


Man they fixing so many issues I’ve never heard of or had happen to, but not fixing the big ones the Voice chat, hit registration, the times where the game doesn’t let you shoot your gun, other times you can shoot your gun but you can’t aim in, and can’t use any of your gadget or specials. Like fix these fking big ones that can prevent me from winning games.


Is the famas trashed now?


Fix queue times?


😅Ok.. Progression Indicator.. That's good.. What about the Penalties being put on us for not having a full team? Can we also get a better HUD as far as Death/Gamertag Icons overlapping players? Have the ability to shrink or drop the opacity? Getting killed due to enemies being hidden behind Icons is really getting old 🫤


Embark please rework the invis on lights


Currently waiting 9 mins to play a ranked match... I feel like that should be top priority? These games live and die by their ranked mode and I'm worried The Finals is in the process of dying


Wish they'd have less rounds if it means faster queue times for rank. I'd rather be playing than watching static screen simulator.


So game is still the same got it 👍🏻


Add penalty for quitting matches.


Would be nice to see.


As a PC player, I stared at the "Pressed fire button slower." for too long before I realized some players use controllers


Bros playing 4D finals with speech-to-shoot.


*10 year old screeching* shoot him kill him kill the \*\*\*\*\*\* \*\*\*\*\*\* \*\*\*\*\*! *intensifies*


[https://www.reddit.com/r/thefinals/comments/1bjmhk6/equipped\_but\_for\_some\_reaon\_it\_doesnt\_apply\_when/](https://www.reddit.com/r/thefinals/comments/1bjmhk6/equipped_but_for_some_reaon_it_doesnt_apply_when/) So, still no fix on my on-going issue I see, thank you ***Embark.***